blob: 732b9c9e845cbf5dd906b34ab5630705e8452c7d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "GrTextureOp.h"
#include "GrAppliedClip.h"
#include "GrCaps.h"
#include "GrDrawOpTest.h"
#include "GrGeometryProcessor.h"
#include "GrMeshDrawOp.h"
#include "GrOpFlushState.h"
#include "GrQuad.h"
#include "GrResourceProvider.h"
#include "GrShaderCaps.h"
#include "GrTexture.h"
#include "GrTexturePriv.h"
#include "GrTextureProxy.h"
#include "SkGr.h"
#include "SkMathPriv.h"
#include "glsl/GrGLSLColorSpaceXformHelper.h"
#include "glsl/GrGLSLGeometryProcessor.h"
#include "glsl/GrGLSLVarying.h"
namespace {
* Geometry Processor that draws a texture modulated by a vertex color (though, this is meant to be
* the same value across all vertices of a quad and uses flat interpolation when available). This is
* used by TextureOp below.
class TextureGeometryProcessor : public GrGeometryProcessor {
struct Vertex {
SkPoint fPosition;
SkPoint fTextureCoords;
GrColor fColor;
struct MultiTextureVertex {
SkPoint fPosition;
int fTextureIdx;
SkPoint fTextureCoords;
GrColor fColor;
// Maximum number of textures supported by this op. Must also be checked against the caps
// limit. These numbers were based on some limited experiments on a HP Z840 and Pixel XL 2016
// and could probably use more tuning.
static constexpr int kMaxTextures = 4;
static constexpr int kMaxTextures = 8;
static int SupportsMultitexture(const GrShaderCaps& caps) { return caps.integerSupport(); }
static sk_sp<GrGeometryProcessor> Make(sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxies[], int proxyCnt,
sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> csxf,
const GrSamplerState::Filter filters[],
const GrShaderCaps& caps) {
// We use placement new to avoid always allocating space for kMaxTextures TextureSampler
// instances.
int samplerCnt = NumSamplersToUse(proxyCnt, caps);
size_t size = sizeof(TextureGeometryProcessor) + sizeof(TextureSampler) * (samplerCnt - 1);
void* mem = GrGeometryProcessor::operator new(size);
return sk_sp<TextureGeometryProcessor>(new (mem) TextureGeometryProcessor(
proxies, proxyCnt, samplerCnt, std::move(csxf), filters, caps));
~TextureGeometryProcessor() override {
int cnt = this->numTextureSamplers();
for (int i = 1; i < cnt; ++i) {
const char* name() const override { return "TextureGeometryProcessor"; }
void getGLSLProcessorKey(const GrShaderCaps&, GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) const override {
GrGLSLPrimitiveProcessor* createGLSLInstance(const GrShaderCaps& caps) const override {
class GLSLProcessor : public GrGLSLGeometryProcessor {
void setData(const GrGLSLProgramDataManager& pdman, const GrPrimitiveProcessor& proc,
FPCoordTransformIter&& transformIter) override {
const auto& textureGP = proc.cast<TextureGeometryProcessor>();
this->setTransformDataHelper(SkMatrix::I(), pdman, &transformIter);
if (fColorSpaceXformHelper.isValid()) {
fColorSpaceXformHelper.setData(pdman, textureGP.fColorSpaceXform.get());
void onEmitCode(EmitArgs& args, GrGPArgs* gpArgs) override {
const auto& textureGP = args.fGP.cast<TextureGeometryProcessor>();
args.fUniformHandler, textureGP.fColorSpaceXform.get());
this->writeOutputPosition(args.fVertBuilder, gpArgs, textureGP.fPositions.fName);
if (args.fShaderCaps->preferFlatInterpolation()) {
} else {
args.fFragBuilder->codeAppend("highfloat2 texCoord;");
args.fVaryingHandler->addPassThroughAttribute(&textureGP.fTextureCoords, "texCoord",
if (textureGP.numTextureSamplers() > 1) {
args.fFragBuilder->codeAppend("int texIdx;");
if (args.fShaderCaps->flatInterpolationSupport()) {
} else {
args.fFragBuilder->codeAppend("switch (texIdx) {");
for (int i = 0; i < textureGP.numTextureSamplers(); ++i) {
args.fFragBuilder->codeAppendf("case %d: %s = ", i, args.fOutputColor);
args.fFragBuilder->codeAppend("; break;");
} else {
args.fFragBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = ", args.fOutputColor);
args.fFragBuilder->codeAppendf("%s = highfloat4(1);", args.fOutputCoverage);
GrGLSLColorSpaceXformHelper fColorSpaceXformHelper;
return new GLSLProcessor;
// This exists to reduce the number of shaders generated. It does some rounding of sampler
// counts.
static int NumSamplersToUse(int numRealProxies, const GrShaderCaps& caps) {
SkASSERT(numRealProxies > 0 && numRealProxies <= kMaxTextures &&
numRealProxies <= caps.maxFragmentSamplers());
if (1 == numRealProxies) {
return 1;
if (numRealProxies <= 4) {
return 4;
// Round to the next power of 2 and then clamp to kMaxTextures and the max allowed by caps.
return SkTMin(SkNextPow2(numRealProxies), SkTMin(kMaxTextures, caps.maxFragmentSamplers()));
TextureGeometryProcessor(sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxies[], int proxyCnt, int samplerCnt,
sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> csxf, const GrSamplerState::Filter filters[],
const GrShaderCaps& caps)
: fColorSpaceXform(std::move(csxf)) {
SkASSERT(proxyCnt > 0 && samplerCnt >= proxyCnt);
fPositions =
this->addVertexAttrib("position", kVec2f_GrVertexAttribType, kHigh_GrSLPrecision);
fSamplers[0].reset(std::move(proxies[0]), filters[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < proxyCnt; ++i) {
// This class has one sampler built in, the rest come from memory this processor was
// placement-newed into and so haven't been constructed.
new (&fSamplers[i]) TextureSampler(std::move(proxies[i]), filters[i]);
if (samplerCnt > 1) {
// Here we initialize any extra samplers by repeating the last one samplerCnt - proxyCnt
// times.
GrTextureProxy* dupeProxy = fSamplers[proxyCnt - 1].proxy();
for (int i = proxyCnt; i < samplerCnt; ++i) {
new (&fSamplers[i]) TextureSampler(sk_ref_sp(dupeProxy), filters[proxyCnt - 1]);
fTextureIdx = this->addVertexAttrib("textureIdx", kInt_GrVertexAttribType);
fTextureCoords = this->addVertexAttrib("textureCoords", kVec2f_GrVertexAttribType,
fColors = this->addVertexAttrib("color", kVec4ub_GrVertexAttribType);
Attribute fPositions;
Attribute fTextureIdx;
Attribute fTextureCoords;
Attribute fColors;
sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> fColorSpaceXform;
TextureSampler fSamplers[1];
* Op that implements GrTextureOp::Make. It draws textured quads. Each quad can modulate against a
* the texture by color. The blend with the destination is always src-over. The edges are non-AA.
class TextureOp final : public GrMeshDrawOp {
static std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> Make(sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxy,
GrSamplerState::Filter filter, GrColor color,
const SkRect srcRect, const SkRect dstRect,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> csxf,
bool allowSRBInputs) {
return std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp>(new TextureOp(std::move(proxy), filter, color, srcRect,
dstRect, viewMatrix, std::move(csxf),
~TextureOp() override {
if (fFinalized) {
auto proxies = this->proxies();
for (int i = 0; i < fProxyCnt; ++i) {
if (fProxyCnt > 1) {
delete[] reinterpret_cast<const char*>(proxies);
} else {
SkASSERT(1 == fProxyCnt);
const char* name() const override { return "TextureOp"; }
void visitProxies(const VisitProxyFunc& func) const override {
auto proxies = this->proxies();
for (int i = 0; i < fProxyCnt; ++i) {
SkString dumpInfo() const override {
SkString str;
str.appendf("AllowSRGBInputs: %d\n", fAllowSRGBInputs);
str.appendf("# draws: %d\n", fDraws.count());
auto proxies = this->proxies();
for (int i = 0; i < fProxyCnt; ++i) {
str.appendf("Proxy ID %d: %d, Filter: %d\n", i, proxies[i]->uniqueID().asUInt(),
for (int i = 0; i < fDraws.count(); ++i) {
const Draw& draw = fDraws[i];
"%d: Color: 0x%08x, ProxyIdx: %d, TexRect [L: %.2f, T: %.2f, R: %.2f, B: %.2f] "
"Quad [(%.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f)]\n",
i, draw.fColor, draw.fTextureIdx, draw.fSrcRect.fLeft, draw.fSrcRect.fTop,
draw.fSrcRect.fRight, draw.fSrcRect.fBottom, draw.fQuad.points()[0].fX,
draw.fQuad.points()[0].fY, draw.fQuad.points()[1].fX, draw.fQuad.points()[1].fY,
draw.fQuad.points()[2].fX, draw.fQuad.points()[2].fY, draw.fQuad.points()[3].fX,
str += INHERITED::dumpInfo();
return str;
RequiresDstTexture finalize(const GrCaps& caps, const GrAppliedClip* clip) override {
SkASSERT(1 == fProxyCnt);
fFinalized = true;
return RequiresDstTexture::kNo;
FixedFunctionFlags fixedFunctionFlags() const override { return FixedFunctionFlags::kNone; }
static constexpr int kMaxTextures = TextureGeometryProcessor::kMaxTextures;
TextureOp(sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxy, GrSamplerState::Filter filter, GrColor color,
const SkRect& srcRect, const SkRect& dstRect, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> csxf, bool allowSRGBInputs)
, fColorSpaceXform(std::move(csxf))
, fProxy0(proxy.release())
, fFilter0(filter)
, fProxyCnt(1)
, fFinalized(false)
, fAllowSRGBInputs(allowSRGBInputs) {
Draw& draw = fDraws.push_back();
draw.fSrcRect = srcRect;
draw.fTextureIdx = 0;
draw.fColor = color;
draw.fQuad.setFromMappedRect(dstRect, viewMatrix);
SkRect bounds;
bounds.setBounds(draw.fQuad.points(), 4);
this->setBounds(bounds, HasAABloat::kNo, IsZeroArea::kNo);
void onPrepareDraws(Target* target) override {
sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxiesSPs[kMaxTextures];
auto proxies = this->proxies();
auto filters = this->filters();
for (int i = 0; i < fProxyCnt; ++i) {
if (!proxies[i]->instantiate(target->resourceProvider())) {
proxiesSPs[i] = sk_ref_sp(proxies[i]);
sk_sp<GrGeometryProcessor> gp =
TextureGeometryProcessor::Make(proxiesSPs, fProxyCnt, std::move(fColorSpaceXform),
filters, *target->caps().shaderCaps());
GrPipeline::InitArgs args;
args.fProxy = target->proxy();
args.fCaps = &target->caps();
args.fResourceProvider = target->resourceProvider();
args.fFlags = fAllowSRGBInputs ? GrPipeline::kAllowSRGBInputs_Flag : 0;
const GrPipeline* pipeline = target->allocPipeline(args, GrProcessorSet::MakeEmptySet(),
int vstart;
const GrBuffer* vbuffer;
void* vdata = target->makeVertexSpace(gp->getVertexStride(), 4 * fDraws.count(), &vbuffer,
if (!vdata) {
SkDebugf("Could not allocate vertices\n");
sk_sp<const GrBuffer> ibuffer;
if (fDraws.count() > 1) {
if (!ibuffer) {
SkDebugf("Could not allocate quad indices\n");
if (1 == fProxyCnt) {
SkASSERT(gp->getVertexStride() == sizeof(TextureGeometryProcessor::Vertex));
for (int i = 0; i < fDraws.count(); ++i) {
auto vertices = static_cast<TextureGeometryProcessor::Vertex*>(vdata);
GrTexture* texture = proxies[0]->priv().peekTexture();
float iw = 1.f / texture->width();
float ih = 1.f / texture->height();
float tl = iw * fDraws[i].fSrcRect.fLeft;
float tr = iw * fDraws[i].fSrcRect.fRight;
float tt = ih * fDraws[i].fSrcRect.fTop;
float tb = ih * fDraws[i].fSrcRect.fBottom;
if (proxies[0]->origin() == kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin) {
tt = 1.f - tt;
tb = 1.f - tb;
vertices[0 + 4 * i].fPosition = fDraws[i].fQuad.points()[0];
vertices[0 + 4 * i].fTextureCoords = {tl, tt};
vertices[0 + 4 * i].fColor = fDraws[i].fColor;
vertices[1 + 4 * i].fPosition = fDraws[i].fQuad.points()[1];
vertices[1 + 4 * i].fTextureCoords = {tl, tb};
vertices[1 + 4 * i].fColor = fDraws[i].fColor;
vertices[2 + 4 * i].fPosition = fDraws[i].fQuad.points()[2];
vertices[2 + 4 * i].fTextureCoords = {tr, tb};
vertices[2 + 4 * i].fColor = fDraws[i].fColor;
vertices[3 + 4 * i].fPosition = fDraws[i].fQuad.points()[3];
vertices[3 + 4 * i].fTextureCoords = {tr, tt};
vertices[3 + 4 * i].fColor = fDraws[i].fColor;
} else {
SkASSERT(gp->getVertexStride() ==
GrTexture* textures[kMaxTextures];
float iw[kMaxTextures];
float ih[kMaxTextures];
for (int t = 0; t < fProxyCnt; ++t) {
textures[t] = proxies[t]->priv().peekTexture();
iw[t] = 1.f / textures[t]->width();
ih[t] = 1.f / textures[t]->height();
for (int i = 0; i < fDraws.count(); ++i) {
int t = fDraws[i].fTextureIdx;
auto vertices =
float tl = iw[t] * fDraws[i].fSrcRect.fLeft;
float tr = iw[t] * fDraws[i].fSrcRect.fRight;
float tt = ih[t] * fDraws[i].fSrcRect.fTop;
float tb = ih[t] * fDraws[i].fSrcRect.fBottom;
if (proxies[t]->origin() == kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin) {
tt = 1.f - tt;
tb = 1.f - tb;
vertices[0 + 4 * i].fPosition = fDraws[i].fQuad.points()[0];
vertices[0 + 4 * i].fTextureIdx = t;
vertices[0 + 4 * i].fTextureCoords = {tl, tt};
vertices[0 + 4 * i].fColor = fDraws[i].fColor;
vertices[1 + 4 * i].fPosition = fDraws[i].fQuad.points()[1];
vertices[1 + 4 * i].fTextureIdx = t;
vertices[1 + 4 * i].fTextureCoords = {tl, tb};
vertices[1 + 4 * i].fColor = fDraws[i].fColor;
vertices[2 + 4 * i].fPosition = fDraws[i].fQuad.points()[2];
vertices[2 + 4 * i].fTextureIdx = t;
vertices[2 + 4 * i].fTextureCoords = {tr, tb};
vertices[2 + 4 * i].fColor = fDraws[i].fColor;
vertices[3 + 4 * i].fPosition = fDraws[i].fQuad.points()[3];
vertices[3 + 4 * i].fTextureIdx = t;
vertices[3 + 4 * i].fTextureCoords = {tr, tt};
vertices[3 + 4 * i].fColor = fDraws[i].fColor;
GrMesh mesh(GrPrimitiveType::kTriangles);
mesh.setIndexedPatterned(ibuffer.get(), 6, 4, fDraws.count(),
mesh.setVertexData(vbuffer, vstart);
target->draw(gp.get(), pipeline, mesh);
} else {
// If there is only one draw then there can only be one proxy.
SkASSERT(1 == fProxyCnt);
SkASSERT(gp->getVertexStride() == sizeof(TextureGeometryProcessor::Vertex));
auto vertices = static_cast<TextureGeometryProcessor::Vertex*>(vdata);
GrTexture* texture = proxies[0]->priv().peekTexture();
float iw = 1.f / texture->width();
float ih = 1.f / texture->height();
float tl = iw * fDraws[0].fSrcRect.fLeft;
float tr = iw * fDraws[0].fSrcRect.fRight;
float tt = ih * fDraws[0].fSrcRect.fTop;
float tb = ih * fDraws[0].fSrcRect.fBottom;
if (proxies[0]->origin() == kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin) {
tt = 1.f - tt;
tb = 1.f - tb;
vertices[0].fPosition = fDraws[0].fQuad.points()[0];
vertices[0].fTextureCoords = {tl, tt};
vertices[0].fColor = fDraws[0].fColor;
vertices[1].fPosition = fDraws[0].fQuad.points()[3];
vertices[1].fTextureCoords = {tr, tt};
vertices[1].fColor = fDraws[0].fColor;
vertices[2].fPosition = fDraws[0].fQuad.points()[1];
vertices[2].fTextureCoords = {tl, tb};
vertices[2].fColor = fDraws[0].fColor;
vertices[3].fPosition = fDraws[0].fQuad.points()[2];
vertices[3].fTextureCoords = {tr, tb};
vertices[3].fColor = fDraws[0].fColor;
GrMesh mesh(GrPrimitiveType::kTriangleStrip);
mesh.setVertexData(vbuffer, vstart);
target->draw(gp.get(), pipeline, mesh);
bool onCombineIfPossible(GrOp* t, const GrCaps& caps) override {
const auto* that = t->cast<TextureOp>();
if (!GrColorSpaceXform::Equals(fColorSpaceXform.get(), that->fColorSpaceXform.get())) {
return false;
// Because of an issue where GrColorSpaceXform adds the same function every time it is used
// in a texture lookup, we only allow multiple textures when there is no transform.
if (TextureGeometryProcessor::SupportsMultitexture(*caps.shaderCaps()) &&
!fColorSpaceXform) {
int map[kMaxTextures];
int numNewProxies = this->mergeProxies(that, map, *caps.shaderCaps());
if (numNewProxies < 0) {
return false;
if (1 == fProxyCnt && numNewProxies) {
void* mem = new char[(sizeof(GrSamplerState::Filter) + sizeof(GrTextureProxy*)) *
auto proxies = reinterpret_cast<GrTextureProxy**>(mem);
auto filters = reinterpret_cast<GrSamplerState::Filter*>(proxies + kMaxTextures);
proxies[0] = fProxy0;
filters[0] = fFilter0;
fProxyArray = proxies;
fProxyCnt += numNewProxies;
auto thisProxies = fProxyArray;
auto thatProxies = that->proxies();
auto thatFilters = that->filters();
auto thisFilters = reinterpret_cast<GrSamplerState::Filter*>(thisProxies +
for (int i = 0; i < that->fProxyCnt; ++i) {
if (map[i] < 0) {
thisProxies[-map[i]] = thatProxies[i];
thisFilters[-map[i]] = thatFilters[i];
map[i] = -map[i];
int firstNewDraw = fDraws.count();
fDraws.push_back_n(that->fDraws.count(), that->fDraws.begin());
for (int i = firstNewDraw; i < fDraws.count(); ++i) {
fDraws[i].fTextureIdx = map[fDraws[i].fTextureIdx];
} else {
if (fProxy0->uniqueID() != that->fProxy0->uniqueID() || fFilter0 != that->fFilter0) {
return false;
fDraws.push_back_n(that->fDraws.count(), that->fDraws.begin());
return true;
* Determines a mapping of indices from that's proxy array to this's proxy array. A negative map
* value means that's proxy should be added to this's proxy array at the absolute value of
* the map entry. If it is determined that the ops shouldn't combine their proxies then a
* negative value is returned. Otherwise, return value indicates the number of proxies that have
* to be added to this op or, equivalently, the number of negative entries in map.
int mergeProxies(const TextureOp* that, int map[kMaxTextures], const GrShaderCaps& caps) const {
std::fill_n(map, kMaxTextures, -kMaxTextures);
int sharedProxyCnt = 0;
auto thisProxies = this->proxies();
auto thisFilters = this->filters();
auto thatProxies = that->proxies();
auto thatFilters = that->filters();
for (int i = 0; i < fProxyCnt; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < that->fProxyCnt; ++j) {
if (thisProxies[i]->uniqueID() == thatProxies[j]->uniqueID()) {
if (thisFilters[i] != thatFilters[j]) {
// In GL we don't currently support using the same texture with different
// samplers. If we added support for sampler objects and a cap bit to know
// it's ok to use different filter modes then we could support this.
// Otherwise, we could also only allow a single filter mode for each op
// instance.
return -1;
map[j] = i;
int actualMaxTextures = SkTMin(caps.maxFragmentImageStorages(), kMaxTextures);
int newProxyCnt = that->fProxyCnt - sharedProxyCnt;
if (newProxyCnt + fProxyCnt > actualMaxTextures) {
return -1;
GrPixelConfig config = thisProxies[0]->config();
int nextSlot = fProxyCnt;
for (int j = 0; j < that->fProxyCnt; ++j) {
// We want to avoid making many shaders because of different permutations of shader
// based swizzle and sampler types. The approach taken here is to require the configs to
// be the same and to only allow already instantiated proxies that have the most
// common sampler type. Otherwise we don't merge.
if (thatProxies[j]->config() != config) {
return -1;
if (GrTexture* tex = thatProxies[j]->priv().peekTexture()) {
if (tex->texturePriv().samplerType() != kTexture2DSampler_GrSLType) {
return -1;
if (map[j] < 0) {
map[j] = -(nextSlot++);
return newProxyCnt;
GrTextureProxy* const* proxies() const { return fProxyCnt > 1 ? fProxyArray : &fProxy0; }
const GrSamplerState::Filter* filters() const {
if (fProxyCnt > 1) {
return reinterpret_cast<const GrSamplerState::Filter*>(fProxyArray + kMaxTextures);
return &fFilter0;
struct Draw {
SkRect fSrcRect;
int fTextureIdx;
GrQuad fQuad;
GrColor fColor;
SkSTArray<1, Draw, true> fDraws;
sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> fColorSpaceXform;
// Initially we store a single proxy ptr and a single filter. If we grow to have more than
// one proxy we instead store pointers to dynamically allocated arrays of size kMaxTextures
// followed by kMaxTextures filters.
union {
GrTextureProxy* fProxy0;
GrTextureProxy** fProxyArray;
// The next four members should pack.
GrSamplerState::Filter fFilter0;
uint8_t fProxyCnt;
// Used to track whether fProxy is ref'ed or has a pending IO after finalize() is called.
uint8_t fFinalized;
uint8_t fAllowSRGBInputs;
typedef GrMeshDrawOp INHERITED;
constexpr int TextureGeometryProcessor::kMaxTextures;
constexpr int TextureOp::kMaxTextures;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace GrTextureOp {
std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> Make(sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxy, GrSamplerState::Filter filter,
GrColor color, const SkRect& srcRect, const SkRect& dstRect,
const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> csxf,
bool allowSRGBInputs) {
return TextureOp::Make(std::move(proxy), filter, color, srcRect, dstRect, viewMatrix,
std::move(csxf), allowSRGBInputs);
} // namespace GrTextureOp
#include "GrContext.h"
GrSurfaceDesc desc;
desc.fConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
desc.fHeight = random->nextULessThan(90) + 10;
desc.fWidth = random->nextULessThan(90) + 10;
desc.fOrigin = random->nextBool() ? kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin : kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin;
SkBackingFit fit = random->nextBool() ? SkBackingFit::kApprox : SkBackingFit::kExact;
auto proxy =
GrSurfaceProxy::MakeDeferred(context->resourceProvider(), desc, fit, SkBudgeted::kNo);
SkRect rect = GrTest::TestRect(random);
SkRect srcRect;
srcRect.fLeft = random->nextRangeScalar(0.f, proxy->width() / 2.f);
srcRect.fRight = random->nextRangeScalar(0.f, proxy->width()) + proxy->width() / 2.f;
srcRect.fTop = random->nextRangeScalar(0.f, proxy->height() / 2.f);
srcRect.fBottom = random->nextRangeScalar(0.f, proxy->height()) + proxy->height() / 2.f;
SkMatrix viewMatrix = GrTest::TestMatrixPreservesRightAngles(random);
GrColor color = SkColorToPremulGrColor(random->nextU());
GrSamplerState::Filter filter = (GrSamplerState::Filter)random->nextULessThan(
static_cast<uint32_t>(GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap) + 1);
auto csxf = GrTest::TestColorXform(random);
bool allowSRGBInputs = random->nextBool();
return GrTextureOp::Make(std::move(proxy), filter, color, srcRect, rect, viewMatrix,
std::move(csxf), allowSRGBInputs);