blob: c92483ee3677bcc57be43a71894d204cd4a6bde7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/src/IceAssemblerARM32.cpp - Assembler for ARM32 --*- C++ -*-===//
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Modified by the Subzero authors.
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// This file implements the Assembler class for ARM32.
#include "IceAssemblerARM32.h"
#include "IceCfgNode.h"
#include "IceUtils.h"
namespace {
using namespace Ice;
using namespace Ice::ARM32;
using WordType = uint32_t;
static constexpr IValueT kWordSize = sizeof(WordType);
// The following define individual bits.
static constexpr IValueT B0 = 1;
static constexpr IValueT B1 = 1 << 1;
static constexpr IValueT B2 = 1 << 2;
static constexpr IValueT B3 = 1 << 3;
static constexpr IValueT B4 = 1 << 4;
static constexpr IValueT B5 = 1 << 5;
static constexpr IValueT B6 = 1 << 6;
static constexpr IValueT B7 = 1 << 7;
static constexpr IValueT B12 = 1 << 12;
static constexpr IValueT B13 = 1 << 13;
static constexpr IValueT B14 = 1 << 14;
static constexpr IValueT B15 = 1 << 15;
static constexpr IValueT B20 = 1 << 20;
static constexpr IValueT B21 = 1 << 21;
static constexpr IValueT B22 = 1 << 22;
static constexpr IValueT B23 = 1 << 23;
static constexpr IValueT B24 = 1 << 24;
static constexpr IValueT B25 = 1 << 25;
static constexpr IValueT B26 = 1 << 26;
static constexpr IValueT B27 = 1 << 27;
// Constants used for the decoding or encoding of the individual fields of
// instructions. Based on ARM section A5.1.
static constexpr IValueT L = 1 << 20; // load (or store)
static constexpr IValueT W = 1 << 21; // writeback base register
// (or leave unchanged)
static constexpr IValueT B = 1 << 22; // unsigned byte (or word)
static constexpr IValueT U = 1 << 23; // positive (or negative)
// offset/index
static constexpr IValueT P = 1 << 24; // offset/pre-indexed
// addressing (or
// post-indexed addressing)
static constexpr IValueT kConditionShift = 28;
static constexpr IValueT kLinkShift = 24;
static constexpr IValueT kOpcodeShift = 21;
static constexpr IValueT kRdShift = 12;
static constexpr IValueT kRmShift = 0;
static constexpr IValueT kRnShift = 16;
static constexpr IValueT kRsShift = 8;
static constexpr IValueT kSShift = 20;
static constexpr IValueT kTypeShift = 25;
// Immediate instruction fields encoding.
static constexpr IValueT kImmed8Bits = 8;
static constexpr IValueT kImmed8Shift = 0;
static constexpr IValueT kRotateBits = 4;
static constexpr IValueT kRotateShift = 8;
// Shift instruction register fields encodings.
static constexpr IValueT kShiftImmShift = 7;
static constexpr IValueT kShiftImmBits = 5;
static constexpr IValueT kShiftShift = 5;
static constexpr IValueT kImmed12Bits = 12;
static constexpr IValueT kImm12Shift = 0;
// Rotation instructions (uxtb etc.).
static constexpr IValueT kRotationShift = 10;
// Div instruction register field encodings.
static constexpr IValueT kDivRdShift = 16;
static constexpr IValueT kDivRmShift = 8;
static constexpr IValueT kDivRnShift = 0;
// Type of instruction encoding (bits 25-27). See ARM section A5.1
static constexpr IValueT kInstTypeDataRegister = 0; // i.e. 000
static constexpr IValueT kInstTypeDataRegShift = 0; // i.e. 000
static constexpr IValueT kInstTypeDataImmediate = 1; // i.e. 001
static constexpr IValueT kInstTypeMemImmediate = 2; // i.e. 010
static constexpr IValueT kInstTypeRegisterShift = 3; // i.e. 011
// Offset modifier to current PC for next instruction. The offset is off by 8
// due to the way the ARM CPUs read PC.
static constexpr IOffsetT kPCReadOffset = 8;
// Mask to pull out PC offset from branch (b) instruction.
static constexpr int kBranchOffsetBits = 24;
static constexpr IOffsetT kBranchOffsetMask = 0x00ffffff;
inline IValueT encodeBool(bool B) { return B ? 1 : 0; }
inline IValueT encodeRotation(ARM32::AssemblerARM32::RotationValue Value) {
return static_cast<IValueT>(Value);
inline IValueT encodeGPRRegister(RegARM32::GPRRegister Rn) {
return static_cast<IValueT>(Rn);
inline RegARM32::GPRRegister decodeGPRRegister(IValueT R) {
return static_cast<RegARM32::GPRRegister>(R);
inline bool isGPRRegisterDefined(RegARM32::GPRRegister R) {
return R != RegARM32::Encoded_Not_GPR;
inline bool isGPRRegisterDefined(IValueT R) {
return R != encodeGPRRegister(RegARM32::Encoded_Not_GPR);
inline bool isConditionDefined(CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
return Cond != CondARM32::kNone;
inline IValueT encodeCondition(CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
return static_cast<IValueT>(Cond);
IValueT encodeShift(OperandARM32::ShiftKind Shift) {
// Follows encoding in ARM section A8.4.1 "Constant shifts".
switch (Shift) {
case OperandARM32::kNoShift:
case OperandARM32::LSL:
return 0; // 0b00
case OperandARM32::LSR:
return 1; // 0b01
case OperandARM32::ASR:
return 2; // 0b10
case OperandARM32::ROR:
case OperandARM32::RRX:
return 3; // 0b11
llvm::report_fatal_error("Unknown Shift value");
return 0;
// Returns the bits in the corresponding masked value.
inline IValueT mask(IValueT Value, IValueT Shift, IValueT Bits) {
return (Value >> Shift) & ((1 << Bits) - 1);
// Extract out a Bit in Value.
inline bool isBitSet(IValueT Bit, IValueT Value) {
return (Value & Bit) == Bit;
// Returns the GPR register at given Shift in Value.
inline RegARM32::GPRRegister getGPRReg(IValueT Shift, IValueT Value) {
return decodeGPRRegister((Value >> Shift) & 0xF);
// The way an operand is encoded into a sequence of bits in functions
// encodeOperand and encodeAddress below.
enum EncodedOperand {
// Unable to encode, value left undefined.
CantEncode = 0,
// Value is register found.
// Value=rrrriiiiiiii where rrrr is the rotation, and iiiiiiii is the imm8
// value.
// Value=0000000pu0w0nnnn0000iiiiiiiiiiii where nnnn is the base register Rn,
// p=1 if pre-indexed addressing, u=1 if offset positive, w=1 if writeback to
// Rn should be used, and iiiiiiiiiiii defines the rotated Imm8 value.
// Value=00000000pu0w0nnnn0000iiii0000jjjj where nnnn=Rn, iiiijjjj=Imm8, p=1
// if pre-indexed addressing, u=1 if offset positive, and w=1 if writeback to
// Rn.
// Value=0000000pu0w00nnnnttttiiiiiss0mmmm where nnnn is the base register Rn,
// mmmm is the index register Rm, iiiii is the shift amount, ss is the shift
// kind, p=1 if pre-indexed addressing, u=1 if offset positive, and w=1 if
// writeback to Rn.
// Value=000000000000000000000iiiii0000000 where iiii defines the Imm5 value
// to shift.
// i.e. iiiiiss0mmmm where mmmm is the register to rotate, ss is the shift
// kind, and iiiii is the shift amount.
// Value is 32bit integer constant.
// Sets Encoding to a rotated Imm8 encoding of Value, if possible.
inline IValueT encodeRotatedImm8(IValueT RotateAmt, IValueT Immed8) {
assert(RotateAmt < (1 << kRotateBits));
assert(Immed8 < (1 << kImmed8Bits));
return (RotateAmt << kRotateShift) | (Immed8 << kImmed8Shift);
// Encodes iiiiitt0mmmm for data-processing (2nd) operands where iiiii=Imm5,
// tt=Shift, and mmmm=Rm.
IValueT encodeShiftRotateImm5(IValueT Rm, OperandARM32::ShiftKind Shift,
IOffsetT imm5) {
assert(imm5 < (1 << kShiftImmBits));
return (imm5 << kShiftImmShift) | (encodeShift(Shift) << kShiftShift) | Rm;
// Encodes mmmmtt01ssss for data-processing operands where mmmm=Rm, ssss=Rs, and
// tt=Shift.
IValueT encodeShiftRotateReg(IValueT Rm, OperandARM32::ShiftKind Shift,
IValueT Rs) {
return (Rs << kRsShift) | (encodeShift(Shift) << kShiftShift) | B4 |
(Rm << kRmShift);
EncodedOperand encodeOperand(const Operand *Opnd, IValueT &Value) {
Value = 0; // Make sure initialized.
if (const auto *Var = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Opnd)) {
if (Var->hasReg()) {
Value = Var->getRegNum();
return EncodedAsRegister;
return CantEncode;
if (const auto *FlexImm = llvm::dyn_cast<OperandARM32FlexImm>(Opnd)) {
const IValueT Immed8 = FlexImm->getImm();
const IValueT Rotate = FlexImm->getRotateAmt();
if (!((Rotate < (1 << kRotateBits)) && (Immed8 < (1 << kImmed8Bits))))
return CantEncode;
Value = (Rotate << kRotateShift) | (Immed8 << kImmed8Shift);
return EncodedAsRotatedImm8;
if (const auto *Const = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantInteger32>(Opnd)) {
Value = Const->getValue();
return EncodedAsConstI32;
if (const auto *FlexReg = llvm::dyn_cast<OperandARM32FlexReg>(Opnd)) {
Operand *Amt = FlexReg->getShiftAmt();
if (const auto *Imm5 = llvm::dyn_cast<OperandARM32ShAmtImm>(Amt)) {
IValueT Rm;
if (encodeOperand(FlexReg->getReg(), Rm) != EncodedAsRegister)
return CantEncode;
Value =
encodeShiftRotateImm5(Rm, FlexReg->getShiftOp(), Imm5->getShAmtImm());
return EncodedAsShiftedRegister;
// TODO(kschimpf): Handle case where Amt is a register?
if (const auto *ShImm = llvm::dyn_cast<OperandARM32ShAmtImm>(Opnd)) {
const IValueT Immed5 = ShImm->getShAmtImm();
assert(Immed5 < (1 << kShiftImmBits));
Value = (Immed5 << kShiftImmShift);
return EncodedAsShiftImm5;
return CantEncode;
IValueT encodeImmRegOffset(IValueT Reg, IOffsetT Offset,
OperandARM32Mem::AddrMode Mode) {
IValueT Value = Mode | (Reg << kRnShift);
if (Offset < 0) {
Value = (Value ^ U) | -Offset; // Flip U to adjust sign.
} else {
Value |= Offset;
return Value;
// Encodes immediate register offset using encoding 3.
IValueT encodeImmRegOffsetEnc3(IValueT Rn, IOffsetT Imm8,
OperandARM32Mem::AddrMode Mode) {
IValueT Value = Mode | (Rn << kRnShift);
if (Imm8 < 0) {
Imm8 = -Imm8;
Value = (Value ^ U);
assert(Imm8 < (1 << 8));
Value = Value | B22 | ((Imm8 & 0xf0) << 4) | (Imm8 & 0x0f);
return Value;
// Defines alternate layouts of instruction operands, should the (common)
// default pattern not be used.
enum OpEncoding {
// No alternate layout specified.
// Alternate encoding 3.
// Encodes memory address Opnd, and encodes that information into Value, based
// on how ARM represents the address. Returns how the value was encoded.
EncodedOperand encodeAddress(const Operand *Opnd, IValueT &Value,
const AssemblerARM32::TargetInfo &TInfo,
OpEncoding AddressEncoding = DefaultOpEncoding) {
Value = 0; // Make sure initialized.
if (const auto *Var = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Opnd)) {
// Should be a stack variable, with an offset.
if (Var->hasReg())
return CantEncode;
IOffsetT Offset = Var->getStackOffset();
if (!Utils::IsAbsoluteUint(12, Offset))
return CantEncode;
int32_t BaseRegNum = Var->getBaseRegNum();
if (BaseRegNum == Variable::NoRegister)
BaseRegNum = TInfo.FrameOrStackReg;
Value = encodeImmRegOffset(BaseRegNum, Offset, OperandARM32Mem::Offset);
return EncodedAsImmRegOffset;
if (const auto *Mem = llvm::dyn_cast<OperandARM32Mem>(Opnd)) {
Variable *Var = Mem->getBase();
if (!Var->hasReg())
return CantEncode;
IValueT Rn = Var->getRegNum();
if (Mem->isRegReg()) {
const Variable *Index = Mem->getIndex();
if (Var == nullptr)
return CantEncode;
Value = (Rn << kRnShift) | Mem->getAddrMode() |
encodeShiftRotateImm5(Index->getRegNum(), Mem->getShiftOp(),
return EncodedAsShiftRotateImm5;
// Encoded as immediate register offset.
ConstantInteger32 *Offset = Mem->getOffset();
switch (AddressEncoding) {
case DefaultOpEncoding:
Value = encodeImmRegOffset(Rn, Offset->getValue(), Mem->getAddrMode());
return EncodedAsImmRegOffset;
case OpEncoding3:
Value =
encodeImmRegOffsetEnc3(Rn, Offset->getValue(), Mem->getAddrMode());
return EncodedAsImmRegOffsetEnc3;
return CantEncode;
// Checks that Offset can fit in imm24 constant of branch (b) instruction.
bool canEncodeBranchOffset(IOffsetT Offset) {
return Utils::IsAligned(Offset, 4) &&
Utils::IsInt(kBranchOffsetBits, Offset >> 2);
} // end of anonymous namespace
namespace Ice {
namespace ARM32 {
size_t MoveRelocatableFixup::emit(GlobalContext *Ctx,
const Assembler &Asm) const {
if (!BuildDefs::dump())
return InstARM32::InstSize;
Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrEmit();
IValueT Inst = Asm.load<IValueT>(position());
Str << "\tmov" << (kind() == llvm::ELF::R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC ? "w" : "t") << "\t"
<< RegARM32::RegNames[(Inst >> kRdShift) & 0xF]
<< ", #:" << (kind() == llvm::ELF::R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC ? "lower" : "upper")
<< "16:" << symbol(Ctx) << "\t@ .word "
<< llvm::format_hex_no_prefix(Inst, 8) << "\n";
return InstARM32::InstSize;
MoveRelocatableFixup *AssemblerARM32::createMoveFixup(bool IsMovW,
const Constant *Value) {
MoveRelocatableFixup *F =
new (allocate<MoveRelocatableFixup>()) MoveRelocatableFixup();
F->set_kind(IsMovW ? llvm::ELF::R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC
: llvm::ELF::R_ARM_MOVT_ABS);
return F;
size_t BlRelocatableFixup::emit(GlobalContext *Ctx,
const Assembler &Asm) const {
if (!BuildDefs::dump())
return InstARM32::InstSize;
Ostream &Str = Ctx->getStrEmit();
IValueT Inst = Asm.load<IValueT>(position());
Str << "\t"
<< "bl\t" << symbol(Ctx) << "\t@ .word "
<< llvm::format_hex_no_prefix(Inst, 8) << "\n";
return InstARM32::InstSize;
BlRelocatableFixup *
AssemblerARM32::createBlFixup(const ConstantRelocatable *BlTarget) {
BlRelocatableFixup *F =
new (allocate<BlRelocatableFixup>()) BlRelocatableFixup();
return F;
void AssemblerARM32::bindCfgNodeLabel(const CfgNode *Node) {
GlobalContext *Ctx = Node->getCfg()->getContext();
if (BuildDefs::dump() && !Ctx->getFlags().getDisableHybridAssembly()) {
// Generate label name so that branches can find it.
constexpr SizeT InstSize = 0;
emitTextInst(Node->getAsmName() + ":", InstSize);
SizeT NodeNumber = Node->getIndex();
Label *L = getOrCreateCfgNodeLabel(NodeNumber);
Label *AssemblerARM32::getOrCreateLabel(SizeT Number, LabelVector &Labels) {
Label *L = nullptr;
if (Number == Labels.size()) {
L = new (this->allocate<Label>()) Label();
return L;
if (Number > Labels.size()) {
Labels.resize(Number + 1);
L = Labels[Number];
if (!L) {
L = new (this->allocate<Label>()) Label();
Labels[Number] = L;
return L;
IValueT AssemblerARM32::encodeBranchOffset(IOffsetT Offset, IValueT Inst) {
// Adjust offset to the way ARM CPUs read PC.
Offset -= kPCReadOffset;
bool IsGoodOffset = canEncodeBranchOffset(Offset);
// Note: Following cast is for MINIMAL build.
// Properly preserve only the bits supported in the instruction.
Offset >>= 2;
Offset &= kBranchOffsetMask;
return (Inst & ~kBranchOffsetMask) | Offset;
// Pull out offset from branch Inst.
IOffsetT AssemblerARM32::decodeBranchOffset(IValueT Inst) {
// Sign-extend, left-shift by 2, and adjust to the way ARM CPUs read PC.
IOffsetT Offset = static_cast<IOffsetT>((Inst & kBranchOffsetMask) << 8);
return (Offset >> 6) + kPCReadOffset;
void AssemblerARM32::bind(Label *L) {
IOffsetT BoundPc = Buffer.size();
assert(!L->isBound()); // Labels can only be bound once.
while (L->isLinked()) {
IOffsetT Position = L->getLinkPosition();
IOffsetT Dest = BoundPc - Position;
IValueT Inst = Buffer.load<IValueT>(Position);<IValueT>(Position, encodeBranchOffset(Dest, Inst));
void AssemblerARM32::emitTextInst(const std::string &Text, SizeT InstSize) {
AssemblerFixup *F = createTextFixup(Text, InstSize);
for (SizeT I = 0; I < InstSize; ++I) {
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
void AssemblerARM32::emitType01(CondARM32::Cond Cond, IValueT Type,
IValueT Opcode, bool SetFlags, IValueT Rn,
IValueT Rd, IValueT Imm12,
EmitChecks RuleChecks) {
switch (RuleChecks) {
case NoChecks:
case RdIsPcAndSetFlags:
if ((Rd == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc) && SetFlags)
// Conditions of rule violated.
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (!isGPRRegisterDefined(Rd) || !isConditionDefined(Cond))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
const IValueT Encoding = (encodeCondition(Cond) << kConditionShift) |
(Type << kTypeShift) | (Opcode << kOpcodeShift) |
(encodeBool(SetFlags) << kSShift) |
(Rn << kRnShift) | (Rd << kRdShift) | Imm12;
void AssemblerARM32::emitType01(IValueT Opcode, const Operand *OpRd,
const Operand *OpRn, const Operand *OpSrc1,
bool SetFlags, CondARM32::Cond Cond,
EmitChecks RuleChecks) {
IValueT Rd;
if (encodeOperand(OpRd, Rd) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
IValueT Rn;
if (encodeOperand(OpRn, Rn) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
emitType01(Opcode, Rd, Rn, OpSrc1, SetFlags, Cond, RuleChecks);
void AssemblerARM32::emitType01(IValueT Opcode, IValueT Rd, IValueT Rn,
const Operand *OpSrc1, bool SetFlags,
CondARM32::Cond Cond, EmitChecks RuleChecks) {
IValueT Src1Value;
// TODO(kschimpf) Other possible decodings of data operations.
switch (encodeOperand(OpSrc1, Src1Value)) {
return setNeedsTextFixup();
case EncodedAsRegister: {
// XXX (register)
// xxx{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, <Rm>{, <shiff>}
// cccc0000100snnnnddddiiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// mmmm=Rm, iiiii=Shift, tt=ShiftKind, and s=SetFlags.
constexpr IValueT Imm5 = 0;
Src1Value = encodeShiftRotateImm5(Src1Value, OperandARM32::kNoShift, Imm5);
emitType01(Cond, kInstTypeDataRegister, Opcode, SetFlags, Rn, Rd, Src1Value,
case EncodedAsShiftedRegister: {
// Form is defined in case EncodedAsRegister. (i.e. XXX (register)).
emitType01(Cond, kInstTypeDataRegister, Opcode, SetFlags, Rn, Rd, Src1Value,
case EncodedAsConstI32: {
// See if we can convert this to an XXX (immediate).
IValueT RotateAmt;
IValueT Imm8;
if (!OperandARM32FlexImm::canHoldImm(Src1Value, &RotateAmt, &Imm8))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
Src1Value = encodeRotatedImm8(RotateAmt, Imm8);
// Intentionally fall to next case!
case EncodedAsRotatedImm8: {
// XXX (Immediate)
// xxx{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, #<RotatedImm8>
// cccc0010100snnnnddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// s=SetFlags and iiiiiiiiiiii=Src1Value defining RotatedImm8.
emitType01(Cond, kInstTypeDataImmediate, Opcode, SetFlags, Rn, Rd,
Src1Value, RuleChecks);
void AssemblerARM32::emitType05(CondARM32::Cond Cond, IOffsetT Offset,
bool Link) {
// cccc101liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, l=Link, and
// iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=
// EncodedBranchOffset(cccc101l000000000000000000000000, Offset);
if (!isConditionDefined(Cond))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
IValueT Encoding = static_cast<int32_t>(Cond) << kConditionShift |
5 << kTypeShift | (Link ? 1 : 0) << kLinkShift;
Encoding = encodeBranchOffset(Offset, Encoding);
void AssemblerARM32::emitBranch(Label *L, CondARM32::Cond Cond, bool Link) {
// TODO(kschimpf): Handle far jumps.
if (L->isBound()) {
const int32_t Dest = L->getPosition() - Buffer.size();
emitType05(Cond, Dest, Link);
const IOffsetT Position = Buffer.size();
// Use the offset field of the branch instruction for linking the sites.
emitType05(Cond, L->getEncodedPosition(), Link);
if (!needsTextFixup())
void AssemblerARM32::emitCompareOp(IValueT Opcode, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpSrc1,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// XXX (register)
// XXX<c> <Rn>, <Rm>{, <shift>}
// ccccyyyxxxx1nnnn0000iiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, nnnn=Rn, mmmm=Rm, iiiii
// defines shift constant, tt=ShiftKind, yyy=kInstTypeDataRegister, and
// xxxx=Opcode.
// XXX (immediate)
// XXX<c> <Rn>, #<RotatedImm8>
// ccccyyyxxxx1nnnn0000iiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// yyy=kInstTypeDataImmdiate, xxxx=Opcode, and iiiiiiiiiiii=Src1Value
// defining RotatedImm8.
constexpr bool SetFlags = true;
constexpr IValueT Rd = RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_r0;
IValueT Rn;
if (encodeOperand(OpRn, Rn) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
emitType01(Opcode, Rd, Rn, OpSrc1, SetFlags, Cond, NoChecks);
void AssemblerARM32::emitMemOp(CondARM32::Cond Cond, IValueT InstType,
bool IsLoad, bool IsByte, IValueT Rt,
IValueT Address) {
if (!isGPRRegisterDefined(Rt) || !isConditionDefined(Cond))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
const IValueT Encoding = (encodeCondition(Cond) << kConditionShift) |
(InstType << kTypeShift) | (IsLoad ? L : 0) |
(IsByte ? B : 0) | (Rt << kRdShift) | Address;
void AssemblerARM32::emitMemOp(CondARM32::Cond Cond, bool IsLoad, bool IsByte,
IValueT Rt, const Operand *OpAddress,
const TargetInfo &TInfo) {
IValueT Address;
switch (encodeAddress(OpAddress, Address, TInfo)) {
return setNeedsTextFixup();
case EncodedAsImmRegOffset: {
// XXX{B} (immediate):
// xxx{b}<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>{, #+/-<imm12>}] ; p=1, w=0
// xxx{b}<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], #+/-<imm12> ; p=1, w=1
// xxx{b}<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, #+/-<imm12>]! ; p=0, w=1
// cccc010pubwlnnnnttttiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, tttt=Rt, nnnn=Rn,
// iiiiiiiiiiii=imm12, b=IsByte, pu0w<<21 is a BlockAddr, l=IsLoad, and
// pu0w0nnnn0000iiiiiiiiiiii=Address.
RegARM32::GPRRegister Rn = getGPRReg(kRnShift, Address);
// Check if conditions of rules violated.
if (Rn == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (!isBitSet(P, Address) && isBitSet(W, Address))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (!IsByte && (Rn == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_sp) && !isBitSet(P, Address) &&
isBitSet(U, Address) & !isBitSet(W, Address) &&
(mask(Address, kImm12Shift, kImmed12Bits) == 0x8 /* 000000000100 */))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
return emitMemOp(Cond, kInstTypeMemImmediate, IsLoad, IsByte, Rt, Address);
case EncodedAsShiftRotateImm5: {
// XXX{B} (register)
// xxx{b}<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, +/-<Rm>{, <shift>}]{!}
// xxx{b}<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], +/-<Rm>{, <shift>}
// cccc011pubwlnnnnttttiiiiiss0mmmm where cccc=Cond, tttt=Rt,
// b=IsByte, U=1 if +, pu0b is a BlockAddr, l=IsLoad, and
// pu0w0nnnn0000iiiiiss0mmmm=Address.
RegARM32::GPRRegister Rn = getGPRReg(kRnShift, Address);
RegARM32::GPRRegister Rm = getGPRReg(kRmShift, Address);
// Check if conditions of rules violated.
if (isBitSet(P, Address) && isBitSet(W, Address))
// Instruction XXXBT!
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (IsByte &&
((Rt == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc) || (Rm == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc)))
// Unpredictable.
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (!IsByte && Rm == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc)
// Unpredictable.
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (isBitSet(W, Address) &&
((Rn == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc) || encodeGPRRegister(Rn) == Rt))
// Unpredictable
return setNeedsTextFixup();
return emitMemOp(Cond, kInstTypeRegisterShift, IsLoad, IsByte, Rt, Address);
void AssemblerARM32::emitMemOpEnc3(CondARM32::Cond Cond, IValueT Opcode,
IValueT Rt, const Operand *OpAddress,
const TargetInfo &TInfo) {
IValueT Address;
switch (encodeAddress(OpAddress, Address, TInfo, OpEncoding3)) {
return setNeedsTextFixup();
case EncodedAsImmRegOffsetEnc3: {
// XXXH (immediate)
// xxxh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>{, #+-<Imm8>}]
// xxxh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, #+/-<Imm8>]
// xxxh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, #+/-<Imm8>]!
// cccc000pu0wxnnnnttttiiiiyyyyjjjj where cccc=Cond, nnnn=Rn, tttt=Rt,
// iiiijjjj=Imm8, pu0w<<21 is a BlockAddr, x000000000000yyyy0000=Opcode,
// and pu0w0nnnn0000iiii0000jjjj=Address.
if (!isGPRRegisterDefined(Rt) || !isConditionDefined(Cond))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (!isBitSet(P, Address) && isBitSet(W, Address))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if ((Rt == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc) ||
(isBitSet(W, Address) &&
(getGPRReg(kRnShift, Address) == decodeGPRRegister(Rt))))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
const IValueT Encoding = (encodeCondition(Cond) << kConditionShift) |
Opcode | (Rt << kRdShift) | Address;
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
return emitInst(Encoding);
case EncodedAsShiftRotateImm5: {
// XXXH (register)
// xxxh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, +/-<Rm>]{!}
// xxxh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], +/-<Rm>
// cccc000pu0wxnnnntttt00001011mmmm where cccc=Cond, tttt=Rt, nnnn=Rn,
// mmmm=Rm, pu0w<<21 is a BlockAddr, x000000000000yyyy0000=Opcode, and
// pu0w0nnnn000000000000mmmm=Address.
if (!isGPRRegisterDefined(Rt) || !isConditionDefined(Cond))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (!isBitSet(P, Address) && isBitSet(W, Address))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (Rt == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (getGPRReg(kRmShift, Address) == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
const RegARM32::GPRRegister Rn = getGPRReg(kRnShift, Address);
if (isBitSet(W, Address) &&
((Rn == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc) || (encodeGPRRegister(Rn) == Rt)))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (mask(Address, kShiftImmShift, 5) != 0)
// For encoding 3, no shift is allowed.
return setNeedsTextFixup();
const IValueT Encoding = (encodeCondition(Cond) << kConditionShift) |
Opcode | (Rt << kRdShift) | Address;
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
return emitInst(Encoding);
void AssemblerARM32::emitDivOp(CondARM32::Cond Cond, IValueT Opcode, IValueT Rd,
IValueT Rn, IValueT Rm) {
if (!isGPRRegisterDefined(Rd) || !isGPRRegisterDefined(Rn) ||
!isGPRRegisterDefined(Rm) || !isConditionDefined(Cond))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
const IValueT Encoding = Opcode | (encodeCondition(Cond) << kConditionShift) |
(Rn << kDivRnShift) | (Rd << kDivRdShift) | B26 |
B25 | B24 | B20 | B15 | B14 | B13 | B12 | B4 |
(Rm << kDivRmShift);
void AssemblerARM32::emitMulOp(CondARM32::Cond Cond, IValueT Opcode, IValueT Rd,
IValueT Rn, IValueT Rm, IValueT Rs,
bool SetFlags) {
if (!isGPRRegisterDefined(Rd) || !isGPRRegisterDefined(Rn) ||
!isGPRRegisterDefined(Rm) || !isGPRRegisterDefined(Rs) ||
return setNeedsTextFixup();
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
IValueT Encoding = Opcode | (encodeCondition(Cond) << kConditionShift) |
(encodeBool(SetFlags) << kSShift) | (Rn << kRnShift) |
(Rd << kRdShift) | (Rs << kRsShift) | B7 | B4 |
(Rm << kRmShift);
void AssemblerARM32::emitUxt(CondARM32::Cond Cond, IValueT Opcode, IValueT Rd,
IValueT Rn, IValueT Rm, RotationValue Rotation) {
IValueT Rot = encodeRotation(Rotation);
if (!isConditionDefined(Cond) || !Utils::IsUint(2, Rot))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
IValueT Encoding = (encodeCondition(Cond) << kConditionShift) | Opcode |
(Rn << kRnShift) | (Rd << kRdShift) |
(Rot << kRotationShift) | B6 | B5 | B4 | (Rm << kRmShift);
void AssemblerARM32::emitMultiMemOp(CondARM32::Cond Cond,
BlockAddressMode AddressMode, bool IsLoad,
IValueT BaseReg, IValueT Registers) {
constexpr IValueT NumGPRegisters = 16;
if (!isConditionDefined(Cond) || !isGPRRegisterDefined(BaseReg) ||
Registers >= (1 << NumGPRegisters))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
IValueT Encoding = (encodeCondition(Cond) << kConditionShift) | B27 |
AddressMode | (IsLoad ? L : 0) | (BaseReg << kRnShift) |
void AssemblerARM32::adc(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpSrc1, bool SetFlags,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// ADC (register) - ARM section 18.8.2, encoding A1:
// adc{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, <Rm>{, <shift>}
// cccc0000101snnnnddddiiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// mmmm=Rm, iiiii=Shift, tt=ShiftKind, and s=SetFlags.
// ADC (Immediate) - ARM section A8.8.1, encoding A1:
// adc{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, #<RotatedImm8>
// cccc0010101snnnnddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// s=SetFlags and iiiiiiiiiiii=Src1Value defining RotatedImm8.
constexpr IValueT Adc = B2 | B0; // 0101
emitType01(Adc, OpRd, OpRn, OpSrc1, SetFlags, Cond, RdIsPcAndSetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::add(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpSrc1, bool SetFlags,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// ADD (register) - ARM section A8.8.7, encoding A1:
// add{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, <Rm>{, <shiff>}
// ADD (Sp plus register) - ARM section A8.8.11, encoding A1:
// add{s}<c> sp, <Rn>, <Rm>{, <shiff>}
// cccc0000100snnnnddddiiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// mmmm=Rm, iiiii=Shift, tt=ShiftKind, and s=SetFlags.
// ADD (Immediate) - ARM section A8.8.5, encoding A1:
// add{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, #<RotatedImm8>
// ADD (SP plus immediate) - ARM section A8.8.9, encoding A1.
// add{s}<c> <Rd>, sp, #<RotatedImm8>
// cccc0010100snnnnddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// s=SetFlags and iiiiiiiiiiii=Src1Value defining RotatedImm8.
constexpr IValueT Add = B2; // 0100
emitType01(Add, OpRd, OpRn, OpSrc1, SetFlags, Cond, RdIsPcAndSetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::and_(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpSrc1, bool SetFlags,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// AND (register) - ARM section A8.8.14, encoding A1:
// and{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>{, <shift>}
// cccc0000000snnnnddddiiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// mmmm=Rm, iiiii=Shift, tt=ShiftKind, and s=SetFlags.
// AND (Immediate) - ARM section A8.8.13, encoding A1:
// and{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, #<RotatedImm8>
// cccc0010100snnnnddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// s=SetFlags and iiiiiiiiiiii=Src1Value defining RotatedImm8.
constexpr IValueT And = 0; // 0000
emitType01(And, OpRd, OpRn, OpSrc1, SetFlags, Cond, RdIsPcAndSetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::b(Label *L, CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
emitBranch(L, Cond, false);
void AssemblerARM32::bkpt(uint16_t Imm16) {
// BKPT - ARM section A*.8.24 - encoding A1:
// bkpt #<Imm16>
// cccc00010010iiiiiiiiiiii0111iiii where cccc=AL and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=Imm16
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
const IValueT Encoding = (CondARM32::AL << kConditionShift) | B24 | B21 |
((Imm16 >> 4) << 8) | B6 | B5 | B4 | (Imm16 & 0xf);
void AssemblerARM32::bic(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpSrc1, bool SetFlags,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// BIC (register) - ARM section A8.8.22, encoding A1:
// bic{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, <Rm>{, <shift>}
// cccc0001110snnnnddddiiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// mmmm=Rm, iiiii=Shift, tt=ShiftKind, and s=SetFlags.
// BIC (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.21, encoding A1:
// bic{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, #<RotatedImm8>
// cccc0011110snnnnddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rn, nnnn=Rn,
// s=SetFlags, and iiiiiiiiiiii=Src1Value defining RotatedImm8.
IValueT Opcode = B3 | B2 | B1; // i.e. 1110
emitType01(Opcode, OpRd, OpRn, OpSrc1, SetFlags, Cond, RdIsPcAndSetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::bl(const ConstantRelocatable *Target) {
// BL (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.25, encoding A1:
// bl<c> <label>
// cccc1011iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond (not currently allowed)
// and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is the (encoded) Target to branch to.
constexpr CondARM32::Cond Cond = CondARM32::AL;
constexpr IValueT Immed = 0;
constexpr bool Link = true;
emitType05(Cond, Immed, Link);
void AssemblerARM32::blx(const Operand *Target) {
IValueT Rm;
if (encodeOperand(Target, Rm) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
// BLX (register) - ARM section A8.8.26, encoding A1:
// blx<c> <Rm>
// cccc000100101111111111110011mmmm where cccc=Cond (not currently allowed)
// and mmmm=Rm.
if (Rm == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc)
// Unpredictable.
return setNeedsTextFixup();
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
constexpr CondARM32::Cond Cond = CondARM32::AL;
int32_t Encoding = (encodeCondition(Cond) << kConditionShift) | B24 | B21 |
(0xfff << 8) | B5 | B4 | (Rm << kRmShift);
void AssemblerARM32::bx(RegARM32::GPRRegister Rm, CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// BX - ARM section A8.8.27, encoding A1:
// bx<c> <Rm>
// cccc000100101111111111110001mmmm where mmmm=rm and cccc=Cond.
if (!(isGPRRegisterDefined(Rm) && isConditionDefined(Cond)))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
const IValueT Encoding = (encodeCondition(Cond) << kConditionShift) | B24 |
B21 | (0xfff << 8) | B4 |
(encodeGPRRegister(Rm) << kRmShift);
void AssemblerARM32::cmp(const Operand *OpRn, const Operand *OpSrc1,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// CMP (register) - ARM section A8.8.38, encoding A1:
// cmp<c> <Rn>, <Rm>{, <shift>}
// cccc00010101nnnn0000iiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, nnnn=Rn, mmmm=Rm,
// iiiii=Shift, and tt=ShiftKind.
// CMP (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.37
// cmp<c: <Rn>, #<RotatedImm8>
// cccc00110101nnnn0000iiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// s=SetFlags and iiiiiiiiiiii=Src1Value defining RotatedImm8.
constexpr IValueT Opcode = B3 | B1; // ie. 1010
emitCompareOp(Opcode, OpRn, OpSrc1, Cond);
void AssemblerARM32::eor(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpSrc1, bool SetFlags,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// EOR (register) - ARM section A*.8.47, encoding A1:
// eor{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, <Rm>{, <shift>}
// cccc0000001snnnnddddiiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// mmmm=Rm, iiiii=Shift, tt=ShiftKind, and s=SetFlags.
// EOR (Immediate) - ARM section A8.*.46, encoding A1:
// eor{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, #RotatedImm8
// cccc0010001snnnnddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// s=SetFlags and iiiiiiiiiiii=Src1Value defining RotatedImm8.
constexpr IValueT Eor = B0; // 0001
emitType01(Eor, OpRd, OpRn, OpSrc1, SetFlags, Cond, RdIsPcAndSetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::ldr(const Operand *OpRt, const Operand *OpAddress,
CondARM32::Cond Cond, const TargetInfo &TInfo) {
constexpr bool IsLoad = true;
IValueT Rt;
if (encodeOperand(OpRt, Rt) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
const Type Ty = OpRt->getType();
switch (typeWidthInBytesLog2(Ty)) {
case 3:
// LDRD is not implemented because target lowering handles i64 and double by
// using two (32-bit) load instructions. Note: Intenionally drop to default
// case.
llvm::report_fatal_error(std::string("Type ") + typeString(Ty) +
" not implementable using ldr\n");
case 0: {
// Handles i1 and i8 loads.
// LDRB (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.68, encoding A1:
// ldrb<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>{, #+/-<imm12>}] ; p=1, w=0
// ldrb<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], #+/-<imm12> ; p=1, w=1
// ldrb<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, #+/-<imm12>]! ; p=0, w=1
// cccc010pu1w1nnnnttttiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, tttt=Rt, nnnn=Rn,
// iiiiiiiiiiii=imm12, u=1 if +, pu0w is a BlockAddr, and
// pu0w0nnnn0000iiiiiiiiiiii=Address.
// LDRB (register) - ARM section A8.8.66, encoding A1:
// ldrb<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, +/-<Rm>{, <shift>}]{!}
// ldrb<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], +/-<Rm>{, <shift>}
// cccc011pu1w1nnnnttttiiiiiss0mmmm where cccc=Cond, tttt=Rt, U=1 if +, pu0b
// is a BlockAddr, and pu0w0nnnn0000iiiiiss0mmmm=Address.
constexpr bool IsByte = true;
return emitMemOp(Cond, IsLoad, IsByte, Rt, OpAddress, TInfo);
case 1: {
// Handles i16 loads.
// LDRH (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.80, encoding A1:
// ldrh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>{, #+/-<Imm8>}]
// ldrh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], #+/-<Imm8>
// ldrh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, #+/-<Imm8>]!
// cccc000pu1w1nnnnttttiiii1011iiii where cccc=Cond, tttt=Rt, nnnn=Rn,
// iiiiiiii=Imm8, u=1 if +, pu0w is a BlockAddr, and
// pu0w0nnnn0000iiiiiiiiiiii=Address.
return emitMemOpEnc3(Cond, L | B7 | B5 | B4, Rt, OpAddress, TInfo);
case 2: {
// Note: Handles i32 and float loads. Target lowering handles i64 and
// double by using two (32 bit) load instructions.
// LDR (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.63, encoding A1:
// ldr<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>{, #+/-<imm12>}] ; p=1, w=0
// ldr<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], #+/-<imm12> ; p=1, w=1
// ldr<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, #+/-<imm12>]! ; p=0, w=1
// cccc010pu0w1nnnnttttiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, tttt=Rt, nnnn=Rn,
// iiiiiiiiiiii=imm12, u=1 if +, pu0w is a BlockAddr, and
// LDR (register) - ARM section A8.8.70, encoding A1:
// ldrb<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, +/-<Rm>{, <shift>}]{!}
// ldrb<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], +-<Rm>{, <shift>}
// cccc011pu0w1nnnnttttiiiiiss0mmmm where cccc=Cond, tttt=Rt, U=1 if +, pu0b
// is a BlockAddr, and pu0w0nnnn0000iiiiiss0mmmm=Address.
constexpr bool IsByte = false;
return emitMemOp(Cond, IsLoad, IsByte, Rt, OpAddress, TInfo);
void AssemblerARM32::lsl(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRm,
const Operand *OpSrc1, bool SetFlags,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
constexpr IValueT Lsl = B3 | B2 | B0; // 1101
constexpr IValueT Rn = 0; // Rn field is not used.
IValueT Rd;
if (encodeOperand(OpRd, Rd) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
IValueT Rm;
if (encodeOperand(OpRm, Rm) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
IValueT Value;
switch (encodeOperand(OpSrc1, Value)) {
return setNeedsTextFixup();
case EncodedAsShiftImm5: {
// LSL (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.94, encoding A1:
// lsl{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rm>, #imm5
// cccc0001101s0000ddddiiiii000mmmm where cccc=Cond, s=SetFlags, dddd=Rd,
// iiiii=imm5, and mmmm=Rm.
Value = Value | (Rm << kRmShift);
emitType01(Cond, kInstTypeDataRegShift, Lsl, SetFlags, Rn, Rd, Value,
case EncodedAsRegister: {
// LSL (register) - ARM section A8.8.95, encoding A1:
// lsl{S}<c> <Rd>, <Rm>, <Rs>
// cccc0001101s0000ddddssss0001mmmm where cccc=Cond, s=SetFlags, dddd=Rd,
// mmmm=Rm, and ssss=Rs.
IValueT Rs;
if (encodeOperand(OpSrc1, Rs) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if ((Rd == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc) || (Rm == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc) ||
(Rs == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc))
emitType01(Cond, kInstTypeDataRegShift, Lsl, SetFlags, Rn, Rd,
encodeShiftRotateReg(Rm, OperandARM32::kNoShift, Rs), NoChecks);
void AssemblerARM32::mov(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpSrc,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// MOV (register) - ARM section A8.8.104, encoding A1:
// mov{S}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>
// cccc0001101s0000dddd00000000mmmm where cccc=Cond, s=SetFlags, dddd=Rd,
// and nnnn=Rn.
// MOV (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.102, encoding A1:
// mov{S}<c> <Rd>, #<RotatedImm8>
// cccc0011101s0000ddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, s=SetFlags, dddd=Rd,
// and iiiiiiiiiiii=RotatedImm8=Src. Note: We don't use movs in this
// assembler.
IValueT Rd;
if (encodeOperand(OpRd, Rd) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
constexpr bool SetFlags = false;
constexpr IValueT Rn = 0;
constexpr IValueT Mov = B3 | B2 | B0; // 1101.
emitType01(Mov, Rd, Rn, OpSrc, SetFlags, Cond, RdIsPcAndSetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::emitMovw(IValueT Opcode, IValueT Rd, IValueT Imm16,
bool SetFlags, CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
if (!isConditionDefined(Cond) || !Utils::IsAbsoluteUint(16, Imm16))
return setNeedsTextFixup();
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
const IValueT Encoding = encodeCondition(Cond) << kConditionShift | Opcode |
(encodeBool(SetFlags) << kSShift) |
((Imm16 >> 12) << 16) | Rd << kRdShift |
(Imm16 & 0xfff);
void AssemblerARM32::movw(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpSrc,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
IValueT Rd;
if (encodeOperand(OpRd, Rd) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (const auto *Src = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantRelocatable>(OpSrc)) {
// MOVW (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.102, encoding A2:
// movw<c> <Rd>, #<imm16>
// cccc00110000iiiiddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, and
// iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=imm16.
if (!isConditionDefined(Cond))
// Conditions of rule violated.
return setNeedsTextFixup();
// Use 0 for the lower 16 bits of the relocatable, and add a fixup to
// install the correct bits.
constexpr bool IsMovW = true;
emitFixup(createMoveFixup(IsMovW, Src));
constexpr IValueT Imm16 = 0;
constexpr bool SetFlags = false;
emitMovw(B25 | B24, Rd, Imm16, SetFlags, Cond);
IValueT ConstVal;
if (encodeOperand(OpSrc, ConstVal) != EncodedAsConstI32)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
// TODO(kschimpf): Determine if we want to handle rotated immediate 8 values
// to handle cases where the constant is greater than 16 bits (encoding A1
// below). For now, handle using encoding A2.
constexpr bool SetFlags = 0;
emitMovw(B25 | B24, Rd, ConstVal, SetFlags, Cond);
// MOVW (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.102, encoding A1:
// movw<c> <Rd>, #<RotatedImm8>
// cccc0011101s0000ddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, s=SetFlags=0,
// and iiiiiiiiiiii is a shift-rotated value defining RotatedImm8.
void AssemblerARM32::movt(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpSrc,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
IValueT Rd;
if (encodeOperand(OpRd, Rd) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
auto *Src = llvm::dyn_cast<ConstantRelocatable>(OpSrc);
if (Src == nullptr)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
// MOVT - ARM section A8.8.102, encoding A2:
// movt<c> <Rd>, #<imm16>
// cccc00110100iiiiddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, and
// iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=imm16.
if (!isConditionDefined(Cond))
// Conditions of rule violated.
return setNeedsTextFixup();
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&Buffer);
// Use 0 for the lower 16 bits of the relocatable, and add a fixup to
// install the correct bits.
constexpr bool IsMovW = false;
emitFixup(createMoveFixup(IsMovW, Src));
constexpr IValueT Imm16 = 0;
const IValueT Encoding = encodeCondition(Cond) << kConditionShift | B25 |
B24 | B22 | ((Imm16 >> 12) << 16) | Rd << kRdShift |
(Imm16 & 0xfff);
void AssemblerARM32::mvn(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpSrc,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// MVN (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.115, encoding A1:
// mvn{s}<c> <Rd>, #<const>
// cccc0011111s0000ddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, s=SetFlags=0, dddd=Rd,
// and iiiiiiiiiiii=const
// MVN (register) - ARM section A8.8.116, encoding A1:
// mvn{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rm>{, <shift>
// cccc0001111s0000ddddiiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, s=SetFlags=0, dddd=Rd,
// mmmm=Rm, iiii defines shift constant, and tt=ShiftKind.
IValueT Rd;
if (encodeOperand(OpRd, Rd) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
constexpr IValueT MvnOpcode = B3 | B2 | B1 | B0; // i.e. 1111
constexpr IValueT Rn = 0;
constexpr bool SetFlags = false;
emitType01(MvnOpcode, Rd, Rn, OpSrc, SetFlags, Cond, RdIsPcAndSetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::sbc(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpSrc1, bool SetFlags,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// SBC (register) - ARM section 18.8.162, encoding A1:
// sbc{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, <Rm>{, <shift>}
// cccc0000110snnnnddddiiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// mmmm=Rm, iiiii=Shift, tt=ShiftKind, and s=SetFlags.
// SBC (Immediate) - ARM section A8.8.161, encoding A1:
// sbc{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, #<RotatedImm8>
// cccc0010110snnnnddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// s=SetFlags and iiiiiiiiiiii=Src1Value defining RotatedImm8.
constexpr IValueT Sbc = B2 | B1; // 0110
emitType01(Sbc, OpRd, OpRn, OpSrc1, SetFlags, Cond, RdIsPcAndSetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::sdiv(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpSrc1, CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// SDIV - ARM section A8.8.165, encoding A1.
// sdiv<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, <Rm>
// cccc01110001dddd1111mmmm0001nnnn where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn, and
// mmmm=Rm.
IValueT Rd;
if (encodeOperand(OpRd, Rd) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
IValueT Rn;
if (encodeOperand(OpRn, Rn) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
IValueT Rm;
if (encodeOperand(OpSrc1, Rm) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (Rd == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc || Rn == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc ||
Rm == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc)
llvm::report_fatal_error("Sdiv instruction unpredictable on pc");
// Assembler registers rd, rn, rm are encoded as rn, rm, rs.
constexpr IValueT Opcode = 0;
emitDivOp(Cond, Opcode, Rd, Rn, Rm);
void AssemblerARM32::str(const Operand *OpRt, const Operand *OpAddress,
CondARM32::Cond Cond, const TargetInfo &TInfo) {
constexpr bool IsLoad = false;
IValueT Rt;
if (encodeOperand(OpRt, Rt) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
const Type Ty = OpRt->getType();
switch (typeWidthInBytesLog2(Ty)) {
case 3:
// STRD is not implemented because target lowering handles i64 and double by
// using two (32-bit) store instructions. Note: Intenionally drop to
// default case.
llvm::report_fatal_error(std::string("Type ") + typeString(Ty) +
" not implementable using str\n");
case 0: {
// Handles i1 and i8 stores.
// STRB (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.207, encoding A1:
// strb<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>{, #+/-<imm12>}] ; p=1, w=0
// strb<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], #+/-<imm12> ; p=1, w=1
// strb<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, #+/-<imm12>]! ; p=0, w=1
// cccc010pu1w0nnnnttttiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, tttt=Rt, nnnn=Rn,
// iiiiiiiiiiii=imm12, u=1 if +.
constexpr bool IsByte = true;
return emitMemOp(Cond, IsLoad, IsByte, Rt, OpAddress, TInfo);
case 1: {
// Handles i16 stores.
// STRH (immediate) - ARM section A8.*.217, encoding A1:
// strh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>{, #+/-<Imm8>}]
// strh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], #+/-<Imm8>
// strh<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, #+/-<Imm8>]!
// cccc000pu1w0nnnnttttiiii1011iiii where cccc=Cond, tttt=Rt, nnnn=Rn,
// iiiiiiii=Imm8, u=1 if +, pu0w is a BlockAddr, and
// pu0w0nnnn0000iiiiiiiiiiii=Address.
return emitMemOpEnc3(Cond, B7 | B5 | B4, Rt, OpAddress, TInfo);
case 2: {
// Note: Handles i32 and float stores. Target lowering handles i64 and
// double by using two (32 bit) store instructions.
// STR (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.207, encoding A1:
// str<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>{, #+/-<imm12>}] ; p=1, w=0
// str<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>], #+/-<imm12> ; p=1, w=1
// str<c> <Rt>, [<Rn>, #+/-<imm12>]! ; p=0, w=1
// cccc010pu1w0nnnnttttiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, tttt=Rt, nnnn=Rn,
// iiiiiiiiiiii=imm12, u=1 if +.
constexpr bool IsByte = false;
return emitMemOp(Cond, IsLoad, IsByte, Rt, OpAddress, TInfo);
return setNeedsTextFixup();
void AssemblerARM32::orr(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpSrc1, bool SetFlags,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// ORR (register) - ARM Section A8.8.123, encoding A1:
// orr{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, <Rm>
// cccc0001100snnnnddddiiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// mmmm=Rm, iiiii=shift, tt=ShiftKind,, and s=SetFlags.
// ORR (register) - ARM Section A8.8.123, encoding A1:
// orr{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, #<RotatedImm8>
// cccc0001100snnnnddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// s=SetFlags and iiiiiiiiiiii=Src1Value defining RotatedImm8.
constexpr IValueT Orr = B3 | B2; // i.e. 1100
emitType01(Orr, OpRd, OpRn, OpSrc1, SetFlags, Cond, RdIsPcAndSetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::pop(const Operand *OpRt, CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// POP - ARM section A8.8.132, encoding A2:
// pop<c> {Rt}
// cccc010010011101dddd000000000100 where dddd=Rt and cccc=Cond.
IValueT Rt;
if (encodeOperand(OpRt, Rt) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
assert(Rt != RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_sp);
// Same as load instruction.
constexpr bool IsLoad = true;
constexpr bool IsByte = false;
IValueT Address = encodeImmRegOffset(RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_sp, kWordSize,
emitMemOp(Cond, kInstTypeMemImmediate, IsLoad, IsByte, Rt, Address);
void AssemblerARM32::popList(const IValueT Registers, CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// POP - ARM section A8.*.131, encoding A1:
// pop<c> <registers>
// cccc100010111101rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr where cccc=Cond and
// rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr=Registers (one bit for each GP register).
constexpr bool IsLoad = true;
emitMultiMemOp(Cond, IA_W, IsLoad, RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_sp, Registers);
void AssemblerARM32::push(const Operand *OpRt, CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// PUSH - ARM section A8.8.133, encoding A2:
// push<c> {Rt}
// cccc010100101101dddd000000000100 where dddd=Rt and cccc=Cond.
IValueT Rt;
if (encodeOperand(OpRt, Rt) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
assert(Rt != RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_sp);
// Same as store instruction.
constexpr bool isLoad = false;
constexpr bool isByte = false;
IValueT Address = encodeImmRegOffset(RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_sp, -kWordSize,
emitMemOp(Cond, kInstTypeMemImmediate, isLoad, isByte, Rt, Address);
void AssemblerARM32::pushList(const IValueT Registers, CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// PUSH - ARM section A8.8.133, encoding A1:
// push<c> <Registers>
// cccc100100101101rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr where cccc=Cond and
// rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr=Registers (one bit for each GP register).
constexpr bool IsLoad = false;
emitMultiMemOp(Cond, DB_W, IsLoad, RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_sp, Registers);
void AssemblerARM32::mla(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpRm, const Operand *OpRa,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
IValueT Rd;
if (encodeOperand(OpRd, Rd) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
IValueT Rn;
if (encodeOperand(OpRn, Rn) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
IValueT Rm;
if (encodeOperand(OpRm, Rm) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
IValueT Ra;
if (encodeOperand(OpRa, Ra) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
// MLA - ARM section A8.8.114, encoding A1.
// mla{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, <Rm>, <Ra>
// cccc0000001sddddaaaammmm1001nnnn where cccc=Cond, s=SetFlags, dddd=Rd,
// aaaa=Ra, mmmm=Rm, and nnnn=Rn.
if (Rd == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc || Rn == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc ||
Rm == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc || Ra == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc)
llvm::report_fatal_error("Mul instruction unpredictable on pc");
constexpr IValueT MlaOpcode = B21;
constexpr bool SetFlags = false;
// Assembler registers rd, rn, rm, ra are encoded as rn, rm, rs, rd.
emitMulOp(Cond, MlaOpcode, Ra, Rd, Rn, Rm, SetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::mul(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpSrc1, bool SetFlags,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
IValueT Rd;
if (encodeOperand(OpRd, Rd) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
IValueT Rn;
if (encodeOperand(OpRn, Rn) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
IValueT Rm;
if (encodeOperand(OpSrc1, Rm) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
// MUL - ARM section A8.8.114, encoding A1.
// mul{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, <Rm>
// cccc0000000sdddd0000mmmm1001nnnn where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// mmmm=Rm, and s=SetFlags.
if (Rd == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc || Rn == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc ||
Rm == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc)
llvm::report_fatal_error("Mul instruction unpredictable on pc");
// Assembler registers rd, rn, rm are encoded as rn, rm, rs.
constexpr IValueT MulOpcode = 0;
emitMulOp(Cond, MulOpcode, RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_r0, Rd, Rn, Rm, SetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::udiv(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpSrc1, CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// UDIV - ARM section A8.8.248, encoding A1.
// udiv<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, <Rm>
// cccc01110011dddd1111mmmm0001nnnn where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn, and
// mmmm=Rm.
IValueT Rd;
if (encodeOperand(OpRd, Rd) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
IValueT Rn;
if (encodeOperand(OpRn, Rn) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
IValueT Rm;
if (encodeOperand(OpSrc1, Rm) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (Rd == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc || Rn == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc ||
Rm == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc)
llvm::report_fatal_error("Udiv instruction unpredictable on pc");
// Assembler registers rd, rn, rm are encoded as rn, rm, rs.
constexpr IValueT Opcode = B21;
emitDivOp(Cond, Opcode, Rd, Rn, Rm);
void AssemblerARM32::sub(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpRn,
const Operand *OpSrc1, bool SetFlags,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// SUB (register) - ARM section A8.8.223, encoding A1:
// sub{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, <Rm>{, <shift>}
// SUB (SP minus register): See ARM section 8.8.226, encoding A1:
// sub{s}<c> <Rd>, sp, <Rm>{, <Shift>}
// cccc0000010snnnnddddiiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// mmmm=Rm, iiiiii=shift, tt=ShiftKind, and s=SetFlags.
// Sub (Immediate) - ARM section A8.8.222, encoding A1:
// sub{s}<c> <Rd>, <Rn>, #<RotatedImm8>
// Sub (Sp minus immediate) - ARM section A8.*.225, encoding A1:
// sub{s}<c> sp, <Rn>, #<RotatedImm8>
// cccc0010010snnnnddddiiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, nnnn=Rn,
// s=SetFlags and iiiiiiiiiiii=Src1Value defining RotatedImm8
constexpr IValueT Sub = B1; // 0010
emitType01(Sub, OpRd, OpRn, OpSrc1, SetFlags, Cond, RdIsPcAndSetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::tst(const Operand *OpRn, const Operand *OpSrc1,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// TST (register) - ARM section A8.8.241, encoding A1:
// tst<c> <Rn>, <Rm>(, <shift>}
// cccc00010001nnnn0000iiiiitt0mmmm where cccc=Cond, nnnn=Rn, mmmm=Rm,
// iiiii=Shift, and tt=ShiftKind.
// TST (immediate) - ARM section A8.8.240, encoding A1:
// tst<c> <Rn>, #<RotatedImm8>
// cccc00110001nnnn0000iiiiiiiiiiii where cccc=Cond, nnnn=Rn, and
// iiiiiiiiiiii defines RotatedImm8.
constexpr IValueT Opcode = B3; // ie. 1000
emitCompareOp(Opcode, OpRn, OpSrc1, Cond);
void AssemblerARM32::umull(const Operand *OpRdLo, const Operand *OpRdHi,
const Operand *OpRn, const Operand *OpRm,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
// UMULL - ARM section A8.8.257, encoding A1:
// umull<c> <RdLo>, <RdHi>, <Rn>, <Rm>
// cccc0000100shhhhllllmmmm1001nnnn where hhhh=RdHi, llll=RdLo, nnnn=Rn,
// mmmm=Rm, and s=SetFlags
IValueT RdLo;
IValueT RdHi;
IValueT Rn;
IValueT Rm;
if (encodeOperand(OpRdLo, RdLo) != EncodedAsRegister ||
encodeOperand(OpRdHi, RdHi) != EncodedAsRegister ||
encodeOperand(OpRn, Rn) != EncodedAsRegister ||
encodeOperand(OpRm, Rm) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
if (RdHi == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc || RdLo == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc ||
Rn == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc || Rm == RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc ||
RdHi == RdLo)
llvm::report_fatal_error("Umull instruction unpredictable on pc");
constexpr bool SetFlags = false;
emitMulOp(Cond, B23, RdLo, RdHi, Rn, Rm, SetFlags);
void AssemblerARM32::uxt(const Operand *OpRd, const Operand *OpSrc0,
CondARM32::Cond Cond) {
IValueT Rd;
if (encodeOperand(OpRd, Rd) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
// Note: For the moment, we assume no rotation is specified.
RotationValue Rotation = kRotateNone;
constexpr IValueT Rn = RegARM32::Encoded_Reg_pc;
IValueT Rm;
if (encodeOperand(OpSrc0, Rm) != EncodedAsRegister)
return setNeedsTextFixup();
switch (typeWidthInBytes(OpSrc0->getType())) {
return setNeedsTextFixup();
case 1: {
// UXTB - ARM section A8.8.274, encoding A1:
// uxtb<c> <Rd>, <Rm>{, <rotate>}
// cccc011011101111ddddrr000111mmmm where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, mmmm=Rm, and
// rr defined (RotationValue) rotate.
constexpr IValueT Opcode = B26 | B25 | B23 | B22 | B21;
emitUxt(Cond, Opcode, Rd, Rn, Rm, Rotation);
case 2: {
// UXTH - ARM section A8.8.276, encoding A1:
// uxth<c> <Rd>< <Rm>{, <rotate>}
// cccc01101111nnnnddddrr000111mmmm where cccc=Cond, dddd=Rd, mmmm=Rm, and
// rr defined (RotationValue) rotate.
constexpr IValueT Opcode = B26 | B25 | B23 | B22 | B21 | B20;
emitUxt(Cond, Opcode, Rd, Rn, Rm, Rotation);
} // end of namespace ARM32
} // end of namespace Ice