blob: 607e76de513e4fb8c92bf04921d5d836b275f6cc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkBlurImageFilter_DEFINED
#define SkBlurImageFilter_DEFINED
#include "SkImageFilter.h"
#include "SkSize.h"
class SK_API SkBlurImageFilter : public SkImageFilter {
static sk_sp<SkImageFilter> Make(SkScalar sigmaX, SkScalar sigmaY, sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const CropRect* cropRect = nullptr) {
if (0 == sigmaX && 0 == sigmaY && nullptr == cropRect) {
return input;
return sk_sp<SkImageFilter>(new SkBlurImageFilter(sigmaX, sigmaY, input, cropRect));
SkRect computeFastBounds(const SkRect&) const override;
static SkImageFilter* Create(SkScalar sigmaX, SkScalar sigmaY, SkImageFilter* input = nullptr,
const CropRect* cropRect = nullptr) {
return Make(sigmaX, sigmaY, sk_ref_sp<SkImageFilter>(input), cropRect).release();
void flatten(SkWriteBuffer&) const override;
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> onFilterImage(SkSpecialImage* source, const Context&,
SkIPoint* offset) const override;
SkIRect onFilterNodeBounds(const SkIRect& src, const SkMatrix&, MapDirection) const override;
SkBlurImageFilter(SkScalar sigmaX,
SkScalar sigmaY,
sk_sp<SkImageFilter> input,
const CropRect* cropRect);
SkSize fSigma;
typedef SkImageFilter INHERITED;