| function tostr(t) |
| local str = "" |
| for k, v in next, t do |
| if #str > 0 then |
| str = str .. ", " |
| end |
| if type(k) == "number" then |
| str = str .. "[" .. k .. "] = " |
| else |
| str = str .. tostring(k) .. " = " |
| end |
| if type(v) == "table" then |
| str = str .. "{ " .. tostr(v) .. " }" |
| elseif type(v) == "string" then |
| str = str .. '"' .. v .. '"' |
| else |
| str = str .. tostring(v) |
| end |
| end |
| return str |
| end |
| |
| |
| function trim_ws(s) |
| return s:match("^%s*(.*)") |
| end |
| |
| function count_hypens(s) |
| local leftover = s:match("^-*(.*)") |
| return string.len(s) - string.len(leftover) |
| end |
| |
| function parse_file(file) |
| local slides = {} |
| local block = {} |
| |
| for line in file:lines() do |
| local s = trim_ws(line) |
| if #s == 0 then -- done with a block |
| if #block > 0 then |
| slides[#slides + 1] = block |
| block = {} |
| end |
| else |
| local n = count_hypens(s) |
| block[#block + 1] = { |
| indent = n, |
| text = trim_ws(s:sub(n + 1, -1)) |
| } |
| end |
| end |
| return slides |
| end |
| |
| function pretty_print_slide(slide) |
| io.write("{\n") |
| for i = 1, #slide do |
| local node = slide[i] |
| for j = 0, node.indent do |
| io.write(" ") |
| end |
| io.write("{ ") |
| io.write(tostr(node)) |
| io.write(" },\n") |
| end |
| io.write("},\n") |
| end |
| |
| function pretty_print_slides(slides) |
| io.write("gSlides = {\n") |
| for i = 1, #slides do |
| pretty_print_slide(slides[i]) |
| end |
| io.write("}\n") |
| end |
| |
| gSlides = parse_file(io.open("/skia/trunk/resources/slides_content.lua", "r")) |
| |
| function make_rect(l, t, r, b) |
| return { left = l, top = t, right = r, bottom = b } |
| end |
| |
| function make_paint(typefacename, stylebits, size, color) |
| local paint = Sk.newPaint(); |
| paint:setAntiAlias(true) |
| paint:setSubpixelText(true) |
| paint:setTypeface(Sk.newTypeface(typefacename, stylebits)) |
| paint:setTextSize(size) |
| paint:setColor(color) |
| return paint |
| end |
| |
| function drawSlide(canvas, slide, template) |
| template = template.slide -- need to sniff the slide to know if we're title or slide |
| |
| local x = template.margin_x |
| local y = template.margin_y |
| |
| local scale = 1.15 |
| for i = 1, #slide do |
| local node = slide[i] |
| local paint = template[node.indent + 1] |
| local fm = paint:getFontMetrics() |
| local x_offset = -fm.ascent * node.indent |
| |
| y = y - fm.ascent * scale |
| canvas:drawText(node.text, x + x_offset, y, paint) |
| y = y + fm.descent * scale |
| end |
| end |
| |
| function slide_transition(prev, next, is_forward) |
| local rec = { |
| proc = function(self, canvas, drawSlideProc) |
| if self:isDone() then |
| drawSlideProc(canvas) |
| return nil |
| end |
| self.prevDrawable:draw(canvas, self.curr_x, 0) |
| self.nextDrawable:draw(canvas, self.curr_x + 640, 0) |
| self.curr_x = self.curr_x + self.step_x |
| return self |
| end |
| } |
| if is_forward then |
| rec.prevDrawable = prev |
| rec.nextDrawable = next |
| rec.curr_x = 0 |
| rec.step_x = -15 |
| rec.isDone = function (self) return self.curr_x <= -640 end |
| else |
| rec.prevDrawable = next |
| rec.nextDrawable = prev |
| rec.curr_x = -640 |
| rec.step_x = 15 |
| rec.isDone = function (self) return self.curr_x >= 0 end |
| end |
| return rec |
| end |
| |
| function sqr(value) return value * value end |
| |
| function ease(value) |
| function set_blur(paint, alpha) |
| local sigma = sqr(1 - alpha) * 20 |
| -- paint:setImageFilter(Sk.newBlurImageFilter(sigma, sigma)) |
| paint:setAlpha(alpha) |
| end |
| |
| function fade_slide_transition(prev, next, is_forward) |
| local rec = { |
| paint = Sk.newPaint(), |
| prevDrawable = prev, |
| nextDrawable = next, |
| proc = function(self, canvas, drawSlideProc) |
| if self:isDone() then |
| drawSlideProc(canvas) |
| return nil |
| end |
| |
| set_blur(self.paint, self.prev_a) |
| self.prevDrawable:draw(canvas, self.prev_x, 0, self.paint) |
| |
| set_blur(self.paint, self.next_a) |
| self.nextDrawable:draw(canvas, self.next_x, 0, self.paint) |
| self:step() |
| return self |
| end |
| } |
| if is_forward then |
| rec.prev_x = 0 |
| rec.prev_a = 1 |
| rec.next_x = 640 |
| rec.next_a = 0 |
| rec.isDone = function (self) return self.next_x <= 0 end |
| rec.step = function (self) |
| self.next_x = self.next_x - 20 |
| self.next_a = (640 - self.next_x) / 640 |
| self.prev_a = 1 - self.next_a |
| end |
| else |
| rec.prev_x = 0 |
| rec.prev_a = 1 |
| rec.next_x = 0 |
| rec.next_a = 0 |
| rec.isDone = function (self) return self.prev_x >= 640 end |
| rec.step = function (self) |
| self.prev_x = self.prev_x + 20 |
| self.prev_a = (640 - self.prev_x) / 640 |
| self.next_a = 1 - self.prev_a |
| end |
| end |
| return rec |
| end |
| |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| function SkiaPoint_make_template() |
| local title = { |
| margin_x = 30, |
| margin_y = 100, |
| } |
| title[1] = make_paint("Arial", 1, 50, { a=1, r=0, g=0, b=0 }) |
| title[1]:setTextAlign("center") |
| title[2] = make_paint("Arial", 1, 25, { a=1, r=.3, g=.3, b=.3 }) |
| title[2]:setTextAlign("center") |
| |
| local slide = { |
| margin_x = 20, |
| margin_y = 30, |
| } |
| slide[1] = make_paint("Arial", 1, 36, { a=1, r=0, g=0, b=0 }) |
| slide[2] = make_paint("Arial", 0, 30, { a=1, r=0, g=0, b=0 }) |
| slide[3] = make_paint("Arial", 0, 24, { a=1, r=.2, g=.2, b=.2 }) |
| |
| return { |
| title = title, |
| slide = slide, |
| } |
| end |
| |
| gTemplate = SkiaPoint_make_template() |
| |
| gRedPaint = Sk.newPaint() |
| gRedPaint:setAntiAlias(true) |
| gRedPaint:setColor{a=1, r=1, g=0, b=0 } |
| |
| -- animation.proc is passed the canvas before drawing. |
| -- The animation.proc returns itself or another animation (which means keep animating) |
| -- or it returns nil, which stops the animation. |
| -- |
| local gCurrAnimation |
| |
| gSlideIndex = 1 |
| |
| function next_slide() |
| local prev = gSlides[gSlideIndex] |
| |
| gSlideIndex = gSlideIndex + 1 |
| if gSlideIndex > #gSlides then |
| gSlideIndex = 1 |
| end |
| |
| spawn_transition(prev, gSlides[gSlideIndex], true) |
| end |
| |
| function prev_slide() |
| local prev = gSlides[gSlideIndex] |
| |
| gSlideIndex = gSlideIndex - 1 |
| if gSlideIndex < 1 then |
| gSlideIndex = #gSlides |
| end |
| |
| spawn_transition(prev, gSlides[gSlideIndex], false) |
| end |
| |
| function new_drawable_picture(pic) |
| return { |
| picture = pic, |
| width = pic:width(), |
| height = pic:height(), |
| draw = function (self, canvas, x, y, paint) |
| canvas:drawPicture(self.picture, x, y, paint) |
| end |
| } |
| end |
| |
| function new_drawable_image(img) |
| return { |
| image = img, |
| width = img:width(), |
| height = img:height(), |
| draw = function (self, canvas, x, y, paint) |
| canvas:drawImage(self.image, x, y, paint) |
| end |
| } |
| end |
| |
| function convert_to_picture_drawable(slide) |
| local rec = Sk.newPictureRecorder() |
| drawSlide(rec:beginRecording(640, 480), slide, gTemplate) |
| return new_drawable_picture(rec:endRecording()) |
| end |
| |
| function convert_to_image_drawable(slide) |
| local surf = Sk.newRasterSurface(640, 480) |
| drawSlide(surf:getCanvas(), slide, gTemplate) |
| return new_drawable_image(surf:newImageSnapshot()) |
| end |
| |
| gMakeDrawable = convert_to_picture_drawable |
| |
| function spawn_transition(prevSlide, nextSlide, is_forward) |
| local transition |
| if is_forward then |
| transition = prevSlide.transition |
| else |
| transition = nextSlide.transition |
| end |
| |
| if not transition then |
| transition = fade_slide_transition |
| end |
| |
| local prevDrawable = gMakeDrawable(prevSlide) |
| local nextDrawable = gMakeDrawable(nextSlide) |
| gCurrAnimation = transition(prevDrawable, nextDrawable, is_forward) |
| end |
| |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| function spawn_rotate_animation() |
| gCurrAnimation = { |
| angle = 0, |
| angle_delta = 5, |
| pivot_x = 320, |
| pivot_y = 240, |
| proc = function (self, canvas, drawSlideProc) |
| if self.angle >= 360 then |
| drawSlideProc(canvas) |
| return nil |
| end |
| canvas:translate(self.pivot_x, self.pivot_y) |
| canvas:rotate(self.angle) |
| canvas:translate(-self.pivot_x, -self.pivot_y) |
| drawSlideProc(canvas) |
| |
| self.angle = self.angle + self.angle_delta |
| return self |
| end |
| } |
| end |
| |
| function spawn_scale_animation() |
| gCurrAnimation = { |
| scale = 1, |
| scale_delta = .95, |
| scale_limit = 0.2, |
| pivot_x = 320, |
| pivot_y = 240, |
| proc = function (self, canvas, drawSlideProc) |
| if self.scale < self.scale_limit then |
| self.scale = self.scale_limit |
| self.scale_delta = 1 / self.scale_delta |
| end |
| if self.scale > 1 then |
| drawSlideProc(canvas) |
| return nil |
| end |
| canvas:translate(self.pivot_x, self.pivot_y) |
| canvas:scale(self.scale, self.scale) |
| canvas:translate(-self.pivot_x, -self.pivot_y) |
| drawSlideProc(canvas) |
| |
| self.scale = self.scale * self.scale_delta |
| return self |
| end |
| } |
| end |
| |
| function onDrawContent(canvas, width, height) |
| local matrix = Sk.newMatrix() |
| matrix:setRectToRect(make_rect(0, 0, 640, 480), make_rect(0, 0, width, height), "center") |
| canvas:concat(matrix) |
| |
| local drawSlideProc = function(canvas) |
| drawSlide(canvas, gSlides[gSlideIndex], gTemplate) |
| end |
| |
| if gCurrAnimation then |
| gCurrAnimation = gCurrAnimation:proc(canvas, drawSlideProc) |
| return true |
| else |
| drawSlideProc(canvas) |
| return false |
| end |
| end |
| |
| function onClickHandler(x, y) |
| return false |
| end |
| |
| local keyProcs = { |
| n = next_slide, |
| p = prev_slide, |
| r = spawn_rotate_animation, |
| s = spawn_scale_animation, |
| } |
| |
| function onCharHandler(uni) |
| local proc = keyProcs[uni] |
| if proc then |
| proc() |
| return true |
| end |
| return false |
| end |