blob: 00835f9ef9d9b658b4c514bc157700d428600f26 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Top-level presubmit script for Skia.
for more details about the presubmit API built into gcl.
import fnmatch
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import traceback
# Please add the complete email address here (and not just 'xyz@' or 'xyz').
def _CheckChangeHasEol(input_api, output_api, source_file_filter=None):
"""Checks that files end with atleast one \n (LF)."""
eof_files = []
for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb')
# Check that the file ends in atleast one newline character.
if len(contents) > 1 and contents[-1:] != '\n':
if eof_files:
return [output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(
'These files should end in a newline character:',
return []
def _PythonChecks(input_api, output_api):
"""Run checks on any modified Python files."""
pylint_disabled_warnings = (
'F0401', # Unable to import.
'E0611', # No name in module.
'W0232', # Class has no __init__ method.
'E1002', # Use of super on an old style class.
'W0403', # Relative import used.
'R0201', # Method could be a function.
'E1003', # Using class name in super.
'W0613', # Unused argument.
# Run Pylint on only the modified python files. Unfortunately it still runs
# Pylint on the whole file instead of just the modified lines.
affected_python_files = []
for affected_file in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(None):
affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
if affected_file_path.endswith('.py'):
return input_api.canned_checks.RunPylint(
input_api, output_api,
def _IfDefChecks(input_api, output_api):
"""Ensures if/ifdef are not before includes. See skbug/3362 for details."""
comment_block_start_pattern = re.compile('^\s*\/\*.*$')
comment_block_middle_pattern = re.compile('^\s+\*.*')
comment_block_end_pattern = re.compile('^\s+\*\/.*$')
single_line_comment_pattern = re.compile('^\s*//.*$')
def is_comment(line):
return (comment_block_start_pattern.match(line) or
comment_block_middle_pattern.match(line) or
comment_block_end_pattern.match(line) or
empty_line_pattern = re.compile('^\s*$')
def is_empty_line(line):
return empty_line_pattern.match(line)
failing_files = []
for affected_file in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(None):
affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
if affected_file_path.endswith('.cpp') or affected_file_path.endswith('.h'):
f = open(affected_file_path)
for line in f.xreadlines():
if is_comment(line) or is_empty_line(line):
# The below will be the first real line after comments and newlines.
if line.startswith('#if 0 '):
elif line.startswith('#if ') or line.startswith('#ifdef '):
results = []
if failing_files:
'The following files have #if or #ifdef before includes:\n%s\n\n'
'See for why this should be fixed.' %
return results
def _CopyrightChecks(input_api, output_api, source_file_filter=None):
results = []
year_pattern = r'\d{4}'
year_range_pattern = r'%s(-%s)?' % (year_pattern, year_pattern)
years_pattern = r'%s(,%s)*,?' % (year_range_pattern, year_range_pattern)
copyright_pattern = (
r'Copyright (\([cC]\) )?%s \w+' % years_pattern)
for affected_file in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
if 'third_party' in affected_file.LocalPath():
contents = input_api.ReadFile(affected_file, 'rb')
if not, contents):
'%s is missing a correct copyright header.' % affected_file))
return results
def _CommonChecks(input_api, output_api):
"""Presubmit checks common to upload and commit."""
results = []
sources = lambda x: (x.LocalPath().endswith('.h') or
x.LocalPath().endswith('.gypi') or
x.LocalPath().endswith('.gyp') or
x.LocalPath().endswith('.py') or
x.LocalPath().endswith('.sh') or
x.LocalPath().endswith('.m') or
x.LocalPath().endswith('.mm') or
x.LocalPath().endswith('.go') or
x.LocalPath().endswith('.c') or
x.LocalPath().endswith('.cc') or
input_api, output_api, source_file_filter=sources))
results.extend(_PythonChecks(input_api, output_api))
results.extend(_IfDefChecks(input_api, output_api))
results.extend(_CopyrightChecks(input_api, output_api,
return results
def CheckChangeOnUpload(input_api, output_api):
"""Presubmit checks for the change on upload.
The following are the presubmit checks:
* Check change has one and only one EOL.
results = []
results.extend(_CommonChecks(input_api, output_api))
return results
def _CheckTreeStatus(input_api, output_api, json_url):
"""Check whether to allow commit.
input_api: input related apis.
output_api: output related apis.
json_url: url to download json style status.
tree_status_results = input_api.canned_checks.CheckTreeIsOpen(
input_api, output_api, json_url=json_url)
if not tree_status_results:
# Check for caution state only if tree is not closed.
connection = input_api.urllib2.urlopen(json_url)
status = input_api.json.loads(
if ('caution' in status['message'].lower() and
# Display a prompt only if we are in an interactive shell. Without this
# check the commit queue behaves incorrectly because it considers
# prompts to be failures.
short_text = 'Tree state is: ' + status['general_state']
long_text = status['message'] + '\n' + json_url
message=short_text, long_text=long_text))
# Tree status is closed. Put in message about contacting sheriff.
connection = input_api.urllib2.urlopen(
SKIA_TREE_STATUS_URL + '/current-sheriff')
sheriff_details = input_api.json.loads(
if sheriff_details:
tree_status_results[0]._message += (
'\n\nPlease contact the current Skia sheriff (%s) if you are trying '
'to submit a build fix\nand do not know how to submit because the '
'tree is closed') % sheriff_details['username']
return tree_status_results
def _CheckOwnerIsInAuthorsFile(input_api, output_api):
results = []
issue = input_api.change.issue
if issue and input_api.rietveld:
issue_properties = input_api.rietveld.get_issue_properties(
issue=int(issue), messages=False)
owner_email = issue_properties['owner_email']
authors_content = ''
for line in open(AUTHORS_FILE_NAME):
if not line.startswith('#'):
authors_content += line
email_fnmatches = re.findall('<(.*)>', authors_content)
for email_fnmatch in email_fnmatches:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(owner_email, email_fnmatch):
# Found a match, the user is in the AUTHORS file break out of the loop
# TODO(rmistry): Remove the below CLA messaging once a CLA checker has
# been added to the CQ.
'The email %s is not in Skia\'s AUTHORS file.\n'
'Issue owner, this CL must include an addition to the Skia AUTHORS '
'Googler reviewers, please check that the AUTHORS entry '
'corresponds to an email address in http://goto/cla-signers. If it '
'does not then ask the issue owner to sign the CLA at '
' '
'(individual) or '
' '
% owner_email))
except IOError:
# Do not fail if authors file cannot be found.
input_api.logging.error('AUTHORS file not found!')
return results
def _CheckLGTMsForPublicAPI(input_api, output_api):
"""Check LGTMs for public API changes.
For public API files make sure there is an LGTM from the list of owners in
results = []
requires_owner_check = False
for affected_file in input_api.AffectedFiles():
affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
file_path, file_ext = os.path.splitext(affected_file_path)
# We only care about files that end in .h and are under the top-level
# include dir.
if file_ext == '.h' and 'include' == file_path.split(os.path.sep)[0]:
requires_owner_check = True
if not requires_owner_check:
return results
lgtm_from_owner = False
issue = input_api.change.issue
if issue and input_api.rietveld:
issue_properties = input_api.rietveld.get_issue_properties(
issue=int(issue), messages=True)
if re.match(REVERT_CL_SUBJECT_PREFIX, issue_properties['subject'], re.I):
# It is a revert CL, ignore the public api owners check.
return results
if'^COMMIT=false$', issue_properties['description'], re.M):
# Ignore public api owners check for COMMIT=false CLs since they are not
# going to be committed.
return results
match ='^TBR=(.*)$', issue_properties['description'], re.M)
if match:
tbr_entries =',')
for owner in PUBLIC_API_OWNERS:
if owner in tbr_entries or owner.split('@')[0] in tbr_entries:
# If an owner is specified in the TBR= line then ignore the public
# api owners check.
return results
if issue_properties['owner_email'] in PUBLIC_API_OWNERS:
# An owner created the CL that is an automatic LGTM.
lgtm_from_owner = True
messages = issue_properties.get('messages')
if messages:
for message in messages:
if (message['sender'] in PUBLIC_API_OWNERS and
'lgtm' in message['text'].lower()):
# Found an lgtm in a message from an owner.
lgtm_from_owner = True
if not lgtm_from_owner:
'Since the CL is editing public API, you must have an LGTM from '
'one of: %s' % str(PUBLIC_API_OWNERS)))
return results
def PostUploadHook(cl, change, output_api):
"""git cl upload will call this hook after the issue is created/modified.
This hook does the following:
* Adds a link to preview docs changes if there are any docs changes in the CL.
* Adds 'NOTRY=true' if the CL contains only docs changes.
* Adds 'NOTREECHECKS=true' for non master branch changes since they do not
need to be gated on the master branch's tree.
* Adds 'NOTRY=true' for non master branch changes since trybots do not yet
work on them.
results = []
atleast_one_docs_change = False
all_docs_changes = True
for affected_file in change.AffectedFiles():
affected_file_path = affected_file.LocalPath()
file_path, _ = os.path.splitext(affected_file_path)
if 'site' == file_path.split(os.path.sep)[0]:
atleast_one_docs_change = True
all_docs_changes = False
if atleast_one_docs_change and not all_docs_changes:
issue = cl.issue
rietveld_obj = cl.RpcServer()
if issue and rietveld_obj:
original_description = rietveld_obj.get_description(issue)
new_description = original_description
# If the change includes only doc changes then add NOTRY=true in the
# CL's description if it does not exist yet.
if all_docs_changes and not
r'^NOTRY=true$', new_description, re.M | re.I):
new_description += '\nNOTRY=true'
'This change has only doc changes. Automatically added '
'\'NOTRY=true\' to the CL\'s description'))
# If there is atleast one docs change then add preview link in the CL's
# description if it does not already exist there.
if atleast_one_docs_change and not
r'^DOCS_PREVIEW=.*', new_description, re.M | re.I):
# Automatically add a link to where the docs can be previewed.
new_description += '\nDOCS_PREVIEW= %s%s' % (DOCS_PREVIEW_URL, issue)
'Automatically added a link to preview the docs changes to the '
'CL\'s description'))
# If the target ref is not master then add NOTREECHECKS=true and NOTRY=true
# to the CL's description if it does not already exist there.
target_ref = rietveld_obj.get_issue_properties(issue, False).get(
'target_ref', '')
if target_ref != 'refs/heads/master':
if not
r'^NOTREECHECKS=true$', new_description, re.M | re.I):
new_description += "\nNOTREECHECKS=true"
'Branch changes do not need to rely on the master branch\'s '
'tree status. Automatically added \'NOTREECHECKS=true\' to the '
'CL\'s description'))
if not
r'^NOTRY=true$', new_description, re.M | re.I):
new_description += "\nNOTRY=true"
'Trybots do not yet work for non-master branches. '
'Automatically added \'NOTRY=true\' to the CL\'s description'))
# If the description has changed update it.
if new_description != original_description:
rietveld_obj.update_description(issue, new_description)
return results
def CheckChangeOnCommit(input_api, output_api):
"""Presubmit checks for the change on commit.
The following are the presubmit checks:
* Check change has one and only one EOL.
* Ensures that the Skia tree is open in Shows a warning if it is in 'Caution'
state and an error if it is in 'Closed' state.
results = []
results.extend(_CommonChecks(input_api, output_api))
_CheckTreeStatus(input_api, output_api, json_url=(
SKIA_TREE_STATUS_URL + '/banner-status?format=json')))
results.extend(_CheckLGTMsForPublicAPI(input_api, output_api))
results.extend(_CheckOwnerIsInAuthorsFile(input_api, output_api))
return results