blob: a2f8bfff35a9605b82078d1ddfe4de7e2f956dc5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrSingleTextureEffect_DEFINED
#define GrSingleTextureEffect_DEFINED
#include "GrEffect.h"
#include "SkMatrix.h"
class GrGLSingleTextureEffect;
class GrTexture;
* An effect that draws a single texture with a texture matrix; commonly used as a base class. The
* output color is the texture color is modulated against the input color.
class GrSingleTextureEffect : public GrEffect {
/** These three constructors assume an identity matrix. TODO: Remove these.*/
GrSingleTextureEffect(GrTexture* texture); /* unfiltered, clamp mode */
GrSingleTextureEffect(GrTexture* texture, bool bilerp); /* clamp mode */
GrSingleTextureEffect(GrTexture* texture, const GrTextureParams&);
/** These three constructors take an explicit matrix */
GrSingleTextureEffect(GrTexture*, const SkMatrix&); /* unfiltered, clamp mode */
GrSingleTextureEffect(GrTexture*, const SkMatrix&, bool bilerp); /* clamp mode */
GrSingleTextureEffect(GrTexture*, const SkMatrix&, const GrTextureParams&);
virtual ~GrSingleTextureEffect();
virtual const GrTextureAccess& textureAccess(int index) const SK_OVERRIDE;
static const char* Name() { return "Single Texture"; }
const SkMatrix& getMatrix() const { return fMatrix; }
typedef GrGLSingleTextureEffect GLEffect;
virtual const GrBackendEffectFactory& getFactory() const SK_OVERRIDE;
virtual bool isEqual(const GrEffect& effect) const SK_OVERRIDE {
const GrSingleTextureEffect& ste = static_cast<const GrSingleTextureEffect&>(effect);
return INHERITED::isEqual(effect) && fMatrix.cheapEqualTo(ste.getMatrix());
GrTextureAccess fTextureAccess;
SkMatrix fMatrix;
typedef GrEffect INHERITED;