blob: 01c5615d50e1aca60f69d80d55ab37d0de01ef59 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrAtlasTextBatch_DEFINED
#define GrAtlasTextBatch_DEFINED
#include "batches/GrVertexBatch.h"
#include "text/GrAtlasTextContext.h"
#include "text/GrDistanceFieldAdjustTable.h"
class GrAtlasTextBatch : public GrVertexBatch {
static const int kVerticesPerGlyph = GrAtlasTextBlob::kVerticesPerGlyph;
static const int kIndicesPerGlyph = 6;
typedef GrAtlasTextBlob Blob;
typedef Blob::Run Run;
typedef Run::SubRunInfo TextInfo;
struct Geometry {
Blob* fBlob;
int fRun;
int fSubRun;
GrColor fColor;
SkScalar fTransX;
SkScalar fTransY;
static GrAtlasTextBatch* CreateBitmap(GrMaskFormat maskFormat, int glyphCount,
GrBatchFontCache* fontCache) {
GrAtlasTextBatch* batch = new GrAtlasTextBatch;
batch->fFontCache = fontCache;
switch (maskFormat) {
case kA8_GrMaskFormat:
batch->fMaskType = kGrayscaleCoverageMask_MaskType;
case kA565_GrMaskFormat:
batch->fMaskType = kLCDCoverageMask_MaskType;
case kARGB_GrMaskFormat:
batch->fMaskType = kColorBitmapMask_MaskType;
batch->fBatch.fNumGlyphs = glyphCount;
batch->fGeoCount = 1;
batch->fFilteredColor = 0;
batch->fFontCache = fontCache;
batch->fUseBGR = false;
return batch;
static GrAtlasTextBatch* CreateDistanceField(
int glyphCount, GrBatchFontCache* fontCache,
const GrDistanceFieldAdjustTable* distanceAdjustTable,
SkColor filteredColor, bool isLCD,
bool useBGR) {
GrAtlasTextBatch* batch = new GrAtlasTextBatch;
batch->fFontCache = fontCache;
batch->fMaskType = isLCD ? kLCDDistanceField_MaskType : kGrayscaleDistanceField_MaskType;
batch->fFilteredColor = filteredColor;
batch->fUseBGR = useBGR;
batch->fBatch.fNumGlyphs = glyphCount;
batch->fGeoCount = 1;
return batch;
// to avoid even the initial copy of the struct, we have a getter for the first item which
// is used to seed the batch with its initial geometry. After seeding, the client should call
// init() so the Batch can initialize itself
Geometry& geometry() { return fGeoData[0]; }
void init() {
const Geometry& geo = fGeoData[0];
fBatch.fColor = geo.fColor;
fBatch.fViewMatrix = geo.fBlob->fViewMatrix;
// We don't yet position distance field text on the cpu, so we have to map the vertex bounds
// into device space.
// We handle vertex bounds differently for distance field text and bitmap text because
// the vertex bounds of bitmap text are in device space. If we are flushing multiple runs
// from one blob then we are going to pay the price here of mapping the rect for each run.
const Run& run = geo.fBlob->fRuns[geo.fRun];
SkRect bounds = run.fSubRunInfo[geo.fSubRun].vertexBounds();
if (run.fSubRunInfo[geo.fSubRun].drawAsDistanceFields()) {
// Distance field text is positioned with the (X,Y) as part of the glyph position,
// and currently the view matrix is applied on the GPU
bounds.offset(geo.fBlob->fX - geo.fBlob->fInitialX,
geo.fBlob->fY - geo.fBlob->fInitialY);
} else {
// Bitmap text is fully positioned on the CPU
SkMatrix boundsMatrix;
bounds.offset(-geo.fBlob->fInitialX, -geo.fBlob->fInitialY);
boundsMatrix.setConcat(fBatch.fViewMatrix, geo.fBlob->fInitialViewMatrixInverse);
// Due to floating point numerical inaccuracies, we have to round out here
SkRect roundedOutBounds;
roundedOutBounds.offset(geo.fBlob->fX, geo.fBlob->fY);
const char* name() const override { return "TextBatch"; }
SkString dumpInfo() const override;
void computePipelineOptimizations(GrInitInvariantOutput* color,
GrInitInvariantOutput* coverage,
GrBatchToXPOverrides* overrides) const override;
void initBatchTracker(const GrXPOverridesForBatch& overrides) override;
struct FlushInfo {
SkAutoTUnref<const GrVertexBuffer> fVertexBuffer;
SkAutoTUnref<const GrIndexBuffer> fIndexBuffer;
int fGlyphsToFlush;
int fVertexOffset;
void onPrepareDraws(Target* target) const override;
GrAtlasTextBatch() : INHERITED(ClassID()) {} // initialized in factory functions.
~GrAtlasTextBatch() {
for (int i = 0; i < fGeoCount; i++) {
GrMaskFormat maskFormat() const {
switch (fMaskType) {
case kLCDCoverageMask_MaskType:
return kA565_GrMaskFormat;
case kColorBitmapMask_MaskType:
return kARGB_GrMaskFormat;
case kGrayscaleCoverageMask_MaskType:
case kGrayscaleDistanceField_MaskType:
case kLCDDistanceField_MaskType:
return kA8_GrMaskFormat;
return kA8_GrMaskFormat; // suppress warning
bool usesDistanceFields() const {
return kGrayscaleDistanceField_MaskType == fMaskType ||
kLCDDistanceField_MaskType == fMaskType;
bool isLCD() const {
return kLCDCoverageMask_MaskType == fMaskType ||
kLCDDistanceField_MaskType == fMaskType;
template <bool regenTexCoords, bool regenPos, bool regenCol, bool regenGlyphs>
inline void regenBlob(Target* target, FlushInfo* flushInfo, Blob* blob, Run* run,
TextInfo* info, SkGlyphCache** cache,
SkTypeface** typeface, GrFontScaler** scaler, const SkDescriptor** desc,
const GrGeometryProcessor* gp, int glyphCount, size_t vertexStride,
GrColor color, SkScalar transX, SkScalar transY) const;
inline void flush(GrVertexBatch::Target* target, FlushInfo* flushInfo) const;
GrColor color() const { return fBatch.fColor; }
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix() const { return fBatch.fViewMatrix; }
bool usesLocalCoords() const { return fBatch.fUsesLocalCoords; }
int numGlyphs() const { return fBatch.fNumGlyphs; }
bool onCombineIfPossible(GrBatch* t, const GrCaps& caps) override;
// TODO just use class params
// TODO trying to figure out why lcd is so whack
GrGeometryProcessor* setupDfProcessor(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, SkColor filteredColor,
GrColor color, GrTexture* texture) const;
struct BatchTracker {
GrColor fColor;
SkMatrix fViewMatrix;
bool fUsesLocalCoords;
bool fColorIgnored;
bool fCoverageIgnored;
int fNumGlyphs;
BatchTracker fBatch;
// The minimum number of Geometry we will try to allocate.
enum { kMinGeometryAllocated = 4 };
SkAutoSTMalloc<kMinGeometryAllocated, Geometry> fGeoData;
int fGeoCount;
enum MaskType {
} fMaskType;
bool fUseBGR; // fold this into the enum?
GrBatchFontCache* fFontCache;
// Distance field properties
SkAutoTUnref<const GrDistanceFieldAdjustTable> fDistanceAdjustTable;
SkColor fFilteredColor;
typedef GrVertexBatch INHERITED;