blob: 14a930829490b98d903ae2aafe0f63fbc356127e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package syntax
import (
func scan(src interface{}) (tokens string, err error) {
sc, err := newScanner("", src, false)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer sc.recover(&err)
var buf bytes.Buffer
var val tokenValue
for {
tok := sc.nextToken(&val)
if buf.Len() > 0 {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
switch tok {
case EOF:
case IDENT:
case INT:
if val.bigInt != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d", val.bigInt)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d",
case FLOAT:
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%e", val.float)
case STRING:
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%q", val.string)
if tok == EOF {
return buf.String(), nil
func TestScanner(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
input, want string
{``, "EOF"},
{`123`, "123 EOF"},
{`x.y`, "x . y EOF"},
{`chocolate.éclair`, `chocolate . éclair EOF`},
{`123 "foo" hello x.y`, `123 "foo" hello x . y EOF`},
{`print(x)`, "print ( x ) EOF"},
{`print(x); print(y)`, "print ( x ) ; print ( y ) EOF"},
{"\nprint(\n1\n)\n", "print ( 1 ) newline EOF"}, // final \n is at toplevel on non-blank line => token
{`/ // /= //= ///=`, "/ // /= //= // /= EOF"},
{`# hello
print(x)`, "print ( x ) EOF"},
{`# hello
def f(x):
return x+1
`print ( 1 ) newline ` +
`cc_binary ( name = "foo" ) newline ` +
`def f ( x ) : newline ` +
`indent return x + 1 newline ` +
`outdent print ( 1 ) newline ` +
// EOF should act line an implicit newline.
{`def f(): pass`,
"def f ( ) : pass EOF"},
{`def f():
"def f ( ) : newline indent pass newline outdent EOF"},
{`def f():
# oops`,
"def f ( ) : newline indent pass newline outdent EOF"},
{`def f():
pass \
"def f ( ) : newline indent pass newline outdent EOF"},
{`def f():
"def f ( ) : newline indent pass newline outdent EOF"},
pass`, "pass newline pass EOF"}, // consecutive newlines are consolidated
{`def f():
`, "def f ( ) : newline indent pass newline outdent EOF"},
{`def f():
` + "\n", "def f ( ) : newline indent pass newline outdent EOF"},
{"pass", "pass EOF"},
{"pass\n", "pass newline EOF"},
{"pass\n ", "pass newline EOF"},
{"pass\n \n", "pass newline EOF"},
{"if x:\n pass\n ", "if x : newline indent pass newline outdent EOF"},
{`x = 1 + \
2`, `x = 1 + 2 EOF`},
{`x = 'a\nb'`, `x = "a\nb" EOF`},
{`x = 'a\zb'`, `x = "a\\zb" EOF`},
{`x = r'a\nb'`, `x = "a\\nb" EOF`},
{`x = '\''`, `x = "'" EOF`},
{`x = "\""`, `x = "\"" EOF`},
{`x = r'\''`, `x = "\\'" EOF`},
{`x = '''\''''`, `x = "'" EOF`},
{`x = r'''\''''`, `x = "\\'" EOF`},
{`x = ''''a'b'c'''`, `x = "'a'b'c" EOF`},
{"x = '''a\nb'''", `x = "a\nb" EOF`},
{"x = '''a\rb'''", `x = "a\nb" EOF`},
{"x = '''a\r\nb'''", `x = "a\nb" EOF`},
{"x = '''a\n\rb'''", `x = "a\n\nb" EOF`},
{"x = r'a\\\nb'", `x = "a\\\nb" EOF`},
{"x = r'a\\\rb'", `x = "a\\\nb" EOF`},
{"x = r'a\\\r\nb'", `x = "a\\\nb" EOF`},
{"a\rb", `a newline b EOF`},
{"a\nb", `a newline b EOF`},
{"a\r\nb", `a newline b EOF`},
{"a\n\nb", `a newline b EOF`},
// numbers
{"0", `0 EOF`},
{"00", `0 EOF`},
{"0.", `0.000000e+00 EOF`},
{"0.e1", `0.000000e+00 EOF`},
{".0", `0.000000e+00 EOF`},
{"0.0", `0.000000e+00 EOF`},
{".e1", `. e1 EOF`},
{"1", `1 EOF`},
{"1.", `1.000000e+00 EOF`},
{".1", `1.000000e-01 EOF`},
{".1e1", `1.000000e+00 EOF`},
{".1e+1", `1.000000e+00 EOF`},
{".1e-1", `1.000000e-02 EOF`},
{"1e1", `1.000000e+01 EOF`},
{"1e+1", `1.000000e+01 EOF`},
{"1e-1", `1.000000e-01 EOF`},
{"123", `123 EOF`},
{"123e45", `1.230000e+47 EOF`},
{"999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999", `999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 EOF`},
{"12345678901234567890", `12345678901234567890 EOF`},
// hex
{"0xA", `10 EOF`},
{"0xAAG", `170 G EOF`},
{"0xG", ` invalid hex literal`},
{"0XA", `10 EOF`},
{"0XG", ` invalid hex literal`},
{"0xA.", `10 . EOF`},
{"0xA.e1", `10 . e1 EOF`},
{"0x12345678deadbeef12345678", `5634002672576678570168178296 EOF`},
// binary
{"0b1010", `10 EOF`},
{"0B111101", `61 EOF`},
{"0b3", ` invalid binary literal`},
{"0b1010201", `10 201 EOF`},
{"0b1010.01", `10 1.000000e-02 EOF`},
{"0b0000", `0 EOF`},
// octal
{"0o123", `83 EOF`},
{"0o12834", `10 834 EOF`},
{"0o12934", `10 934 EOF`},
{"0o12934.", `10 9.340000e+02 EOF`},
{"0o12934.1", `10 9.341000e+02 EOF`},
{"0o12934e1", `10 9.340000e+03 EOF`},
{"0o123.", `83 . EOF`},
{"0o123.1", `83 1.000000e-01 EOF`},
// TODO(adonovan): reenable later.
// {"0123", `obsolete form of octal literal; use 0o123`},
{"0123", `83 EOF`},
{"012834", ` invalid int literal`},
{"012934", ` invalid int literal`},
{"i = 012934", ` invalid int literal`},
// octal escapes in string literals
{`"\037"`, `"\x1f" EOF`},
{`"\377"`, `"\xff" EOF`},
{`"\378"`, `"\x1f8" EOF`}, // = '\37' + '8'
{`"\400"`, ` invalid escape sequence \400`}, // unlike Python 2 and 3
// Backslashes that are not part of escapes are treated literally,
// but this behavior will change; see b/34519173.
{`"\+"`, `"\\+" EOF`},
{`"\o123"`, `"\\o123" EOF`},
// floats starting with octal digits
{"012934.", `1.293400e+04 EOF`},
{"012934.1", `1.293410e+04 EOF`},
{"012934e1", `1.293400e+05 EOF`},
{"0123.", `1.230000e+02 EOF`},
{"0123.1", `1.231000e+02 EOF`},
// issue #16
{"x ! 0", " unexpected input character '!'"},
} {
got, err := scan(test.input)
if err != nil {
got = err.(Error).Error()
if test.want != got {
t.Errorf("scan `%s` = [%s], want [%s]", test.input, got, test.want)
// dataFile is the same as starlarktest.DataFile.
// We make a copy to avoid a dependency cycle.
var dataFile = func(pkgdir, filename string) string {
return filepath.Join(build.Default.GOPATH, "src/", pkgdir, filename)
func BenchmarkScan(b *testing.B) {
filename := dataFile("starlark/syntax", "testdata/")
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
sc, err := newScanner(filename, data, false)
if err != nil {
var val tokenValue
for sc.nextToken(&val) != EOF {