blob: 59c486ab79c77dd842ec696baf7ea6e551d7e150 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package resolve defines a name-resolution pass for Starlark abstract
// syntax trees.
// The resolver sets the Locals and FreeVars arrays of each DefStmt and
// the LocalIndex field of each syntax.Ident that refers to a local or
// free variable. It also sets the Locals array of a File for locals
// bound by comprehensions outside any function. Identifiers for global
// variables do not get an index.
package resolve // import ""
// All references to names are statically resolved. Names may be
// predeclared, global, or local to a function or module-level comprehension.
// The resolver maps each global name to a small integer and each local
// name to a small integer; these integers enable a fast and compact
// representation of globals and locals in the evaluator.
// As an optimization, the resolver classifies each predeclared name as
// either universal (e.g. None, len) or per-module (e.g. glob in Bazel's
// build language), enabling the evaluator to share the representation
// of the universal environment across all modules.
// The lexical environment is a tree of blocks with the module block at
// its root. The module's child blocks may be of two kinds: functions
// and comprehensions, and these may have further children of either
// kind.
// Python-style resolution requires multiple passes because a name is
// determined to be local to a function only if the function contains a
// "binding" use of it; similarly, a name is determined be global (as
// opposed to predeclared) if the module contains a binding use at the
// top level. For both locals and globals, a non-binding use may
// lexically precede the binding to which it is resolved.
// In the first pass, we inspect each function, recording in
// 'uses' each identifier and the environment block in which it occurs.
// If a use of a name is binding, such as a function parameter or
// assignment, we add the name to the block's bindings mapping and add a
// local variable to the enclosing function.
// As we finish resolving each function, we inspect all the uses within
// that function and discard ones that were found to be local. The
// remaining ones must be either free (local to some lexically enclosing
// function), or nonlocal (global or predeclared), but we cannot tell
// which until we have finished inspecting the outermost enclosing
// function. At that point, we can distinguish local from global names
// (and this is when Python would compute free variables).
// However, Starlark additionally requires that all references to global
// names are satisfied by some declaration in the current module;
// Starlark permits a function to forward-reference a global that has not
// been declared yet so long as it is declared before the end of the
// module. So, instead of re-resolving the unresolved references after
// each top-level function, we defer this until the end of the module
// and ensure that all such references are satisfied by some definition.
// At the end of the module, we visit each of the nested function blocks
// in bottom-up order, doing a recursive lexical lookup for each
// unresolved name. If the name is found to be local to some enclosing
// function, we must create a DefStmt.FreeVar (capture) parameter for
// each intervening function. We enter these synthetic bindings into
// the bindings map so that we create at most one freevar per name. If
// the name was not local, we check that it was defined at module level.
// We resolve all uses of locals in the module (due to comprehensions)
// in a similar way and compute the set of its local variables.
// Starlark enforces that all global names are assigned at most once on
// all control flow paths by forbidding if/else statements and loops at
// top level. A global may be used before it is defined, leading to a
// dynamic error.
// TODO(adonovan): opt: reuse local slots once locals go out of scope.
import (
const debug = false
const doesnt = "this Starlark dialect does not "
// global options
// These features are either not standard Starlark (yet), or deprecated
// features of the BUILD language, so we put them behind flags.
var (
AllowNestedDef = false // allow def statements within function bodies
AllowLambda = false // allow lambda expressions
AllowFloat = false // allow floating point literals, the 'float' built-in, and x / y
AllowSet = false // allow the 'set' built-in
AllowGlobalReassign = false // allow reassignment to globals declared in same file (deprecated)
AllowBitwise = false // allow bitwise operations (&, |, ^, ~, <<, and >>)
AllowRecursion = false // allow while statements and recursive functions
// File resolves the specified file.
// The isPredeclared and isUniversal predicates report whether a name is
// a pre-declared identifier (visible in the current module) or a
// universal identifier (visible in every module).
// Clients should typically pass predeclared.Has for the first and
// starlark.Universe.Has for the second, where predeclared is the
// module's StringDict of predeclared names and starlark.Universe is the
// standard set of built-ins.
// The isUniverse predicate is supplied a parameter to avoid a cyclic
// dependency upon starlark.Universe, not because users should ever need
// to redefine it.
func File(file *syntax.File, isPredeclared, isUniversal func(name string) bool) error {
r := newResolver(isPredeclared, isUniversal)
// At the end of the module, resolve all non-local variable references,
// computing closures.
// Function bodies may contain forward references to later global declarations.
file.Locals = r.moduleLocals
file.Globals = r.moduleGlobals
if len(r.errors) > 0 {
return r.errors
return nil
// Expr resolves the specified expression.
// It returns the local variables bound within the expression.
// The isPredeclared and isUniversal predicates behave as for the File function.
func Expr(expr syntax.Expr, isPredeclared, isUniversal func(name string) bool) ([]*syntax.Ident, error) {
r := newResolver(isPredeclared, isUniversal)
r.resolveNonLocalUses(r.env) // globals & universals
if len(r.errors) > 0 {
return nil, r.errors
return r.moduleLocals, nil
// An ErrorList is a non-empty list of resolver error messages.
type ErrorList []Error // len > 0
func (e ErrorList) Error() string { return e[0].Error() }
// An Error describes the nature and position of a resolver error.
type Error struct {
Pos syntax.Position
Msg string
func (e Error) Error() string { return e.Pos.String() + ": " + e.Msg }
// The Scope of a syntax.Ident indicates what kind of scope it has.
type Scope uint8
const (
Undefined Scope = iota // name is not defined
Local // name is local to its function
Free // name is local to some enclosing function
Global // name is global to module
Predeclared // name is predeclared for this module (e.g. glob)
Universal // name is universal (e.g. len)
var scopeNames = [...]string{
Undefined: "undefined",
Local: "local",
Free: "free",
Global: "global",
Predeclared: "predeclared",
Universal: "universal",
func (scope Scope) String() string { return scopeNames[scope] }
func newResolver(isPredeclared, isUniversal func(name string) bool) *resolver {
return &resolver{
env: new(block), // module block
isPredeclared: isPredeclared,
isUniversal: isUniversal,
globals: make(map[string]*syntax.Ident),
type resolver struct {
// env is the current local environment:
// a linked list of blocks, innermost first.
// The tail of the list is the module block.
env *block
// moduleLocals contains the local variables of the module
// (due to comprehensions outside any function).
// moduleGlobals contains the global variables of the module.
moduleLocals []*syntax.Ident
moduleGlobals []*syntax.Ident
// globals maps each global name in the module
// to its first binding occurrence.
globals map[string]*syntax.Ident
// These predicates report whether a name is
// pre-declared, either in this module or universally.
isPredeclared, isUniversal func(name string) bool
loops int // number of enclosing for loops
errors ErrorList
// container returns the innermost enclosing "container" block:
// a function (function != nil) or module (function == nil).
// Container blocks accumulate local variable bindings.
func (r *resolver) container() *block {
for b := r.env; ; b = b.parent {
if b.function != nil || b.isModule() {
return b
func (r *resolver) push(b *block) {
r.env.children = append(r.env.children, b)
b.parent = r.env
r.env = b
func (r *resolver) pop() { r.env = r.env.parent }
type block struct {
parent *block // nil for module block
// In the module (root) block, both these fields are nil.
function *syntax.Function // only for function blocks
comp *syntax.Comprehension // only for comprehension blocks
// bindings maps a name to its binding.
// A local binding has an index into its innermost enclosing container's locals array.
// A free binding has an index into its innermost enclosing function's freevars array.
bindings map[string]binding
// children records the child blocks of the current one.
children []*block
// uses records all identifiers seen in this container (function or module),
// and a reference to the environment in which they appear.
// As we leave each container block, we resolve them,
// so that only free and global ones remain.
// At the end of each top-level function we compute closures.
uses []use
type binding struct {
scope Scope
index int
func (b *block) isModule() bool { return b.parent == nil }
func (b *block) bind(name string, bind binding) {
if b.bindings == nil {
b.bindings = make(map[string]binding)
b.bindings[name] = bind
func (b *block) String() string {
if b.function != nil {
return "function block at " + fmt.Sprint(b.function.Span())
if b.comp != nil {
return "comprehension block at " + fmt.Sprint(b.comp.Span())
return "module block"
func (r *resolver) errorf(posn syntax.Position, format string, args ...interface{}) {
r.errors = append(r.errors, Error{posn, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)})
// A use records an identifier and the environment in which it appears.
type use struct {
id *syntax.Ident
env *block
// bind creates a binding for id in the current block,
// if there is not one already, and reports an error if
// a global was re-bound and allowRebind is false.
// It returns whether a binding already existed.
func (r *resolver) bind(id *syntax.Ident, allowRebind bool) bool {
// Binding outside any local (comprehension/function) block?
if r.env.isModule() {
id.Scope = uint8(Global)
prev, ok := r.globals[id.Name]
if ok {
// Global reassignments are permitted only if
// they are of the form x += y. We can't tell
// statically whether it's a reassignment
// (e.g. int += int) or a mutation (list += list).
if !allowRebind && !AllowGlobalReassign {
r.errorf(id.NamePos, "cannot reassign global %s declared at %s", id.Name, prev.NamePos)
id.Index = prev.Index
} else {
// first global binding of this name
r.globals[id.Name] = id
id.Index = len(r.moduleGlobals)
r.moduleGlobals = append(r.moduleGlobals, id)
return ok
// Mark this name as local to current block.
// Assign it a new local (positive) index in the current container.
_, ok := r.env.bindings[id.Name]
if !ok {
var locals *[]*syntax.Ident
if fn := r.container().function; fn != nil {
locals = &fn.Locals
} else {
locals = &r.moduleLocals
r.env.bind(id.Name, binding{Local, len(*locals)})
*locals = append(*locals, id)
return ok
func (r *resolver) use(id *syntax.Ident) {
// The spec says that if there is a global binding of a name
// then all references to that name in that block refer to the
// global, even if the use precedes the def---just as for locals.
// For example, in this code,
// print(len); len=1; print(len)
// both occurrences of len refer to the len=1 binding, which
// completely shadows the predeclared len function.
// The rationale for these semantics, which differ from Python,
// is that the static meaning of len (a reference to a global)
// does not change depending on where it appears in the file.
// Of course, its dynamic meaning does change, from an error
// into a valid reference, so it's not clear these semantics
// have any practical advantage.
// In any case, the Bazel implementation lags behind the spec
// and follows Python behavior, so the first use of len refers
// to the predeclared function. This typically used in a BUILD
// file that redefines a predeclared name half way through,
// for example:
// proto_library(...) # built-in rule
// load("myproto.bzl", "proto_library")
// proto_library(...) # user-defined rule
// We will piggyback support for the legacy semantics on the
// AllowGlobalReassign flag, which is loosely related and also
// required for Bazel.
if AllowGlobalReassign && r.env.isModule() {
b := r.container()
b.uses = append(b.uses, use{id, r.env})
func (r *resolver) useGlobal(id *syntax.Ident) binding {
var scope Scope
if prev, ok := r.globals[id.Name]; ok {
scope = Global // use of global declared by module
id.Index = prev.Index
} else if r.isPredeclared(id.Name) {
scope = Predeclared // use of pre-declared
} else if r.isUniversal(id.Name) {
scope = Universal // use of universal name
if !AllowFloat && id.Name == "float" {
r.errorf(id.NamePos, doesnt+"support floating point")
if !AllowSet && id.Name == "set" {
r.errorf(id.NamePos, doesnt+"support sets")
} else {
scope = Undefined
r.errorf(id.NamePos, "undefined: %s", id.Name)
id.Scope = uint8(scope)
return binding{scope, id.Index}
// resolveLocalUses is called when leaving a container (function/module)
// block. It resolves all uses of locals within that block.
func (b *block) resolveLocalUses() {
unresolved := b.uses[:0]
for _, use := range b.uses {
if bind := lookupLocal(use); bind.scope == Local { = uint8(bind.scope) = bind.index
} else {
unresolved = append(unresolved, use)
b.uses = unresolved
func (r *resolver) stmts(stmts []syntax.Stmt) {
for _, stmt := range stmts {
func (r *resolver) stmt(stmt syntax.Stmt) {
switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
case *syntax.ExprStmt:
case *syntax.BranchStmt:
if r.loops == 0 && (stmt.Token == syntax.BREAK || stmt.Token == syntax.CONTINUE) {
r.errorf(stmt.TokenPos, "%s not in a loop", stmt.Token)
case *syntax.IfStmt:
if r.container().function == nil {
r.errorf(stmt.If, "if statement not within a function")
case *syntax.AssignStmt:
if !AllowBitwise {
switch stmt.Op {
case syntax.AMP_EQ, syntax.PIPE_EQ, syntax.CIRCUMFLEX_EQ, syntax.LTLT_EQ, syntax.GTGT_EQ:
r.errorf(stmt.OpPos, doesnt+"support bitwise operations")
// x += y may be a re-binding of a global variable,
// but we cannot tell without knowing the type of x.
// (If x is a list it's equivalent to x.extend(y).)
// The use is conservatively treated as binding,
// but we suppress the error if it's an already-bound global.
isAugmented := stmt.Op != syntax.EQ
r.assign(stmt.LHS, isAugmented)
case *syntax.DefStmt:
if !AllowNestedDef && r.container().function != nil {
r.errorf(stmt.Def, doesnt+"support nested def")
const allowRebind = false
r.bind(stmt.Name, allowRebind)
r.function(stmt.Def, stmt.Name.Name, &stmt.Function)
case *syntax.ForStmt:
if r.container().function == nil {
r.errorf(stmt.For, "for loop not within a function")
const allowRebind = false
r.assign(stmt.Vars, allowRebind)
case *syntax.WhileStmt:
if !AllowRecursion {
r.errorf(stmt.While, "while loop not allowed")
if r.container().function == nil {
r.errorf(stmt.While, "while loop not within a function")
case *syntax.ReturnStmt:
if r.container().function == nil {
r.errorf(stmt.Return, "return statement not within a function")
if stmt.Result != nil {
case *syntax.LoadStmt:
if r.container().function != nil {
r.errorf(stmt.Load, "load statement within a function")
const allowRebind = false
for i, from := range stmt.From {
if from.Name == "" {
r.errorf(from.NamePos, "load: empty identifier")
if from.Name[0] == '_' {
r.errorf(from.NamePos, "load: names with leading underscores are not exported: %s", from.Name)
r.bind(stmt.To[i], allowRebind)
log.Fatalf("unexpected stmt %T", stmt)
func (r *resolver) assign(lhs syntax.Expr, isAugmented bool) {
switch lhs := lhs.(type) {
case *syntax.Ident:
// x = ...
allowRebind := isAugmented
r.bind(lhs, allowRebind)
case *syntax.IndexExpr:
// x[i] = ...
case *syntax.DotExpr:
// x.f = ...
case *syntax.TupleExpr:
// (x, y) = ...
if len(lhs.List) == 0 {
r.errorf(syntax.Start(lhs), "can't assign to ()")
if isAugmented {
r.errorf(syntax.Start(lhs), "can't use tuple expression in augmented assignment")
for _, elem := range lhs.List {
r.assign(elem, isAugmented)
case *syntax.ListExpr:
// [x, y, z] = ...
if len(lhs.List) == 0 {
r.errorf(syntax.Start(lhs), "can't assign to []")
if isAugmented {
r.errorf(syntax.Start(lhs), "can't use list expression in augmented assignment")
for _, elem := range lhs.List {
r.assign(elem, isAugmented)
case *syntax.ParenExpr:
r.assign(lhs.X, isAugmented)
name := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("%T", lhs), "*syntax."))
r.errorf(syntax.Start(lhs), "can't assign to %s", name)
func (r *resolver) expr(e syntax.Expr) {
switch e := e.(type) {
case *syntax.Ident:
case *syntax.Literal:
if !AllowFloat && e.Token == syntax.FLOAT {
r.errorf(e.TokenPos, doesnt+"support floating point")
case *syntax.ListExpr:
for _, x := range e.List {
case *syntax.CondExpr:
case *syntax.IndexExpr:
case *syntax.DictEntry:
case *syntax.SliceExpr:
if e.Lo != nil {
if e.Hi != nil {
if e.Step != nil {
case *syntax.Comprehension:
// The 'in' operand of the first clause (always a ForClause)
// is resolved in the outer block; consider: [x for x in x].
clause := e.Clauses[0].(*syntax.ForClause)
// A list/dict comprehension defines a new lexical block.
// Locals defined within the block will be allotted
// distinct slots in the locals array of the innermost
// enclosing container (function/module) block.
r.push(&block{comp: e})
const allowRebind = false
r.assign(clause.Vars, allowRebind)
for _, clause := range e.Clauses[1:] {
switch clause := clause.(type) {
case *syntax.IfClause:
case *syntax.ForClause:
r.assign(clause.Vars, allowRebind)
r.expr(e.Body) // body may be *DictEntry
case *syntax.TupleExpr:
for _, x := range e.List {
case *syntax.DictExpr:
for _, entry := range e.List {
entry := entry.(*syntax.DictEntry)
case *syntax.UnaryExpr:
if !AllowBitwise && e.Op == syntax.TILDE {
r.errorf(e.OpPos, doesnt+"support bitwise operations")
case *syntax.BinaryExpr:
if !AllowFloat && e.Op == syntax.SLASH {
r.errorf(e.OpPos, doesnt+"support floating point (use //)")
if !AllowBitwise {
switch e.Op {
case syntax.AMP, syntax.PIPE, syntax.CIRCUMFLEX, syntax.LTLT, syntax.GTGT:
r.errorf(e.OpPos, doesnt+"support bitwise operations")
case *syntax.DotExpr:
// ignore e.Name
case *syntax.CallExpr:
var seenVarargs, seenKwargs bool
var seenName map[string]bool
for _, arg := range e.Args {
pos, _ := arg.Span()
if unop, ok := arg.(*syntax.UnaryExpr); ok && unop.Op == syntax.STARSTAR {
// **kwargs
if seenKwargs {
r.errorf(pos, "multiple **kwargs not allowed")
seenKwargs = true
} else if ok && unop.Op == syntax.STAR {
// *args
if seenKwargs {
r.errorf(pos, "*args may not follow **kwargs")
} else if seenVarargs {
r.errorf(pos, "multiple *args not allowed")
seenVarargs = true
} else if binop, ok := arg.(*syntax.BinaryExpr); ok && binop.Op == syntax.EQ {
// k=v
if seenKwargs {
r.errorf(pos, "argument may not follow **kwargs")
x := binop.X.(*syntax.Ident)
if seenName[x.Name] {
r.errorf(x.NamePos, "keyword argument %s repeated", x.Name)
} else {
if seenName == nil {
seenName = make(map[string]bool)
seenName[x.Name] = true
} else {
// positional argument
if seenVarargs {
r.errorf(pos, "argument may not follow *args")
} else if seenKwargs {
r.errorf(pos, "argument may not follow **kwargs")
} else if len(seenName) > 0 {
r.errorf(pos, "positional argument may not follow named")
case *syntax.LambdaExpr:
if !AllowLambda {
r.errorf(e.Lambda, doesnt+"support lambda")
r.function(e.Lambda, "lambda", &e.Function)
case *syntax.ParenExpr:
log.Fatalf("unexpected expr %T", e)
func (r *resolver) function(pos syntax.Position, name string, function *syntax.Function) {
// Resolve defaults in enclosing environment.
for _, param := range function.Params {
if binary, ok := param.(*syntax.BinaryExpr); ok {
// Enter function block.
b := &block{function: function}
const allowRebind = false
var seenOptional bool
var star, starStar *syntax.Ident // *args, **kwargs
for _, param := range function.Params {
switch param := param.(type) {
case *syntax.Ident:
// e.g. x
if starStar != nil {
r.errorf(param.NamePos, "required parameter may not follow **%s", starStar.Name)
} else if star != nil {
r.errorf(param.NamePos, "required parameter may not follow * parameter")
} else if seenOptional {
r.errorf(param.NamePos, "required parameter may not follow optional")
if r.bind(param, allowRebind) {
r.errorf(param.NamePos, "duplicate parameter: %s", param.Name)
case *syntax.BinaryExpr:
// e.g. y=dflt
if starStar != nil {
r.errorf(param.OpPos, "optional parameter may not follow **%s", starStar.Name)
} else if star != nil {
r.errorf(param.OpPos, "optional parameter may not follow *%s", star.Name)
if id := param.X.(*syntax.Ident); r.bind(id, allowRebind) {
r.errorf(param.OpPos, "duplicate parameter: %s", id.Name)
seenOptional = true
case *syntax.UnaryExpr:
// *args or **kwargs
id := param.X.(*syntax.Ident)
if param.Op == syntax.STAR {
if starStar != nil {
r.errorf(param.OpPos, "*%s parameter may not follow **%s", id.Name, starStar.Name)
} else if star != nil {
r.errorf(param.OpPos, "multiple * parameters not allowed")
} else {
star = id
} else {
if starStar != nil {
r.errorf(param.OpPos, "multiple ** parameters not allowed")
} else {
starStar = id
if r.bind(id, allowRebind) {
r.errorf(id.NamePos, "duplicate parameter: %s", id.Name)
function.HasVarargs = star != nil
function.HasKwargs = starStar != nil
// Resolve all uses of this function's local vars,
// and keep just the remaining uses of free/global vars.
// Leave function block.
// References within the function body to globals are not
// resolved until the end of the module.
func (r *resolver) resolveNonLocalUses(b *block) {
// First resolve inner blocks.
for _, child := range b.children {
for _, use := range b.uses {
bind := r.lookupLexical(, use.env) = uint8(bind.scope) = bind.index
// lookupLocal looks up an identifier within its immediately enclosing function.
func lookupLocal(use use) binding {
for env := use.env; env != nil; env = env.parent {
if bind, ok := env.bindings[]; ok {
if bind.scope == Free {
// shouldn't exist till later
log.Fatalf("%s: internal error: %s, %d",,, bind)
return bind // found
if env.function != nil {
return binding{} // not found in this function
// lookupLexical looks up an identifier within its lexically enclosing environment.
func (r *resolver) lookupLexical(id *syntax.Ident, env *block) (bind binding) {
if debug {
fmt.Printf("lookupLexical %s in %s = ...\n", id.Name, env)
defer func() { fmt.Printf("= %d\n", bind) }()
// Is this the module block?
if env.isModule() {
return r.useGlobal(id) // global, predeclared, or not found
// Defined in this block?
bind, ok := env.bindings[id.Name]
if !ok {
// Defined in parent block?
bind = r.lookupLexical(id, env.parent)
if env.function != nil && (bind.scope == Local || bind.scope == Free) {
// Found in parent block, which belongs to enclosing function.
id := &syntax.Ident{
Name: id.Name,
Scope: uint8(bind.scope),
Index: bind.index,
bind.scope = Free
bind.index = len(env.function.FreeVars)
env.function.FreeVars = append(env.function.FreeVars, id)
if debug {
fmt.Printf("creating freevar %v in function at %s: %s\n",
len(env.function.FreeVars), fmt.Sprint(env.function.Span()), id.Name)
// Memoize, to avoid duplicate free vars
// and redundant global (failing) lookups.
env.bind(id.Name, bind)
return bind