blob: f86105ea168f3e95fc585cfbfb1ead8060beee13 [file] [log] [blame]
// SwiftShader Software Renderer
// Copyright(c) 2005-2013 TransGaming Inc.
// All rights reserved. No part of this software may be copied, distributed, transmitted,
// transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any human or computer
// language by any means, or disclosed to third parties without the explicit written
// agreement of TransGaming Inc. Without such an agreement, no rights or licenses, express
// or implied, including but not limited to any patent rights, are granted to you.
#ifndef sw_PixelRoutine_hpp
#define sw_PixelRoutine_hpp
#include "QuadRasterizer.hpp"
namespace sw
class PixelShader;
class SamplerCore;
class PixelRoutine : public sw::QuadRasterizer, public ShaderCore
friend class PixelProcessor; // FIXME
PixelRoutine(const PixelProcessor::State &state, const PixelShader *shader);
virtual ~PixelRoutine();
struct Registers : public QuadRasterizer::Registers
Registers(const PixelShader *shader);
Float4 z[4]; // Multisampled z
Float4 w; // Used as is
Float4 rhw; // Reciprocal w
RegisterArray<4096> rf; // Computation registers
RegisterArray<10> vf; // Varying registers
// Outputs
Vector4f oC[4];
Float4 oDepth;
typedef Shader::SourceParameter Src;
typedef Shader::DestinationParameter Dst;
virtual void setBuiltins(Registers &r, Int &x, Int &y, Float4(&z)[4], Float4 &w) = 0;
virtual void applyShader(Registers &r, Int cMask[4]) = 0;
virtual Bool alphaTest(Registers &r, Int cMask[4]) = 0;
virtual void rasterOperation(Registers &r, Float4 &fog, Pointer<Byte> cBuffer[4], Int &x, Int sMask[4], Int zMask[4], Int cMask[4]) = 0;
virtual void quad(QuadRasterizer::Registers &r, Pointer<Byte> cBuffer[4], Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, Pointer<Byte> &sBuffer, Int cMask[4], Int &x, Int &y);
Float4 interpolateCentroid(Float4 &x, Float4 &y, Float4 &rhw, Pointer<Byte> planeEquation, bool flat, bool perspective);
void stencilTest(Registers &r, Pointer<Byte> &sBuffer, int q, Int &x, Int &sMask, Int &cMask);
void stencilTest(Registers &r, Byte8 &value, StencilCompareMode stencilCompareMode, bool CCW);
void stencilOperation(Registers &r, Byte8 &newValue, Byte8 &bufferValue, StencilOperation stencilPassOperation, StencilOperation stencilZFailOperation, StencilOperation stencilFailOperation, bool CCW, Int &zMask, Int &sMask);
void stencilOperation(Registers &r, Byte8 &output, Byte8 &bufferValue, StencilOperation operation, bool CCW);
Bool depthTest(Registers &r, Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, int q, Int &x, Float4 &z, Int &sMask, Int &zMask, Int &cMask);
void alphaTest(Registers &r, Int &aMask, Short4 &alpha);
void alphaToCoverage(Registers &r, Int cMask[4], Float4 &alpha);
void fogBlend(Registers &r, Vector4f &c0, Float4 &fog, Float4 &z, Float4 &rhw);
void pixelFog(Registers &r, Float4 &visibility, Float4 &z, Float4 &rhw);
// Raster operations
void blendFactor(Registers &r, const Vector4s &blendFactor, const Vector4s &current, const Vector4s &pixel, BlendFactor blendFactorActive);
void blendFactorAlpha(Registers &r, const Vector4s &blendFactor, const Vector4s &current, const Vector4s &pixel, BlendFactor blendFactorAlphaActive);
void readPixel(Registers &r, int index, Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Int &x, Vector4s &pixel);
void alphaBlend(Registers &r, int index, Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Vector4s &current, Int &x);
void logicOperation(Registers &r, int index, Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Vector4s &current, Int &x);
void writeColor(Registers &r, int index, Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Int &i, Vector4s &current, Int &sMask, Int &zMask, Int &cMask);
void blendFactor(Registers &r, const Vector4f &blendFactor, const Vector4f &oC, const Vector4f &pixel, BlendFactor blendFactorActive);
void blendFactorAlpha(Registers &r, const Vector4f &blendFactor, const Vector4f &oC, const Vector4f &pixel, BlendFactor blendFactorAlphaActive);
void alphaBlend(Registers &r, int index, Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Vector4f &oC, Int &x);
void writeColor(Registers &r, int index, Pointer<Byte> &cBuffer, Int &i, Vector4f &oC, Int &sMask, Int &zMask, Int &cMask);
void writeStencil(Registers &r, Pointer<Byte> &sBuffer, int q, Int &x, Int &sMask, Int &zMask, Int &cMask);
void writeDepth(Registers &r, Pointer<Byte> &zBuffer, int q, Int &x, Float4 &z, Int &zMask);
UShort4 convertFixed16(Float4 &cf, bool saturate = true);
void sRGBtoLinear16_12_16(Registers &r, Vector4s &c);
void sRGBtoLinear12_16(Registers &r, Vector4s &c);
void linearToSRGB16_12_16(Registers &r, Vector4s &c);
void linearToSRGB12_16(Registers &r, Vector4s &c);
Float4 sRGBtoLinear(const Float4 &x);
bool colorUsed();
SamplerCore *sampler[TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS];
#endif // sw_PixelRoutine_hpp