blob: f935e0a03184051889c287b84d8cb86ea23a6a26 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/crosstest/test_sync_atomic_main.cpp - Driver for tests -----===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Driver for cross testing atomic intrinsics, via the sync builtins.
/* --test=test_sync_atomic.cpp --crosstest-bitcode=0 \
--driver=test_sync_atomic_main.cpp --prefix=Subzero_ \
--output=test_sync_atomic */
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
// Include test_sync_atomic.h twice - once normally, and once within the
// Subzero_ namespace, corresponding to the llc and Subzero translated
// object files, respectively.
#include "test_sync_atomic.h"
#include "xdefs.h"
namespace Subzero_ {
#include "test_sync_atomic.h"
volatile uint64 Values[] = {
0, 1, 0x7e, 0x7f, 0x80, 0x81, 0xfe, 0xff, 0x7ffe, 0x7fff, 0x8000, 0x8001,
0xfffe, 0xffff, 0x007fffff /*Max subnormal + */, 0x00800000 /*Min+ */,
0x7f7fffff /*Max+ */, 0x7f800000 /*+Inf*/, 0xff800000 /*-Inf*/,
0x7fa00000 /*SNaN*/, 0x7fc00000 /*QNaN*/, 0x7ffffffe, 0x7fffffff,
0x80000000, 0x80000001, 0xfffffffe, 0xffffffff, 0x100000000ll,
0x100000001ll, 0x000fffffffffffffll /*Max subnormal + */,
0x0010000000000000ll /*Min+ */, 0x7fefffffffffffffll /*Max+ */,
0x7ff0000000000000ll /*+Inf*/, 0xfff0000000000000ll /*-Inf*/,
0x7ff0000000000001ll /*SNaN*/, 0x7ff8000000000000ll /*QNaN*/,
0x7ffffffffffffffell, 0x7fffffffffffffffll, 0x8000000000000000ll,
0x8000000000000001ll, 0xfffffffffffffffell, 0xffffffffffffffffll};
const static size_t NumValues = sizeof(Values) / sizeof(*Values);
struct {
volatile uint8_t l8;
volatile uint16_t l16;
volatile uint32_t l32;
volatile uint64 l64;
} AtomicLocs;
template <typename Type>
void testAtomicRMW(volatile Type *AtomicLoc, size_t &TotalTests, size_t &Passes,
size_t &Failures) {
typedef Type (*FuncType)(bool, volatile Type *, Type);
static struct {
const char *Name;
FuncType FuncLlc;
FuncType FuncSz;
} Funcs[] = {
#define X(inst) \
{ STR(inst), test_##inst, Subzero_::test_##inst } \
, {STR(inst) "_alloca", test_alloca_##inst, Subzero_::test_alloca_##inst}, \
{STR(inst) "_const", test_const_##inst, Subzero_::test_const_##inst},
#undef X
const static size_t NumFuncs = sizeof(Funcs) / sizeof(*Funcs);
for (size_t f = 0; f < NumFuncs; ++f) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumValues; ++i) {
Type Value1 = static_cast<Type>(Values[i]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < NumValues; ++j) {
Type Value2 = static_cast<Type>(Values[j]);
for (size_t k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
bool fetch_first = k;
*AtomicLoc = Value1;
Type ResultSz1 = Funcs[f].FuncSz(fetch_first, AtomicLoc, Value2);
Type ResultSz2 = *AtomicLoc;
*AtomicLoc = Value1;
Type ResultLlc1 = Funcs[f].FuncLlc(fetch_first, AtomicLoc, Value2);
Type ResultLlc2 = *AtomicLoc;
if (ResultSz1 == ResultLlc1 && ResultSz2 == ResultLlc2) {
} else {
std::cout << "test_" << Funcs[f].Name << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(Type))
<< "(" << static_cast<uint64>(Value1) << ", "
<< static_cast<uint64>(Value2)
<< "): sz1=" << static_cast<uint64>(ResultSz1)
<< " llc1=" << static_cast<uint64>(ResultLlc1)
<< " sz2=" << static_cast<uint64>(ResultSz2)
<< " llc2=" << static_cast<uint64>(ResultLlc2) << "\n";
template <typename Type>
void testValCompareAndSwap(volatile Type *AtomicLoc, size_t &TotalTests,
size_t &Passes, size_t &Failures) {
typedef Type (*FuncType)(volatile Type *, Type, Type);
static struct {
const char *Name;
FuncType FuncLlc;
FuncType FuncSz;
} Funcs[] = {{"val_cmp_swap", test_val_cmp_swap, Subzero_::test_val_cmp_swap},
{"val_cmp_swap_loop", test_val_cmp_swap_loop,
const static size_t NumFuncs = sizeof(Funcs) / sizeof(*Funcs);
for (size_t f = 0; f < NumFuncs; ++f) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumValues; ++i) {
Type Value1 = static_cast<Type>(Values[i]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < NumValues; ++j) {
Type Value2 = static_cast<Type>(Values[j]);
for (size_t f = 0; f < 2; ++f) {
bool flip = f;
*AtomicLoc = Value1;
Type ResultSz1 =
Funcs[f].FuncSz(AtomicLoc, flip ? Value2 : Value1, Value2);
Type ResultSz2 = *AtomicLoc;
*AtomicLoc = Value1;
Type ResultLlc1 =
Funcs[f].FuncLlc(AtomicLoc, flip ? Value2 : Value1, Value2);
Type ResultLlc2 = *AtomicLoc;
if (ResultSz1 == ResultLlc1 && ResultSz2 == ResultLlc2) {
} else {
std::cout << "test_" << Funcs[f].Name << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(Type))
<< "(" << static_cast<uint64>(Value1) << ", "
<< static_cast<uint64>(Value2)
<< "): sz1=" << static_cast<uint64>(ResultSz1)
<< " llc1=" << static_cast<uint64>(ResultLlc1)
<< " sz2=" << static_cast<uint64>(ResultSz2)
<< " llc2=" << static_cast<uint64>(ResultLlc2) << "\n";
template <typename Type> struct ThreadData {
Type (*FuncPtr)(bool, volatile Type *, Type);
bool Fetch;
volatile Type *Ptr;
Type Adjustment;
template <typename Type> void *threadWrapper(void *Data) {
const size_t NumReps = 8000;
ThreadData<Type> *TData = reinterpret_cast<ThreadData<Type> *>(Data);
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumReps; ++i) {
(void)TData->FuncPtr(TData->Fetch, TData->Ptr, TData->Adjustment);
return NULL;
#ifndef X8664_STACK_HACK
void AllocStackForThread(uint32, pthread_attr_t *) {}
#else // defined(X8664_STACK_HACK)
void AllocStackForThread(uint32 m, pthread_attr_t *attr) {
static const uint32_t ThreadStackBase = 0x60000000;
static const uint32_t ThreadStackSize = 4 << 20; // 4MB.
if (pthread_attr_setstack(
attr, xAllocStack(ThreadStackBase - 2 * m * ThreadStackSize,
ThreadStackSize) != 0) {
std::cout << "pthread_attr_setstack: " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
#endif // X8664_STACK_HACK
template <typename Type>
void testAtomicRMWThreads(volatile Type *AtomicLoc, size_t &TotalTests,
size_t &Passes, size_t &Failures) {
typedef Type (*FuncType)(bool, volatile Type *, Type);
static struct {
const char *Name;
FuncType FuncLlc;
FuncType FuncSz;
} Funcs[] = {
#define X(inst) \
{ STR(inst), test_##inst, Subzero_::test_##inst } \
, {STR(inst) "_alloca", test_alloca_##inst, Subzero_::test_alloca_##inst},
#undef X
const static size_t NumFuncs = sizeof(Funcs) / sizeof(*Funcs);
// Just test a few values, otherwise it takes a *really* long time.
volatile uint64 ValuesSubset[] = {1, 0x7e, 0x000fffffffffffffffll};
const size_t NumValuesSubset = sizeof(ValuesSubset) / sizeof(*ValuesSubset);
for (size_t f = 0; f < NumFuncs; ++f) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumValuesSubset; ++i) {
Type Value1 = static_cast<Type>(ValuesSubset[i]);
for (size_t j = 0; j < NumValuesSubset; ++j) {
Type Value2 = static_cast<Type>(ValuesSubset[j]);
bool fetch_first = true;
ThreadData<Type> TDataSz = {Funcs[f].FuncSz, fetch_first, AtomicLoc,
ThreadData<Type> TDataLlc = {Funcs[f].FuncLlc, fetch_first, AtomicLoc,
const size_t NumThreads = 4;
pthread_t t[NumThreads];
pthread_attr_t attr[NumThreads];
// Try N threads w/ just Llc.
*AtomicLoc = Value1;
for (size_t m = 0; m < NumThreads; ++m) {
AllocStackForThread(m, &attr[m]);
if (pthread_create(&t[m], &attr[m], &threadWrapper<Type>,
reinterpret_cast<void *>(&TDataLlc)) != 0) {
std::cout << "pthread_create failed w/ " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
for (size_t m = 0; m < NumThreads; ++m) {
pthread_join(t[m], NULL);
Type ResultLlc = *AtomicLoc;
// Try N threads w/ both Sz and Llc.
*AtomicLoc = Value1;
for (size_t m = 0; m < NumThreads; ++m) {
AllocStackForThread(m, &attr[m]);
if (pthread_create(&t[m], &attr[m], &threadWrapper<Type>,
m % 2 == 0
? reinterpret_cast<void *>(&TDataLlc)
: reinterpret_cast<void *>(&TDataSz)) != 0) {
std::cout << "pthread_create failed w/ " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
for (size_t m = 0; m < NumThreads; ++m) {
if (pthread_join(t[m], NULL) != 0) {
std::cout << "pthread_join failed w/ " << strerror(errno) << "\n";
Type ResultMixed = *AtomicLoc;
if (ResultLlc == ResultMixed) {
} else {
std::cout << "test_with_threads_" << Funcs[f].Name
<< (8 * sizeof(Type)) << "(" << static_cast<uint64>(Value1)
<< ", " << static_cast<uint64>(Value2)
<< "): llc=" << static_cast<uint64>(ResultLlc)
<< " mixed=" << static_cast<uint64>(ResultMixed) << "\n";
#ifdef X8664_STACK_HACK
extern "C" int wrapped_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#else // !defined(X8664_STACK_HACK)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#endif // X8664_STACK_HACK
size_t TotalTests = 0;
size_t Passes = 0;
size_t Failures = 0;
testAtomicRMW<uint8_t>(&AtomicLocs.l8, TotalTests, Passes, Failures);
testAtomicRMW<uint16_t>(&AtomicLocs.l16, TotalTests, Passes, Failures);
testAtomicRMW<uint32_t>(&AtomicLocs.l32, TotalTests, Passes, Failures);
testAtomicRMW<uint64>(&AtomicLocs.l64, TotalTests, Passes, Failures);
testValCompareAndSwap<uint8_t>(&AtomicLocs.l8, TotalTests, Passes, Failures);
testValCompareAndSwap<uint16_t>(&AtomicLocs.l16, TotalTests, Passes,
testValCompareAndSwap<uint32_t>(&AtomicLocs.l32, TotalTests, Passes,
testValCompareAndSwap<uint64>(&AtomicLocs.l64, TotalTests, Passes, Failures);
testAtomicRMWThreads<uint8_t>(&AtomicLocs.l8, TotalTests, Passes, Failures);
testAtomicRMWThreads<uint16_t>(&AtomicLocs.l16, TotalTests, Passes, Failures);
testAtomicRMWThreads<uint32_t>(&AtomicLocs.l32, TotalTests, Passes, Failures);
testAtomicRMWThreads<uint64>(&AtomicLocs.l64, TotalTests, Passes, Failures);
std::cout << "TotalTests=" << TotalTests << " Passes=" << Passes
<< " Failures=" << Failures << "\n";
return Failures;