blob: 857efd0d65623d8d3dabdaa98521df62d07d115a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrGpu_DEFINED
#define GrGpu_DEFINED
#include "GrPipelineBuilder.h"
#include "GrProgramDesc.h"
#include "GrStencil.h"
#include "GrTraceMarker.h"
#include "GrXferProcessor.h"
#include "SkPath.h"
class GrBatchTracker;
class GrContext;
class GrGLContext;
class GrIndexBuffer;
class GrNonInstancedVertices;
class GrPath;
class GrPathRange;
class GrPathRenderer;
class GrPathRendererChain;
class GrPathRendering;
class GrPipeline;
class GrPrimitiveProcessor;
class GrRenderTarget;
class GrStencilAttachment;
class GrSurface;
class GrTexture;
class GrVertexBuffer;
class GrVertices;
class GrGpu : public SkRefCnt {
* Create an instance of GrGpu that matches the specified backend. If the requested backend is
* not supported (at compile-time or run-time) this returns NULL. The context will not be
* fully constructed and should not be used by GrGpu until after this function returns.
static GrGpu* Create(GrBackend, GrBackendContext, const GrContextOptions&, GrContext* context);
GrGpu(GrContext* context);
~GrGpu() override;
GrContext* getContext() { return fContext; }
const GrContext* getContext() const { return fContext; }
* Gets the capabilities of the draw target.
const GrCaps* caps() const { return fCaps.get(); }
GrPathRendering* pathRendering() { return fPathRendering.get(); }
// Called by GrContext when the underlying backend context has been destroyed.
// GrGpu should use this to ensure that no backend API calls will be made from
// here onward, including in its destructor. Subclasses should call
// INHERITED::contextAbandoned() if they override this.
virtual void contextAbandoned();
* The GrGpu object normally assumes that no outsider is setting state
* within the underlying 3D API's context/device/whatever. This call informs
* the GrGpu that the state was modified and it shouldn't make assumptions
* about the state.
void markContextDirty(uint32_t state = kAll_GrBackendState) { fResetBits |= state; }
* Creates a texture object. If kRenderTarget_GrSurfaceFlag the texture can
* be used as a render target by calling GrTexture::asRenderTarget(). Not all
* pixel configs can be used as render targets. Support for configs as textures
* or render targets can be checked using GrCaps.
* @param desc describes the texture to be created.
* @param budgeted does this texture count against the resource cache budget?
* @param srcData texel data to load texture. Begins with full-size
* palette data for paletted textures. For compressed
* formats it contains the compressed pixel data. Otherwise,
* it contains width*height texels. If NULL texture data
* is uninitialized.
* @param rowBytes the number of bytes between consecutive rows. Zero
* means rows are tightly packed. This field is ignored
* for compressed formats.
* @return The texture object if successful, otherwise NULL.
GrTexture* createTexture(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, bool budgeted,
const void* srcData, size_t rowBytes);
* Implements GrContext::wrapBackendTexture
GrTexture* wrapBackendTexture(const GrBackendTextureDesc&, GrWrapOwnership);
* Implements GrContext::wrapBackendTexture
GrRenderTarget* wrapBackendRenderTarget(const GrBackendRenderTargetDesc&, GrWrapOwnership);
* Creates a vertex buffer.
* @param size size in bytes of the vertex buffer
* @param dynamic hints whether the data will be frequently changed
* by either GrVertexBuffer::map() or
* GrVertexBuffer::updateData().
* @return The vertex buffer if successful, otherwise NULL.
GrVertexBuffer* createVertexBuffer(size_t size, bool dynamic);
* Creates an index buffer.
* @param size size in bytes of the index buffer
* @param dynamic hints whether the data will be frequently changed
* by either GrIndexBuffer::map() or
* GrIndexBuffer::updateData().
* @return The index buffer if successful, otherwise NULL.
GrIndexBuffer* createIndexBuffer(size_t size, bool dynamic);
* Resolves MSAA.
void resolveRenderTarget(GrRenderTarget* target);
/** Info struct returned by getReadPixelsInfo about performing intermediate draws before
reading pixels for performance or correctness. */
struct ReadPixelTempDrawInfo {
/** If the GrGpu is requesting that the caller do a draw to an intermediate surface then
this is descriptor for the temp surface. The draw should always be a rect with
dst 0,0,w,h. */
GrSurfaceDesc fTempSurfaceDesc;
/** Indicates whether there is a performance advantage to using an exact match texture
(in terms of width and height) for the intermediate texture instead of approximate. */
bool fUseExactScratch;
/** The caller should swap the R and B channel in the temp draw and then instead of reading
the desired config back it should read GrPixelConfigSwapRAndB(readConfig). The swap
during the draw and the swap at readback time cancel and the client gets the correct
data. The swapped read back is either faster for or required by the underlying backend
3D API. */
bool fSwapRAndB;
/** Describes why an intermediate draw must/should be performed before readPixels. */
enum DrawPreference {
/** On input means that the caller would proceed without draw if the GrGpu doesn't request
On output means that the GrGpu is not requesting a draw. */
/** Means that the client would prefer a draw for performance of the readback but
can satisfy a straight readPixels call on the inputs without an intermediate draw.
getReadPixelsInfo will never set the draw preference to this value but may leave
it set. */
/** On output means that GrGpu would prefer a draw for performance of the readback but
can satisfy a straight readPixels call on the inputs without an intermediate draw. The
caller of getReadPixelsInfo should never specify this on intput. */
/** On input means that the caller requires a draw to do a transformation and there is no
CPU fallback.
On output means that GrGpu can only satisfy the readPixels request if the intermediate
draw is performed.
/** Used to negotiates whether and how an intermediate draw should or must be performed before
a readPixels call. If this returns false then GrGpu could not deduce an intermediate draw
that would allow a successful readPixels call. */
virtual bool getReadPixelsInfo(GrSurface* srcSurface, int readWidth, int readHeight,
size_t rowBytes, GrPixelConfig readConfig, DrawPreference*,
ReadPixelTempDrawInfo *) = 0;
* Gets a preferred 8888 config to use for writing pixel data to a surface with
* config surfaceConfig. The returned config must have at least as many bits per channel as the
* writeConfig param.
virtual GrPixelConfig preferredWritePixelsConfig(GrPixelConfig writeConfig,
GrPixelConfig surfaceConfig) const {
return writeConfig;
* Called before uploading writing pixels to a GrTexture when the src pixel config doesn't
* match the texture's config.
virtual bool canWriteTexturePixels(const GrTexture*, GrPixelConfig srcConfig) const = 0;
* Reads a rectangle of pixels from a render target.
* @param renderTarget the render target to read from. NULL means the
* current render target.
* @param left left edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
* @param top top edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
* @param width width of rectangle to read in pixels.
* @param height height of rectangle to read in pixels.
* @param config the pixel config of the destination buffer
* @param buffer memory to read the rectangle into.
* @param rowBytes the number of bytes between consecutive rows. Zero
* means rows are tightly packed.
* @param invertY buffer should be populated bottom-to-top as opposed
* to top-to-bottom (skia's usual order)
* @return true if the read succeeded, false if not. The read can fail
* because of a unsupported pixel config or because no render
* target is currently set.
bool readPixels(GrRenderTarget* renderTarget,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
GrPixelConfig config, void* buffer, size_t rowBytes);
* Updates the pixels in a rectangle of a texture.
* @param left left edge of the rectangle to write (inclusive)
* @param top top edge of the rectangle to write (inclusive)
* @param width width of rectangle to write in pixels.
* @param height height of rectangle to write in pixels.
* @param config the pixel config of the source buffer
* @param buffer memory to read pixels from
* @param rowBytes number of bytes between consecutive rows. Zero
* means rows are tightly packed.
bool writeTexturePixels(GrTexture* texture,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
GrPixelConfig config, const void* buffer,
size_t rowBytes);
* Clear the passed in render target. Ignores the draw state and clip. Clears the whole thing if
* rect is NULL, otherwise just the rect. If canIgnoreRect is set then the entire render target
* can be optionally cleared.
void clear(const SkIRect* rect, GrColor color, bool canIgnoreRect,GrRenderTarget* renderTarget);
void clearStencilClip(const SkIRect& rect, bool insideClip, GrRenderTarget* renderTarget);
* Discards the contents render target. NULL indicates that the current render target should
* be discarded.
virtual void discard(GrRenderTarget* = NULL) = 0;
* This is can be called before allocating a texture to be a dst for copySurface. It will
* populate the origin, config, and flags fields of the desc such that copySurface can
* efficiently succeed. It should only succeed if it can allow copySurface to perform a copy
* that would be more effecient than drawing the src to a dst render target.
virtual bool initCopySurfaceDstDesc(const GrSurface* src, GrSurfaceDesc* desc) const = 0;
// After the client interacts directly with the 3D context state the GrGpu
// must resync its internal state and assumptions about 3D context state.
// Each time this occurs the GrGpu bumps a timestamp.
// state of the 3D context
// At 10 resets / frame and 60fps a 64bit timestamp will overflow in about
// a billion years.
typedef uint64_t ResetTimestamp;
// This timestamp is always older than the current timestamp
static const ResetTimestamp kExpiredTimestamp = 0;
// Returns a timestamp based on the number of times the context was reset.
// This timestamp can be used to lazily detect when cached 3D context state
// is dirty.
ResetTimestamp getResetTimestamp() const { return fResetTimestamp; }
virtual void buildProgramDesc(GrProgramDesc*,
const GrPrimitiveProcessor&,
const GrPipeline&,
const GrBatchTracker&) const = 0;
// Called to perform a surface to surface copy. Fallbacks to issuing a draw from the src to dst
// take place at the GrDrawTarget level and this function implement faster copy paths. The rect
// and point are pre-clipped. The src rect and implied dst rect are guaranteed to be within the
// src/dst bounds and non-empty.
virtual bool copySurface(GrSurface* dst,
GrSurface* src,
const SkIRect& srcRect,
const SkIPoint& dstPoint) = 0;
// Called before certain draws in order to guarantee coherent results from dst reads.
virtual void xferBarrier(GrRenderTarget*, GrXferBarrierType) = 0;
struct DrawArgs {
DrawArgs(const GrPrimitiveProcessor* primProc,
const GrPipeline* pipeline,
const GrProgramDesc* desc,
const GrBatchTracker* batchTracker)
: fPrimitiveProcessor(primProc)
, fPipeline(pipeline)
, fDesc(desc)
, fBatchTracker(batchTracker) {
SkASSERT(primProc && pipeline && desc && batchTracker);
const GrPrimitiveProcessor* fPrimitiveProcessor;
const GrPipeline* fPipeline;
const GrProgramDesc* fDesc;
const GrBatchTracker* fBatchTracker;
void draw(const DrawArgs&, const GrVertices&);
// Debugging and Stats
class Stats {
Stats() { this->reset(); }
void reset() {
fRenderTargetBinds = 0;
fShaderCompilations = 0;
fTextureCreates = 0;
fTextureUploads = 0;
fStencilAttachmentCreates = 0;
int renderTargetBinds() const { return fRenderTargetBinds; }
void incRenderTargetBinds() { fRenderTargetBinds++; }
int shaderCompilations() const { return fShaderCompilations; }
void incShaderCompilations() { fShaderCompilations++; }
int textureCreates() const { return fTextureCreates; }
void incTextureCreates() { fTextureCreates++; }
int textureUploads() const { return fTextureUploads; }
void incTextureUploads() { fTextureUploads++; }
void incStencilAttachmentCreates() { fStencilAttachmentCreates++; }
void dump(SkString*);
int fRenderTargetBinds;
int fShaderCompilations;
int fTextureCreates;
int fTextureUploads;
int fStencilAttachmentCreates;
void dump(SkString*) {};
void incRenderTargetBinds() {}
void incShaderCompilations() {}
void incTextureCreates() {}
void incTextureUploads() {}
void incStencilAttachmentCreates() {}
Stats* stats() { return &fStats; }
* Called at start and end of gpu trace marking
* GR_CREATE_GPU_TRACE_MARKER(marker_str, target) will automatically call these at the start
* and end of a code block respectively
void addGpuTraceMarker(const GrGpuTraceMarker* marker);
void removeGpuTraceMarker(const GrGpuTraceMarker* marker);
* Takes the current active set of markers and stores them for later use. Any current marker
* in the active set is removed from the active set and the targets remove function is called.
* These functions do not work as a stack so you cannot call save a second time before calling
* restore. Also, it is assumed that when restore is called the current active set of markers
* is empty. When the stored markers are added back into the active set, the targets add marker
* is called.
void saveActiveTraceMarkers();
void restoreActiveTraceMarkers();
// creation and deletion of raw texture for testing
// only to be used in GPU-specific tests
virtual GrBackendObject createTestingOnlyBackendTexture(void* pixels, int w, int h,
GrPixelConfig config) const = 0;
virtual bool isTestingOnlyBackendTexture(GrBackendObject id) const = 0;
virtual void deleteTestingOnlyBackendTexture(GrBackendObject id) const = 0;
// Given a rt, find or create a stencil buffer and attach it
bool attachStencilAttachmentToRenderTarget(GrRenderTarget* target);
// This is only to be used in GL-specific tests.
virtual const GrGLContext* glContextForTesting() const { return NULL; }
// Functions used to map clip-respecting stencil tests into normal
// stencil funcs supported by GPUs.
static GrStencilFunc ConvertStencilFunc(bool stencilInClip,
GrStencilFunc func);
static void ConvertStencilFuncAndMask(GrStencilFunc func,
bool clipInStencil,
unsigned int clipBit,
unsigned int userBits,
unsigned int* ref,
unsigned int* mask);
const GrTraceMarkerSet& getActiveTraceMarkers() const { return fActiveTraceMarkers; }
Stats fStats;
SkAutoTDelete<GrPathRendering> fPathRendering;
// Subclass must initialize this in its constructor.
SkAutoTUnref<const GrCaps> fCaps;
// called when the 3D context state is unknown. Subclass should emit any
// assumed 3D context state and dirty any state cache.
virtual void onResetContext(uint32_t resetBits) = 0;
// overridden by backend-specific derived class to create objects.
// Texture size and sample size will have already been validated in base class before
// onCreateTexture/CompressedTexture are called.
virtual GrTexture* onCreateTexture(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc,
GrGpuResource::LifeCycle lifeCycle,
const void* srcData, size_t rowBytes) = 0;
virtual GrTexture* onCreateCompressedTexture(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc,
GrGpuResource::LifeCycle lifeCycle,
const void* srcData) = 0;
virtual GrTexture* onWrapBackendTexture(const GrBackendTextureDesc&, GrWrapOwnership) = 0;
virtual GrRenderTarget* onWrapBackendRenderTarget(const GrBackendRenderTargetDesc&,
GrWrapOwnership) = 0;
virtual GrVertexBuffer* onCreateVertexBuffer(size_t size, bool dynamic) = 0;
virtual GrIndexBuffer* onCreateIndexBuffer(size_t size, bool dynamic) = 0;
// overridden by backend-specific derived class to perform the clear.
virtual void onClear(GrRenderTarget*, const SkIRect* rect, GrColor color,
bool canIgnoreRect) = 0;
// Overridden by backend specific classes to perform a clear of the stencil clip bits. This is
// ONLY used by the the clip target
virtual void onClearStencilClip(GrRenderTarget*, const SkIRect& rect, bool insideClip) = 0;
// overridden by backend-specific derived class to perform the draw call.
virtual void onDraw(const DrawArgs&, const GrNonInstancedVertices&) = 0;
virtual bool onReadPixels(GrRenderTarget* target,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
void* buffer,
size_t rowBytes) = 0;
// overridden by backend-specific derived class to perform the texture update
virtual bool onWriteTexturePixels(GrTexture* texture,
int left, int top, int width, int height,
GrPixelConfig config, const void* buffer,
size_t rowBytes) = 0;
// overridden by backend-specific derived class to perform the resolve
virtual void onResolveRenderTarget(GrRenderTarget* target) = 0;
// width and height may be larger than rt (if underlying API allows it).
// Should attach the SB to the RT. Returns false if compatible sb could
// not be created.
virtual bool createStencilAttachmentForRenderTarget(GrRenderTarget*, int width, int height) = 0;
// attaches an existing SB to an existing RT.
virtual bool attachStencilAttachmentToRenderTarget(GrStencilAttachment*, GrRenderTarget*) = 0;
// clears target's entire stencil buffer to 0
virtual void clearStencil(GrRenderTarget* target) = 0;
virtual void didAddGpuTraceMarker() = 0;
virtual void didRemoveGpuTraceMarker() = 0;
void resetContext() {
fResetBits = 0;
void handleDirtyContext() {
if (fResetBits) {
ResetTimestamp fResetTimestamp;
uint32_t fResetBits;
// To keep track that we always have at least as many debug marker adds as removes
int fGpuTraceMarkerCount;
GrTraceMarkerSet fActiveTraceMarkers;
GrTraceMarkerSet fStoredTraceMarkers;
// The context owns us, not vice-versa, so this ptr is not ref'ed by Gpu.
GrContext* fContext;
friend class GrPathRendering;
typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;