blob: 8e5ced47dd2935f47fd5c15e28afe772c6cd8721 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."
compile_header() {
# test each header for self-sufficiency and idempotency.
printf '#include "%s"\n#include "%s"\n' "$1" "$1" | \
c++ --std=c++11 \
-Iinclude/core \
-Iinclude/config \
-Iinclude/android \
-Iinclude/c \
-Iinclude/codec \
-Iinclude/effects \
-Iinclude/gpu \
-Iinclude/gpu/gl \
-Iinclude/pathops \
-Iinclude/ports \
-Iinclude/private \
-Iinclude/svg \
-Iinclude/utils \
-Iinclude/utils/mac \
-Iinclude/views \
-Iinclude/xml \
-Isrc/codec \
-Isrc/core \
-Isrc/effects \
-Isrc/effects/gradients \
-Isrc/fonts \
-Isrc/gpu \
-Isrc/image \
-Isrc/images \
-Isrc/lazy \
-Isrc/opts \
-Isrc/pathops \
-Isrc/ports \
-Isrc/sfnt \
-Isrc/sksl \
-Isrc/utils \
-Isrc/utils/win \
-Igm \
-Itests \
-Itools \
-Itools/debugger \
-Itools/flags \
-Itools/gpu \
-Itools/timer \
-Ithird_party/etc1 \
-Ithird_party/externals/jsoncpp/include \
-Ithird_party/externals/sfntly/cpp/src \
-Ithird_party/externals/zlib \
-Ithird_party/gif \
-o /dev/null -c -x c++ -
for header in $(git ls-files | grep '\.h$'); do
# The following headers don't pass this test for one reason or another.
case $header in
*/osmesa_wrapper.h) continue;;
debugger/QT/*) continue;;
example/*) continue;;
experimental/*) continue;;
include/config/*) continue;;
include/core/SkPostConfig.h) continue;;
include/gpu/vk/*) continue;;
include/ports/SkFontMgr_android.h) continue;;
include/ports/SkFontMgr_fontconfig.h) continue;;
include/ports/SkTypeface_win.h) continue;;
include/private/*_impl.h) continue;;
include/utils/mac/SkCGUtils.h) continue;;
include/views/SkOSWindow_*.h) continue;;
src/c/sk_c_from_to.h) continue;;
src/codec/SkJpegDecoderMgr.h) continue;;
src/codec/SkJpegUtility.h) continue;;
src/core/*Template.h) continue;;
src/core/SkBitmapProcState_*.h) continue;;
src/core/SkFDot6Constants.h) continue;;
src/core/SkLinearBitmapPipeline.h) continue;;
src/core/SkLinearBitmapPipeline_*.h) continue;;
src/core/SkUnPreMultiplyPriv.h) continue;;
src/gpu/vk/*.h) continue;;
src/images/SkJPEGWriteUtility.h) continue;;
src/opts/*_SSE2.h) continue;;
src/opts/*_SSSE3.h) continue;;
src/opts/*_neon.h) continue;;
src/opts/*_sse.h) continue;;
src/opts/Sk4px_*.h) continue;;
src/ports/*) continue;;
src/utils/*_win.h) continue;;
src/utils/win/*) continue;;
src/views/*) continue;;
third_party/*) continue;;
tools/fiddle/*) continue;;
tools/viewer/*) continue;;
if ! compile_header "$header"; then
echo "FAILURE: $header"
exit $FAIL