blob: 037bccafb28206266e7f2de78b6be23811d2e207 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.slf4j.impl;
import org.slf4j.spi.MDCAdapter;
* This implementation is bound to {@link Log4jMDCAdapter}.
* @author Ceki Gülcü
public class StaticMDCBinder {
* The unique instance of this class.
public static final StaticMDCBinder SINGLETON = new StaticMDCBinder();
private StaticMDCBinder() {
* Currently this method always returns an instance of
* {@link StaticMDCBinder}.
public MDCAdapter getMDCA() {
return new Log4jMDCAdapter();
public String getMDCAdapterClassStr() {
return Log4jMDCAdapter.class.getName();