blob: 181ea9f8f9f1b62d3101144d874eee7c97a91e72 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkGpuDevice_DEFINED
#define SkGpuDevice_DEFINED
#include "SkGr.h"
#include "SkBitmap.h"
#include "SkDevice.h"
#include "SkRegion.h"
#include "GrContext.h"
struct SkDrawProcs;
struct GrSkDrawProcs;
class GrTextContext;
* Subclass of SkDevice, which directs all drawing to the GrGpu owned by the
* canvas.
class SK_API SkGpuDevice : public SkDevice {
* New device that will create an offscreen renderTarget based on the
* config, width, height.
* usage is a special flag that should only be set by SkCanvas
* internally.
SkGpuDevice(GrContext*, SkBitmap::Config,
int width, int height,
SkDevice::Usage usage = SkDevice::kGeneral_Usage);
* New device that will render to the specified renderTarget.
SkGpuDevice(GrContext*, GrRenderTarget*);
* New device that will render to the texture (as a rendertarget).
* The GrTexture's asRenderTarget() must be non-NULL or device will not
* function.
SkGpuDevice(GrContext*, GrTexture*);
virtual ~SkGpuDevice();
GrContext* context() const { return fContext; }
* Override from SkGpuDevice, so we can set our FBO to be the render target
* The canvas parameter must be a SkGpuCanvas
virtual void gainFocus(SkCanvas*, const SkMatrix&, const SkRegion&,
const SkClipStack& clipStack);
virtual SkGpuRenderTarget* accessRenderTarget() {
return (SkGpuRenderTarget*)fRenderTarget;
// overrides from SkDevice
virtual void clear(SkColor color);
virtual bool readPixels(const SkIRect& srcRect, SkBitmap* bitmap);
virtual void writePixels(const SkBitmap& bitmap, int x, int y);
virtual void markMatrixDirty();
virtual void markClipDirty();
virtual void drawPaint(const SkDraw&, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void drawPoints(const SkDraw&, SkCanvas::PointMode mode, size_t count,
const SkPoint[], const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void drawRect(const SkDraw&, const SkRect& r,
const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void drawPath(const SkDraw&, const SkPath& path,
const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix* prePathMatrix,
bool pathIsMutable);
virtual void drawBitmap(const SkDraw&, const SkBitmap& bitmap,
const SkIRect* srcRectOrNull,
const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void drawSprite(const SkDraw&, const SkBitmap& bitmap,
int x, int y, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void drawText(const SkDraw&, const void* text, size_t len,
SkScalar x, SkScalar y, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void drawPosText(const SkDraw&, const void* text, size_t len,
const SkScalar pos[], SkScalar constY,
int scalarsPerPos, const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void drawTextOnPath(const SkDraw&, const void* text, size_t len,
const SkPath& path, const SkMatrix* matrix,
const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void drawVertices(const SkDraw&, SkCanvas::VertexMode, int vertexCount,
const SkPoint verts[], const SkPoint texs[],
const SkColor colors[], SkXfermode* xmode,
const uint16_t indices[], int indexCount,
const SkPaint& paint);
virtual void drawDevice(const SkDraw&, SkDevice*, int x, int y,
const SkPaint&);
virtual bool filterTextFlags(const SkPaint& paint, TextFlags*);
virtual void flush() { fContext->flush(false); }
* Make's this device's rendertarget current in the underlying 3D API.
* Also implicitly flushes.
virtual void makeRenderTargetCurrent();
typedef GrContext::TextureCacheEntry TexCache;
enum TexType {
TexCache lockCachedTexture(const SkBitmap& bitmap,
const GrSamplerState& sampler,
TexType type = kBitmap_TexType);
void unlockCachedTexture(TexCache);
class SkAutoCachedTexture {
SkAutoCachedTexture(SkGpuDevice* device,
const SkBitmap& bitmap,
const GrSamplerState& sampler,
GrTexture** texture);
GrTexture* set(SkGpuDevice*, const SkBitmap&, const GrSamplerState&);
SkGpuDevice* fDevice;
TexCache fTex;
friend class SkAutoTexCache;
GrContext* fContext;
GrSkDrawProcs* fDrawProcs;
// state for our offscreen render-target
TexCache fCache;
GrTexture* fTexture;
GrRenderTarget* fRenderTarget;
bool fNeedClear;
bool fNeedPrepareRenderTarget;
// called from rt and tex cons
void initFromRenderTarget(GrContext*, GrRenderTarget*);
// doesn't set the texture/sampler/matrix state
// caller needs to null out GrPaint's texture if
// non-textured drawing is desired.
// Set constantColor to true if a constant color
// will be used. This is an optimization, and can
// always be set to false. constantColor should
// never be true if justAlpha is true.
bool skPaint2GrPaintNoShader(const SkPaint& skPaint,
bool justAlpha,
GrPaint* grPaint,
bool constantColor);
// uses the SkShader to setup paint, act used to
// hold lock on cached texture and free it when
// destroyed.
// If there is no shader, constantColor will
// be passed to skPaint2GrPaintNoShader. Otherwise
// it is ignored.
bool skPaint2GrPaintShader(const SkPaint& skPaint,
SkAutoCachedTexture* act,
const SkMatrix& ctm,
GrPaint* grPaint,
bool constantColor);
// override from SkDevice
virtual SkDevice* onCreateCompatibleDevice(SkBitmap::Config config,
int width, int height,
bool isOpaque,
Usage usage);
SkDrawProcs* initDrawForText(GrTextContext*);
bool bindDeviceAsTexture(GrPaint* paint);
void prepareRenderTarget(const SkDraw&);
void internalDrawBitmap(const SkDraw&, const SkBitmap&,
const SkIRect&, const SkMatrix&, GrPaint* grPaint);
typedef SkDevice INHERITED;