| 8a1c16f | 2008-12-17 15:59:43 +0000 | [diff] [blame] | 1 | <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" |
| 2 | xmlns:Sk="urn:screenplay" targetNamespace="urn:screenplay"> |
| 3 | |
| 4 | <!-- /** Animate |
| 5 | An ID of an element of type <animate> or <set> |
| 6 | */ --> |
| 7 | <xs:simpleType name="Animate"> |
| 8 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 9 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 10 | |
| 11 | <!-- /** 3D_Point |
| 12 | An array of three floats in ECMAScript notation: [x, y, z]. |
| 13 | */ --> |
| 14 | <xs:simpleType name="3D_Point"> |
| 15 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 16 | <xs:pattern value="[+-]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.?)( *, *[+-]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.?)){2}" /> |
| 17 | </xs:restriction> |
| 18 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 19 | |
| 20 | <!-- /** ARGB |
| 21 | The red, green, blue, and optional alpha color components. |
| 22 | */ --> |
| 23 | <xs:simpleType name="ARGB"> |
| 24 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 25 | <!-- @pattern #[0-9a-fA-F]{3} #rgb contains three hexadecimal digits. #rgb is equivalent to 0xFFrrggbb. --> |
| 26 | <xs:pattern value="#[0-9a-fA-F]{3}"/> |
| 27 | <!-- @pattern #[0-9a-fA-F]{4} #argb contains four hexadecimal digits. #argb is equivalent to 0xaarrggbb. --> |
| 28 | <xs:pattern value="#[0-9a-fA-F]{4}"/> |
| 29 | <!-- @pattern #[0-9a-fA-F]{6} #rrggbb contains six hexadecimal digits. #rrggbb is equivalent to 0xFFrrggbb. --> |
| 30 | <xs:pattern value="#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}"/> |
| 31 | <!-- @pattern #[0-9a-fA-F]{8} #aarrggbb contains eight hexadecimal digits. #aarrggbb is equivalent to 0xaarrggbb. --> |
| 32 | <xs:pattern value="#[0-9a-fA-F]{8}"/> |
| 33 | <!-- @pattern 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]{8} 0xaarrggbb describes the color as a packed hexadecimal; each pair of digits |
| 34 | corresponds to alpha, red, green, and blue respectively. --> |
| 35 | <xs:pattern value="0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]{8}"/> |
| 36 | <!-- @pattern rgb\(\d+{1,3},\d+{1,3},\d+{1,3}\) rgb(r, g, b) describes color with three integers ranging from 0 to 255, |
| 37 | corresponding to red, green, and blue respectively. --> |
| 38 | <xs:pattern value="rgb\(\d+{1,3},\d+{1,3},\d+{1,3}\)"/> |
| 39 | <!-- @patternList Color can be described by the following standard CSS color names. --> |
| 40 | <xs:pattern value="aliceblue"/> |
| 41 | <xs:pattern value="antiquewhite"/> |
| 42 | <xs:pattern value="aqua"/> |
| 43 | <xs:pattern value="aquamarine"/> |
| 44 | <xs:pattern value="azure"/> |
| 45 | <xs:pattern value="beige"/> |
| 46 | <xs:pattern value="bisque"/> |
| 47 | <xs:pattern value="black"/> |
| 48 | <xs:pattern value="blanchedalmond"/> |
| 49 | <xs:pattern value="blue"/> |
| 50 | <xs:pattern value="blueviolet"/> |
| 51 | <xs:pattern value="brown"/> |
| 52 | <xs:pattern value="burlywood"/> |
| 53 | <xs:pattern value="cadetblue"/> |
| 54 | <xs:pattern value="chartreuse"/> |
| 55 | <xs:pattern value="chocolate"/> |
| 56 | <xs:pattern value="coral"/> |
| 57 | <xs:pattern value="cornflowerblue"/> |
| 58 | <xs:pattern value="cornsilk"/> |
| 59 | <xs:pattern value="crimson"/> |
| 60 | <xs:pattern value="cyan"/> |
| 61 | <xs:pattern value="darkblue"/> |
| 62 | <xs:pattern value="darkcyan"/> |
| 63 | <xs:pattern value="darkgoldenrod"/> |
| 64 | <xs:pattern value="darkgray"/> |
| 65 | <xs:pattern value="darkgreen"/> |
| 66 | <xs:pattern value="darkkhaki"/> |
| 67 | <xs:pattern value="darkmagenta"/> |
| 68 | <xs:pattern value="darkolivegreen"/> |
| 69 | <xs:pattern value="darkorange"/> |
| 70 | <xs:pattern value="darkorchid"/> |
| 71 | <xs:pattern value="darkred"/> |
| 72 | <xs:pattern value="darksalmon"/> |
| 73 | <xs:pattern value="darkseagreen"/> |
| 74 | <xs:pattern value="darkslateblue"/> |
| 75 | <xs:pattern value="darkslategray"/> |
| 76 | <xs:pattern value="darkturquoise"/> |
| 77 | <xs:pattern value="darkviolet"/> |
| 78 | <xs:pattern value="deeppink"/> |
| 79 | <xs:pattern value="deepskyblue"/> |
| 80 | <xs:pattern value="dimgray"/> |
| 81 | <xs:pattern value="dodgerblue"/> |
| 82 | <xs:pattern value="firebrick"/> |
| 83 | <xs:pattern value="floralwhite"/> |
| 84 | <xs:pattern value="forestgreen"/> |
| 85 | <xs:pattern value="fuchsia"/> |
| 86 | <xs:pattern value="gainsboro"/> |
| 87 | <xs:pattern value="ghostwhite"/> |
| 88 | <xs:pattern value="gold"/> |
| 89 | <xs:pattern value="goldenrod"/> |
| 90 | <xs:pattern value="gray"/> |
| 91 | <xs:pattern value="green"/> |
| 92 | <xs:pattern value="greenyellow"/> |
| 93 | <xs:pattern value="honeydew"/> |
| 94 | <xs:pattern value="hotpink"/> |
| 95 | <xs:pattern value="indianred"/> |
| 96 | <xs:pattern value="indigo"/> |
| 97 | <xs:pattern value="ivory"/> |
| 98 | <xs:pattern value="khaki"/> |
| 99 | <xs:pattern value="lavender"/> |
| 100 | <xs:pattern value="lavenderblush"/> |
| 101 | <xs:pattern value="lawngreen"/> |
| 102 | <xs:pattern value="lemonchiffon"/> |
| 103 | <xs:pattern value="lightblue"/> |
| 104 | <xs:pattern value="lightcoral"/> |
| 105 | <xs:pattern value="lightcyan"/> |
| 106 | <xs:pattern value="lightgoldenrodyellow"/> |
| 107 | <xs:pattern value="lightgreen"/> |
| 108 | <xs:pattern value="lightgrey"/> |
| 109 | <xs:pattern value="lightpink"/> |
| 110 | <xs:pattern value="lightsalmon"/> |
| 111 | <xs:pattern value="lightseagreen"/> |
| 112 | <xs:pattern value="lightskyblue"/> |
| 113 | <xs:pattern value="lightslategray"/> |
| 114 | <xs:pattern value="lightsteelblue"/> |
| 115 | <xs:pattern value="lightyellow"/> |
| 116 | <xs:pattern value="lime"/> |
| 117 | <xs:pattern value="limegreen"/> |
| 118 | <xs:pattern value="linen"/> |
| 119 | <xs:pattern value="magenta"/> |
| 120 | <xs:pattern value="maroon"/> |
| 121 | <xs:pattern value="mediumaquamarine"/> |
| 122 | <xs:pattern value="mediumblue"/> |
| 123 | <xs:pattern value="mediumorchid"/> |
| 124 | <xs:pattern value="mediumpurple"/> |
| 125 | <xs:pattern value="mediumseagreen"/> |
| 126 | <xs:pattern value="mediumslateblue"/> |
| 127 | <xs:pattern value="mediumspringgreen"/> |
| 128 | <xs:pattern value="mediumturquoise"/> |
| 129 | <xs:pattern value="mediumvioletred"/> |
| 130 | <xs:pattern value="midnightblue"/> |
| 131 | <xs:pattern value="mintcream"/> |
| 132 | <xs:pattern value="mistyrose"/> |
| 133 | <xs:pattern value="moccasin"/> |
| 134 | <xs:pattern value="navajowhite"/> |
| 135 | <xs:pattern value="navy"/> |
| 136 | <xs:pattern value="oldlace"/> |
| 137 | <xs:pattern value="olive"/> |
| 138 | <xs:pattern value="olivedrab"/> |
| 139 | <xs:pattern value="orange"/> |
| 140 | <xs:pattern value="orangered"/> |
| 141 | <xs:pattern value="orchid"/> |
| 142 | <xs:pattern value="palegoldenrod"/> |
| 143 | <xs:pattern value="palegreen"/> |
| 144 | <xs:pattern value="paleturquoise"/> |
| 145 | <xs:pattern value="palevioletred"/> |
| 146 | <xs:pattern value="papayawhip"/> |
| 147 | <xs:pattern value="peachpuff"/> |
| 148 | <xs:pattern value="peru"/> |
| 149 | <xs:pattern value="pink"/> |
| 150 | <xs:pattern value="plum"/> |
| 151 | <xs:pattern value="powderblue"/> |
| 152 | <xs:pattern value="purple"/> |
| 153 | <xs:pattern value="red"/> |
| 154 | <xs:pattern value="rosybrown"/> |
| 155 | <xs:pattern value="royalblue"/> |
| 156 | <xs:pattern value="saddlebrown"/> |
| 157 | <xs:pattern value="salmon"/> |
| 158 | <xs:pattern value="sandybrown"/> |
| 159 | <xs:pattern value="seagreen"/> |
| 160 | <xs:pattern value="seashell"/> |
| 161 | <xs:pattern value="sienna"/> |
| 162 | <xs:pattern value="silver"/> |
| 163 | <xs:pattern value="skyblue"/> |
| 164 | <xs:pattern value="slateblue"/> |
| 165 | <xs:pattern value="slategray"/> |
| 166 | <xs:pattern value="snow"/> |
| 167 | <xs:pattern value="springgreen"/> |
| 168 | <xs:pattern value="steelblue"/> |
| 169 | <xs:pattern value="tan"/> |
| 170 | <xs:pattern value="teal"/> |
| 171 | <xs:pattern value="thistle"/> |
| 172 | <xs:pattern value="tomato"/> |
| 173 | <xs:pattern value="turquoise"/> |
| 174 | <xs:pattern value="violet"/> |
| 175 | <xs:pattern value="wheat"/> |
| 176 | <xs:pattern value="white"/> |
| 177 | <xs:pattern value="whitesmoke"/> |
| 178 | <xs:pattern value="yellow"/> |
| 179 | <!--@patternListLast --> |
| 180 | <xs:pattern value="yellowgreen"/> |
| 181 | </xs:restriction> |
| 182 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 183 | |
| 184 | <!-- /** AddMode |
| 185 | AddMode controls how the add element adds its referenced element to the |
| 186 | display list. By default, the referenced element remains in the add element |
| 187 | so that the add element's use attribute may be animated to change the |
| 188 | element it refers to. Setting the mode attribute to "immediate" causes the |
| 189 | add element to put the referenced element in the display list directly. |
| 190 | The move and replace elements are not affected by the mode attribute; |
| 191 | they always move or replace the referenced element directly. |
| 192 | */ --> |
| 193 | <xs:simpleType name="AddMode"> |
| 194 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 195 | <!-- @pattern immediate Puts the referenced element in the display list. --> |
| 196 | <xs:pattern value="immediate"/> |
| 197 | <!-- @pattern indirect Puts the containing element in the display list. --> |
| 198 | <xs:pattern value="indirect"/> |
| 199 | </xs:restriction> |
| 200 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 201 | |
| 202 | <!-- /** Align |
| 203 | Align places text to the left, center, or right of the text position. |
| 204 | */ --> |
| 205 | <xs:simpleType name="Align"> |
| 206 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 207 | <!-- @pattern left The first character in the text string is drawn at the text position. --> |
| 208 | <xs:pattern value="left"/> |
| 209 | <!-- @pattern center The text string is measured and centered on the text position. --> |
| 210 | <xs:pattern value="center"/> |
| 211 | <!-- @pattern right The last character in the text string is drawn to the left of the text position. --> |
| 212 | <xs:pattern value="right"/> |
| 213 | </xs:restriction> |
| 214 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 215 | |
| 216 | <!-- /** ApplyMode |
| 217 | ApplyMode affects how the apply element animates values. |
| 218 | */ --> |
| 219 | <xs:simpleType name="ApplyMode"> |
| 220 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 221 | <!-- @pattern immediate Iterates through all animation values immediately. --> |
| 222 | <xs:pattern value="immediate"/> |
| 223 | <!-- @pattern once Performs the animation at once without adding the scope to |
| 224 | the display list. --> |
| 225 | <xs:pattern value="once"/> |
| 226 | </xs:restriction> |
| 227 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 228 | |
| 229 | <!-- /** ApplyTransition |
| 230 | ApplyTransition affects how the apply element sets the time of the animators. |
| 231 | */ --> |
| 232 | <xs:simpleType name="ApplyTransition"> |
| 233 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 234 | <!-- @pattern reverse Performs the animation in reverse. --> |
| 235 | <xs:pattern value="reverse"/> |
| 236 | </xs:restriction> |
| 237 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 238 | |
| 239 | <!-- /** Base64 |
| 240 | Base64 describes 8 bit binary using 64 character values. |
| 241 | See for the base64 format. |
| 242 | */ --> |
| 243 | <xs:simpleType name="Base64"> |
| 244 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 245 | <xs:pattern value="[A-Za-z0-9+/ ]+"/> |
| 246 | </xs:restriction> |
| 247 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 248 | |
| 249 | <!-- /** BaseBitmap |
| 250 | A reference to an image like a JPEG, GIF, or PNG; or a reference to a bitmap element |
| 251 | that has been drawn into with a drawTo element. |
| 252 | */ --> |
| 253 | <xs:simpleType name="BaseBitmap"> |
| 254 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 255 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 256 | |
| 257 | <!-- /** BitmapEncoding |
| 258 | Used to specify the compression format for writing an image file with the snapshot element. |
| 259 | */ --> |
| 260 | <xs:simpleType name="BitmapEncoding"> |
| 261 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 262 | <!-- @pattern jpeg See for more information about JPEG. --> |
| 263 | <xs:pattern value="jpeg"/> |
| 264 | <!-- @pattern png See for more information about PNG. --> |
| 265 | <xs:pattern value="png"/> |
| 266 | </xs:restriction> |
| 267 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 268 | |
| 269 | <!-- /** BitmapFormat |
| 270 | Determines the number of bits per pixel in a bitmap. |
| 271 | */ --> |
| 272 | <xs:simpleType name="BitmapFormat"> |
| 273 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 274 | <xs:pattern value="none"/> |
| 275 | <!-- @pattern A1 1-bit per pixel, (0 is transparent, 1 is opaque). --> |
| 276 | <xs:pattern value="A1"/> |
| 277 | <!-- @pattern A8 8-bits per pixel, with only alpha specified (0 is transparent, 0xFF is opaque). --> |
| 278 | <xs:pattern value="A8"/> |
| 279 | <!-- @pattern Index8 8-bits per pixel, using a ColorTable element to specify the colors. --> |
| 280 | <xs:pattern value="Index8"/> |
| 281 | <!-- @pattern RGB16 16-bits per pixel, compile-time configured to be either 555 or 565. --> |
| 282 | <xs:pattern value="RGB16"/> |
| 283 | <!-- @pattern RGB32 32-bits per pixel, plus alpha. --> |
| 284 | <xs:pattern value="RGB32"/> |
| 285 | </xs:restriction> |
| 286 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 287 | |
| 288 | <!-- /** Boolean |
| 289 | Either "true" (non-zero) or "false" (zero). |
| 290 | */ --> |
| 291 | <xs:simpleType name="Boolean"> |
| 292 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 293 | <xs:pattern value="false"/> |
| 294 | <xs:pattern value="true"/> |
| 295 | </xs:restriction> |
| 296 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 297 | |
| 298 | <!-- /** Cap |
| 299 | The values for the strokeCap attribute. |
| 300 | */ --> |
| 301 | <xs:simpleType name="Cap"> |
| 302 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 303 | <!-- @pattern butt begin and end a contour with no extension --> |
| 304 | <xs:pattern value="butt"/> |
| 305 | <!-- @pattern round begin and end a contour with a semi-circle extension --> |
| 306 | <xs:pattern value="round"/> |
| 307 | <!-- @pattern square begin and end a contour with a half square extension --> |
| 308 | <xs:pattern value="square"/> |
| 309 | </xs:restriction> |
| 310 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 311 | |
| 312 | <!-- /** Color |
| 313 | A reference to a color element. |
| 314 | */ --> |
| 315 | <xs:simpleType name="Color"> |
| 316 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 317 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 318 | |
| 319 | <!-- /** Displayable |
| 320 | A reference to any element: @list(Displayable) |
| 321 | */ --> |
| 322 | <xs:simpleType name="Displayable"> |
| 323 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 324 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 325 | |
| 326 | <!-- /** DisplayableArray |
| 327 | An array of one or more element IDs. |
| 328 | */ --> |
| 329 | <xs:simpleType name="DisplayableArray"> |
| 330 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 331 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 332 | |
| 333 | <!-- /** Drawable |
| 334 | A reference to an element that can be drawn: @list(Drawable) |
| 335 | */ --> |
| 336 | <xs:simpleType name="Drawable"> |
| 337 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 338 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 339 | |
| 340 | <!-- /** DynamicString |
| 341 | Dynamic strings contain scripts that are re-evaluated each time the script is enabled. |
| 342 | */ --> |
| 343 | <xs:simpleType name="DynamicString"> |
| 344 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 345 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 346 | |
| 347 | <!-- /** EventCode |
| 348 | Key codes that can trigger events, usually corresponding to physical buttons on the device. |
| 349 | */ --> |
| 350 | <xs:simpleType name="EventCode"> |
| 351 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 352 | <xs:pattern value="none"/> |
| 353 | <!-- @pattern up The up arrow. --> |
| 354 | <xs:pattern value="up"/> |
| 355 | <!-- @pattern down The down arrow. --> |
| 356 | <xs:pattern value="down"/> |
| 357 | <!-- @pattern left The left arrow. --> |
| 358 | <xs:pattern value="left"/> |
| 359 | <!-- @pattern right The right arrow. --> |
| 360 | <xs:pattern value="right"/> |
| 361 | <!-- @pattern back The back button (may not be present; the Backspace key on a PC). --> |
| 362 | <xs:pattern value="back"/> |
| 363 | <!-- @pattern end The end button (may not be present; the Esc key on a PC). --> |
| 364 | <xs:pattern value="end"/> |
| 365 | <!-- @pattern OK The OK button (the Enter key on a PC). --> |
| 366 | <xs:pattern value="OK"/> |
| 367 | </xs:restriction> |
| 368 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 369 | |
| 370 | <!-- /** EventKind |
| 371 | Specifies how an event is triggered; by a key, when an animation ends, when the |
| 372 | document is loaded, or when this event is triggered by the user's C++ or XML. |
| 373 | */ --> |
| 374 | <xs:simpleType name="EventKind"> |
| 375 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 376 | <xs:pattern value="none"/> |
| 377 | <!-- @pattern keyChar A key corresponding to a Unichar value. --> |
| 378 | <xs:pattern value="keyChar"/> |
| 379 | <!-- @pattern keyPress A key with a particular function, such as an arrow key or the OK button. --> |
| 380 | <xs:pattern value="keyPress"/> |
| 381 | <!-- @pattern mouseDown Triggered when the primary mouse button is pressed. --> |
| 382 | <xs:pattern value="mouseDown"/> |
| 383 | <!-- @pattern mouseDrag Triggered when the primary mouse is moved while the button is pressed. --> |
| 384 | <xs:pattern value="mouseDrag"/> |
| 385 | <!-- @pattern mouseMove Triggered when the primary mouse is moved. --> |
| 386 | <xs:pattern value="mouseMove"/> |
| 387 | <!-- @pattern mouseUp Triggered when the primary mouse button is released. --> |
| 388 | <xs:pattern value="mouseUp"/> |
| 389 | <!-- @pattern onEnd Triggered when an event ends. --> |
| 390 | <xs:pattern value="onEnd"/> |
| 391 | <!-- @pattern onLoad Triggered when the document loads. --> |
| 392 | <xs:pattern value="onLoad"/> |
| 393 | <!-- @pattern user Triggered when a post element or C++ event is activated. --> |
| 394 | <xs:pattern value="user"/> |
| 395 | </xs:restriction> |
| 396 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 397 | |
| 398 | <!-- /** EventMode |
| 399 | Specifies whether the event is delivered immediately to matching event element or deferred to |
| 400 | the application-wide event handler. |
| 401 | */ --> |
| 402 | <xs:simpleType name="EventMode"> |
| 403 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 404 | <!-- @pattern deferred Process the event using the host's event queue. --> |
| 405 | <xs:pattern value="deferred"/> |
| 406 | <!-- @pattern immediate Activate the event element immediately. --> |
| 407 | <xs:pattern value="immediate"/> |
| 408 | </xs:restriction> |
| 409 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 410 | |
| 411 | <!-- /** FillType |
| 412 | Filled paths that self-intersect use the winding or evenOdd rule to determine whether the |
| 413 | overlaps are filled or are holes. |
| 414 | */ --> |
| 415 | <xs:simpleType name="FillType"> |
| 416 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 417 | <!-- @pattern winding Fill if the sum of edge directions is non-zero. --> |
| 418 | <xs:pattern value="winding"/> |
| 419 | <!-- @pattern evenOdd Fill if the sum of edges is an odd number. --> |
| 420 | <xs:pattern value="evenOdd"/> |
| 421 | </xs:restriction> |
| 422 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 423 | |
| 424 | <!-- /** FilterType |
| 425 | Scaled bitmaps without a filter type set point-sample the source bitmap to determine the |
| 426 | destination pixels' colors. Bilinear and bicubic compute the values of intermediate pixels |
| 427 | by sampling the pixels around them. |
| 428 | */ --> |
| 429 | <xs:simpleType name="FilterType"> |
| 430 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 431 | <xs:pattern value="none"/> |
| 432 | <!-- @pattern bilinear Compute the pixel value as the linear interpolation of adjacent pixels. --> |
| 433 | <xs:pattern value="bilinear"/> |
| 434 | </xs:restriction> |
| 435 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 436 | |
| 437 | <!-- /** Float |
| 438 | A signed fractional value. |
| 439 | */ --> |
| 440 | <xs:simpleType name="Float"> |
| 441 | <xs:restriction base="xs:float"> |
| 442 | <xs:pattern value="[+-]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.?)"/> |
| 443 | </xs:restriction> |
| 444 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 445 | |
| 446 | <!-- /** FloatArray |
| 447 | An array of one or more signed fractional values. |
| 448 | */ --> |
| 449 | <xs:simpleType name="FloatArray"> |
| 450 | <xs:restriction base="xs:float"> |
| 451 | <xs:pattern value="\[[+-]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.?)( *, *[+-]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.?))*\]"/> |
| 452 | </xs:restriction> |
| 453 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 454 | |
| 455 | <!-- /** FromPathMode |
| 456 | A matrix computed from an offset along a path may include the point's position, the angle |
| 457 | tangent, or both. |
| 458 | . |
| 459 | */ --> |
| 460 | <xs:simpleType name="FromPathMode"> |
| 461 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 462 | <!-- @pattern normal Compute the matrix using the path's angle and position. --> |
| 463 | <xs:pattern value="normal"/> |
| 464 | <!-- @pattern angle Compute the matrix using only the path's angle. --> |
| 465 | <xs:pattern value="angle"/> |
| 466 | <!-- @pattern position Compute the matrix using only the path's position. --> |
| 467 | <xs:pattern value="position"/> |
| 468 | </xs:restriction> |
| 469 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 470 | |
| 471 | <!-- /** Int |
| 472 | A signed integer. |
| 473 | */ --> |
| 474 | <xs:simpleType name="Int"> |
| 475 | <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"/> |
| 476 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 477 | |
| 478 | <!-- /** IntArray |
| 479 | An array of one or more signed integer values. |
| 480 | */ --> |
| 481 | <xs:simpleType name="IntArray"> |
| 482 | <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"> |
| 483 | <xs:pattern value="\[[+-]?[0-9]+( *, *[+-]?[0-9]+)*\]"/> |
| 484 | </xs:restriction> |
| 485 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 486 | |
| 487 | <!-- /** Join |
| 488 | The edges of thick lines in a path are joined by extending the outer edges to form a miter, |
| 489 | or by adding a round circle at the intersection point, or by connecting the outer edges with a line |
| 490 | to form a blunt joint. |
| 491 | */ --> |
| 492 | <xs:simpleType name="Join"> |
| 493 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 494 | <!-- @pattern miter Extend the outer edges to form a miter. --> |
| 495 | <xs:pattern value="miter"/> |
| 496 | <!-- @pattern round Join the outer edges with a circular arc. --> |
| 497 | <xs:pattern value="round"/> |
| 498 | <!-- @pattern blunt Connect the outer edges with a line. --> |
| 499 | <xs:pattern value="blunt"/> |
| 500 | </xs:restriction> |
| 501 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 502 | |
| 503 | <!-- /** MaskFilterBlurStyle |
| 504 | A blur can affect the inside or outside part of the shape, or it can affect both. The shape |
| 505 | itself can be drawn solid, or can be invisible. |
| 506 | */ --> |
| 507 | <xs:simpleType name="MaskFilterBlurStyle"> |
| 508 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 509 | <!-- @pattern normal Blur inside and outside. --> |
| 510 | <xs:pattern value="normal"/> |
| 511 | <!-- @pattern solid Solid inside, blur outside. --> |
| 512 | <xs:pattern value="solid"/> |
| 513 | <!-- @pattern outer Invisible inside, blur outside. --> |
| 514 | <xs:pattern value="outer"/> |
| 515 | <!-- @pattern inner Blur inside only.. --> |
| 516 | <xs:pattern value="inner"/> |
| 517 | </xs:restriction> |
| 518 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 519 | |
| 520 | <!-- /** MaskFilter |
| 521 | The ID of a blur or emboss element. |
| 522 | */ --> |
| 523 | <xs:simpleType name="MaskFilter"> |
| 524 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 525 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 526 | |
| 527 | <!-- /** Matrix |
| 528 | The ID of a matrix element. |
| 529 | */ --> |
| 530 | <xs:simpleType name="Matrix"> |
| 531 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 532 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 533 | |
| 534 | <!-- /** MSec |
| 535 | A fractional second with millisecond resolution. |
| 536 | */ --> |
| 537 | <xs:simpleType name="MSec"> |
| 538 | <xs:restriction base="xs:float"/> |
| 539 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 540 | |
| 541 | <!-- /** Paint |
| 542 | The ID of a paint element. |
| 543 | */ --> |
| 544 | <xs:simpleType name="Paint"> |
| 545 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 546 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 547 | |
| 548 | <!-- /** Path |
| 549 | The ID of a path element. |
| 550 | */ --> |
| 551 | <xs:simpleType name="Path"> |
| 552 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 553 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 554 | |
| 555 | <!-- /** PathDirection |
| 556 | PathDirection determines if the path is traveled clockwise or counterclockwise. |
| 557 | */ --> |
| 558 | <xs:simpleType name="PathDirection"> |
| 559 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 560 | <!-- @pattern cw The path is traveled clockwise. --> |
| 561 | <xs:pattern value="cw"/> |
| 562 | <!-- @pattern ccw The path is traveled counterclockwise. --> |
| 563 | <xs:pattern value="ccw"/> |
| 564 | </xs:restriction> |
| 565 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 566 | |
| 567 | <!-- /** PathEffect |
| 568 | The ID of a dash or discrete element. |
| 569 | */ --> |
| 570 | <xs:simpleType name="PathEffect"> |
| 571 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 572 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 573 | |
| 574 | <!-- /** Point |
| 575 | A pair of signed values representing the x and y coordinates of a point. |
| 576 | */ --> |
| 577 | <xs:simpleType name="Point"> |
| 578 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 579 | <xs:pattern value="\[ *[+-]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.?) *[ ,] *[+-]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.?)\]"/> |
| 580 | </xs:restriction> |
| 581 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 582 | |
| 583 | <!-- /** Rect |
| 584 | The ID of a rectangle element. |
| 585 | */ --> |
| 586 | <xs:simpleType name="Rect"> |
| 587 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 588 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 589 | |
| 590 | <!-- /** Shader |
| 591 | The ID of a linear or radial gradient. |
| 592 | */ --> |
| 593 | <xs:simpleType name="Shader"> |
| 594 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 595 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 596 | |
| 597 | <!-- /** String |
| 598 | A sequence of characters. |
| 599 | */ --> |
| 600 | <xs:simpleType name="String"> |
| 601 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 602 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 603 | |
| 604 | <!-- /** Style |
| 605 | Geometry can be filled, stroked or both. |
| 606 | */ --> |
| 607 | <xs:simpleType name="Style"> |
| 608 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 609 | <!-- @pattern fill The interior of the geometry is filled with the paint's color. --> |
| 610 | <xs:pattern value="fill"/> |
| 611 | <!-- @pattern stroke The outline of the geometry is stroked with the paint's color. --> |
| 612 | <xs:pattern value="stroke"/> |
| 613 | <!-- @pattern strokeAndFill The interior is filled and outline is stroked with the paint's color. --> |
| 614 | <xs:pattern value="strokeAndFill"/> |
| 615 | </xs:restriction> |
| 616 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 617 | |
| 618 | <!-- /** Text |
| 619 | The ID of a text element. |
| 620 | */ --> |
| 621 | <xs:simpleType name="Text"> |
| 622 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 623 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 624 | |
| 625 | <!-- /** TextBoxAlign |
| 626 | Multiple lines of text may be aligned to the start of the box, the center, or the end. |
| 627 | */ --> |
| 628 | <xs:simpleType name="TextBoxAlign"> |
| 629 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 630 | <!-- @pattern start The text begins within the upper left of the box. --> |
| 631 | <xs:pattern value="start"/> |
| 632 | <!-- @pattern center The text is positioned in the center of the box. --> |
| 633 | <xs:pattern value="center"/> |
| 634 | <!-- @pattern end The text ends within the lower right of the box. --> |
| 635 | <xs:pattern value="end"/> |
| 636 | </xs:restriction> |
| 637 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 638 | |
| 639 | <!-- /** TextBoxMode |
| 640 | Fitting the text may optionally introduce line breaks. |
| 641 | */ --> |
| 642 | <xs:simpleType name="TextBoxMode"> |
| 643 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 644 | <!-- @pattern oneLine No additional linebreaks are added. --> |
| 645 | <xs:pattern value="oneLine"/> |
| 646 | <!-- @pattern lineBreak Line breaks may be added to fit the text to the box. --> |
| 647 | <xs:pattern value="lineBreak"/> |
| 648 | </xs:restriction> |
| 649 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 650 | |
| 651 | <!-- /** TileMode |
| 652 | A shader describes how to draw within a rectangle. |
| 653 | Outside of the rectangle, the shader may be ignored, clamped on the edges, or repeated. |
| 654 | The repetitions may be mirrored from the original shader. |
| 655 | */ --> |
| 656 | <xs:simpleType name="TileMode"> |
| 657 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 658 | <!-- @pattern clamp The edge shader color is extended. --> |
| 659 | <xs:pattern value="clamp"/> |
| 660 | <!-- @pattern repeat The shader is repeated horizontally and vertically. --> |
| 661 | <xs:pattern value="repeat"/> |
| 662 | <!-- @pattern mirror The shader is mirrored horizontally and vertically. --> |
| 663 | <xs:pattern value="mirror"/> |
| 664 | </xs:restriction> |
| 665 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 666 | |
| 667 | <!-- /** Typeface |
| 668 | The ID of a typeface element. |
| 669 | */ --> |
| 670 | <xs:simpleType name="Typeface"> |
| 671 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 672 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 673 | |
| 674 | <!-- /** UnknownArray |
| 675 | An array of values of any type. |
| 676 | */ --> |
| 677 | <xs:simpleType name="UnknownArray"> |
| 678 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/> |
| 679 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 680 | |
| 681 | <!-- /** Xfermode |
| 682 | The operation applied when drawing a color to the destination background. |
| 683 | */ --> |
| 684 | <xs:simpleType name="Xfermode"> |
| 685 | <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| 686 | <!-- @pattern clear Set the destination alpha to zero and the destination color to black. --> |
| 687 | <xs:pattern value="clear"/> |
| 688 | <!-- @pattern src Set the destination to the source alpha and color. --> |
| 689 | <xs:pattern value="src"/> |
| 690 | <!-- @pattern dst Set the destination to the destination alpha and color. --> |
| 691 | <xs:pattern value="dst"/> |
| 692 | <!-- @pattern srcOver The default. Set the destination to the source color blended |
| 693 | with the destination by the source alpha. --> |
| 694 | <xs:pattern value="srcOver"/> |
| 695 | <!-- @pattern dstOver Set the destination to the destination color blended |
| 696 | with the source by the destination alpha. --> |
| 697 | <xs:pattern value="dstOver"/> |
| 698 | <!-- @pattern srcIn Set the destination to the source color scaled by the destination |
| 699 | alpha. --> |
| 700 | <xs:pattern value="srcIn"/> |
| 701 | <!-- @pattern dstIn Set the destination to the destination color scaled by the source |
| 702 | alpha. --> |
| 703 | <xs:pattern value="dstIn"/> |
| 704 | <!-- @pattern srcOut Set the destination to the source color scaled by the |
| 705 | inverse of the destination alpha. --> |
| 706 | <xs:pattern value="srcOut"/> |
| 707 | <!-- @pattern dstOut Set the destination to the destination color scaled by the |
| 708 | inverse of the source alpha. --> |
| 709 | <xs:pattern value="dstOut"/> |
| 710 | <!-- @pattern srcATop Set the destination to the source color times the destination alpha, |
| 711 | blended with the destination times the inverse of the source alpha. --> |
| 712 | <xs:pattern value="srcATop"/> |
| 713 | <!-- @pattern dstATop Set the destination to the destination color times the source alpha, |
| 714 | blended with the source times the inverse of the destination alpha. --> |
| 715 | <xs:pattern value="dstATop"/> |
| 716 | <!-- @pattern xor Set the destination to the destination color times the |
| 717 | inverse of the source alpha, |
| 718 | blended with the source times the inverse of the destination alpha. --> |
| 719 | <xs:pattern value="xor"/> |
| 720 | </xs:restriction> |
| 721 | </xs:simpleType> |
| 722 | |
| 723 | <!-- /** Math |
| 724 | Math provides functions and properties in the ECMAScript library to screenplay script expressions. |
| 725 | The Math element is always implicitly added at the top of every screenplay description, so |
| 726 | its functions and properties are always available. |
| 727 | */ --> |
| 728 | <xs:element name="Math"> |
| 729 | <xs:complexType> |
| 730 | <!-- @attribute E The value 2.718281828. --> |
| 731 | <xs:attribute name="E" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 732 | <!-- @attribute LN10 The value 2.302585093. --> |
| 733 | <xs:attribute name="LN10" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 734 | <!-- @attribute LN2 The value 0.693147181. --> |
| 735 | <xs:attribute name="LN2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 736 | <!-- @attribute LOG10E The value 0.434294482. --> |
| 737 | <xs:attribute name="LOG10E" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 738 | <!-- @attribute LOG2E The value 1.442695041. --> |
| 739 | <xs:attribute name="LOG2E" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 740 | <!-- @attribute PI The value 3.141592654. --> |
| 741 | <xs:attribute name="PI" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 742 | <!-- @attribute SQRT1_2 The value 0.707106781. --> |
| 743 | <xs:attribute name="SQRT1_2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 744 | <!-- @attribute SQRT2 The value 1.414213562. --> |
| 745 | <xs:attribute name="SQRT2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 746 | <!-- @attribute abs A function that returns the absolute value of its argument. --> |
| 747 | <xs:attribute name="abs" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 748 | <!-- @attribute acos A function that returns the arc cosine of its argument. --> |
| 749 | <xs:attribute name="acos" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 750 | <!-- @attribute asin A function that returns the arc sine of its argument. --> |
| 751 | <xs:attribute name="asin" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 752 | <!-- @attribute atan A function that returns the arc tan of its argument. --> |
| 753 | <xs:attribute name="atan" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 754 | <!-- @attribute atan2 A function that returns the arc tan of the ratio of its two arguments. --> |
| 755 | <xs:attribute name="atan2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 756 | <!-- @attribute ceil A function that returns the rounded up value of its argument. --> |
| 757 | <xs:attribute name="ceil" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 758 | <!-- @attribute cos A function that returns the cosine of its argument. --> |
| 759 | <xs:attribute name="cos" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 760 | <!-- @attribute exp A function that returns E raised to a power (the argument). --> |
| 761 | <xs:attribute name="exp" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 762 | <!-- @attribute floor A function that returns the rounded down value of its argument. --> |
| 763 | <xs:attribute name="floor" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 764 | <!-- @attribute log A function that returns the natural logarithm its argument. --> |
| 765 | <xs:attribute name="log" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 766 | <!-- @attribute max A function that returns the largest of any number of arguments. --> |
| 767 | <xs:attribute name="max" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 768 | <!-- @attribute min A function that returns the smallest of any number of arguments. --> |
| 769 | <xs:attribute name="min" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 770 | <!-- @attribute pow A function that returns the first argument raised to the power of the second argument. --> |
| 771 | <xs:attribute name="pow" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 772 | <!-- @attribute random A function that returns a random value from zero to one. |
| 773 | (See also the <random> element.) --> |
| 774 | <xs:attribute name="random" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 775 | <!-- @attribute round A function that returns the rounded value of its argument. --> |
| 776 | <xs:attribute name="round" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 777 | <!-- @attribute sin A function that returns the sine of its argument. --> |
| 778 | <xs:attribute name="sin" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 779 | <!-- @attribute sqrt A function that returns the square root of its argument. --> |
| 780 | <xs:attribute name="sqrt" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 781 | <!-- @attribute tan A function that returns the tangent of its argument. --> |
| 782 | <xs:attribute name="tan" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 783 | </xs:complexType> |
| 784 | </xs:element> |
| 785 | |
| 786 | <!-- /** Number |
| 787 | Number provides properties in the ECMAScript library to screenplay script expressions. |
| 788 | The Number element is always implicitly added at the top of every screenplay description, so |
| 789 | its properties are always available. |
| 790 | */ --> |
| 791 | <xs:element name="Number"> |
| 792 | <xs:complexType> |
| 793 | <!-- @attribute MAX_VALUE The maximum number value; approximately 32767.999985 fixed point, |
| 794 | 3.4028235e+38 floating point. --> |
| 795 | <xs:attribute name="MAX_VALUE" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 796 | <!-- @attribute MIN_VALUE The minimum number value; approximately 0.000015 fixed point, |
| 797 | 1.1754944e-38 floating point. --> |
| 798 | <xs:attribute name="MIN_VALUE" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 799 | <!-- @attribute NEGATIVE_INFINITY The most negative number value. Fixed point does not |
| 800 | have a value for negative infinity, and approximates it with -32767.999985. --> |
| 801 | <xs:attribute name="NEGATIVE_INFINITY" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 802 | <!-- @attribute NaN A bit pattern representing "Not a Number". Fixed point does not |
| 803 | have a value for NaN, and approximates it with -32768. --> |
| 804 | <xs:attribute name="NaN" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 805 | <!-- @attribute POSITIVE_INFINITY The greatest positive number value. Fixed point does not |
| 806 | have a value for positive infinity, and approximates it with 32767.999985. --> |
| 807 | <xs:attribute name="POSITIVE_INFINITY" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 808 | </xs:complexType> |
| 809 | </xs:element> |
| 810 | |
| 811 | <!-- /** add |
| 812 | Add references a drawable element, and adds it to the display list. |
| 813 | If where and offset are omitted, the element is appended to the end of the display list. |
| 814 | If where is specified, the element is inserted at the first occurance of where in the display list. |
| 815 | If offset and where are specified, the element is inserted at where plus offset. |
| 816 | A positive offset without where inserts the element at the start of the list plus offset. |
| 817 | A negative offset without where inserts the element at the end of the list minus offset. |
| 818 | */ --> |
| 819 | <xs:element name="add"> |
| 820 | <xs:complexType> |
| 821 | <!-- @attribute mode If indirect (the default), keep the add element in the display list, |
| 822 | and draw the add's use element. If immediate, put the add's use element in the display list. --> |
| 823 | <xs:attribute name="mode" type="Sk:AddMode"/> |
| 824 | <!-- @attribute offset The offset added to the insert index. --> |
| 825 | <xs:attribute name="offset" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 826 | <!-- @attribute use The drawable element to add to the display list. --> |
| 827 | <xs:attribute name="use" type="Sk:Drawable"/> |
| 828 | <!-- @attribute where The drawable element marking where to insert. --> |
| 829 | <xs:attribute name="where" type="Sk:Drawable"/> |
| 830 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 831 | </xs:complexType> |
| 832 | </xs:element> |
| 833 | |
| 834 | <!-- /** addCircle |
| 835 | AddCircle adds a closed circle to the parent path element. |
| 836 | */ --> |
| 837 | <xs:element name="addCircle"> |
| 838 | <xs:complexType> |
| 839 | <!-- @attribute direction One of @pattern. @patternDescription --> |
| 840 | <xs:attribute name="direction" type="Sk:PathDirection"/> |
| 841 | <!-- @attribute radius The distance from the center to the edge of the circle. --> |
| 842 | <xs:attribute name="radius" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 843 | <!-- @attribute x The x coordinate of the circle's center. --> |
| 844 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 845 | <!-- @attribute y The y coordinate of the circle's center.--> |
| 846 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 847 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 848 | </xs:complexType> |
| 849 | </xs:element> |
| 850 | |
| 851 | <!-- /** addOval |
| 852 | AddOval adds a closed oval described by its bounding box to the parent path element. |
| 853 | */ --> |
| 854 | <xs:element name="addOval"> |
| 855 | <xs:complexType> |
| 856 | <!-- @attribute direction One of @pattern. @patternDescription --> |
| 857 | <xs:attribute name="direction" type="Sk:PathDirection"/> |
| 858 | <!-- @attribute bottom The bottom edge of the oval's bounding box. --> |
| 859 | <xs:attribute name="bottom" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 860 | <!-- @attribute left The left edge of the oval's bounding box. --> |
| 861 | <xs:attribute name="left" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 862 | <!-- @attribute right The right edge of the oval's bounding box. --> |
| 863 | <xs:attribute name="right" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 864 | <!-- @attribute top The top edge of the oval's bounding box. --> |
| 865 | <xs:attribute name="top" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 866 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 867 | </xs:complexType> |
| 868 | </xs:element> |
| 869 | |
| 870 | <!-- /** addPath |
| 871 | AddPath adds a path to the parent path element. |
| 872 | An optional matrix may transform the path as it is added. |
| 873 | */ --> |
| 874 | <xs:element name="addPath"> |
| 875 | <xs:complexType> |
| 876 | <!-- @attribute matrix The matrix applied to the path as it is added. --> |
| 877 | <xs:attribute name="matrix" type="Sk:Matrix"/> |
| 878 | <!-- @attribute path The path to add. --> |
| 879 | <xs:attribute name="path" type="Sk:Path"/> |
| 880 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 881 | </xs:complexType> |
| 882 | </xs:element> |
| 883 | |
| 884 | <!-- /** addRect |
| 885 | AddRect adds a closed rectangle to the parent path element. |
| 886 | */ --> |
| 887 | <xs:element name="addRect"> |
| 888 | <xs:complexType> |
| 889 | <!-- @attribute direction One of @pattern. @patternDescription --> |
| 890 | <xs:attribute name="direction" type="Sk:PathDirection"/> |
| 891 | <!-- @attribute bottom The bottom edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 892 | <xs:attribute name="bottom" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 893 | <!-- @attribute left The left edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 894 | <xs:attribute name="left" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 895 | <!-- @attribute right The right edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 896 | <xs:attribute name="right" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 897 | <!-- @attribute top" The top" edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 898 | <xs:attribute name="top" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 899 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 900 | </xs:complexType> |
| 901 | </xs:element> |
| 902 | |
| 903 | <!-- /** addRoundRect |
| 904 | AddRoundRect adds a closed rounded rectangle to the parent path element. |
| 905 | */ --> |
| 906 | <xs:element name="addRoundRect"> |
| 907 | <xs:complexType> |
| 908 | <!-- @attribute direction One of @pattern. @patternDescription --> |
| 909 | <xs:attribute name="direction" type="Sk:PathDirection"/> |
| 910 | <!-- @attribute bottom The bottom edge of the rounded rectangle's bounding box. --> |
| 911 | <xs:attribute name="bottom" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 912 | <!-- @attribute left The left edge of the rounded rectangle's bounding box. --> |
| 913 | <xs:attribute name="left" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 914 | <!-- @attribute right The right edge of the rounded rectangle's bounding box. --> |
| 915 | <xs:attribute name="right" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 916 | <!-- @attribute top The top edge of the rounded rectangle's bounding box. --> |
| 917 | <xs:attribute name="top" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 918 | <!-- @attribute rx The X-radius of the oval used to round the corners. --> |
| 919 | <xs:attribute name="rx" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 920 | <!-- @attribute ry The Y-radius of the oval used to round the corners. --> |
| 921 | <xs:attribute name="ry" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 922 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 923 | </xs:complexType> |
| 924 | </xs:element> |
| 925 | |
| 926 | <!-- /** animate |
| 927 | Animate varies the value of an element's attribute over time. |
| 928 | The animation may vary starting at the 'from' attribute, and ending at the 'to' attribute, |
| 929 | or may compute the value using the 'formula' attribute. |
| 930 | */ --> |
| 931 | <xs:element name="animate"> |
| 932 | <xs:complexType> |
| 933 | <!-- @attribute begin An optional offset that must elapse before the animation begins. The apply |
| 934 | begin attribute is added to any animator's begin attribute. --> |
| 935 | <xs:attribute name="begin" type="Sk:MSec"/> |
| 936 | <!-- @attribute blend Specifies how the from and to values are blended. A value from 0.0 to |
| 937 | 1.0 specifies a cubic lag/log/lag blend (slow to change at the beginning and end); the closer |
| 938 | blend is to 1.0, the more linear the blend. If omitted, the blend is linear. --> |
| 939 | <xs:attribute name="blend" type="Sk:FloatArray"/> |
| 940 | <!-- @attribute dur The duration of the animation in milliseconds. --> |
| 941 | <xs:attribute name="dur" type="Sk:MSec"/> |
| 942 | <!-- @attribute dynamic If true, restart the animation if any of the simple values the 'from', 'formula', |
| 943 | 'lval', or 'to' attributes reference are changed. Simple values are contained by the array, boolean, float, int, |
| 944 | and string elements. --> |
| 945 | <xs:attribute name="dynamic" type="Sk:Boolean" /> |
| 946 | <!-- @attribute field The attribute to animate. --> |
| 947 | <xs:attribute name="field" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 948 | <!-- @attribute formula A script to execute over time to compute the field's value. Typically, |
| 949 | the fomula is a script expression which includes a reference to the time attribute of the |
| 950 | containing apply element. Requires a dur. For animations that do not stop, set dur="Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY" --> |
| 951 | <xs:attribute name="formula" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 952 | <!-- @attribute from The starting value (requires a 'to' attribute) --> |
| 953 | <xs:attribute name="from" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 954 | <!-- @attribute lval An expression evaluating to the attribute to animate. |
| 955 | If present, lval overrides 'field'. The expression is typically an array element, |
| 956 | e.g. lval="x[y]" . --> |
| 957 | <xs:attribute name="lval" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 958 | <!-- @attribute mirror If true, reverses the interpolated value during even repeat cycles. --> |
| 959 | <xs:attribute name="mirror" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 960 | <!-- @attribute repeat Specifies the number of times to repeat the animation. |
| 961 | (May be fractional.) --> |
| 962 | <xs:attribute name="repeat" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 963 | <!-- @attribute reset If true, the computed value is the initial value after the |
| 964 | animation is complete. If false, or by default, the computed value is the final value |
| 965 | after the animation is complete. --> |
| 966 | <xs:attribute name="reset" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 967 | <!-- @attribute step When the apply's attribute mode="immediate" or "create", the step attribute can be read by |
| 968 | script to determine the current animation iteration. --> |
| 969 | <xs:attribute name="step" type="Sk:Int" /> |
| 970 | <!-- @attribute target The element to animate. By default, the element contained by the apply |
| 971 | or referenced by the apply's scope attribute is the animate target. --> |
| 972 | <xs:attribute name="target" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 973 | <!-- @attribute to The ending value (requires a 'from' attribute) --> |
| 974 | <xs:attribute name="to" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 975 | <!-- @attribute values [Depreciated] --> |
| 976 | <xs:attribute name="values" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 977 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 978 | </xs:complexType> |
| 979 | </xs:element> |
| 980 | |
| 981 | <!-- /** apply |
| 982 | Apply changes one or more attributes of an element. |
| 983 | Apply either contains one displayable element or references the element scoping the change |
| 984 | with the 'scope' attribute. Apply either contains one animator element or references it with |
| 985 | the 'animator' attribute. |
| 986 | In the display list, apply draws the element it scopes after evaluating the animation. |
| 987 | */ --> |
| 988 | <xs:element name="apply"> |
| 989 | <xs:complexType> |
| 990 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| 991 | <xs:element ref="Sk:animate"/> |
| 992 | <xs:element ref="Sk:set" /> |
| 993 | <!-- not quite right; want to say 'one of the above, one of the below' |
| 994 | </xs:choice> |
| 995 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| 996 | --> |
| 997 | <xs:element ref="Sk:add"/> |
| 998 | <xs:element ref="Sk:array"/> |
| 999 | <xs:element ref="Sk:apply"/> |
| 1000 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bitmap"/> |
| 1001 | <xs:element ref="Sk:boolean"/> |
| 1002 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bounds"/> |
| 1003 | <!-- <xs:element ref="Sk3D:camera"/> --> |
| 1004 | <xs:element ref="Sk:clear"/> |
| 1005 | <xs:element ref="Sk:clip"/> |
| 1006 | <xs:element ref="Sk:color"/> |
| 1007 | <xs:element ref="Sk:drawTo"/> |
| 1008 | <xs:element ref="Sk:float"/> |
| 1009 | <xs:element ref="Sk:full"/> |
| 1010 | <xs:element ref="Sk:group"/> |
| 1011 | <xs:element ref="Sk:image"/> |
| 1012 | <xs:element ref="Sk:int"/> |
| 1013 | <xs:element ref="Sk:line"/> |
| 1014 | <xs:element ref="Sk:matrix"/> |
| 1015 | <xs:element ref="Sk:move"/> |
| 1016 | <xs:element ref="Sk:oval"/> |
| 1017 | <xs:element ref="Sk:paint"/> |
| 1018 | <!-- <xs:element ref="Sk:patch"/> --> |
| 1019 | <xs:element ref="Sk:path"/> |
| 1020 | <xs:element ref="Sk:point"/> |
| 1021 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polygon"/> |
| 1022 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polyline"/> |
| 1023 | <xs:element ref="Sk:post"/> |
| 1024 | <xs:element ref="Sk:random"/> |
| 1025 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rect"/> |
| 1026 | <xs:element ref="Sk:remove"/> |
| 1027 | <xs:element ref="Sk:replace"/> |
| 1028 | <xs:element ref="Sk:roundRect"/> |
| 1029 | <xs:element ref="Sk:save"/> |
| 1030 | <xs:element ref="Sk:snapshot"/> |
| 1031 | <xs:element ref="Sk:string"/> |
| 1032 | <xs:element ref="Sk:text"/> |
| 1033 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textBox"/> |
| 1034 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textOnPath"/> |
| 1035 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textToPath"/> |
| 1036 | </xs:choice> |
| 1037 | <!-- @attribute animator The description of how the element is changed over time. --> |
| 1038 | <xs:attribute name="animator" type="Sk:Animate"/> |
| 1039 | <!-- @attribute begin An optional offset that must elapse before the animation begins. The apply |
| 1040 | begin attribute is added to any animator's begin attribute. --> |
| 1041 | <xs:attribute name="begin" type="Sk:MSec" /> |
| 1042 | <!-- @attribute dontDraw Edits an element's attribute without drawing it; for instance, |
| 1043 | to edit a clip's rectangle without drawing the rectangle, set dontDraw="true". --> |
| 1044 | <xs:attribute name="dontDraw" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1045 | <!-- @attribute dynamicScope The location in the display list where animations are stored. Use |
| 1046 | dynamicScope instead of scope if a script expression with potentially different values is desired to |
| 1047 | describe the scope. --> |
| 1048 | <xs:attribute name="dynamicScope" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 1049 | <!-- @attribute interval The optional time interval from one animation frame to the next. --> |
| 1050 | <xs:attribute name="interval" type="Sk:MSec" /> |
| 1051 | <!-- @attribute mode One of @pattern. @patternDescription --> |
| 1052 | <xs:attribute name="mode" type="Sk:ApplyMode"/> |
| 1053 | <!-- @attribute pickup Starts the animation at the current target's attribute value. Enabling |
| 1054 | 'pickup' permits omitting the 'from' attribute of the animator. --> |
| 1055 | <xs:attribute name="pickup" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1056 | <!-- @attribute restore If true, multiple references to the same apply statement save and |
| 1057 | restore the interpolated target values. --> |
| 1058 | <xs:attribute name="restore" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1059 | <!-- @attribute scope The location in the display list where animations are stored. --> |
| 1060 | <xs:attribute name="scope" type="Sk:Drawable"/> |
| 1061 | <!-- @attribute step When mode="immediate" or "create", the step attribute can be read by |
| 1062 | script to determine the current animation iteration. --> |
| 1063 | <xs:attribute name="step" type="Sk:Int" /> |
| 1064 | <!-- @attribute steps When mode="immediate", the number of times the animation |
| 1065 | is stepped. The animation iterates 'steps' times plus one. --> |
| 1066 | <xs:attribute name="steps" type="Sk:Int" /> |
| 1067 | <!-- @attribute time When read from script, returns the animation time. Typically used by |
| 1068 | an animate element's formula attribute. --> |
| 1069 | <xs:attribute name="time" type="Sk:MSec" /> |
| 1070 | <!-- @attribute transition One of @pattern. @patternDescription --> |
| 1071 | <xs:attribute name="transition" type="Sk:ApplyTransition"/> |
| 1072 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1073 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1074 | </xs:element> |
| 1075 | |
| 1076 | <!-- /** array |
| 1077 | Array contains an array of values of the same type. The values may be |
| 1078 | numbers or strings. |
| 1079 | */ --> |
| 1080 | <xs:element name="array"> |
| 1081 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1082 | <!-- @attribute length The number of elements in the array (read only). --> |
| 1083 | <xs:attribute name="length" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 1084 | <!-- @attribute values The elements in the array. --> |
| 1085 | <xs:attribute name="values" type="Sk:UnknownArray"/> |
| 1086 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1087 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1088 | </xs:element> |
| 1089 | |
| 1090 | <!-- /** bitmap |
| 1091 | Bitmap describes a rectangle of pixels. |
| 1092 | Use the <drawTo> element to draw to a bitmap. |
| 1093 | Add the bitmap to the display list to draw from a bitmap. |
| 1094 | */ --> |
| 1095 | <xs:element name="bitmap"> |
| 1096 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1097 | <!-- @attribute erase The color, including the alpha, the bitmap is intially set to. --> |
| 1098 | <xs:attribute name="erase" type="Sk:ARGB"/> |
| 1099 | <!-- @attribute format One of @pattern. @patternDescription --> |
| 1100 | <xs:attribute name="format" type="Sk:BitmapFormat"/> |
| 1101 | <!-- @attribute height The height of the bitmap in pixels. --> |
| 1102 | <xs:attribute name="height" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 1103 | <!-- @attribute rowBytes The number of byte describing each row of pixels (optional). --> |
| 1104 | <xs:attribute name="rowBytes" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 1105 | <!-- @attribute width The height of the width in pixels. --> |
| 1106 | <xs:attribute name="width" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 1107 | <!-- @attribute x The left edge of the bitmap in unit space. --> |
| 1108 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1109 | <!-- @attribute y The top edge of teh bitmap in unit space. --> |
| 1110 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1111 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1112 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1113 | </xs:element> |
| 1114 | |
| 1115 | <!-- /** bitmapShader |
| 1116 | BitmapShader sets the paint shader to draw the bitmap as a texture. |
| 1117 | */ --> |
| 1118 | <xs:element name="bitmapShader"> |
| 1119 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1120 | <xs:choice > |
| 1121 | <xs:element ref="Sk:image" minOccurs="0" /> |
| 1122 | <xs:element ref="Sk:matrix" minOccurs="0" /> |
| 1123 | </xs:choice> |
| 1124 | <!-- @attribute matrix Matrix applies a 3x3 transform to the gradient. --> |
| 1125 | <xs:attribute name="matrix" type="Sk:Matrix"/> |
| 1126 | <!-- @attribute tileMode One of @pattern. @patternDescription --> |
| 1127 | <xs:attribute name="tileMode" type="Sk:TileMode"/> |
| 1128 | <!-- @attribute filterType The bitmap filter to employ, one of @pattern. --> |
| 1129 | <xs:attribute name="filterType" type="Sk:FilterType"/> |
| 1130 | <!-- @attribute image The bitmap to draw. --> |
| 1131 | <xs:attribute name="image" type="Sk:BaseBitmap"/> |
| 1132 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1133 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1134 | </xs:element> |
| 1135 | |
| 1136 | |
| 1137 | <!-- /** blur |
| 1138 | Blur describes an image filter in the paint that blurs the drawn geometry. |
| 1139 | */ --> |
| 1140 | <xs:element name="blur"> |
| 1141 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1142 | <!-- @attribute blurStyle One of @pattern. @patternDescription --> |
| 1143 | <xs:attribute name="blurStyle" type="Sk:MaskFilterBlurStyle"/> |
| 1144 | <!-- @attribute radius The extent of the filter effect in unit space. If the radius is less |
| 1145 | than zero, the blur has no effect. --> |
| 1146 | <xs:attribute name="radius" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1147 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1148 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1149 | </xs:element> |
| 1150 | |
| 1151 | <!-- /** boolean |
| 1152 | Boolean contains an boolean. The boolean element cannot be added to a display list, but can |
| 1153 | by set by animations and read by any attribute definition. An boolean element may be referenced, |
| 1154 | for instance, by a group's condition attribute to make an animation conditionally execute. |
| 1155 | */ --> |
| 1156 | <xs:element name="boolean"> |
| 1157 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1158 | <!-- @attribute value The contained boolean. --> |
| 1159 | <xs:attribute name="value" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1160 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1161 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1162 | </xs:element> |
| 1163 | |
| 1164 | <!-- /** bounds |
| 1165 | Bounds describes a bounding box that is not drawn. Bounds is used to specify a rectangle to |
| 1166 | invalidate or record whether the specified area was drawn. |
| 1167 | The width and height attribute compute the rectangle's right and bottom edges when the rectangle |
| 1168 | description is first seen. Animating the rectangle's left or top will not recompute the right or bottom |
| 1169 | if the width or height have been specified. |
| 1170 | */ --> |
| 1171 | <xs:element name="bounds"> |
| 1172 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1173 | <!-- @attribute bottom The bottom edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 1174 | <xs:attribute name="bottom" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1175 | <!-- @attribute height The height of the rectangle. Setting height computes the |
| 1176 | bottom attribute from the top attribute. --> |
| 1177 | <xs:attribute name="height" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1178 | <!-- @attribute inval If set to true, union the drawn bounds to compute an inval area. --> |
| 1179 | <xs:attribute name="inval" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1180 | <!-- @attribute left The left edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 1181 | <xs:attribute name="left" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1182 | <!-- @attribute needsRedraw Set to true if last draw was visible. --> |
| 1183 | <xs:attribute name="needsRedraw" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1184 | <!-- @attribute right The right edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 1185 | <xs:attribute name="right" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1186 | <!-- @attribute top The top edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 1187 | <xs:attribute name="top" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1188 | <!-- @attribute width The width of the rectangle. --> |
| 1189 | <xs:attribute name="width" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1190 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1191 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1192 | </xs:element> |
| 1193 | |
| 1194 | <!-- /** clear |
| 1195 | Clear removes all entries in the display list. |
| 1196 | */ --> |
| 1197 | <xs:element name="clear"> |
| 1198 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1199 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1200 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1201 | </xs:element> |
| 1202 | |
| 1203 | <!-- /** clip |
| 1204 | Clip sets the canvas to clip drawing to an element's geometry. |
| 1205 | A clip element may contain an element or reference an element with the path or |
| 1206 | rectangle attributes. To make the clip unrestricted, enclose a 'full' element. |
| 1207 | */ --> |
| 1208 | <xs:element name="clip"> |
| 1209 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1210 | <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| 1211 | <xs:element ref="Sk:full"/> |
| 1212 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rect"/> |
| 1213 | <xs:element ref="Sk:path"/> |
| 1214 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polygon"/> |
| 1215 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polyline"/> |
| 1216 | </xs:choice> |
| 1217 | <!-- @attribute path A path-derived element to clip to: either an oval, |
| 1218 | a path, a polygon, a polyline, or a roundRect. --> |
| 1219 | <xs:attribute name="path" type="Sk:Path"/> |
| 1220 | <!-- @attribute rect A rectangle element to clip to. --> |
| 1221 | <xs:attribute name="rect" type="Sk:Rect"/> |
| 1222 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1223 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1224 | </xs:element> |
| 1225 | |
| 1226 | <!-- /** close |
| 1227 | Close connects the last point in the path's contour to the first if the contour is not already closed. |
| 1228 | */ --> |
| 1229 | <xs:element name="close"> |
| 1230 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1231 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1232 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1233 | </xs:element> |
| 1234 | |
| 1235 | <!-- /** color |
| 1236 | Color describes a color in RGB space or HSV space, and its alpha (transparency). |
| 1237 | */ --> |
| 1238 | <xs:element name="color"> |
| 1239 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1240 | <!-- @attribute alpha The alpha component, which describes transparency. |
| 1241 | Alpha ranges from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (completely opaque). --> |
| 1242 | <xs:attribute name="alpha" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1243 | <!-- @attribute blue The blue component of an RGB color. Blue ranges from 0 to 255. --> |
| 1244 | <xs:attribute name="blue" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1245 | <!-- @attribute color The complete color. The color can be specified by name, |
| 1246 | by hexadecimal value, or with the rgb function. --> |
| 1247 | <xs:attribute name="color" type="Sk:ARGB"/> |
| 1248 | <!-- @attribute green The green component of an RGB color. Green ranges from 0 to 255. --> |
| 1249 | <xs:attribute name="green" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1250 | <!-- @attribute hue The hue component of an HSV color. Hue ranges from 0 to 360. --> |
| 1251 | <xs:attribute name="hue" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1252 | <!-- @attribute red The red component of an RGB color. Red ranges from 0 to 255. --> |
| 1253 | <xs:attribute name="red" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1254 | <!-- @attribute saturation The saturation component of an HSV color. Saturation ranges from 0 to 1. --> |
| 1255 | <xs:attribute name="saturation" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1256 | <!-- @attribute value The value component of an HSV color. Value ranges from 0 to 1. --> |
| 1257 | <xs:attribute name="value" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1258 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1259 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1260 | </xs:element> |
| 1261 | |
| 1262 | <!-- /** cubicTo |
| 1263 | CubicTo adds a cubic to the path, using the last point in the path as the first point of the cubic. |
| 1264 | */ --> |
| 1265 | <xs:element name="cubicTo"> |
| 1266 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1267 | <!-- @attribute x1 The x position of the first off-curve point. --> |
| 1268 | <xs:attribute name="x1" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1269 | <!-- @attribute x2 The x position of the second off-curve point. --> |
| 1270 | <xs:attribute name="x2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1271 | <!-- @attribute x3 The x position of the final on-curve point. --> |
| 1272 | <xs:attribute name="x3" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1273 | <!-- @attribute y1 The y position of the first off-curve point. --> |
| 1274 | <xs:attribute name="y1" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1275 | <!-- @attribute y2 The y position of the second off-curve point. --> |
| 1276 | <xs:attribute name="y2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1277 | <!-- @attribute y3 The y position of the final on-curve point. --> |
| 1278 | <xs:attribute name="y3" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1279 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1280 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1281 | </xs:element> |
| 1282 | |
| 1283 | <!-- /** dash |
| 1284 | Dash describes an array of dashes and gaps that describe how the paint strokes lines, |
| 1285 | rectangles, and paths. The intervals, phase, and dashed path are all measured in the same |
| 1286 | unit space. The phase and distance between dashes is unaffected by the paint's stroke width. |
| 1287 | */ --> |
| 1288 | <xs:element name="dash"> |
| 1289 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1290 | <!-- @attribute intervals An array of floats that alternately describe the lengths of |
| 1291 | dashes and gaps. Intervals must contain an even number of entries. --> |
| 1292 | <xs:attribute name="intervals" type="Sk:FloatArray"/> |
| 1293 | <!-- @attribute phase Phase advances the placement of the first dash. A positive phase |
| 1294 | preceeds the first dash with a gap. A negative phase shortens the length of the first dash. --> |
| 1295 | <xs:attribute name="phase" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1296 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1297 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1298 | </xs:element> |
| 1299 | |
| 1300 | <!-- /** data |
| 1301 | Data provides metadata to an event. The metadata may be an integer, a float, |
| 1302 | or a string. |
| 1303 | */ --> |
| 1304 | <xs:element name="data"> |
| 1305 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1306 | <!-- @attribute float The float value associated with the metadata. --> |
| 1307 | <xs:attribute name="float" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1308 | <!-- @attribute initialized A read-only value set to false (unused by data). --> |
| 1309 | <xs:attribute name="initialized" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1310 | <!-- @attribute int The integer value associated with the metadata. --> |
| 1311 | <xs:attribute name="int" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 1312 | <!-- @attribute name The name of the metadata. This is the name of the data. --> |
| 1313 | <xs:attribute name="name" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 1314 | <!-- @attribute string The string value associated with the metadata. --> |
| 1315 | <xs:attribute name="string" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 1316 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1317 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1318 | </xs:element> |
| 1319 | |
| 1320 | <!-- /** discrete |
| 1321 | Discrete alters the edge of the stroke randomly. Discrete is a path effect, and only has an |
| 1322 | effect when referenced from a paint.. A <pathEffect/> |
| 1323 | element with no attributes will dissable discrete. |
| 1324 | */ --> |
| 1325 | <xs:element name="discrete"> |
| 1326 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1327 | <!-- @attribute deviation The amount of wobble in the stroke. --> |
| 1328 | <xs:attribute name="deviation" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1329 | <!-- @attribute segLength The length of wobble in the stroke. --> |
| 1330 | <xs:attribute name="segLength" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1331 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1332 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1333 | </xs:element> |
| 1334 | |
| 1335 | <!-- /** drawTo |
| 1336 | DrawTo images to a bitmap. The bitmap can be added to the display list |
| 1337 | to draw the composite image. |
| 1338 | DrawTo can be used as an offscreen to speed complicated animations, and |
| 1339 | for bitmap effects such as pixelated zooming. |
| 1340 | DrawTo can only reference a single drawable element. Use <add>, |
| 1341 | <group>, or <save> to draw multiple elements with <drawTo>. |
| 1342 | */ --> |
| 1343 | <xs:element name="drawTo"> |
| 1344 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1345 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" > |
| 1346 | <xs:element ref="Sk:add"/> |
| 1347 | <xs:element ref="Sk:apply"/> |
| 1348 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bitmap"/> |
| 1349 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bounds"/> |
| 1350 | <!-- <xs:element ref="Sk3D:camera"/> --> |
| 1351 | <xs:element ref="Sk:clear"/> |
| 1352 | <xs:element ref="Sk:clip"/> |
| 1353 | <xs:element ref="Sk:color"/> |
| 1354 | <xs:element ref="Sk:full"/> |
| 1355 | <xs:element ref="Sk:group"/> |
| 1356 | <xs:element ref="Sk:image"/> |
| 1357 | <xs:element ref="Sk:line"/> |
| 1358 | <xs:element ref="Sk:matrix"/> |
| 1359 | <xs:element ref="Sk:move"/> |
| 1360 | <xs:element ref="Sk:oval"/> |
| 1361 | <xs:element ref="Sk:paint"/> |
| 1362 | <!-- <xs:element ref="Sk:patch"/> --> |
| 1363 | <xs:element ref="Sk:path"/> |
| 1364 | <xs:element ref="Sk:point"/> |
| 1365 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polygon"/> |
| 1366 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polyline"/> |
| 1367 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rect"/> |
| 1368 | <xs:element ref="Sk:remove"/> |
| 1369 | <xs:element ref="Sk:replace"/> |
| 1370 | <xs:element ref="Sk:roundRect"/> |
| 1371 | <xs:element ref="Sk:save"/> |
| 1372 | <xs:element ref="Sk:text"/> |
| 1373 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textBox"/> |
| 1374 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textOnPath"/> |
| 1375 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textToPath"/> |
| 1376 | </xs:choice> |
| 1377 | <!-- @attribute drawOnce If set, the drawTo will only draw a single time. --> |
| 1378 | <xs:attribute name="drawOnce" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1379 | <!-- @attribute use The bitmap to draw into. --> |
| 1380 | <xs:attribute name="use" type="Sk:bitmap"/> |
| 1381 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1382 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1383 | </xs:element> |
| 1384 | |
| 1385 | <!-- /** dump |
| 1386 | Dump prints a list of the items in the display list and all items' |
| 1387 | children to the debug console. Dump is only available in Debug |
| 1388 | builds. */ --> |
| 1389 | <xs:element name="dump"> |
| 1390 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1391 | <!-- @attribute displayList Dumps the current display list if true. The display list is also |
| 1392 | dumped if dump has no attributes. --> |
| 1393 | <xs:attribute name="displayList" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1394 | <!-- @attribute eventList Dumps the list of events, both enabled and disabled. --> |
| 1395 | <xs:attribute name="eventList" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1396 | <!-- @attribute events Outputs each event element as it is enabled. --> |
| 1397 | <xs:attribute name="events" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1398 | <!-- @attribute groups Outputs each group element as its condition is evaluated. --> |
| 1399 | <xs:attribute name="groups" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1400 | <!-- @attribute name Outputs the values associated with a single named element. --> |
| 1401 | <xs:attribute name="name" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 1402 | <!-- @attribute posts Outputs each post element as it is enabled. --> |
| 1403 | <xs:attribute name="posts" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1404 | <!-- @attribute script Evaluates the provided script --> | | 3b89515 | 2009-05-18 00:47:46 +0000 | [diff] [blame] | 1405 | <xs:attribute name="script" type="Sk:String"/> | | 8a1c16f | 2008-12-17 15:59:43 +0000 | [diff] [blame] | 1406 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1407 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1408 | </xs:element> |
| 1409 | |
| 1410 | <!-- /** emboss |
| 1411 | PRELIMINARY [to be replaced with SkEmbossMaskFilter.h doxyfomation |
| 1412 | at some point] |
| 1413 | Emboss applies a mask filter to the paint that makes bias the object's color |
| 1414 | towards white or black depending on the normals of the path contour, giving |
| 1415 | the shape a 3D raised or depressed effect. |
| 1416 | Embossing is replaced by subsequent mask filter elements, or |
| 1417 | disabled a negative radius, or by an empty <mask filter> element. |
| 1418 | */ --> |
| 1419 | <xs:element name="emboss"> |
| 1420 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1421 | <!-- @attribute ambient The amount of ambient light, from 0 to 1. --> |
| 1422 | <xs:attribute name="ambient" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1423 | <!-- @attribute direction The direction of the light source, as descibed by a 3D vector. |
| 1424 | (The vector is normalized to a unit length of 1.0.) --> |
| 1425 | <xs:attribute name="direction" type="Sk:FloatArray"/> |
| 1426 | <!-- @attribute radius The extent of the filter effect in unit space. If the radius is less |
| 1427 | than zero, the emboss has no effect. --> |
| 1428 | <xs:attribute name="radius" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1429 | <!-- @attribute specular The expotential intensity of the light, from 0 to 1. |
| 1430 | Each increase of 0.0625 doubles the intensity. --> |
| 1431 | <xs:attribute name="specular" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1432 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1433 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1434 | </xs:element> |
| 1435 | |
| 1436 | <!-- /** event |
| 1437 | Event contains a series of actions performed each time the event's criteria are satisfied. |
| 1438 | These actions may modify the display list, may enable animations which in turn modify |
| 1439 | elements' attributes, and may post other events. |
| 1440 | */ --> |
| 1441 | <xs:element name="event"> |
| 1442 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1443 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" > |
| 1444 | <xs:element ref="Sk:add"/> |
| 1445 | <xs:element ref="Sk:apply"/> |
| 1446 | <xs:element ref="Sk:array"/> |
| 1447 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bitmap"/> |
| 1448 | <xs:element ref="Sk:boolean"/> |
| 1449 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bounds"/> |
| 1450 | <!-- <xs:element ref="Sk3D:camera"/> --> |
| 1451 | <xs:element ref="Sk:clear"/> |
| 1452 | <xs:element ref="Sk:clip"/> |
| 1453 | <xs:element ref="Sk:color"/> |
| 1454 | <xs:element ref="Sk:drawTo"/> |
| 1455 | <xs:element ref="Sk:dump"/> |
| 1456 | <xs:element ref="Sk:float"/> |
| 1457 | <xs:element ref="Sk:full"/> |
| 1458 | <xs:element ref="Sk:group"/> |
| 1459 | <xs:element ref="Sk:hitClear"/> |
| 1460 | <xs:element ref="Sk:hitTest"/> |
| 1461 | <xs:element ref="Sk:image"/> |
| 1462 | <xs:element ref="Sk:input"/> |
| 1463 | <xs:element ref="Sk:int"/> |
| 1464 | <xs:element ref="Sk:line"/> |
| 1465 | <xs:element ref="Sk:matrix"/> |
| 1466 | <xs:element ref="Sk:move"/> |
| 1467 | <xs:element ref="Sk:movie"/> |
| 1468 | <xs:element ref="Sk:oval"/> |
| 1469 | <xs:element ref="Sk:paint"/> |
| 1470 | <!-- <xs:element ref="Sk:patch"/> --> |
| 1471 | <xs:element ref="Sk:path"/> |
| 1472 | <xs:element ref="Sk:point"/> |
| 1473 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polygon"/> |
| 1474 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polyline"/> |
| 1475 | <xs:element ref="Sk:post"/> |
| 1476 | <xs:element ref="Sk:random"/> |
| 1477 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rect"/> |
| 1478 | <xs:element ref="Sk:remove"/> |
| 1479 | <xs:element ref="Sk:replace"/> |
| 1480 | <xs:element ref="Sk:roundRect"/> |
| 1481 | <xs:element ref="Sk:save"/> |
| 1482 | <xs:element ref="Sk:snapshot"/> |
| 1483 | <xs:element ref="Sk:string"/> |
| 1484 | <xs:element ref="Sk:text"/> |
| 1485 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textBox"/> |
| 1486 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textOnPath"/> |
| 1487 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textToPath"/> |
| 1488 | </xs:choice> |
| 1489 | <!-- @attribute code The key code to match to a key press event, one of @pattern. |
| 1490 | If the code is set to @pattern[0], the event is never activated. --> |
| 1491 | <xs:attribute name="code" type="Sk:EventCode"/> |
| 1492 | <!-- @attribute disable If true, the event cannot be activated. By default false.. --> |
| 1493 | <xs:attribute name="disable" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1494 | <!-- @attribute key The character code to match to a key down event. |
| 1495 | When read, the key that activated this event. --> |
| 1496 | <xs:attribute name="key" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 1497 | <!-- @attribute keys A dash-separated continuous range of character codes to match |
| 1498 | to a key down event. Read the key attribute to determine the key that activated this event. --> |
| 1499 | <xs:attribute name="keys" type="Sk:String"/> <!-- single or range of keys --> |
| 1500 | <!-- @attribute kind The event kind that activates this event, one of @pattern. |
| 1501 | If kind equals keyChar, either attribute key or keys is expected. |
| 1502 | If kind equals keyPress, attribute code is expected. |
| 1503 | If kind equals onEnd, attribute target is expected. |
| 1504 | If kind equals onLoad, the event is activated when the document containing the event |
| 1505 | is loaded. The onLoad attribute cannot be activated through a post event. |
| 1506 | If kind equals user, the event is activated when the posted event targets this event's ID. --> |
| 1507 | <xs:attribute name="kind" type="Sk:EventKind"/> |
| 1508 | <!-- @attribute target The element to listen to which activates this event. --> |
| 1509 | <xs:attribute name="target" type="Sk:String" /> |
| 1510 | <!-- @attribute x For click events, the x-coordinate of the click. --> |
| 1511 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float" /> |
| 1512 | <!-- @attribute y For click events, the y-coordinate of the click. --> |
| 1513 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float" /> |
| 1514 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1515 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1516 | </xs:element> |
| 1517 | |
| 1518 | <!-- /** float |
| 1519 | Float contains a signed fractional value. The float element cannot be added to a display list, |
| 1520 | but can be set by animations and read by any attribute definition. |
| 1521 | */ --> |
| 1522 | <xs:element name="float"> |
| 1523 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1524 | <!-- @attribute value The contained float. --> |
| 1525 | <xs:attribute name="value" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1526 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1527 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1528 | </xs:element> |
| 1529 | |
| 1530 | <!-- /** fromPath |
| 1531 | FromPath concatenates the parent matrix with a new matrix |
| 1532 | that maps a unit vector to a point on the given path. |
| 1533 | A fromPath element may contain a path element, or may refer to a previously |
| 1534 | defined path element with the path attribute. |
| 1535 | */ --> |
| 1536 | <xs:element name="fromPath"> |
| 1537 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1538 | <xs:choice > |
| 1539 | <!-- @element path The path to evaluate. --> |
| 1540 | <xs:element ref="Sk:path" minOccurs="0" /> |
| 1541 | </xs:choice> |
| 1542 | <!-- @attribute mode One of @pattern. |
| 1543 | If mode is set to normal, the matrix maps the unit vector's angle and position. |
| 1544 | If mode is set to angle, the matrix maps only the unit vector's angle. |
| 1545 | If mode is set to position, the matrix maps only the unit vector's position. --> |
| 1546 | <xs:attribute name="mode" type="Sk:FromPathMode"/> |
| 1547 | <!-- @attribute offset The distance along the path to evaluate. --> |
| 1548 | <xs:attribute name="offset" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1549 | <!-- @attribute path The path to evaluate. --> |
| 1550 | <xs:attribute name="path" type="Sk:Path"/> |
| 1551 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1552 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1553 | </xs:element> |
| 1554 | |
| 1555 | <!-- /** full |
| 1556 | Full paints the entire canvas to the limit of the canvas' clip. |
| 1557 | */ --> |
| 1558 | <xs:element name="full"> |
| 1559 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1560 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1561 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1562 | </xs:element> |
| 1563 | |
| 1564 | <!-- /** group |
| 1565 | The group element collects a series of elements into a group. The group can be referenced |
| 1566 | or defined within elements, like apply, which operate on any kind of element. Groups |
| 1567 | may contain groups. An element in a group draws identically to an element outside a group. |
| 1568 | */ --> |
| 1569 | <xs:element name="group"> |
| 1570 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1571 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| 1572 | <xs:element ref="Sk:add"/> |
| 1573 | <xs:element ref="Sk:apply"/> |
| 1574 | <xs:element ref="Sk:array"/> |
| 1575 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bitmap"/> |
| 1576 | <xs:element ref="Sk:boolean"/> |
| 1577 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bounds"/> |
| 1578 | <!-- <xs:element ref="Sk3D:camera"/> --> |
| 1579 | <xs:element ref="Sk:clear"/> |
| 1580 | <xs:element ref="Sk:clip"/> |
| 1581 | <xs:element ref="Sk:drawTo"/> |
| 1582 | <xs:element ref="Sk:float"/> |
| 1583 | <xs:element ref="Sk:full"/> |
| 1584 | <xs:element ref="Sk:group"/> |
| 1585 | <xs:element ref="Sk:hitClear"/> |
| 1586 | <xs:element ref="Sk:hitTest"/> |
| 1587 | <xs:element ref="Sk:image"/> |
| 1588 | <xs:element ref="Sk:int"/> |
| 1589 | <xs:element ref="Sk:line"/> |
| 1590 | <xs:element ref="Sk:matrix"/> |
| 1591 | <xs:element ref="Sk:move"/> |
| 1592 | <xs:element ref="Sk:oval"/> |
| 1593 | <xs:element ref="Sk:paint"/> |
| 1594 | <!-- <xs:element ref="Sk:patch"/> --> |
| 1595 | <xs:element ref="Sk:path"/> |
| 1596 | <xs:element ref="Sk:point"/> |
| 1597 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polygon"/> |
| 1598 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polyline"/> |
| 1599 | <xs:element ref="Sk:post"/> |
| 1600 | <xs:element ref="Sk:random"/> |
| 1601 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rect"/> |
| 1602 | <xs:element ref="Sk:remove"/> |
| 1603 | <xs:element ref="Sk:replace"/> |
| 1604 | <xs:element ref="Sk:roundRect"/> |
| 1605 | <xs:element ref="Sk:save"/> |
| 1606 | <xs:element ref="Sk:snapshot"/> |
| 1607 | <xs:element ref="Sk:string"/> |
| 1608 | <xs:element ref="Sk:text"/> |
| 1609 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textBox"/> |
| 1610 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textOnPath"/> |
| 1611 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textToPath"/> |
| 1612 | </xs:choice> |
| 1613 | <!-- @attribute condition If present and zero, the contained elements are ignored |
| 1614 | when drawn. --> |
| 1615 | <xs:attribute name="condition" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 1616 | <!-- @attribute enableCondition If present and zero, the contained elements are ignored |
| 1617 | when enabled. --> |
| 1618 | <xs:attribute name="enableCondition" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 1619 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1620 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1621 | </xs:element> |
| 1622 | |
| 1623 | <xs:element name="hitClear" > |
| 1624 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1625 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="1"> |
| 1626 | <xs:element ref="Sk:array"/> |
| 1627 | </xs:choice> |
| 1628 | <!-- @attribute targets An array of element IDs to clear their hit-tested state. --> |
| 1629 | <xs:attribute name="targets" type="Sk:DisplayableArray"/> |
| 1630 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1631 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1632 | </xs:element> |
| 1633 | |
| 1634 | <xs:element name="hitTest" > |
| 1635 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1636 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="2"> |
| 1637 | <xs:element ref="Sk:array"/> |
| 1638 | </xs:choice> |
| 1639 | <!-- @attribute bullets An array of element IDs to test for intersection with targets. --> |
| 1640 | <xs:attribute name="bullets" type="Sk:DisplayableArray"/> |
| 1641 | <!-- @attribute hits The targets the bullets hit. A read-only array of indices, one index |
| 1642 | per bullet. The value of the array element is the index of the target hit, or -1 if no |
| 1643 | target was hit. --> |
| 1644 | <xs:attribute name="hits" type="Sk:IntArray"/> |
| 1645 | <!-- @attribute targets An array of element IDs to test for intersection with bullets. --> |
| 1646 | <xs:attribute name="targets" type="Sk:DisplayableArray"/> |
| 1647 | <!-- @attribute value Read only; set to true if some bullet hit some target. --> |
| 1648 | <xs:attribute name="value" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1649 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1650 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1651 | </xs:element> |
| 1652 | |
| 1653 | <!-- /** image |
| 1654 | Image creates a reference to a JPEG, PNG or GIF. The image may be referenced |
| 1655 | through the local file system, the internet, or embedded in the document in Base64 |
| 1656 | format. The specific image type is determined by examining the byte stream. |
| 1657 | */ --> |
| 1658 | <xs:element name="image"> |
| 1659 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1660 | <!-- @attribute base64 The image in Base64 notation. See |
| 1661 | for the base64 format. --> |
| 1662 | <xs:attribute name="base64" type="Sk:Base64"/> |
| 1663 | <!-- @attribute height The height of the image (read-only). --> |
| 1664 | <xs:attribute name="height" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 1665 | <!-- @attribute src The URI reference, local to the contaiing document. --> |
| 1666 | <xs:attribute name="src" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 1667 | <!-- @attribute width The width of the image (read-only). --> |
| 1668 | <xs:attribute name="width" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 1669 | <!-- @attribute x The position of the left edge of the image in local coordinates. --> |
| 1670 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1671 | <!-- @attribute y The position of the top edge of the image in local coordinates. --> |
| 1672 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1673 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1674 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1675 | </xs:element> |
| 1676 | |
| 1677 | <!-- /** include |
| 1678 | Include adds the referenced XML to the containing document. Unlike movie, the XML |
| 1679 | directives can reference the document's IDs and can define new IDs that are referenced |
| 1680 | by the remainder of the document or subsequent includes. |
| 1681 | */ --> |
| 1682 | <xs:element name="include"> |
| 1683 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1684 | <!-- @attribute src The URI reference, local to the containing document, |
| 1685 | containing the include's XML. --> |
| 1686 | <xs:attribute name="src" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 1687 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1688 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1689 | </xs:element> |
| 1690 | |
| 1691 | <!-- /** input |
| 1692 | Input captures the metadata passed from an event. When the metadata's name or id |
| 1693 | matches the metadata's name, the metadata's payload is copied to the corresponding |
| 1694 | input attribute. |
| 1695 | */ --> |
| 1696 | <xs:element name="input"> |
| 1697 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1698 | <!-- @attribute float The floating point payload carried by the metadata. --> |
| 1699 | <xs:attribute name="float" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1700 | <!-- @attribute initialized A read-only value set to true if the input received a value |
| 1701 | from the event. --> |
| 1702 | <xs:attribute name="initialized" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1703 | <!-- @attribute int The signed integer payload carried by the metadata. --> |
| 1704 | <xs:attribute name="int" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 1705 | <!-- @attribute name The name of the metadata containing the payload. Note that |
| 1706 | the name or id may match the payload, but that XML requires the id to be |
| 1707 | uniquely defined in the document, while multiple input elements may reuse |
| 1708 | the name. --> |
| 1709 | <xs:attribute name="name" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 1710 | <!-- @attribute string The text payload carried by the metadata. --> |
| 1711 | <xs:attribute name="string" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 1712 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1713 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1714 | </xs:element> |
| 1715 | |
| 1716 | <!-- /** int |
| 1717 | Int contains an integer. The int element cannot be added to a display list, but can |
| 1718 | by set by animations and read by any attribute definition. An int element may be used, |
| 1719 | for instance, to index through an array element. |
| 1720 | */ --> |
| 1721 | <xs:element name="int"> |
| 1722 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1723 | <!-- @attribute value The contained integer. --> |
| 1724 | <xs:attribute name="value" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 1725 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1726 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1727 | </xs:element> |
| 1728 | |
| 1729 | <!-- /** line |
| 1730 | Line describes a line between two points. As noted below, the paint's stroke and |
| 1731 | strokeAndFill attributes are ignored. |
| 1732 | */ --> |
| 1733 | <xs:element name="line"> |
| 1734 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1735 | <!-- @attribute x1 The start point's x value. --> |
| 1736 | <xs:attribute name="x1" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1737 | <!-- @attribute x2 The stop point's x value. --> |
| 1738 | <xs:attribute name="x2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1739 | <!-- @attribute y1 The start point's y value. --> |
| 1740 | <xs:attribute name="y1" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1741 | <!-- @attribute y2 The stop point's y value. --> |
| 1742 | <xs:attribute name="y2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1743 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1744 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1745 | </xs:element> |
| 1746 | |
| 1747 | <!-- /** lineTo |
| 1748 | LineTo adds a line from the last point in a path to the specified point. |
| 1749 | */ --> |
| 1750 | <xs:element name="lineTo"> |
| 1751 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1752 | <!-- @attribute x The final path x coordinate. --> |
| 1753 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1754 | <!-- @attribute y The final path y coordinate. --> |
| 1755 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1756 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1757 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1758 | </xs:element> |
| 1759 | |
| 1760 | <!-- /** linearGradient |
| 1761 | LinearGradient sets the paint shader to ramp between two or more colors. |
| 1762 | */ --> |
| 1763 | <xs:element name="linearGradient"> |
| 1764 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1765 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| 1766 | <xs:element ref="Sk:color"/> |
| 1767 | <xs:element ref="Sk:matrix"/> |
| 1768 | </xs:choice> |
| 1769 | <!-- @attribute matrix Matrix applies a 3x3 transform to the gradient. --> |
| 1770 | <xs:attribute name="matrix" type="Sk:Matrix"/> |
| 1771 | <!-- @attribute tileMode One of @pattern. @patternDescription --> |
| 1772 | <xs:attribute name="tileMode" type="Sk:TileMode"/> |
| 1773 | <!-- @attribute offsets An optional array of values used to bias the colors. The first entry |
| 1774 | in the array must be 0.0, the last must be 1.0, and intermediate values must ascend. --> |
| 1775 | <xs:attribute name="offsets" type="Sk:FloatArray"/> |
| 1776 | <!-- @attribute points Two points describing the start and end of the gradient. --> |
| 1777 | <xs:attribute name="points" type="Sk:Point"/> <!-- not right; should be array of 2 points --> |
| 1778 | <!-- @attribute unitMapper A script that returns the mapping for [0,1] for the gradient. |
| 1779 | The script can use the predefined variable 'unit' to compute the mapping. For instance, |
| 1780 | "unit*unit" squares the value (while still keeping it in the range of [0,1].) The computed number |
| 1781 | is pinned to from 0 to 1 after the script is executed. --> |
| 1782 | <xs:attribute name="unitMapper" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 1783 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1784 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1785 | </xs:element> |
| 1786 | |
| 1787 | <!-- /** maskFilter |
| 1788 | MaskFilter disables any mask filter referenced by the paint. |
| 1789 | */ --> |
| 1790 | <xs:element name="maskFilter"> |
| 1791 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1792 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1793 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1794 | </xs:element> |
| 1795 | |
| 1796 | <!-- /** matrix |
| 1797 | Matrix transforms all points drawn to the canvas. The matrix may translate, scale, skew, rotate, |
| 1798 | or apply perspective, or apply any combination. |
| 1799 | */ --> |
| 1800 | <xs:element name="matrix"> |
| 1801 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1802 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| 1803 | <!-- @element fromPath FromPath maps a unit vector to a position and direction on a path. --> |
| 1804 | <xs:element ref="Sk:fromPath"/> |
| 1805 | <!-- @element polyToPoly PolyToPoly maps a points between two polygons. --> |
| 1806 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polyToPoly"/> |
| 1807 | <!-- @element rectToRect RectToRect maps a points between two rectangles. --> |
| 1808 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rectToRect"/> |
| 1809 | <!-- @element rotate Rotate computes the matrix rotation in degrees. --> |
| 1810 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rotate"/> |
| 1811 | <!-- @element scale Scale stretches or shrinks horizontally, vertically, or both. --> |
| 1812 | <xs:element ref="Sk:scale"/> |
| 1813 | <!-- @element skew Skew slants horizontally, vertically, or both. --> |
| 1814 | <xs:element ref="Sk:skew"/> |
| 1815 | <!-- @element translate Translate moves horizontally, vertically, or both. --> |
| 1816 | <xs:element ref="Sk:translate"/> |
| 1817 | </xs:choice> |
| 1818 | <!-- @attribute matrix Nine floats describing a 3x3 matrix. --> |
| 1819 | <xs:attribute name="matrix" type="Sk:FloatArray"/> |
| 1820 | <!-- @attribute perspectX The [0][2] element of the 3x3 matrix. --> |
| 1821 | <xs:attribute name="perspectX" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1822 | <!-- @attribute perspectY The [1][2] element of the 3x3 matrix. --> |
| 1823 | <xs:attribute name="perspectY" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1824 | <!-- @attribute rotate The angle to rotate in degrees. --> |
| 1825 | <xs:attribute name="rotate" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1826 | <!-- @attribute scale The scale to apply in both X and Y.. --> |
| 1827 | <xs:attribute name="scale" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1828 | <!-- @attribute scaleX The [0][0] element of the 3x3 matrix. --> |
| 1829 | <xs:attribute name="scaleX" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1830 | <!-- @attribute scaleY The [1][1] element of the 3x3 matrix. --> |
| 1831 | <xs:attribute name="scaleY" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1832 | <!-- @attribute skewX The [0][1] element of the 3x3 matrix. --> |
| 1833 | <xs:attribute name="skewX" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1834 | <!-- @attribute skewY The [1][0] element of the 3x3 matrix. --> |
| 1835 | <xs:attribute name="skewY" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1836 | <!-- @attribute translate A point specifying the translation in X and Y. --> |
| 1837 | <xs:attribute name="translate" type="Sk:Point"/> |
| 1838 | <!-- @attribute translateX The [2][0] element of the 3x3 matrix. --> |
| 1839 | <xs:attribute name="translateX" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1840 | <!-- @attribute translateY The [2][1] element of the 3x3 matrix. --> |
| 1841 | <xs:attribute name="translateY" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1842 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1843 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1844 | </xs:element> |
| 1845 | |
| 1846 | <!-- /** move |
| 1847 | Move an element in the display list in front or behind other elements. |
| 1848 | If where and offset are omitted, the element is moved to the end of the display list. |
| 1849 | If where is specified, the element is moved before the first occurance of where in the display list. |
| 1850 | If offset and where are specified, the element is moved before where plus offset. |
| 1851 | A positive offset without where moves the element to the start of the list plus offset. |
| 1852 | A negative offset without where moves the element to the end of the list minus offset. |
| 1853 | */ --> |
| 1854 | <xs:element name="move"> |
| 1855 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1856 | <!-- @attribute mode Has no effect. --> |
| 1857 | <xs:attribute name="mode" type="Sk:AddMode"/> |
| 1858 | <!-- @attribute offset The destination position using the rules listed above. --> |
| 1859 | <xs:attribute name="offset" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 1860 | <!-- @attribute use The element to move. --> |
| 1861 | <xs:attribute name="use" type="Sk:Drawable"/> |
| 1862 | <!-- @attribute where The ID of the first display list entry to move to. --> |
| 1863 | <xs:attribute name="where" type="Sk:Drawable"/> |
| 1864 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1865 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1866 | </xs:element> |
| 1867 | |
| 1868 | <!-- /** moveTo |
| 1869 | MoveTo specifies the first point in a path contour. |
| 1870 | */ --> |
| 1871 | <xs:element name="moveTo"> |
| 1872 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1873 | <!-- @attribute x The point's x coordinate. --> |
| 1874 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1875 | <!-- @attribute y The point's y coordinate. --> |
| 1876 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1877 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1878 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1879 | </xs:element> |
| 1880 | |
| 1881 | <!-- /** movie |
| 1882 | Movie describes a display list within the current canvas and paint. Movies can contain |
| 1883 | movies. One movie cannot affect how another movie draws, but movies can communicate |
| 1884 | with each other by posting events. |
| 1885 | */ --> |
| 1886 | <xs:element name="movie"> |
| 1887 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1888 | <!-- @attribute src The URI reference, local to the containing document, containing the movie's XML. --> |
| 1889 | <xs:attribute name="src" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 1890 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1891 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1892 | </xs:element> |
| 1893 | |
| 1894 | <!-- /** oval |
| 1895 | Oval describes a circle stretched to fit in a rectangle. |
| 1896 | The width and height attribute compute the oval's right and bottom edges when the oval |
| 1897 | description is first seen. Animating the oval's left or top will not recompute the right or bottom |
| 1898 | if the width or height have been specified. |
| 1899 | */ --> |
| 1900 | <xs:element name="oval"> |
| 1901 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1902 | <!-- @attribute bottom The bottom edge of the oval. --> |
| 1903 | <xs:attribute name="bottom" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1904 | <!-- @attribute height The height of the oval. --> |
| 1905 | <xs:attribute name="height" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1906 | <!-- @attribute left The left edge of the oval. --> |
| 1907 | <xs:attribute name="left" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1908 | <!-- @attribute needsRedraw Set to true if last draw was visible. --> |
| 1909 | <xs:attribute name="needsRedraw" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1910 | <!-- @attribute right The right edge of the oval. --> |
| 1911 | <xs:attribute name="right" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1912 | <!-- @attribute top The top edge of the oval. --> |
| 1913 | <xs:attribute name="top" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1914 | <!-- @attribute width The width of the oval. --> |
| 1915 | <xs:attribute name="width" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1916 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 1917 | </xs:complexType> |
| 1918 | </xs:element> |
| 1919 | |
| 1920 | <!-- /** paint |
| 1921 | Paint uses color, flags, path effects, mask filters, shaders, and stroke effects when drawing |
| 1922 | geometries, images, and text. |
| 1923 | */ --> |
| 1924 | <xs:element name="paint"> |
| 1925 | <xs:complexType> |
| 1926 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| 1927 | <!-- @element bitmapShader Sets or cancels an image to draw as the color. --> |
| 1928 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bitmapShader"/> |
| 1929 | <!-- @element blur Blur radially draws the shape with varying transparency. --> |
| 1930 | <xs:element ref="Sk:blur"/> |
| 1931 | <!-- @element color Color specifies a solid color in RGB or HSV. --> |
| 1932 | <xs:element ref="Sk:color"/> |
| 1933 | <!-- @element dash Dashes alternates stroking with dashes and gaps. --> |
| 1934 | <xs:element ref="Sk:dash"/> |
| 1935 | <!-- @element discrete Discrete wobbles the geometry randomly. --> |
| 1936 | <xs:element ref="Sk:discrete"/> |
| 1937 | <!-- @element emboss Emboss simulates a 3D light to show highlights and relief. --> |
| 1938 | <xs:element ref="Sk:emboss"/> |
| 1939 | <!-- @element linearGradient LinearGradient linearly ramps between two or more colors. --> |
| 1940 | <xs:element ref="Sk:linearGradient"/> |
| 1941 | <!-- @element maskFilter MaskFilter cancels a blur or emboss. --> |
| 1942 | <xs:element ref="Sk:maskFilter"/> |
| 1943 | <!-- @element pathEffect PathEffect cancels a discrete or dash. --> |
| 1944 | <xs:element ref="Sk:pathEffect"/> |
| 1945 | <!-- @element radialGradient RadialGradient radially ramps between two or more colors. --> |
| 1946 | <xs:element ref="Sk:radialGradient"/> |
| 1947 | <!-- @element shader Shader cancels a linear or radial gradient. --> |
| 1948 | <xs:element ref="Sk:shader"/> |
| 1949 | <!-- @element typeface Typeface chooses a font out of a font family. --> |
| 1950 | <xs:element ref="Sk:typeface"/> |
| 1951 | <!-- @element transparentShader TransparentShader ? [not sure what this is for] --> |
| 1952 | <xs:element ref="Sk:transparentShader"/> |
| 1953 | </xs:choice> |
| 1954 | <!-- @attribute antiAlias AntiAlias uses gray shades to increase the definition of paths. --> |
| 1955 | <xs:attribute name="antiAlias" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1956 | <!-- @attribute ascent Ascent returns the height above the baseline defined by the font. --> |
| 1957 | <xs:attribute name="ascent" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1958 | <!-- @attribute color Color sets the paint to the color element with this ID. --> |
| 1959 | <xs:attribute name="color" type="Sk:Color"/> |
| 1960 | <!-- @attribute descent Descent returns the height below the baseline defined by thte font --> |
| 1961 | <xs:attribute name="descent" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1962 | <!-- @attribute fakeBold FakeBold enables a faked bold for text. --> |
| 1963 | <xs:attribute name="fakeBold" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1964 | <!-- @attribute filterType FilterType --> |
| 1965 | <xs:attribute name="filterType" type="Sk:FilterType"/> |
| 1966 | <!-- @attribute linearText LinearText uses the ideal path metrics at all sizes to describe text. --> |
| 1967 | <xs:attribute name="linearText" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1968 | <!-- @attribute maskFilter MaskFilter specifies a blur or emboss with this ID. --> |
| 1969 | <xs:attribute name="maskFilter" type="Sk:MaskFilter"/> |
| 1970 | <!-- @attribute measureText MeasureText(String) returns the width of the string in this paint. --> |
| 1971 | <xs:attribute name="measureText" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1972 | <!-- @attribute pathEffect PathEffect specifies a discrete or dash with this ID. --> |
| 1973 | <xs:attribute name="pathEffect" type="Sk:PathEffect"/> |
| 1974 | <!-- @attribute shader Shader specifies a gradient with this ID. --> |
| 1975 | <xs:attribute name="shader" type="Sk:Shader"/> |
| 1976 | <!-- @attribute strikeThru StrikeThru adds a line through the middle of drawn text. --> |
| 1977 | <xs:attribute name="strikeThru" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1978 | <!-- @attribute stroke Stroke draws the outline of geometry according to the pen attributes. |
| 1979 | If style is also present, its setting overrides stroke. --> |
| 1980 | <xs:attribute name="stroke" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 1981 | <!-- @attribute strokeCap StrokeCap is one of @pattern. --> |
| 1982 | <xs:attribute name="strokeCap" type="Sk:Cap"/> |
| 1983 | <!-- @attribute strokeJoin StrokeJoin is one of @pattern. --> |
| 1984 | <xs:attribute name="strokeJoin" type="Sk:Join"/> |
| 1985 | <!-- @attribute strokeMiter StrokeMiter limits the pen's joins on narrow angles. --> |
| 1986 | <xs:attribute name="strokeMiter" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1987 | <!-- @attribute strokeWidth StrokeWidth specifies the width of the pen. --> |
| 1988 | <xs:attribute name="strokeWidth" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1989 | <!-- @attribute style Style fills, strokes, or strokes and fills the geometry with the paint's color. --> |
| 1990 | <xs:attribute name="style" type="Sk:Style"/> |
| 1991 | <!-- @attribute textAlign TextAlign is one of @pattern. --> |
| 1992 | <xs:attribute name="textAlign" type="Sk:Align"/> |
| 1993 | <!-- @attribute textScaleX TextScaleX condenses or exapnds the text. --> |
| 1994 | <xs:attribute name="textScaleX" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1995 | <!-- @attribute textSize TextSize specifies the point size of the text. --> |
| 1996 | <xs:attribute name="textSize" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1997 | <!-- @attribute textSkewX TextSkewX draws the text obliquely. --> |
| 1998 | <xs:attribute name="textSkewX" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 1999 | <!-- @attribute textTracking TextTracking specifies the space between letters. --> |
| 2000 | <xs:attribute name="textTracking" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2001 | <!-- @attribute typeface Typeface specifies a typeface element with this ID. --> |
| 2002 | <xs:attribute name="typeface" type="Sk:Typeface"/> |
| 2003 | <!-- @attribute underline Underline draws a line under the baseline of the text. --> |
| 2004 | <xs:attribute name="underline" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 2005 | <!-- @attribute xfermode Xfermode specifies a transfer mode, one of @pattern. --> |
| 2006 | <xs:attribute name="xfermode" type="Sk:Xfermode"/> |
| 2007 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2008 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2009 | </xs:element> |
| 2010 | |
| 2011 | <!-- /** path |
| 2012 | Path creates a geometry out of lines and curves. |
| 2013 | */ --> |
| 2014 | <xs:element name="path"> |
| 2015 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2016 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| 2017 | <!-- @element addCircle Adds a circle to the path. --> |
| 2018 | <xs:element ref="Sk:addCircle"/> |
| 2019 | <!-- @element addOval Adds an oval to the path. --> |
| 2020 | <xs:element ref="Sk:addOval"/> |
| 2021 | <!-- @element addPath Adds another path to the path. --> |
| 2022 | <xs:element ref="Sk:addPath"/> |
| 2023 | <!-- @element addRoundRect Adds a rounded-corner rectangle to the path. --> |
| 2024 | <xs:element ref="Sk:addRoundRect"/> |
| 2025 | <!-- @element close Connects the last point on the path to the first. --> |
| 2026 | <xs:element ref="Sk:close"/> |
| 2027 | <!-- @element cubicTo Extends the path with a cubic curve. --> |
| 2028 | <xs:element ref="Sk:cubicTo"/> |
| 2029 | <!-- @element lineTo Extends the path with a line. --> |
| 2030 | <xs:element ref="Sk:lineTo"/> |
| 2031 | <!-- @element moveTo Starts a new path contour. --> |
| 2032 | <xs:element ref="Sk:moveTo"/> |
| 2033 | <!-- @element quadTo Extends the path with a quadratic curve. --> |
| 2034 | <xs:element ref="Sk:quadTo"/> |
| 2035 | <!-- @element rCubicTo Extends the path with a cubic curve expressed with relative offsets. --> |
| 2036 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rCubicTo"/> |
| 2037 | <!-- @element rLineTo Extends the path with a line expressed with relative offsets. --> |
| 2038 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rLineTo"/> |
| 2039 | <!-- @element rMoveTo Starts a new path contour relative to the path's last point. --> |
| 2040 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rMoveTo"/> |
| 2041 | <!-- @element rQuadTo Extends the path with a quadratic curve expressed with relative offsets. --> |
| 2042 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rQuadTo"/> |
| 2043 | </xs:choice> |
| 2044 | <!-- @attribute d Creates a path using SVG path notation. --> |
| 2045 | <xs:attribute name="d" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 2046 | <!-- @attribute fillType One of @pattern. --> |
| 2047 | <xs:attribute name="fillType" type="Sk:FillType"/> |
| 2048 | <!-- @attribute length Returns the length of the path. --> |
| 2049 | <xs:attribute name="length" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2050 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2051 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2052 | </xs:element> |
| 2053 | |
| 2054 | <!-- /** pathEffect |
| 2055 | PathEffect cancels any current path effect within the paint, such as dashing or discrete. |
| 2056 | */ --> |
| 2057 | <xs:element name="pathEffect"> |
| 2058 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2059 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2060 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2061 | </xs:element> |
| 2062 | |
| 2063 | <!-- /** point |
| 2064 | Point describes a two dimensional point in space. The point element can be added |
| 2065 | to the display list and drawn. |
| 2066 | */ --> |
| 2067 | <xs:element name="point"> |
| 2068 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2069 | <!-- @attribute x The x coordinate of the point. --> |
| 2070 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2071 | <!-- @attribute y The y coordinate of the point. --> |
| 2072 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2073 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2074 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2075 | </xs:element> |
| 2076 | |
| 2077 | <!-- /** polygon |
| 2078 | Polygon creates a geometry out of lines. Polygon is a specialization of path; element that |
| 2079 | refers to a path can refer to a polygon also. A polygon specified through elements behaves identically |
| 2080 | to a path. A polygon specified by the points attribute contains a single contour, and the contour is |
| 2081 | automatically closed. |
| 2082 | */ --> |
| 2083 | <xs:element name="polygon"> |
| 2084 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2085 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| 2086 | <!-- @element close Connects the last point on the path to the first. --> |
| 2087 | <xs:element ref="Sk:close"/> |
| 2088 | <!-- @element addPath Adds another path to the path. --> |
| 2089 | <xs:element ref="Sk:addPath"/> |
| 2090 | <!-- @element lineTo Extends the path with a line. --> |
| 2091 | <xs:element ref="Sk:lineTo"/> |
| 2092 | <!-- @element moveTo Starts a new path contour. --> |
| 2093 | <xs:element ref="Sk:moveTo"/> |
| 2094 | <!-- @element rLineTo Extends the path with a line expressed with relative offsets. --> |
| 2095 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rLineTo"/> |
| 2096 | <!-- @element rMoveTo Starts a new path contour relative to the path's last point. --> |
| 2097 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rMoveTo"/> |
| 2098 | </xs:choice> |
| 2099 | <!-- @attribute points An array of values that describe a sequence of points, compatible with SVG. --> |
| 2100 | <xs:attribute name="points" type="Sk:FloatArray"/> |
| 2101 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2102 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2103 | </xs:element> |
| 2104 | |
| 2105 | <!-- /** polyline |
| 2106 | Polyline creates a geometry out of lines. Polygon is a specialization of path; element that |
| 2107 | refers to a path can refer to a polygon also. A polygon specified through elements behaves identically |
| 2108 | to a path. A polygon specified by the points attribute contains a single contour, and the contour is |
| 2109 | not automatically closed. |
| 2110 | */ --> |
| 2111 | <xs:element name="polyline"> |
| 2112 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2113 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| 2114 | <!-- @element close Connects the last point on the path to the first. --> |
| 2115 | <xs:element ref="Sk:close"/> |
| 2116 | <!-- @element addPath Adds another path to the path. --> |
| 2117 | <xs:element ref="Sk:addPath"/> |
| 2118 | <!-- @element lineTo Extends the path with a line. --> |
| 2119 | <xs:element ref="Sk:lineTo"/> |
| 2120 | <!-- @element moveTo Starts a new path contour. --> |
| 2121 | <xs:element ref="Sk:moveTo"/> |
| 2122 | <!-- @element rLineTo Extends the path with a line expressed with relative offsets. --> |
| 2123 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rLineTo"/> |
| 2124 | <!-- @element rMoveTo Starts a new path contour relative to the path's last point. --> |
| 2125 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rMoveTo"/> |
| 2126 | </xs:choice> |
| 2127 | <!-- @attribute points An array of values that describe a sequence of points, compatible with SVG. --> |
| 2128 | <xs:attribute name="points" type="Sk:FloatArray"/> |
| 2129 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2130 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2131 | </xs:element> |
| 2132 | |
| 2133 | <!-- /** polyToPoly |
| 2134 | PolyToPoly creates a matrix which maps points proportionally from one polygon to the other. |
| 2135 | */ --> |
| 2136 | <xs:element name="polyToPoly"> |
| 2137 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2138 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="2"> |
| 2139 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polygon"/> |
| 2140 | </xs:choice> |
| 2141 | <!-- @attribute source The polygon to map from.. --> |
| 2142 | <xs:attribute name="source" type="Sk:polygon"/> |
| 2143 | <!-- @attribute destination The polygon to map to.. --> |
| 2144 | <xs:attribute name="destination" type="Sk:polygon"/> |
| 2145 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2146 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2147 | </xs:element> |
| 2148 | |
| 2149 | <!-- /** post |
| 2150 | Post activates an event. The event can trigger one or more actions, and can carry a data payload. |
| 2151 | */ --> |
| 2152 | <xs:element name="post"> |
| 2153 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2154 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| 2155 | <xs:element ref="Sk:data"/> |
| 2156 | </xs:choice> |
| 2157 | <!-- @attribute delay Time in seconds that must elapse before the target event is activated. --> |
| 2158 | <xs:attribute name="delay" type="Sk:MSec"/> |
| 2159 | <!-- @attribute mode One of @pattern. @patternDescription --> |
| 2160 | <xs:attribute name="mode" type="Sk:EventMode"/> |
| 2161 | <!-- @attribute sink The optional named EventSink to direct the event to. --> |
| 2162 | <xs:attribute name="sink" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 2163 | <!-- @attribute target The ID of the user event to trigger. --> |
| 2164 | <xs:attribute name="target" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 2165 | <!-- @attribute type The name of the external event to post. --> |
| 2166 | <xs:attribute name="type" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 2167 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2168 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2169 | </xs:element> |
| 2170 | |
| 2171 | <!-- /** quadTo |
| 2172 | QuadTo adds a quadratic curve to a path. |
| 2173 | */ --> |
| 2174 | <xs:element name="quadTo"> |
| 2175 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2176 | <!-- @attribute x1 The x position of the off-curve point. --> |
| 2177 | <xs:attribute name="x1" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2178 | <!-- @attribute x2 The x position of the final point. --> |
| 2179 | <xs:attribute name="x2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2180 | <!-- @attribute y1 The y position of the off-curve point. --> |
| 2181 | <xs:attribute name="y1" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2182 | <!-- @attribute y2 The y position of the final point. --> |
| 2183 | <xs:attribute name="y2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2184 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2185 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2186 | </xs:element> |
| 2187 | |
| 2188 | <!-- /** rCubicTo |
| 2189 | RCubicTo adds a cubic to the path, using the last point in the path as the first point of the cubic. THe |
| 2190 | added points are offsets from the last point in the path. |
| 2191 | */ --> |
| 2192 | <xs:element name="rCubicTo"> |
| 2193 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2194 | <!-- @attribute x1 The x offset of the first off-curve point. --> |
| 2195 | <xs:attribute name="x1" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2196 | <!-- @attribute x2 The x offset of the second off-curve point. --> |
| 2197 | <xs:attribute name="x2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2198 | <!-- @attribute x3 The x offset of the final on-curve point. --> |
| 2199 | <xs:attribute name="x3" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2200 | <!-- @attribute y1 The y offset of the first off-curve point. --> |
| 2201 | <xs:attribute name="y1" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2202 | <!-- @attribute y2 The y offset of the second off-curve point. --> |
| 2203 | <xs:attribute name="y2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2204 | <!-- @attribute y3 The y offset of the final on-curve point. --> |
| 2205 | <xs:attribute name="y3" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2206 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2207 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2208 | </xs:element> |
| 2209 | |
| 2210 | <!-- /** rLineTo |
| 2211 | RLineTo adds a line from the last point in a path to the specified point. The specified |
| 2212 | point is relative to the last point in the path. |
| 2213 | */ --> |
| 2214 | <xs:element name="rLineTo"> |
| 2215 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2216 | <!-- @attribute x The final path x coordinate. --> |
| 2217 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2218 | <!-- @attribute y The final path y coordinate. --> |
| 2219 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2220 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2221 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2222 | </xs:element> |
| 2223 | |
| 2224 | <!-- /** rMoveTo |
| 2225 | RMoveTo specifies the first point in a path contour. The specified |
| 2226 | point is relative to the last point in the path. |
| 2227 | */ --> |
| 2228 | <xs:element name="rMoveTo"> |
| 2229 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2230 | <!-- @attribute x The point's x coordinate. --> |
| 2231 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2232 | <!-- @attribute y The point's y coordinate. --> |
| 2233 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2234 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2235 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2236 | </xs:element> |
| 2237 | |
| 2238 | <!-- /** rQuadTo |
| 2239 | RQuadTo adds a quadratic curve to a path. The quadratic |
| 2240 | points are relative to the last point in the path. |
| 2241 | */ --> |
| 2242 | <xs:element name="rQuadTo"> |
| 2243 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2244 | <!-- @attribute x1 The x position of the off-curve point. --> |
| 2245 | <xs:attribute name="x1" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2246 | <!-- @attribute x2 The x position of the final point. --> |
| 2247 | <xs:attribute name="x2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2248 | <!-- @attribute y1 The y position of the off-curve point. --> |
| 2249 | <xs:attribute name="y1" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2250 | <!-- @attribute y2 The y position of the final point. --> |
| 2251 | <xs:attribute name="y2" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2252 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2253 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2254 | </xs:element> |
| 2255 | |
| 2256 | <!-- /** radialGradient |
| 2257 | RadialGradient sets the paint shader to ramp between two or more colors in concentric circles. |
| 2258 | */ --> |
| 2259 | <xs:element name="radialGradient"> |
| 2260 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2261 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| 2262 | <xs:element ref="Sk:color"/> |
| 2263 | <xs:element ref="Sk:matrix"/> |
| 2264 | </xs:choice> |
| 2265 | <!-- @attribute matrix Matrix applies a 3x3 transform to the gradient. --> |
| 2266 | <xs:attribute name="matrix" type="Sk:Matrix"/> |
| 2267 | <!-- @attribute tileMode One of @pattern. @patternDescription --> |
| 2268 | <xs:attribute name="tileMode" type="Sk:TileMode"/> |
| 2269 | <!-- @attribute center The center point of the radial gradient. --> |
| 2270 | <xs:attribute name="center" type="Sk:Point"/> |
| 2271 | <!-- @attribute offsets An optional array of values used to bias the colors. The first entry |
| 2272 | in the array must be 0.0, the last must be 1.0, and intermediate values must ascend. --> |
| 2273 | <xs:attribute name="offsets" type="Sk:FloatArray"/> |
| 2274 | <!-- @attribute radius The distance from the first color to the last color. --> |
| 2275 | <xs:attribute name="radius" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2276 | <!-- @attribute unitMapper A script that returns the mapping for [0,1] for the gradient. |
| 2277 | The script can use the predefined variable 'unit' to compute the mapping. For instance, |
| 2278 | "unit*unit" squares the value (while still keeping it in the range of [0,1].) The computed number |
| 2279 | is pinned to from 0 to 1 after the script is executed. --> |
| 2280 | <xs:attribute name="unitMapper" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 2281 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2282 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2283 | </xs:element> |
| 2284 | |
| 2285 | <!-- /** random |
| 2286 | Random generates a random number, from min to max. Each time the random attribute is |
| 2287 | read, a new random number is generated. |
| 2288 | */ --> |
| 2289 | <xs:element name="random"> |
| 2290 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2291 | <!-- @attribute blend The random bias from 0.0 to 1.0. |
| 2292 | 0.0 biias the number towards the start and end of the range. |
| 2293 | 1.0 (the default) generates a linear distribution.--> |
| 2294 | <xs:attribute name="blend" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2295 | <!-- @attribute max The largest value to generate. --> |
| 2296 | <xs:attribute name="max" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2297 | <!-- @attribute min The smallest value to generate. --> |
| 2298 | <xs:attribute name="min" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2299 | <!-- @attribute random The generated value. --> |
| 2300 | <xs:attribute name="random" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2301 | <!-- @attribute seed The random seed. Identical seeds generate the same series of |
| 2302 | numbers. --> |
| 2303 | <xs:attribute name="seed" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 2304 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2305 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2306 | </xs:element> |
| 2307 | |
| 2308 | <!-- /** rect |
| 2309 | Rect describes a bounding box. |
| 2310 | The width and height attribute compute the rectangle's right and bottom edges when the rectangle |
| 2311 | description is first seen. Animating the rectangle's left or top will not recompute the right or bottom |
| 2312 | if the width or height have been specified. |
| 2313 | */ --> |
| 2314 | <xs:element name="rect"> |
| 2315 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2316 | <!-- @attribute bottom The bottom edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 2317 | <xs:attribute name="bottom" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2318 | <!-- @attribute height The height of the rectangle. Setting height computes the |
| 2319 | bottom attribute from the top attribute. --> |
| 2320 | <xs:attribute name="height" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2321 | <!-- @attribute left The left edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 2322 | <xs:attribute name="left" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2323 | <!-- @attribute needsRedraw Set to true if last draw was visible. --> |
| 2324 | <xs:attribute name="needsRedraw" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 2325 | <!-- @attribute right The right edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 2326 | <xs:attribute name="right" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2327 | <!-- @attribute top The top edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 2328 | <xs:attribute name="top" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2329 | <!-- @attribute width The width of the rectangle. --> |
| 2330 | <xs:attribute name="width" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2331 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2332 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2333 | </xs:element> |
| 2334 | |
| 2335 | <!-- /** rectToRect |
| 2336 | RectToRect adds a matrix to map one rectangle's coordinates to another. |
| 2337 | */ --> |
| 2338 | <xs:element name="rectToRect"> |
| 2339 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2340 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="2"> |
| 2341 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rect"/> |
| 2342 | </xs:choice> |
| 2343 | <!-- @attribute source The rectangle to map from. --> |
| 2344 | <xs:attribute name="source" type="Sk:rect"/> |
| 2345 | <!-- @attribute destination The rectangle to map to. --> |
| 2346 | <xs:attribute name="destination" type="Sk:rect"/> |
| 2347 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2348 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2349 | </xs:element> |
| 2350 | |
| 2351 | <!-- /** remove |
| 2352 | Remove an item from the display list. |
| 2353 | If where is specified, the first occurance of where in the display list is removed. |
| 2354 | If offset and where are specified, the element at where plus offset is removed. |
| 2355 | A positive offset without where removes the element at the start of the list plus offset. |
| 2356 | A negative offset without where removes the element at the end of the list minus offset. |
| 2357 | */ --> |
| 2358 | <xs:element name="remove"> |
| 2359 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2360 | <!-- @attribute delete If true, reverse the action of apply's attribute mode="create". |
| 2361 | (Experimental.) --> |
| 2362 | <xs:attribute name="delete" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 2363 | <!-- @attribute offset The destination position using the rules listed above. --> |
| 2364 | <xs:attribute name="offset" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 2365 | <!-- @attribute where The ID of the first display list entry to remove. --> |
| 2366 | <xs:attribute name="where" type="Sk:Drawable"/> |
| 2367 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2368 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2369 | </xs:element> |
| 2370 | |
| 2371 | <!-- /** replace |
| 2372 | Replace an item in the display list. |
| 2373 | If where is specified, the first occurance of where in the display list is replaced by use. |
| 2374 | If offset and where are specified, the element at where plus offset is replaced by use. |
| 2375 | A positive offset without where replaces the element at the start of the list plus offset. |
| 2376 | A negative offset without where replaces the element at the end of the list minus offset. |
| 2377 | */ --> |
| 2378 | <xs:element name="replace"> |
| 2379 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2380 | <!-- @attribute mode Has no effect. --> |
| 2381 | <xs:attribute name="mode" type="Sk:AddMode"/> |
| 2382 | <!-- @attribute offset The destination position using the rules listed above. --> |
| 2383 | <xs:attribute name="offset" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 2384 | <!-- @attribute use The element to be added to the display list.. --> |
| 2385 | <xs:attribute name="use" type="Sk:Drawable"/> |
| 2386 | <!-- @attribute where The ID of the first display list entry to remove. --> |
| 2387 | <xs:attribute name="where" type="Sk:Drawable"/> |
| 2388 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2389 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2390 | </xs:element> |
| 2391 | |
| 2392 | <!-- /** rotate |
| 2393 | Rotate creates a matrix that rotates a unit vector about a center point, and concatenated |
| 2394 | with the containing matrix. |
| 2395 | */ --> |
| 2396 | <xs:element name="rotate"> |
| 2397 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2398 | <!-- @attribute center A point the rotation is centered about; by default, [0.0, 0.0]. --> |
| 2399 | <xs:attribute name="center" type="Sk:Point"/> |
| 2400 | <!-- @attribute degrees The rotation in degrees. --> |
| 2401 | <xs:attribute name="degrees" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2402 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2403 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2404 | </xs:element> |
| 2405 | |
| 2406 | <!-- /** roundRect |
| 2407 | RoundRect creates a rectangle with rounded corners. The rounded corners are specified by |
| 2408 | two axes, which describe an quarter-section of the oval which is used in each corner. |
| 2409 | The width and height attribute compute the rectangle's right and bottom edges when the rectangle |
| 2410 | description is first seen. Animating the rectangle's left or top will not recompute the right or bottom |
| 2411 | if the width or height have been specified. |
| 2412 | */ --> |
| 2413 | <xs:element name="roundRect"> |
| 2414 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2415 | <!-- @attribute bottom The bottom edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 2416 | <xs:attribute name="bottom" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2417 | <!-- @attribute height The height of the rectangle. Setting height computes the |
| 2418 | bottom attribute from the top attribute. --> |
| 2419 | <xs:attribute name="height" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2420 | <!-- @attribute left The left edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 2421 | <xs:attribute name="left" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2422 | <!-- @attribute needsRedraw Set to true if last draw was visible. --> |
| 2423 | <xs:attribute name="needsRedraw" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 2424 | <!-- @attribute right The right edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 2425 | <xs:attribute name="right" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2426 | <!-- @attribute top The top edge of the rectangle. --> |
| 2427 | <xs:attribute name="top" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2428 | <!-- @attribute rx The radius of the corners on the x axis. --> |
| 2429 | <xs:attribute name="rx" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2430 | <!-- @attribute ry The radius of the corners on the y axis. --> |
| 2431 | <xs:attribute name="ry" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2432 | <!-- @attribute width The width of the rectangle. Setting width computes the |
| 2433 | right attribute from the left attribute. --> |
| 2434 | <xs:attribute name="width" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2435 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2436 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2437 | </xs:element> |
| 2438 | |
| 2439 | <!-- /** save |
| 2440 | The save element collects a series of elements into a group. The state of the paint and |
| 2441 | canvas are saved, so that edits to the paint and canvas within the group are restored |
| 2442 | to their original value at the end of the group. |
| 2443 | The save element can be referenced |
| 2444 | or defined within elements, like apply, which operate on any kind of element. Groups |
| 2445 | may contain groups. |
| 2446 | */ --> |
| 2447 | <xs:element name="save"> |
| 2448 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2449 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| 2450 | <xs:element ref="Sk:add"/> |
| 2451 | <xs:element ref="Sk:apply"/> |
| 2452 | <xs:element ref="Sk:array"/> |
| 2453 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bitmap"/> |
| 2454 | <xs:element ref="Sk:boolean"/> |
| 2455 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bounds"/> |
| 2456 | <!-- <xs:element ref="Sk3D:camera"/> --> |
| 2457 | <xs:element ref="Sk:clear"/> |
| 2458 | <xs:element ref="Sk:clip"/> |
| 2459 | <xs:element ref="Sk:color"/> |
| 2460 | <xs:element ref="Sk:drawTo"/> |
| 2461 | <xs:element ref="Sk:float"/> |
| 2462 | <xs:element ref="Sk:full"/> |
| 2463 | <xs:element ref="Sk:group"/> |
| 2464 | <xs:element ref="Sk:hitClear"/> |
| 2465 | <xs:element ref="Sk:hitTest"/> |
| 2466 | <xs:element ref="Sk:image"/> |
| 2467 | <xs:element ref="Sk:int"/> |
| 2468 | <xs:element ref="Sk:line"/> |
| 2469 | <xs:element ref="Sk:matrix"/> |
| 2470 | <xs:element ref="Sk:move"/> |
| 2471 | <xs:element ref="Sk:oval"/> |
| 2472 | <xs:element ref="Sk:paint"/> |
| 2473 | <!-- <xs:element ref="Sk:patch"/> --> |
| 2474 | <xs:element ref="Sk:path"/> |
| 2475 | <xs:element ref="Sk:point"/> |
| 2476 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polygon"/> |
| 2477 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polyline"/> |
| 2478 | <xs:element ref="Sk:post"/> |
| 2479 | <xs:element ref="Sk:random"/> |
| 2480 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rect"/> |
| 2481 | <xs:element ref="Sk:remove"/> |
| 2482 | <xs:element ref="Sk:replace"/> |
| 2483 | <xs:element ref="Sk:roundRect"/> |
| 2484 | <xs:element ref="Sk:save"/> |
| 2485 | <xs:element ref="Sk:set"/> |
| 2486 | <xs:element ref="Sk:snapshot"/> |
| 2487 | <xs:element ref="Sk:string"/> |
| 2488 | <xs:element ref="Sk:text"/> |
| 2489 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textBox"/> |
| 2490 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textOnPath"/> |
| 2491 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textToPath"/> |
| 2492 | </xs:choice> |
| 2493 | <!-- @attribute condition If present and zero, the contained elements are ignored. --> |
| 2494 | <xs:attribute name="condition" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 2495 | <!-- @attribute enableCondition If present and zero, the contained elements are ignored |
| 2496 | when enabled. --> |
| 2497 | <xs:attribute name="enableCondition" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 2498 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2499 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2500 | </xs:element> |
| 2501 | |
| 2502 | <!-- /** scale |
| 2503 | Scale creates a matrix that scales a unit vector about a center point, and concatenated |
| 2504 | with the containing matrix. |
| 2505 | */ --> |
| 2506 | <xs:element name="scale"> |
| 2507 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2508 | <!-- @attribute center A point the scale is centered about; by default, [0.0, 0.0]. --> |
| 2509 | <xs:attribute name="center" type="Sk:Point"/> |
| 2510 | <!-- @attribute x The factor all x values are scaled by; by default, 1.0. --> |
| 2511 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2512 | <!-- @attribute y The factor all y values are scaled by; by default, 1.0. --> |
| 2513 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2514 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2515 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2516 | </xs:element> |
| 2517 | |
| 2518 | <!-- /** screenplay |
| 2519 | Screenplay contains all events and elements referenced by the events. |
| 2520 | A document may only contain a single screenplay element. |
| 2521 | */ --> |
| 2522 | <xs:element name="screenplay"> |
| 2523 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2524 | <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded" > |
| 2525 | <xs:element ref="Sk:add"/> |
| 2526 | <xs:element ref="Sk:apply"/> |
| 2527 | <xs:element ref="Sk:array"/> |
| 2528 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bitmap"/> |
| 2529 | <xs:element ref="Sk:boolean"/> |
| 2530 | <xs:element ref="Sk:bounds"/> |
| 2531 | <!-- <xs:element ref="Sk3D:camera"/> --> |
| 2532 | <xs:element ref="Sk:clear"/> |
| 2533 | <xs:element ref="Sk:clip"/> |
| 2534 | <xs:element ref="Sk:color"/> |
| 2535 | <xs:element ref="Sk:drawTo"/> |
| 2536 | <xs:element ref="Sk:event"/> |
| 2537 | <xs:element ref="Sk:float"/> |
| 2538 | <xs:element ref="Sk:full"/> |
| 2539 | <xs:element ref="Sk:group"/> |
| 2540 | <xs:element ref="Sk:hitClear"/> |
| 2541 | <xs:element ref="Sk:hitTest"/> |
| 2542 | <xs:element ref="Sk:image"/> |
| 2543 | <xs:element ref="Sk:include"/> |
| 2544 | <xs:element ref="Sk:int"/> |
| 2545 | <xs:element ref="Sk:line"/> |
| 2546 | <xs:element ref="Sk:matrix"/> |
| 2547 | <xs:element ref="Sk:move"/> |
| 2548 | <xs:element ref="Sk:movie"/> |
| 2549 | <xs:element ref="Sk:oval"/> |
| 2550 | <xs:element ref="Sk:paint"/> |
| 2551 | <!-- <xs:element ref="Sk:patch"/> --> |
| 2552 | <xs:element ref="Sk:path"/> |
| 2553 | <xs:element ref="Sk:point"/> |
| 2554 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polygon"/> |
| 2555 | <xs:element ref="Sk:polyline"/> |
| 2556 | <xs:element ref="Sk:post"/> |
| 2557 | <xs:element ref="Sk:random"/> |
| 2558 | <xs:element ref="Sk:rect"/> |
| 2559 | <xs:element ref="Sk:remove"/> |
| 2560 | <xs:element ref="Sk:replace"/> |
| 2561 | <xs:element ref="Sk:roundRect"/> |
| 2562 | <xs:element ref="Sk:save"/> |
| 2563 | <xs:element ref="Sk:set"/> |
| 2564 | <xs:element ref="Sk:snapshot"/> |
| 2565 | <xs:element ref="Sk:string"/> |
| 2566 | <xs:element ref="Sk:text"/> |
| 2567 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textBox"/> |
| 2568 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textOnPath"/> |
| 2569 | <xs:element ref="Sk:textToPath"/> |
| 2570 | </xs:choice> |
| 2571 | <!-- @attribute time The time of the draw (readable from script; not part of the document XML) --> |
| 2572 | <xs:attribute name="time" type="Sk:MSec"/> |
| 2573 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2574 | </xs:element> |
| 2575 | |
| 2576 | <!-- /** set |
| 2577 | Set animates the target element's attribute directly to the specified value. |
| 2578 | */ --> |
| 2579 | <xs:element name="set"> |
| 2580 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2581 | <!-- @attribute begin An optional offset that must elapse before the animation begins. The apply |
| 2582 | begin attribute is added to any animator's begin attribute. --> |
| 2583 | <xs:attribute name="begin" type="Sk:MSec"/> |
| 2584 | <!-- @attribute dur The duration of the animation in milliseconds. --> |
| 2585 | <xs:attribute name="dur" type="Sk:MSec"/> |
| 2586 | <!-- @attribute dynamic If true, restart the animation if any of the simple values the |
| 2587 | 'lval' or 'to' attributes reference are changed. Simple values are contained by the array, boolean, float, int, |
| 2588 | and string elements. --> |
| 2589 | <!-- @attribute dynamic [Depreciated.] --> |
| 2590 | <xs:attribute name="dynamic" type="Sk:Boolean" /> |
| 2591 | <!-- @attribute field The attribute to animate. --> |
| 2592 | <xs:attribute name="field" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 2593 | <!-- @attribute formula A script to execute over time to compute the field's value. Typically, |
| 2594 | the fomula is a script expression which includes a reference to the time attribute of the |
| 2595 | containing apply element. --> |
| 2596 | <xs:attribute name="formula" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 2597 | <!-- @attribute lval An expression evaluating to the attribute to animate. |
| 2598 | If present, lval overrides 'field'. The expression is typically an array element, |
| 2599 | e.g. lval="x[y]" . --> |
| 2600 | <xs:attribute name="lval" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 2601 | <!-- @attribute reset If true, the computed value is the initial value after the |
| 2602 | animation is complete. If false, or by default, the computed value is the final value |
| 2603 | after the animation is complete. --> |
| 2604 | <xs:attribute name="reset" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 2605 | <!-- @attribute step When apply's attribute mode="immediate" or "create", the step attribute can be read by |
| 2606 | script to determine the current animation iteration. --> |
| 2607 | <xs:attribute name="step" type="Sk:Int" /> |
| 2608 | <!-- @attribute target The element to animate. By default, the element contained by the apply |
| 2609 | or referenced by the apply's scope attribute is the animate target. --> |
| 2610 | <xs:attribute name="target" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 2611 | <!-- @attribute to The ending value (requires a 'from' attribute) --> |
| 2612 | <xs:attribute name="to" type="Sk:DynamicString"/> |
| 2613 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2614 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2615 | </xs:element> |
| 2616 | |
| 2617 | <!-- /** skew |
| 2618 | Skew creates a matrix that skews a unit vector about a center point, and concatenated |
| 2619 | with the containing matrix. |
| 2620 | */ --> |
| 2621 | <xs:element name="skew"> |
| 2622 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2623 | <!-- @attribute center A point the skew is centered about; by default, [0.0, 0.0]. --> |
| 2624 | <xs:attribute name="center" type="Sk:Point"/> |
| 2625 | <!-- @attribute x The factor all x values are skewed by; by default, 0.0. --> |
| 2626 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2627 | <!-- @attribute y The factor all y values are skewed by; by default, 0.0. --> |
| 2628 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2629 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2630 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2631 | </xs:element> |
| 2632 | |
| 2633 | <!-- /** snapshot |
| 2634 | Snapshot creates an image file containing the display list. |
| 2635 | */ --> |
| 2636 | <xs:element name="snapshot"> |
| 2637 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2638 | <!-- @attribute filename The name of the file to generate. --> |
| 2639 | <xs:attribute name="filename" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 2640 | <!-- @attribute quality The quality of the image, from 0 to 100. --> |
| 2641 | <xs:attribute name="quality" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2642 | <!-- @attribute sequence Set to true to number the filenames sequentially. --> |
| 2643 | <xs:attribute name="sequence" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 2644 | <!-- @attribute type One of @pattern. The type of encoding to use. --> |
| 2645 | <xs:attribute name="type" type="Sk:BitmapEncoding"/> |
| 2646 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2647 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2648 | </xs:element> |
| 2649 | |
| 2650 | <!-- /** string |
| 2651 | String contains an array of characters. |
| 2652 | */ --> |
| 2653 | <xs:element name="string" > |
| 2654 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2655 | <!-- @attribute length The number of characters in the string (read only). --> |
| 2656 | <xs:attribute name="length" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 2657 | <!-- @attribute slice An ECMAScript compatible function that returns part of the string. --> |
| 2658 | <xs:attribute name="slice" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 2659 | <!-- @attribute value The string itself. --> |
| 2660 | <xs:attribute name="value" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 2661 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2662 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2663 | </xs:element> |
| 2664 | |
| 2665 | <!-- /** text |
| 2666 | A drawable string with a position. |
| 2667 | */ --> |
| 2668 | <xs:element name="text"> |
| 2669 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2670 | <!-- @attribute length The number of characters in the string (read only). --> |
| 2671 | <xs:attribute name="length" type="Sk:Int"/> |
| 2672 | <!-- @attribute text The string itself. --> |
| 2673 | <xs:attribute name="text" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 2674 | <!-- @attribute x The x coordinate of the string. --> |
| 2675 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2676 | <!-- @attribute y The y coordinate of the string. --> |
| 2677 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2678 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2679 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2680 | </xs:element> |
| 2681 | |
| 2682 | <!-- /** textBox |
| 2683 | A drawable string fit into a box. |
| 2684 | */ --> |
| 2685 | <xs:element name="textBox" > |
| 2686 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2687 | <!-- @attribute bottom The bottom of the box. --> |
| 2688 | <xs:attribute name="bottom" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2689 | <!-- @attribute height The height of the box, computed from top and bottom. --> |
| 2690 | <xs:attribute name="height" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2691 | <!-- @attribute left The left side of the box. --> |
| 2692 | <xs:attribute name="left" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2693 | <!-- @attribute mode One of @pattern. --> |
| 2694 | <xs:attribute name="mode" type="Sk:TextBoxMode"/> |
| 2695 | <!-- @attribute needsRedraw Set to true if last draw was visible. --> |
| 2696 | <xs:attribute name="needsRedraw" type="Sk:Boolean"/> |
| 2697 | <!-- @attribute right The right side of the box. --> |
| 2698 | <xs:attribute name="right" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2699 | <!-- @attribute spacingAdd The extra spacing between lines. --> |
| 2700 | <xs:attribute name="spacingAdd" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2701 | <!-- @attribute spacingAlign One of @pattern. --> |
| 2702 | <xs:attribute name="spacingAlign" type="Sk:TextBoxAlign"/> |
| 2703 | <!-- @attribute spacingMul The line spacing scaled by the text height. --> |
| 2704 | <xs:attribute name="spacingMul" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2705 | <!-- @attribute text The text to fit to the box. --> |
| 2706 | <xs:attribute name="text" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 2707 | <!-- @attribute top The top of the box. --> |
| 2708 | <xs:attribute name="top" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2709 | <!-- @attribute width The width of the box, computed from left and right. --> |
| 2710 | <xs:attribute name="width" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2711 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2712 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2713 | </xs:element> |
| 2714 | |
| 2715 | <!-- /** textOnPath |
| 2716 | TextOnPath specifies the baseline for a string of text with a path. |
| 2717 | */ --> |
| 2718 | <xs:element name="textOnPath"> |
| 2719 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2720 | <xs:choice > |
| 2721 | <xs:element ref="Sk:text" minOccurs="0" /> |
| 2722 | <xs:element ref="Sk:path" minOccurs="0" /> |
| 2723 | </xs:choice> |
| 2724 | <!-- @attribute offset The distance along the path to place the first text character. --> |
| 2725 | <xs:attribute name="offset" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2726 | <!-- @attribute path The baseline of the text. --> |
| 2727 | <xs:attribute name="path" type="Sk:Path"/> |
| 2728 | <!-- @attribute text The text to place along the path. --> |
| 2729 | <xs:attribute name="text" type="Sk:Text"/> |
| 2730 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2731 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2732 | </xs:element> |
| 2733 | |
| 2734 | <!-- /** textToPath |
| 2735 | TextToPath sets the path to the contours described by the text's glyphs, using the current paint. |
| 2736 | */ --> |
| 2737 | <xs:element name="textToPath"> |
| 2738 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2739 | <xs:choice > |
| 2740 | <xs:element ref="Sk:text" minOccurs="0" /> |
| 2741 | <xs:element ref="Sk:paint" minOccurs="0" /> |
| 2742 | <xs:element ref="Sk:path" minOccurs="0" /> |
| 2743 | </xs:choice> |
| 2744 | <!-- @attribute paint The paint selects the text font, size and other text properties. --> |
| 2745 | <xs:attribute name="paint" type="Sk:Paint"/> |
| 2746 | <!-- @attribute path The reference to the path element where the text as path is stored. --> |
| 2747 | <xs:attribute name="path" type="Sk:Path"/> |
| 2748 | <!-- @attribute text The reference to the text element to turn into a path. --> |
| 2749 | <xs:attribute name="text" type="Sk:Text"/> |
| 2750 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2751 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2752 | </xs:element> |
| 2753 | |
| 2754 | <!-- /** translate |
| 2755 | Translate concatenates a translation-only matrix onto the current matrix. |
| 2756 | */ --> |
| 2757 | <xs:element name="translate"> |
| 2758 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2759 | <!-- @attribute x The translation in x. --> |
| 2760 | <xs:attribute name="x" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2761 | <!-- @attribute y The translation in y. --> |
| 2762 | <xs:attribute name="y" type="Sk:Float"/> |
| 2763 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2764 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2765 | </xs:element> |
| 2766 | |
| 2767 | <!-- /** transparentShader |
| 2768 | TransparentShader uses the background for its paint. Works well with emboss. |
| 2769 | */ --> |
| 2770 | <xs:element name="transparentShader"> |
| 2771 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2772 | <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID"/> |
| 2773 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2774 | </xs:element> |
| 2775 | |
| 2776 | <!-- /** typeface |
| 2777 | Typeface describes the text font. |
| 2778 | */ --> |
| 2779 | <xs:element name="typeface"> |
| 2780 | <xs:complexType> |
| 2781 | <!-- @attribute fontName The name of the font. --> |
| 2782 | <xs:attribute name="fontName" type="Sk:String"/> |
| 2783 | </xs:complexType> |
| 2784 | </xs:element> |
| 2785 | |
| 2786 | </xs:schema> |
| 2787 | |