blob: 17aaba59f03a194e232420c3b92444ac553abfdd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrCCPRCoverageProcessor_DEFINED
#define GrCCPRCoverageProcessor_DEFINED
#include "GrGeometryProcessor.h"
#include "glsl/GrGLSLGeometryProcessor.h"
#include "glsl/GrGLSLVarying.h"
class GrGLSLPPFragmentBuilder;
class GrGLSLShaderBuilder;
* This is the geometry processor for the simple convex primitive shapes (triangles and closed curve
* segments) from which ccpr paths are composed. The output is a single-channel alpha value,
* positive for clockwise shapes and negative for counter-clockwise, that indicates coverage.
* The caller is responsible to execute all render passes for all applicable primitives into a
* cleared, floating point, alpha-only render target using SkBlendMode::kPlus (see RenderPass
* below). Once all of a path's primitives have been drawn, the render target contains a composite
* coverage count that can then be used to draw the path (see GrCCPRPathProcessor).
* Caller provides the primitives' (x,y) input points in an fp32x2 (RG) texel buffer, and an
* instance buffer with a single int32x4 attrib (for triangles) or int32x2 (for curves) defined
* below. There are no vertex attribs.
* Draw calls are instanced, with one vertex per bezier point (3 for triangles). They use the
* corresponding GrPrimitiveType as defined below.
class GrCCPRCoverageProcessor : public GrGeometryProcessor {
static constexpr GrPrimitiveType kTrianglesGrPrimitiveType = GrPrimitiveType::kTriangles;
static constexpr GrPrimitiveType kQuadraticsGrPrimitiveType = GrPrimitiveType::kTriangles;
static constexpr GrPrimitiveType kCubicsGrPrimitiveType = GrPrimitiveType::kLinesAdjacency;
struct TriangleInstance {
int32_t fPt0Idx;
int32_t fPt1Idx;
int32_t fPt2Idx;
int32_t fPackedAtlasOffset; // (offsetY << 16) | (offsetX & 0xffff)
GR_STATIC_ASSERT(4 * 4 == sizeof(TriangleInstance));
struct CurveInstance {
int32_t fPtsIdx;
int32_t fPackedAtlasOffset; // (offsetY << 16) | (offsetX & 0xffff)
GR_STATIC_ASSERT(2 * 4 == sizeof(CurveInstance));
* All primitive shapes (triangles and convex closed curve segments) require more than one
* render pass. Here we enumerate every render pass needed in order to produce a complete
* coverage count mask. This is an exhaustive list of all ccpr coverage shaders.
enum class RenderPass {
// Triangles.
// Quadratics.
// Cubics.
static const char* GetRenderPassName(RenderPass);
* This serves as the base class for each RenderPass's Shader. It indicates what type of
* geometry the Impl should generate and provides implementation-independent code to process
* the inputs and calculate coverage in the fragment Shader.
class Shader {
using TexelBufferHandle = GrGLSLGeometryProcessor::TexelBufferHandle;
// This enum specifies the type of geometry that should be generated for a Shader instance.
// Subclasses are limited to three built-in types of geometry to choose from:
enum class GeometryType {
// Generates a conservative raster hull around the input points. This is the geometry
// that causes a pixel to be rasterized if it is touched anywhere by the input polygon.
// Coverage is +1 all around.
// Logically, the conservative raster hull is equivalent to the convex hull of pixel
// size boxes centered around each input point.
// Generates the conservative rasters of the input edges (i.e. convex hull of two
// pixel-size boxes centered on both endpoints). Coverage is -1 on the outside border of
// the edge geometry and 0 on the inside. This is the only geometry type that associates
// coverage values with the output points. It effectively converts a jagged conservative
// raster edge into a smooth antialiased edge.
// Generates the conservative rasters of the corners specified by the geometry provider
// (i.e. pixel-size box centered on the corner point). Coverage is +1 all around.
virtual GeometryType getGeometryType() const = 0;
virtual int getNumInputPoints() const = 0;
// Returns the number of independent geometric segments to generate for the render pass
// (number of wedges for a hull, number of edges, or number of corners.)
virtual int getNumSegments() const = 0;
// Appends an expression that fetches input point # "pointId" from the texel buffer.
virtual void appendInputPointFetch(const GrCCPRCoverageProcessor&, GrGLSLShaderBuilder*,
const TexelBufferHandle& pointsBuffer,
const char* pointId) const = 0;
// Determines the winding direction of the primitive. The subclass must write a value of
// either -1, 0, or +1 to "outputWind" (e.g. "sign(area)"). Fractional values are not valid.
virtual void emitWind(GrGLSLShaderBuilder*, const char* pts,
const char* outputWind) const = 0;
union GeometryVars {
struct {
const char* fAlternatePoints; // floatNx2 (if left null, will use input points).
const char* fAlternateMidpoint; // float2 (if left null, finds euclidean midpoint).
} fHullVars;
struct {
const char* fPoint; // float2
} fCornerVars;
GeometryVars() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
// Called before generating geometry. Subclasses must fill out the applicable fields in
// GeometryVars (if any), and may also use this opportunity to setup internal member
// variables that will be needed during onEmitVaryings (e.g. transformation matrices).
virtual void emitSetupCode(GrGLSLShaderBuilder*, const char* pts, const char* segmentId,
const char* wind, GeometryVars*) const {}
void emitVaryings(GrGLSLVaryingHandler*, SkString* code, const char* position,
const char* coverage, const char* wind);
void emitFragmentCode(const GrCCPRCoverageProcessor& proc, GrGLSLPPFragmentBuilder*,
const char* skOutputColor, const char* skOutputCoverage) const;
// Defines an equation ("dot(float3(pt, 1), distance_equation)") that is -1 on the outside
// border of a conservative raster edge and 0 on the inside (see emitEdgeGeometry).
static void EmitEdgeDistanceEquation(GrGLSLShaderBuilder*, const char* leftPt,
const char* rightPt,
const char* outputDistanceEquation);
// Defines a global float2 array that contains MSAA sample locations as offsets from pixel
// center. Subclasses can use this for software multisampling.
// Returns the number of samples.
static int DefineSoftSampleLocations(GrGLSLPPFragmentBuilder* f, const char* samplesName);
virtual ~Shader() {}
enum class WindHandling : bool {
// Here the subclass adds its internal varyings to the handler and produces code to
// initialize those varyings from a given position, coverage value, and wind.
// Returns whether the subclass will handle wind modulation or if this base class should
// take charge of multiplying the final coverage output by "wind".
// NOTE: the coverage parameter is only relevant for edges (see comments in GeometryType).
// Otherwise it is +1 all around.
virtual WindHandling onEmitVaryings(GrGLSLVaryingHandler*, SkString* code,
const char* position, const char* coverage,
const char* wind) = 0;
// Emits the fragment code that calculates a pixel's coverage value. If using
// WindHandling::kHandled, this value must be signed appropriately.
virtual void onEmitFragmentCode(GrGLSLPPFragmentBuilder*,
const char* outputCoverage) const = 0;
GrGLSLGeoToFrag fWind{kHalf_GrSLType};
GrCCPRCoverageProcessor(RenderPass, GrBuffer* pointsBuffer);
const char* instanceAttrib() const { return fInstanceAttrib.fName; }
const char* name() const override { return GetRenderPassName(fRenderPass); }
SkString dumpInfo() const override {
return SkStringPrintf("%s\n%s", this->name(), this->INHERITED::dumpInfo().c_str());
void getGLSLProcessorKey(const GrShaderCaps&, GrProcessorKeyBuilder*) const override;
GrGLSLPrimitiveProcessor* createGLSLInstance(const GrShaderCaps&) const override;
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
// Increases the 1/2 pixel AA bloat by a factor of debugBloat and outputs color instead of
// coverage (coverage=+1 -> green, coverage=0 -> black, coverage=-1 -> red).
void enableDebugVisualizations(float debugBloat) { fDebugBloat = debugBloat; }
bool debugVisualizationsEnabled() const { return fDebugBloat > 0; }
float debugBloat() const { SkASSERT(this->debugVisualizationsEnabled()); return fDebugBloat; }
class GSImpl;
// Slightly undershoot a bloat radius of 0.5 so vertices that fall on integer boundaries don't
// accidentally bleed into neighbor pixels.
static constexpr float kAABloatRadius = 0.491111f;
static GrGLSLPrimitiveProcessor* CreateGSImpl(std::unique_ptr<Shader>);
int atlasOffsetIdx() const {
SkASSERT(kInt2_GrVertexAttribType == fInstanceAttrib.fType ||
kInt4_GrVertexAttribType == fInstanceAttrib.fType);
return kInt4_GrVertexAttribType == fInstanceAttrib.fType ? 3 : 1;
const RenderPass fRenderPass;
const Attribute& fInstanceAttrib;
BufferAccess fPointsBufferAccess;
SkDEBUGCODE(float fDebugBloat = 0;)
typedef GrGeometryProcessor INHERITED;