blob: 0b148036d01e403e03a3b298ba8c71b824d383f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2002-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ParseHelper.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "glslang.h"
#include "preprocessor/SourceLocation.h"
// Sub- vector and matrix fields
// Look at a '.' field selector string and change it into offsets
// for a vector.
bool TParseContext::parseVectorFields(const TString& compString, int vecSize, TVectorFields& fields, int line)
fields.num = (int) compString.size();
if (fields.num > 4) {
error(line, "illegal vector field selection", compString.c_str());
return false;
enum {
} fieldSet[4];
for (int i = 0; i < fields.num; ++i) {
switch (compString[i]) {
case 'x':
fields.offsets[i] = 0;
fieldSet[i] = exyzw;
case 'r':
fields.offsets[i] = 0;
fieldSet[i] = ergba;
case 's':
fields.offsets[i] = 0;
fieldSet[i] = estpq;
case 'y':
fields.offsets[i] = 1;
fieldSet[i] = exyzw;
case 'g':
fields.offsets[i] = 1;
fieldSet[i] = ergba;
case 't':
fields.offsets[i] = 1;
fieldSet[i] = estpq;
case 'z':
fields.offsets[i] = 2;
fieldSet[i] = exyzw;
case 'b':
fields.offsets[i] = 2;
fieldSet[i] = ergba;
case 'p':
fields.offsets[i] = 2;
fieldSet[i] = estpq;
case 'w':
fields.offsets[i] = 3;
fieldSet[i] = exyzw;
case 'a':
fields.offsets[i] = 3;
fieldSet[i] = ergba;
case 'q':
fields.offsets[i] = 3;
fieldSet[i] = estpq;
error(line, "illegal vector field selection", compString.c_str());
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < fields.num; ++i) {
if (fields.offsets[i] >= vecSize) {
error(line, "vector field selection out of range", compString.c_str());
return false;
if (i > 0) {
if (fieldSet[i] != fieldSet[i-1]) {
error(line, "illegal - vector component fields not from the same set", compString.c_str());
return false;
return true;
// Look at a '.' field selector string and change it into offsets
// for a matrix.
bool TParseContext::parseMatrixFields(const TString& compString, int matSize, TMatrixFields& fields, int line)
fields.wholeRow = false;
fields.wholeCol = false;
fields.row = -1;
fields.col = -1;
if (compString.size() != 2) {
error(line, "illegal length of matrix field selection", compString.c_str());
return false;
if (compString[0] == '_') {
if (compString[1] < '0' || compString[1] > '3') {
error(line, "illegal matrix field selection", compString.c_str());
return false;
fields.wholeCol = true;
fields.col = compString[1] - '0';
} else if (compString[1] == '_') {
if (compString[0] < '0' || compString[0] > '3') {
error(line, "illegal matrix field selection", compString.c_str());
return false;
fields.wholeRow = true;
fields.row = compString[0] - '0';
} else {
if (compString[0] < '0' || compString[0] > '3' ||
compString[1] < '0' || compString[1] > '3') {
error(line, "illegal matrix field selection", compString.c_str());
return false;
fields.row = compString[0] - '0';
fields.col = compString[1] - '0';
if (fields.row >= matSize || fields.col >= matSize) {
error(line, "matrix field selection out of range", compString.c_str());
return false;
return true;
// Errors
// Track whether errors have occurred.
void TParseContext::recover()
// Used by flex/bison to output all syntax and parsing errors.
void TParseContext::error(TSourceLoc loc,
const char* reason, const char* token,
const char* extraInfo)
pp::SourceLocation srcLoc;
DecodeSourceLoc(loc, &srcLoc.file, &srcLoc.line);
srcLoc, reason, token, extraInfo);
void TParseContext::warning(TSourceLoc loc,
const char* reason, const char* token,
const char* extraInfo) {
pp::SourceLocation srcLoc;
DecodeSourceLoc(loc, &srcLoc.file, &srcLoc.line);
srcLoc, reason, token, extraInfo);
void TParseContext::trace(const char* str)
// Same error message for all places assignments don't work.
void TParseContext::assignError(int line, const char* op, TString left, TString right)
std::stringstream extraInfoStream;
extraInfoStream << "cannot convert from '" << right << "' to '" << left << "'";
std::string extraInfo = extraInfoStream.str();
error(line, "", op, extraInfo.c_str());
// Same error message for all places unary operations don't work.
void TParseContext::unaryOpError(int line, const char* op, TString operand)
std::stringstream extraInfoStream;
extraInfoStream << "no operation '" << op << "' exists that takes an operand of type " << operand
<< " (or there is no acceptable conversion)";
std::string extraInfo = extraInfoStream.str();
error(line, " wrong operand type", op, extraInfo.c_str());
// Same error message for all binary operations don't work.
void TParseContext::binaryOpError(int line, const char* op, TString left, TString right)
std::stringstream extraInfoStream;
extraInfoStream << "no operation '" << op << "' exists that takes a left-hand operand of type '" << left
<< "' and a right operand of type '" << right << "' (or there is no acceptable conversion)";
std::string extraInfo = extraInfoStream.str();
error(line, " wrong operand types ", op, extraInfo.c_str());
bool TParseContext::precisionErrorCheck(int line, TPrecision precision, TBasicType type){
if (!checksPrecisionErrors)
return false;
switch( type ){
case EbtFloat:
if( precision == EbpUndefined ){
error( line, "No precision specified for (float)", "" );
return true;
case EbtInt:
if( precision == EbpUndefined ){
error( line, "No precision specified (int)", "" );
return true;
return false;
return false;
// Both test and if necessary, spit out an error, to see if the node is really
// an l-value that can be operated on this way.
// Returns true if the was an error.
bool TParseContext::lValueErrorCheck(int line, const char* op, TIntermTyped* node)
TIntermSymbol* symNode = node->getAsSymbolNode();
TIntermBinary* binaryNode = node->getAsBinaryNode();
if (binaryNode) {
bool errorReturn;
switch(binaryNode->getOp()) {
case EOpIndexDirect:
case EOpIndexIndirect:
case EOpIndexDirectStruct:
return lValueErrorCheck(line, op, binaryNode->getLeft());
case EOpVectorSwizzle:
errorReturn = lValueErrorCheck(line, op, binaryNode->getLeft());
if (!errorReturn) {
int offset[4] = {0,0,0,0};
TIntermTyped* rightNode = binaryNode->getRight();
TIntermAggregate *aggrNode = rightNode->getAsAggregate();
for (TIntermSequence::iterator p = aggrNode->getSequence().begin();
p != aggrNode->getSequence().end(); p++) {
int value = (*p)->getAsTyped()->getAsConstantUnion()->getIConst(0);
if (offset[value] > 1) {
error(line, " l-value of swizzle cannot have duplicate components", op);
return true;
return errorReturn;
error(line, " l-value required", op);
return true;
const char* symbol = 0;
if (symNode != 0)
symbol = symNode->getSymbol().c_str();
const char* message = 0;
switch (node->getQualifier()) {
case EvqConst: message = "can't modify a const"; break;
case EvqConstReadOnly: message = "can't modify a const"; break;
case EvqAttribute: message = "can't modify an attribute"; break;
case EvqUniform: message = "can't modify a uniform"; break;
case EvqVaryingIn: message = "can't modify a varying"; break;
case EvqInput: message = "can't modify an input"; break;
case EvqFragCoord: message = "can't modify gl_FragCoord"; break;
case EvqFrontFacing: message = "can't modify gl_FrontFacing"; break;
case EvqPointCoord: message = "can't modify gl_PointCoord"; break;
// Type that can't be written to?
message = "can't modify a sampler";
else if(node->getBasicType() == EbtVoid)
message = "can't modify void";
if (message == 0 && binaryNode == 0 && symNode == 0) {
error(line, " l-value required", op);
return true;
// Everything else is okay, no error.
if (message == 0)
return false;
// If we get here, we have an error and a message.
if (symNode) {
std::stringstream extraInfoStream;
extraInfoStream << "\"" << symbol << "\" (" << message << ")";
std::string extraInfo = extraInfoStream.str();
error(line, " l-value required", op, extraInfo.c_str());
else {
std::stringstream extraInfoStream;
extraInfoStream << "(" << message << ")";
std::string extraInfo = extraInfoStream.str();
error(line, " l-value required", op, extraInfo.c_str());
return true;
// Both test, and if necessary spit out an error, to see if the node is really
// a constant.
// Returns true if the was an error.
bool TParseContext::constErrorCheck(TIntermTyped* node)
if (node->getQualifier() == EvqConst)
return false;
error(node->getLine(), "constant expression required", "");
return true;
// Both test, and if necessary spit out an error, to see if the node is really
// an integer.
// Returns true if the was an error.
bool TParseContext::integerErrorCheck(TIntermTyped* node, const char* token)
if (node->isScalarInt())
return false;
error(node->getLine(), "integer expression required", token);
return true;
// Both test, and if necessary spit out an error, to see if we are currently
// globally scoped.
// Returns true if the was an error.
bool TParseContext::globalErrorCheck(int line, bool global, const char* token)
if (global)
return false;
error(line, "only allowed at global scope", token);
return true;
// For now, keep it simple: if it starts "gl_", it's reserved, independent
// of scope. Except, if the symbol table is at the built-in push-level,
// which is when we are parsing built-ins.
// Also checks for "webgl_" and "_webgl_" reserved identifiers if parsing a
// webgl shader.
// Returns true if there was an error.
bool TParseContext::reservedErrorCheck(int line, const TString& identifier)
static const char* reservedErrMsg = "reserved built-in name";
if (!symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel()) {
if (, 3, "gl_") == 0) {
error(line, reservedErrMsg, "gl_");
return true;
if (identifier.find("__") != TString::npos) {
error(line, "identifiers containing two consecutive underscores (__) are reserved as possible future keywords", identifier.c_str());
return true;
return false;
// Make sure there is enough data provided to the constructor to build
// something of the type of the constructor. Also returns the type of
// the constructor.
// Returns true if there was an error in construction.
bool TParseContext::constructorErrorCheck(int line, TIntermNode* node, TFunction& function, TOperator op, TType* type)
*type = function.getReturnType();
bool constructingMatrix = false;
switch(op) {
case EOpConstructMat2:
case EOpConstructMat3:
case EOpConstructMat4:
constructingMatrix = true;
// Note: It's okay to have too many components available, but not okay to have unused
// arguments. 'full' will go to true when enough args have been seen. If we loop
// again, there is an extra argument, so 'overfull' will become true.
int size = 0;
bool constType = true;
bool full = false;
bool overFull = false;
bool matrixInMatrix = false;
bool arrayArg = false;
for (int i = 0; i < function.getParamCount(); ++i) {
const TParameter& param = function.getParam(i);
size += param.type->getObjectSize();
if (constructingMatrix && param.type->isMatrix())
matrixInMatrix = true;
if (full)
overFull = true;
if (op != EOpConstructStruct && !type->isArray() && size >= type->getObjectSize())
full = true;
if (param.type->getQualifier() != EvqConst)
constType = false;
if (param.type->isArray())
arrayArg = true;
if (constType)
if (type->isArray() && type->getArraySize() != function.getParamCount()) {
error(line, "array constructor needs one argument per array element", "constructor");
return true;
if (arrayArg && op != EOpConstructStruct) {
error(line, "constructing from a non-dereferenced array", "constructor");
return true;
if (matrixInMatrix && !type->isArray()) {
if (function.getParamCount() != 1) {
error(line, "constructing matrix from matrix can only take one argument", "constructor");
return true;
if (overFull) {
error(line, "too many arguments", "constructor");
return true;
if (op == EOpConstructStruct && !type->isArray() && int(type->getStruct()->size()) != function.getParamCount()) {
error(line, "Number of constructor parameters does not match the number of structure fields", "constructor");
return true;
if (!type->isMatrix() || !matrixInMatrix) {
if ((op != EOpConstructStruct && size != 1 && size < type->getObjectSize()) ||
(op == EOpConstructStruct && size < type->getObjectSize())) {
error(line, "not enough data provided for construction", "constructor");
return true;
TIntermTyped *typed = node ? node->getAsTyped() : 0;
if (typed == 0) {
error(line, "constructor argument does not have a type", "constructor");
return true;
if (op != EOpConstructStruct && IsSampler(typed->getBasicType())) {
error(line, "cannot convert a sampler", "constructor");
return true;
if (typed->getBasicType() == EbtVoid) {
error(line, "cannot convert a void", "constructor");
return true;
return false;
// This function checks to see if a void variable has been declared and raise an error message for such a case
// returns true in case of an error
bool TParseContext::voidErrorCheck(int line, const TString& identifier, const TPublicType& pubType)
if (pubType.type == EbtVoid) {
error(line, "illegal use of type 'void'", identifier.c_str());
return true;
return false;
// This function checks to see if the node (for the expression) contains a scalar boolean expression or not
// returns true in case of an error
bool TParseContext::boolErrorCheck(int line, const TIntermTyped* type)
if (type->getBasicType() != EbtBool || type->isArray() || type->isMatrix() || type->isVector()) {
error(line, "boolean expression expected", "");
return true;
return false;
// This function checks to see if the node (for the expression) contains a scalar boolean expression or not
// returns true in case of an error
bool TParseContext::boolErrorCheck(int line, const TPublicType& pType)
if (pType.type != EbtBool || pType.array || pType.matrix || (pType.size > 1)) {
error(line, "boolean expression expected", "");
return true;
return false;
bool TParseContext::samplerErrorCheck(int line, const TPublicType& pType, const char* reason)
if (pType.type == EbtStruct) {
if (containsSampler(*pType.userDef)) {
error(line, reason, getBasicString(pType.type), "(structure contains a sampler)");
return true;
return false;
} else if (IsSampler(pType.type)) {
error(line, reason, getBasicString(pType.type));
return true;
return false;
bool TParseContext::structQualifierErrorCheck(int line, const TPublicType& pType)
if ((pType.qualifier == EvqVaryingIn || pType.qualifier == EvqVaryingOut || pType.qualifier == EvqAttribute) &&
pType.type == EbtStruct) {
error(line, "cannot be used with a structure", getQualifierString(pType.qualifier));
return true;
if (pType.qualifier != EvqUniform && samplerErrorCheck(line, pType, "samplers must be uniform"))
return true;
return false;
bool TParseContext::parameterSamplerErrorCheck(int line, TQualifier qualifier, const TType& type)
if ((qualifier == EvqOut || qualifier == EvqInOut) &&
type.getBasicType() != EbtStruct && IsSampler(type.getBasicType())) {
error(line, "samplers cannot be output parameters", type.getBasicString());
return true;
return false;
bool TParseContext::containsSampler(TType& type)
if (IsSampler(type.getBasicType()))
return true;
if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct) {
TTypeList& structure = *type.getStruct();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < structure.size(); ++i) {
if (containsSampler(*structure[i].type))
return true;
return false;
// Do size checking for an array type's size.
// Returns true if there was an error.
bool TParseContext::arraySizeErrorCheck(int line, TIntermTyped* expr, int& size)
TIntermConstantUnion* constant = expr->getAsConstantUnion();
if (constant == 0 || !constant->isScalarInt())
error(line, "array size must be a constant integer expression", "");
return true;
if (constant->getBasicType() == EbtUInt)
unsigned int uintSize = constant->getUConst(0);
if (uintSize > static_cast<unsigned int>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()))
error(line, "array size too large", "");
size = 1;
return true;
size = static_cast<int>(uintSize);
size = constant->getIConst(0);
if (size <= 0)
error(line, "array size must be a positive integer", "");
size = 1;
return true;
return false;
// See if this qualifier can be an array.
// Returns true if there is an error.
bool TParseContext::arrayQualifierErrorCheck(int line, TPublicType type)
if ((type.qualifier == EvqAttribute) || (type.qualifier == EvqConst)) {
error(line, "cannot declare arrays of this qualifier", TType(type).getCompleteString().c_str());
return true;
return false;
// See if this type can be an array.
// Returns true if there is an error.
bool TParseContext::arrayTypeErrorCheck(int line, TPublicType type)
// Can the type be an array?
if (type.array) {
error(line, "cannot declare arrays of arrays", TType(type).getCompleteString().c_str());
return true;
return false;
// Do all the semantic checking for declaring an array, with and
// without a size, and make the right changes to the symbol table.
// size == 0 means no specified size.
// Returns true if there was an error.
bool TParseContext::arrayErrorCheck(int line, TString& identifier, TPublicType type, TVariable*& variable)
// Don't check for reserved word use until after we know it's not in the symbol table,
// because reserved arrays can be redeclared.
bool builtIn = false;
bool sameScope = false;
TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(identifier, shaderVersion, &builtIn, &sameScope);
if (symbol == 0 || !sameScope) {
if (reservedErrorCheck(line, identifier))
return true;
variable = new TVariable(&identifier, TType(type));
if (type.arraySize)
if (! symbolTable.insert(*variable)) {
delete variable;
error(line, "INTERNAL ERROR inserting new symbol", identifier.c_str());
return true;
} else {
if (! symbol->isVariable()) {
error(line, "variable expected", identifier.c_str());
return true;
variable = static_cast<TVariable*>(symbol);
if (! variable->getType().isArray()) {
error(line, "redeclaring non-array as array", identifier.c_str());
return true;
if (variable->getType().getArraySize() > 0) {
error(line, "redeclaration of array with size", identifier.c_str());
return true;
if (! variable->getType().sameElementType(TType(type))) {
error(line, "redeclaration of array with a different type", identifier.c_str());
return true;
TType* t = variable->getArrayInformationType();
while (t != 0) {
if (t->getMaxArraySize() > type.arraySize) {
error(line, "higher index value already used for the array", identifier.c_str());
return true;
t = t->getArrayInformationType();
if (type.arraySize)
if (voidErrorCheck(line, identifier, type))
return true;
return false;
bool TParseContext::arraySetMaxSize(TIntermSymbol *node, TType* type, int size, bool updateFlag, TSourceLoc line)
bool builtIn = false;
TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(node->getSymbol(), shaderVersion, &builtIn);
if (symbol == 0) {
error(line, " undeclared identifier", node->getSymbol().c_str());
return true;
TVariable* variable = static_cast<TVariable*>(symbol);
// special casing to test index value of gl_FragData. If the accessed index is >= gl_MaxDrawBuffers
// its an error
if (node->getSymbol() == "gl_FragData") {
TSymbol* fragData = symbolTable.find("gl_MaxDrawBuffers", shaderVersion, &builtIn);
int fragDataValue = static_cast<TVariable*>(fragData)->getConstPointer()[0].getIConst();
if (fragDataValue <= size) {
error(line, "", "[", "gl_FragData can only have a max array size of up to gl_MaxDrawBuffers");
return true;
// we dont want to update the maxArraySize when this flag is not set, we just want to include this
// node type in the chain of node types so that its updated when a higher maxArraySize comes in.
if (!updateFlag)
return false;
TType* tt = type;
while(tt->getArrayInformationType() != 0) {
tt = tt->getArrayInformationType();
return false;
// Enforce non-initializer type/qualifier rules.
// Returns true if there was an error.
bool TParseContext::nonInitConstErrorCheck(int line, TString& identifier, TPublicType& type, bool array)
if (type.qualifier == EvqConst)
// Make the qualifier make sense.
type.qualifier = EvqTemporary;
if (array)
error(line, "arrays may not be declared constant since they cannot be initialized", identifier.c_str());
else if (type.isStructureContainingArrays())
error(line, "structures containing arrays may not be declared constant since they cannot be initialized", identifier.c_str());
error(line, "variables with qualifier 'const' must be initialized", identifier.c_str());
return true;
return false;
// Do semantic checking for a variable declaration that has no initializer,
// and update the symbol table.
// Returns true if there was an error.
bool TParseContext::nonInitErrorCheck(int line, TString& identifier, TPublicType& type, TVariable*& variable)
if (reservedErrorCheck(line, identifier))
variable = new TVariable(&identifier, TType(type));
if (! symbolTable.insert(*variable)) {
error(line, "redefinition", variable->getName().c_str());
delete variable;
variable = 0;
return true;
if (voidErrorCheck(line, identifier, type))
return true;
return false;
bool TParseContext::paramErrorCheck(int line, TQualifier qualifier, TQualifier paramQualifier, TType* type)
if (qualifier != EvqConst && qualifier != EvqTemporary) {
error(line, "qualifier not allowed on function parameter", getQualifierString(qualifier));
return true;
if (qualifier == EvqConst && paramQualifier != EvqIn) {
error(line, "qualifier not allowed with ", getQualifierString(qualifier), getQualifierString(paramQualifier));
return true;
if (qualifier == EvqConst)
return false;
bool TParseContext::extensionErrorCheck(int line, const TString& extension)
const TExtensionBehavior& extBehavior = extensionBehavior();
TExtensionBehavior::const_iterator iter = extBehavior.find(extension.c_str());
if (iter == extBehavior.end()) {
error(line, "extension", extension.c_str(), "is not supported");
return true;
// In GLSL ES, an extension's default behavior is "disable".
if (iter->second == EBhDisable || iter->second == EBhUndefined) {
error(line, "extension", extension.c_str(), "is disabled");
return true;
if (iter->second == EBhWarn) {
warning(line, "extension", extension.c_str(), "is being used");
return false;
return false;
bool TParseContext::supportsExtension(const char* extension)
const TExtensionBehavior& extbehavior = extensionBehavior();
TExtensionBehavior::const_iterator iter = extbehavior.find(extension);
return (iter != extbehavior.end());
void TParseContext::handleExtensionDirective(int line, const char* extName, const char* behavior)
pp::SourceLocation loc;
DecodeSourceLoc(line, &loc.file, &loc.line);
directiveHandler.handleExtension(loc, extName, behavior);
void TParseContext::handlePragmaDirective(int line, const char* name, const char* value)
pp::SourceLocation loc;
DecodeSourceLoc(line, &loc.file, &loc.line);
directiveHandler.handlePragma(loc, name, value);
// Non-Errors.
// Look up a function name in the symbol table, and make sure it is a function.
// Return the function symbol if found, otherwise 0.
const TFunction* TParseContext::findFunction(int line, TFunction* call, bool *builtIn)
// First find by unmangled name to check whether the function name has been
// hidden by a variable name or struct typename.
const TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(call->getName(), shaderVersion, builtIn);
if (symbol == 0) {
symbol = symbolTable.find(call->getMangledName(), shaderVersion, builtIn);
if (symbol == 0) {
error(line, "no matching overloaded function found", call->getName().c_str());
return 0;
if (!symbol->isFunction()) {
error(line, "function name expected", call->getName().c_str());
return 0;
return static_cast<const TFunction*>(symbol);
// Initializers show up in several places in the grammar. Have one set of
// code to handle them here.
bool TParseContext::executeInitializer(TSourceLoc line, TString& identifier, TPublicType& pType,
TIntermTyped* initializer, TIntermNode*& intermNode, TVariable* variable)
TType type = TType(pType);
if (variable == 0) {
if (reservedErrorCheck(line, identifier))
return true;
if (voidErrorCheck(line, identifier, pType))
return true;
// add variable to symbol table
variable = new TVariable(&identifier, type);
if (! symbolTable.insert(*variable)) {
error(line, "redefinition", variable->getName().c_str());
return true;
// don't delete variable, it's used by error recovery, and the pool
// pop will take care of the memory
// identifier must be of type constant, a global, or a temporary
TQualifier qualifier = variable->getType().getQualifier();
if ((qualifier != EvqTemporary) && (qualifier != EvqGlobal) && (qualifier != EvqConst)) {
error(line, " cannot initialize this type of qualifier ", variable->getType().getQualifierString());
return true;
// test for and propagate constant
if (qualifier == EvqConst) {
if (qualifier != initializer->getType().getQualifier()) {
std::stringstream extraInfoStream;
extraInfoStream << "'" << variable->getType().getCompleteString() << "'";
std::string extraInfo = extraInfoStream.str();
error(line, " assigning non-constant to", "=", extraInfo.c_str());
return true;
if (type != initializer->getType()) {
error(line, " non-matching types for const initializer ",
return true;
if (initializer->getAsConstantUnion()) {
ConstantUnion* unionArray = variable->getConstPointer();
if (type.getObjectSize() == 1 && type.getBasicType() != EbtStruct) {
*unionArray = (initializer->getAsConstantUnion()->getUnionArrayPointer())[0];
} else {
} else if (initializer->getAsSymbolNode()) {
const TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(initializer->getAsSymbolNode()->getSymbol(), shaderVersion);
const TVariable* tVar = static_cast<const TVariable*>(symbol);
ConstantUnion* constArray = tVar->getConstPointer();
} else {
std::stringstream extraInfoStream;
extraInfoStream << "'" << variable->getType().getCompleteString() << "'";
std::string extraInfo = extraInfoStream.str();
error(line, " cannot assign to", "=", extraInfo.c_str());
return true;
if (qualifier != EvqConst) {
TIntermSymbol* intermSymbol = intermediate.addSymbol(variable->getUniqueId(), variable->getName(), variable->getType(), line);
intermNode = intermediate.addAssign(EOpInitialize, intermSymbol, initializer, line);
if (intermNode == 0) {
assignError(line, "=", intermSymbol->getCompleteString(), initializer->getCompleteString());
return true;
} else
intermNode = 0;
return false;
bool TParseContext::areAllChildConst(TIntermAggregate* aggrNode)
ASSERT(aggrNode != NULL);
if (!aggrNode->isConstructor())
return false;
bool allConstant = true;
// check if all the child nodes are constants so that they can be inserted into
// the parent node
TIntermSequence &sequence = aggrNode->getSequence() ;
for (TIntermSequence::iterator p = sequence.begin(); p != sequence.end(); ++p) {
if (!(*p)->getAsTyped()->getAsConstantUnion())
return false;
return allConstant;
// This function is used to test for the correctness of the parameters passed to various constructor functions
// and also convert them to the right datatype if it is allowed and required.
// Returns 0 for an error or the constructed node (aggregate or typed) for no error.
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::addConstructor(TIntermNode* arguments, const TType* type, TOperator op, TFunction* fnCall, TSourceLoc line)
TIntermAggregate *aggregateArguments = arguments->getAsAggregate();
aggregateArguments = new TIntermAggregate;
if(op == EOpConstructStruct)
TTypeList &fields = *type->getStruct();
TIntermSequence &args = aggregateArguments->getSequence();
for(size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++)
if(args[i]->getAsTyped()->getType() != *fields[i].type)
error(line, "Structure constructor arguments do not match structure fields", "Error");
return 0;
// Turn the argument list itself into a constructor
TIntermTyped *constructor = intermediate.setAggregateOperator(aggregateArguments, op, line);
TIntermTyped *constConstructor = foldConstConstructor(constructor->getAsAggregate(), *type);
return constConstructor;
return constructor;
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::foldConstConstructor(TIntermAggregate* aggrNode, const TType& type)
bool canBeFolded = areAllChildConst(aggrNode);
if (canBeFolded) {
bool returnVal = false;
ConstantUnion* unionArray = new ConstantUnion[type.getObjectSize()];
if (aggrNode->getSequence().size() == 1) {
returnVal = intermediate.parseConstTree(aggrNode->getLine(), aggrNode, unionArray, aggrNode->getOp(), type, true);
else {
returnVal = intermediate.parseConstTree(aggrNode->getLine(), aggrNode, unionArray, aggrNode->getOp(), type);
if (returnVal)
return 0;
return intermediate.addConstantUnion(unionArray, type, aggrNode->getLine());
return 0;
// This function returns the tree representation for the vector field(s) being accessed from contant vector.
// If only one component of vector is accessed (v.x or v[0] where v is a contant vector), then a contant node is
// returned, else an aggregate node is returned (for v.xy). The input to this function could either be the symbol
// node or it could be the intermediate tree representation of accessing fields in a constant structure or column of
// a constant matrix.
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::addConstVectorNode(TVectorFields& fields, TIntermTyped* node, TSourceLoc line)
TIntermTyped* typedNode;
TIntermConstantUnion* tempConstantNode = node->getAsConstantUnion();
ConstantUnion *unionArray;
if (tempConstantNode) {
unionArray = tempConstantNode->getUnionArrayPointer();
if (!unionArray) {
return node;
} else { // The node has to be either a symbol node or an aggregate node or a tempConstant node, else, its an error
error(line, "Cannot offset into the vector", "Error");
return 0;
ConstantUnion* constArray = new ConstantUnion[fields.num];
for (int i = 0; i < fields.num; i++) {
if (fields.offsets[i] >= node->getType().getObjectSize()) {
std::stringstream extraInfoStream;
extraInfoStream << "vector field selection out of range '" << fields.offsets[i] << "'";
std::string extraInfo = extraInfoStream.str();
error(line, "", "[", extraInfo.c_str());
fields.offsets[i] = 0;
constArray[i] = unionArray[fields.offsets[i]];
typedNode = intermediate.addConstantUnion(constArray, node->getType(), line);
return typedNode;
// This function returns the column being accessed from a constant matrix. The values are retrieved from
// the symbol table and parse-tree is built for a vector (each column of a matrix is a vector). The input
// to the function could either be a symbol node (m[0] where m is a constant matrix)that represents a
// constant matrix or it could be the tree representation of the constant matrix (s.m1[0] where s is a constant structure)
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::addConstMatrixNode(int index, TIntermTyped* node, TSourceLoc line)
TIntermTyped* typedNode;
TIntermConstantUnion* tempConstantNode = node->getAsConstantUnion();
if (index >= node->getType().getNominalSize()) {
std::stringstream extraInfoStream;
extraInfoStream << "matrix field selection out of range '" << index << "'";
std::string extraInfo = extraInfoStream.str();
error(line, "", "[", extraInfo.c_str());
index = 0;
if (tempConstantNode) {
ConstantUnion* unionArray = tempConstantNode->getUnionArrayPointer();
int size = tempConstantNode->getType().getNominalSize();
typedNode = intermediate.addConstantUnion(&unionArray[size*index], tempConstantNode->getType(), line);
} else {
error(line, "Cannot offset into the matrix", "Error");
return 0;
return typedNode;
// This function returns an element of an array accessed from a constant array. The values are retrieved from
// the symbol table and parse-tree is built for the type of the element. The input
// to the function could either be a symbol node (a[0] where a is a constant array)that represents a
// constant array or it could be the tree representation of the constant array (s.a1[0] where s is a constant structure)
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::addConstArrayNode(int index, TIntermTyped* node, TSourceLoc line)
TIntermTyped* typedNode;
TIntermConstantUnion* tempConstantNode = node->getAsConstantUnion();
TType arrayElementType = node->getType();
if (index >= node->getType().getArraySize()) {
std::stringstream extraInfoStream;
extraInfoStream << "array field selection out of range '" << index << "'";
std::string extraInfo = extraInfoStream.str();
error(line, "", "[", extraInfo.c_str());
index = 0;
int arrayElementSize = arrayElementType.getObjectSize();
if (tempConstantNode) {
ConstantUnion* unionArray = tempConstantNode->getUnionArrayPointer();
typedNode = intermediate.addConstantUnion(&unionArray[arrayElementSize * index], tempConstantNode->getType(), line);
} else {
error(line, "Cannot offset into the array", "Error");
return 0;
return typedNode;
// This function returns the value of a particular field inside a constant structure from the symbol table.
// If there is an embedded/nested struct, it appropriately calls addConstStructNested or addConstStructFromAggr
// function and returns the parse-tree with the values of the embedded/nested struct.
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::addConstStruct(TString& identifier, TIntermTyped* node, TSourceLoc line)
const TTypeList* fields = node->getType().getStruct();
TIntermTyped *typedNode;
int instanceSize = 0;
unsigned int index = 0;
TIntermConstantUnion *tempConstantNode = node->getAsConstantUnion();
for ( index = 0; index < fields->size(); ++index) {
if ((*fields)[index].type->getFieldName() == identifier) {
} else {
instanceSize += (*fields)[index].type->getObjectSize();
if (tempConstantNode) {
ConstantUnion* constArray = tempConstantNode->getUnionArrayPointer();
typedNode = intermediate.addConstantUnion(constArray+instanceSize, tempConstantNode->getType(), line); // type will be changed in the calling function
} else {
error(line, "Cannot offset into the structure", "Error");
return 0;
return typedNode;
TLayoutQualifier TParseContext::parseLayoutQualifier(const TString &qualifierType, const TSourceLoc& qualifierTypeLine)
TLayoutQualifier qualifier;
qualifier.location = -1;
if (qualifierType == "location")
error(qualifierTypeLine, "invalid layout qualifier", qualifierType.c_str(), "location requires an argument");
error(qualifierTypeLine, "invalid layout qualifier", qualifierType.c_str());
return qualifier;
TLayoutQualifier TParseContext::parseLayoutQualifier(const TString &qualifierType, const TSourceLoc& qualifierTypeLine, const TString &intValueString, int intValue, const TSourceLoc& intValueLine)
TLayoutQualifier qualifier;
qualifier.location = -1;
if (qualifierType != "location")
error(qualifierTypeLine, "invalid layout qualifier", qualifierType.c_str(), "only location may have arguments");
// must check that location is non-negative
if (intValue < 0)
error(intValueLine, "out of range:", intValueString.c_str(), "location must be non-negative");
qualifier.location = intValue;
return qualifier;
TLayoutQualifier TParseContext::joinLayoutQualifiers(TLayoutQualifier leftQualifier, TLayoutQualifier rightQualifier)
TLayoutQualifier joinedQualifier = leftQualifier;
if (rightQualifier.location != -1)
joinedQualifier.location = rightQualifier.location;
return joinedQualifier;
bool TParseContext::enterStructDeclaration(int line, const TString& identifier)
// Embedded structure definitions are not supported per GLSL ES spec.
// They aren't allowed in GLSL either, but we need to detect this here
// so we don't rely on the GLSL compiler to catch it.
if (structNestingLevel > 1) {
error(line, "", "Embedded struct definitions are not allowed");
return true;
return false;
void TParseContext::exitStructDeclaration()
// Parse an array of strings using yyparse.
// Returns 0 for success.
int PaParseStrings(int count, const char* const string[], const int length[],
TParseContext* context) {
if ((count == 0) || (string == NULL))
return 1;
if (glslang_initialize(context))
return 1;
int error = glslang_scan(count, string, length, context);
if (!error)
error = glslang_parse(context);
return (error == 0) && (context->numErrors() == 0) ? 0 : 1;