| |
| /* |
| * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. |
| * |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| * found in the LICENSE file. |
| */ |
| |
| |
| |
| #ifndef GrGpuGL_DEFINED |
| #define GrGpuGL_DEFINED |
| |
| #include "GrGpu.h" |
| #include "GrGLIRect.h" |
| #include "GrGLTexture.h" |
| |
| #include "GrGLVertexBuffer.h" |
| #include "GrGLIndexBuffer.h" |
| |
| #include "SkString.h" |
| |
| class GrGpuGL : public GrGpu { |
| public: |
| virtual ~GrGpuGL(); |
| |
| protected: |
| GrGpuGL(); |
| |
| struct { |
| size_t fVertexOffset; |
| GrVertexLayout fVertexLayout; |
| const GrVertexBuffer* fVertexBuffer; |
| const GrIndexBuffer* fIndexBuffer; |
| bool fArrayPtrsDirty; |
| } fHWGeometryState; |
| |
| struct AAState { |
| bool fMSAAEnabled; |
| bool fSmoothLineEnabled; |
| } fHWAAState; |
| |
| DrState fHWDrawState; |
| bool fHWStencilClip; |
| |
| // read these once at begining and then never again |
| SkString fExtensionString; |
| float fGLVersion; |
| |
| // As flush of GL state proceeds it updates fHDrawState |
| // to reflect the new state. Later parts of the state flush |
| // may perform cascaded changes but cannot refer to fHWDrawState. |
| // These code paths can refer to the dirty flags. Subclass should |
| // call resetDirtyFlags after its flush is complete |
| struct { |
| bool fRenderTargetChanged : 1; |
| int fTextureChangedMask; |
| } fDirtyFlags; |
| GR_STATIC_ASSERT(8 * sizeof(int) >= kNumStages); |
| |
| // clears the dirty flags |
| void resetDirtyFlags(); |
| |
| // last scissor / viewport scissor state seen by the GL. |
| struct { |
| bool fScissorEnabled; |
| GrGLIRect fScissorRect; |
| GrGLIRect fViewportRect; |
| } fHWBounds; |
| |
| // GrGpu overrides |
| // overrides from GrGpu |
| virtual void resetContext(); |
| |
| virtual GrTexture* onCreateTexture(const GrTextureDesc& desc, |
| const void* srcData, |
| size_t rowBytes); |
| virtual GrVertexBuffer* onCreateVertexBuffer(uint32_t size, |
| bool dynamic); |
| virtual GrIndexBuffer* onCreateIndexBuffer(uint32_t size, |
| bool dynamic); |
| virtual GrResource* onCreatePlatformSurface(const GrPlatformSurfaceDesc& desc); |
| virtual GrRenderTarget* onCreateRenderTargetFrom3DApiState(); |
| |
| virtual void onClear(const GrIRect* rect, GrColor color); |
| |
| virtual void onForceRenderTargetFlush(); |
| |
| virtual bool onReadPixels(GrRenderTarget* target, |
| int left, int top, int width, int height, |
| GrPixelConfig, void* buffer); |
| |
| virtual void onGpuDrawIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type, |
| uint32_t startVertex, |
| uint32_t startIndex, |
| uint32_t vertexCount, |
| uint32_t indexCount); |
| virtual void onGpuDrawNonIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type, |
| uint32_t vertexCount, |
| uint32_t numVertices); |
| virtual void flushScissor(const GrIRect* rect); |
| void clearStencil(uint32_t value, uint32_t mask); |
| virtual void clearStencilClip(const GrIRect& rect); |
| virtual int getMaxEdges() const; |
| |
| // binds texture unit in GL |
| void setTextureUnit(int unitIdx); |
| |
| // binds appropriate vertex and index buffers, also returns any extra |
| // extra verts or indices to offset by. |
| void setBuffers(bool indexed, |
| int* extraVertexOffset, |
| int* extraIndexOffset); |
| |
| // flushes state that is common to fixed and programmable GL |
| // dither |
| // line smoothing |
| // texture binding |
| // sampler state (filtering, tiling) |
| // FBO binding |
| // line width |
| bool flushGLStateCommon(GrPrimitiveType type); |
| |
| // subclass should call this to flush the blend state |
| void flushBlend(GrPrimitiveType type, |
| GrBlendCoeff srcCoeff, |
| GrBlendCoeff dstCoeff); |
| |
| bool hasExtension(const char* ext) { |
| return has_gl_extension_from_string(ext, fExtensionString.c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| // adjusts texture matrix to account for orientation, size, and npotness |
| static void AdjustTextureMatrix(const GrGLTexture* texture, |
| GrSamplerState::SampleMode mode, |
| GrMatrix* matrix); |
| |
| // subclass may try to take advantage of identity tex matrices. |
| // This helper determines if matrix will be identity after all |
| // adjustments are applied. |
| static bool TextureMatrixIsIdentity(const GrGLTexture* texture, |
| const GrSamplerState& sampler); |
| |
| static bool BlendCoeffReferencesConstant(GrBlendCoeff coeff); |
| |
| private: |
| |
| // determines valid stencil formats |
| void setupStencilFormats(); |
| |
| // notify callbacks to update state tracking when related |
| // objects are bound to GL or deleted outside of the class |
| void notifyVertexBufferBind(const GrGLVertexBuffer* buffer); |
| void notifyVertexBufferDelete(const GrGLVertexBuffer* buffer); |
| void notifyIndexBufferBind(const GrGLIndexBuffer* buffer); |
| void notifyIndexBufferDelete(const GrGLIndexBuffer* buffer); |
| void notifyTextureDelete(GrGLTexture* texture); |
| void notifyRenderTargetDelete(GrRenderTarget* renderTarget); |
| |
| void setSpareTextureUnit(); |
| |
| bool useSmoothLines(); |
| |
| // bound is region that may be modified and therefore has to be resolved. |
| // NULL means whole target. Can be an empty rect. |
| void flushRenderTarget(const GrIRect* bound); |
| void flushStencil(); |
| void flushAAState(GrPrimitiveType type); |
| |
| void resolveRenderTarget(GrGLRenderTarget* texture); |
| |
| bool canBeTexture(GrPixelConfig config, |
| GrGLenum* internalFormat, |
| GrGLenum* format, |
| GrGLenum* type); |
| // helper for onCreateTexture |
| void allocateAndUploadTexData(const GrGLTexture::Desc& desc, |
| GrGLenum internalFormat, |
| const void* data, |
| size_t rowBytes); |
| |
| bool fboInternalFormat(GrPixelConfig config, GrGLenum* format); |
| |
| friend class GrGLVertexBuffer; |
| friend class GrGLIndexBuffer; |
| friend class GrGLTexture; |
| friend class GrGLRenderTarget; |
| |
| static const GrGLuint gUNKNOWN_BITCOUNT = ~0; |
| |
| struct StencilFormat { |
| GrGLenum fEnum; |
| GrGLuint fBits; |
| bool fPacked; |
| }; |
| |
| GrTArray<StencilFormat, true> fStencilFormats; |
| |
| bool fHWBlendDisabled; |
| |
| GrGLuint fAASamples[4]; |
| enum { |
| kNone_MSFBO = 0, //<! no support for MSAA FBOs |
| kDesktopARB_MSFBO,//<! GL3.0-style MSAA FBO (GL_ARB_framebuffer_object) |
| kDesktopEXT_MSFBO,//<! earlier GL_EXT_framebuffer* extensions |
| kAppleES_MSFBO, //<! GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample ES extension |
| } fMSFBOType; |
| |
| // Do we have stencil wrap ops. |
| bool fHasStencilWrap; |
| |
| // The maximum number of fragment uniform vectors (GLES has min. 16). |
| int fMaxFragmentUniformVectors; |
| |
| // ES requires an extension to support RGBA8 in RenderBufferStorage |
| bool fRGBA8Renderbuffer; |
| |
| int fActiveTextureUnitIdx; |
| |
| // we record what stencil format worked last time to hopefully exit early |
| // from our loop that tries stencil formats and calls check fb status. |
| int fLastSuccessfulStencilFmtIdx; |
| |
| typedef GrGpu INHERITED; |
| }; |
| |
| #endif |
| |