blob: a5ffca818deed1c829dc360f3008b25a26e5cfa8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkColorFilter_DEFINED
#define SkColorFilter_DEFINED
#include "SkColor.h"
#include "SkFlattenable.h"
#include "SkXfermode.h"
class SkBitmap;
class GrEffectRef;
class GrContext;
* ColorFilters are optional objects in the drawing pipeline. When present in
* a paint, they are called with the "src" colors, and return new colors, which
* are then passed onto the next stage (either ImageFilter or Xfermode).
* All subclasses are required to be reentrant-safe : it must be legal to share
* the same instance between several threads.
class SK_API SkColorFilter : public SkFlattenable {
* If the filter can be represented by a source color plus Mode, this
* returns true, and sets (if not NULL) the color and mode appropriately.
* If not, this returns false and ignores the parameters.
virtual bool asColorMode(SkColor* color, SkXfermode::Mode* mode) const;
* If the filter can be represented by a 5x4 matrix, this
* returns true, and sets the matrix appropriately.
* If not, this returns false and ignores the parameter.
virtual bool asColorMatrix(SkScalar matrix[20]) const;
* If the filter can be represented by per-component table, return true,
* and if table is not null, copy the bitmap containing the table into it.
* The table bitmap will be in SkBitmap::kA8_Config. Each row corresponding
* to each component in ARGB order. e.g. row[0] == alpha, row[1] == red,
* etc. To transform a color, you (logically) perform the following:
* a' = *table.getAddr8(a, 0);
* r' = *table.getAddr8(r, 1);
* g' = *table.getAddr8(g, 2);
* b' = *table.getAddr8(b, 3);
* The original component value is the horizontal index for a given row,
* and the stored value at that index is the new value for that component.
virtual bool asComponentTable(SkBitmap* table) const;
/** Called with a scanline of colors, as if there was a shader installed.
The implementation writes out its filtered version into result[].
Note: shader and result may be the same buffer.
@param src array of colors, possibly generated by a shader
@param count the number of entries in the src[] and result[] arrays
@param result written by the filter
virtual void filterSpan(const SkPMColor src[], int count,
SkPMColor result[]) const = 0;
/** Called with a scanline of colors, as if there was a shader installed.
The implementation writes out its filtered version into result[].
Note: shader and result may be the same buffer.
@param src array of colors, possibly generated by a shader
@param count the number of entries in the src[] and result[] arrays
@param result written by the filter
virtual void filterSpan16(const uint16_t shader[], int count,
uint16_t result[]) const;
enum Flags {
/** If set the filter methods will not change the alpha channel of the
kAlphaUnchanged_Flag = 0x01,
/** If set, this subclass implements filterSpan16(). If this flag is
set, then kAlphaUnchanged_Flag must also be set.
kHasFilter16_Flag = 0x02
/** Returns the flags for this filter. Override in subclasses to return
custom flags.
virtual uint32_t getFlags() const { return 0; }
* Apply this colorfilter to the specified SkColor. This routine handles
* converting to SkPMColor, calling the filter, and then converting back
* to SkColor. This method is not virtual, but will call filterSpan()
* which is virtual.
SkColor filterColor(SkColor) const;
/** Create a colorfilter that uses the specified color and mode.
If the Mode is DST, this function will return NULL (since that
mode will have no effect on the result).
@param c The source color used with the specified mode
@param mode The xfermode mode that is applied to each color in
the colorfilter's filterSpan[16,32] methods
@return colorfilter object that applies the src color and mode,
or NULL if the mode will have no effect.
static SkColorFilter* CreateModeFilter(SkColor c, SkXfermode::Mode mode);
/** Create a colorfilter that multiplies the RGB channels by one color, and
then adds a second color, pinning the result for each component to
[0..255]. The alpha components of the mul and add arguments
are ignored.
static SkColorFilter* CreateLightingFilter(SkColor mul, SkColor add);
/** A subclass may implement this factory function to work with the GPU backend. If the return
is non-NULL then the caller owns a ref on the returned object.
virtual GrEffectRef* asNewEffect(GrContext*) const;
SkDEVCODE(virtual void toString(SkString* str) const = 0;)
SkColorFilter() {}
SkColorFilter(SkReadBuffer& rb) : INHERITED(rb) {}
typedef SkFlattenable INHERITED;