blob: 63ab7ba6f728a000c98851cc38fb12a52265e9dd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrProcessor_DEFINED
#define GrProcessor_DEFINED
#include "GrBackendProcessorFactory.h"
#include "GrColor.h"
#include "GrProcessorUnitTest.h"
#include "GrProgramElement.h"
#include "GrTextureAccess.h"
class GrContext;
class GrCoordTransform;
/** Provides custom shader code to the Ganesh shading pipeline. GrProcessor objects *must* be
immutable: after being constructed, their fields may not change.
Dynamically allocated GrProcessors are managed by a per-thread memory pool. The ref count of an
processor must reach 0 before the thread terminates and the pool is destroyed. To create a
static processor use the helper macro GR_CREATE_STATIC_PROCESSOR declared below.
class GrProcessor : public GrProgramElement {
virtual ~GrProcessor();
struct InvariantOutput{
InvariantOutput() : fColor(0), fValidFlags(0), fIsSingleComponent(false),
fNonMulStageFound(false) {}
void mulByUnknownOpaqueColor() {
if (this->isOpaque()) {
fValidFlags = kA_GrColorComponentFlag;
fIsSingleComponent = false;
} else {
// Since the current state is not opaque we no longer care if the color being
// multiplied is opaque.
void mulByUnknownColor() {
if (this->hasZeroAlpha()) {
} else {
void mulByUnknownAlpha() {
if (this->hasZeroAlpha()) {
} else {
// We don't need to change fIsSingleComponent in this case
fValidFlags = 0;
void invalidateComponents(uint8_t invalidateFlags) {
fValidFlags &= ~invalidateFlags;
fIsSingleComponent = false;
void setToTransparentBlack() {
fNonMulStageFound = true;
void setToOther(uint8_t validFlags, GrColor color) {
fValidFlags = validFlags;
fColor = color;
fIsSingleComponent = false;
fNonMulStageFound = true;
void setToUnknown() {
fNonMulStageFound= true;
bool isOpaque() const {
return ((fValidFlags & kA_GrColorComponentFlag) && 0xFF == GrColorUnpackA(fColor));
bool isSolidWhite() const {
return (fValidFlags == kRGBA_GrColorComponentFlags && 0xFFFFFFFF == fColor);
GrColor color() const { return fColor; }
uint8_t validFlags() const { return fValidFlags; }
* If isSingleComponent is true, then the flag values for r, g, b, and a must all be the
* same. If the flags are all set then all color components must be equal.
SkDEBUGCODE(void validate() const;)
void internalSetToTransparentBlack() {
fValidFlags = kRGBA_GrColorComponentFlags;
fColor = 0;
fIsSingleComponent = true;
void internalSetToUnknown() {
fValidFlags = 0;
fIsSingleComponent = false;
bool hasZeroAlpha() const {
return ((fValidFlags & kA_GrColorComponentFlag) && 0 == GrColorUnpackA(fColor));
SkDEBUGCODE(bool colorComponentsAllEqual() const;)
* If alpha is valid, check that any valid R,G,B values are <= A
SkDEBUGCODE(bool validPreMulColor() const;)
// Friended class that have "controller" code which loop over stages calling
// computeInvarianteOutput(). These controllers may need to manually adjust the internal
// members of InvariantOutput
friend class GrDrawState;
friend class GrOptDrawState;
friend class GrPaint;
GrColor fColor;
uint32_t fValidFlags;
bool fIsSingleComponent;
bool fNonMulStageFound;
* This function is used to perform optimizations. When called the invarientOuput param
* indicate whether the input components to this processor in the FS will have known values.
* In inout the validFlags member is a bitfield of GrColorComponentFlags. The isSingleComponent
* member indicates whether the input will be 1 or 4 bytes. The function updates the members of
* inout to indicate known values of its output. A component of the color member only has
* meaning if the corresponding bit in validFlags is set.
void computeInvariantOutput(InvariantOutput* inout) const {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
/** This object, besides creating back-end-specific helper objects, is used for run-time-type-
identification. The factory should be an instance of templated class,
GrTBackendEffectFactory. It is templated on the subclass of GrProcessor. The subclass must
have a nested type (or typedef) named GLProcessor which will be the subclass of
GrGLProcessor created by the factory.
class MyCustomProcessor : public GrProcessor {
virtual const GrBackendEffectFactory& getFactory() const SK_OVERRIDE {
return GrTBackendEffectFactory<MyCustomProcessor>::getInstance();
virtual const GrBackendProcessorFactory& getFactory() const = 0;
/** Human-meaningful string to identify this prcoessor; may be embedded
in generated shader code. */
const char* name() const;
int numTextures() const { return fTextureAccesses.count(); }
/** Returns the access pattern for the texture at index. index must be valid according to
numTextures(). */
const GrTextureAccess& textureAccess(int index) const { return *fTextureAccesses[index]; }
/** Shortcut for textureAccess(index).texture(); */
GrTexture* texture(int index) const { return this->textureAccess(index).getTexture(); }
/** Will this processor read the fragment position? */
bool willReadFragmentPosition() const { return fWillReadFragmentPosition; }
void* operator new(size_t size);
void operator delete(void* target);
void* operator new(size_t size, void* placement) {
return ::operator new(size, placement);
void operator delete(void* target, void* placement) {
::operator delete(target, placement);
* Helper for down-casting to a GrProcessor subclass
template <typename T> const T& cast() const { return *static_cast<const T*>(this); }
* Subclasses call this from their constructor to register GrTextureAccesses. The processor
* subclass manages the lifetime of the accesses (this function only stores a pointer). The
* GrTextureAccess is typically a member field of the GrProcessor subclass. This must only be
* called from the constructor because GrProcessors are immutable.
void addTextureAccess(const GrTextureAccess* textureAccess);
: fWillReadFragmentPosition(false) {}
* If the prcoessor will generate a backend-specific processor that will read the fragment
* position in the FS then it must call this method from its constructor. Otherwise, the
* request to access the fragment position will be denied.
void setWillReadFragmentPosition() { fWillReadFragmentPosition = true; }
SkDEBUGCODE(void assertTexturesEqual(const GrProcessor& other) const;)
* Subclass implements this to support getConstantColorComponents(...).
virtual void onComputeInvariantOutput(InvariantOutput* inout) const = 0;
SkSTArray<4, const GrTextureAccess*, true> fTextureAccesses;
bool fWillReadFragmentPosition;
typedef GrProgramElement INHERITED;
* This creates a processor outside of the memory pool. The processor's destructor will be called
* at global destruction time. NAME will be the name of the created instance.
static SkAlignedSStorage<sizeof(PROC_CLASS)> g_##NAME##_Storage; \
static SkAutoTDestroy<GrProcessor> NAME##_ad(NAME);