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//===- subzero/src/IceGlobalContext.h - Global context defs -----*- C++ -*-===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// This file declares aspects of the compilation that persist across
/// multiple functions.
#include "IceDefs.h"
#include "IceClFlags.h"
#include "IceIntrinsics.h"
#include "IceRNG.h"
#include "IceThreading.h"
#include "IceTimerTree.h"
#include "IceTypes.h"
#include "IceUtils.h"
#include <array>
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
namespace Ice {
class ClFlags;
class ConstantPool;
class EmitterWorkItem;
class FuncSigType;
/// LockedPtr is a way to provide automatically locked access to some object.
template <typename T> class LockedPtr {
LockedPtr() = delete;
LockedPtr(const LockedPtr &) = delete;
LockedPtr &operator=(const LockedPtr &) = delete;
LockedPtr(T *Value, GlobalLockType *Lock) : Value(Value), Lock(Lock) {
LockedPtr(LockedPtr &&Other) : Value(Other.Value), Lock(Other.Lock) {
Other.Value = nullptr;
Other.Lock = nullptr;
~LockedPtr() { Lock->unlock(); }
T *operator->() const { return Value; }
T *Value;
GlobalLockType *Lock;
class GlobalContext {
GlobalContext() = delete;
GlobalContext(const GlobalContext &) = delete;
GlobalContext &operator=(const GlobalContext &) = delete;
/// CodeStats collects rudimentary statistics during translation.
class CodeStats {
CodeStats(const CodeStats &) = delete;
CodeStats &operator=(const CodeStats &) = default;
/* dump string, enum value */ \
X("Inst Count ", InstCount) \
X("Regs Saved ", RegsSaved) \
X("Frame Bytes ", FrameByte) \
X("Spills ", NumSpills) \
X("Fills ", NumFills) \
X("R/P Imms ", NumRPImms)
//#define X(str, tag)
enum CSTag {
#define X(str, tag) CS_##tag,
#undef X
CodeStats() { reset(); }
void reset() { Stats.fill(0); }
void update(CSTag Tag, uint32_t Count = 1) {
assert(Tag < Stats.size());
Stats[Tag] += Count;
void add(const CodeStats &Other) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < Stats.size(); ++i)
Stats[i] += Other.Stats[i];
void dump(const IceString &Name, Ostream &Str);
std::array<uint32_t, CS_NUM> Stats;
/// TimerList is a vector of TimerStack objects, with extra methods
/// to initialize and merge these vectors.
class TimerList : public std::vector<TimerStack> {
TimerList(const TimerList &) = delete;
TimerList &operator=(const TimerList &) = delete;
TimerList() = default;
/// initInto() initializes a target list of timers based on the
/// current list. In particular, it creates the same number of
/// timers, in the same order, with the same names, but initially
/// empty of timing data.
void initInto(TimerList &Dest) const {
if (!BuildDefs::dump())
for (const TimerStack &Stack : *this) {
void mergeFrom(TimerList &Src) {
if (!BuildDefs::dump())
assert(size() == Src.size());
size_type i = 0;
for (TimerStack &Stack : *this) {
assert(Stack.getName() == Src[i].getName());
/// ThreadContext contains thread-local data. This data can be
/// combined/reduced as needed after all threads complete.
class ThreadContext {
ThreadContext(const ThreadContext &) = delete;
ThreadContext &operator=(const ThreadContext &) = delete;
ThreadContext() = default;
CodeStats StatsFunction;
CodeStats StatsCumulative;
TimerList Timers;
/// The dump stream is a log stream while emit is the stream code
/// is emitted to. The error stream is strictly for logging errors.
GlobalContext(Ostream *OsDump, Ostream *OsEmit, Ostream *OsError,
ELFStreamer *ELFStreamer, const ClFlags &Flags);
/// The dump, error, and emit streams need to be used by only one
/// thread at a time. This is done by exclusively reserving the
/// streams via lockStr() and unlockStr(). The OstreamLocker class
/// can be used to conveniently manage this.
/// The model is that a thread grabs the stream lock, then does an
/// arbitrary amount of work during which far-away callees may grab
/// the stream and do something with it, and finally the thread
/// releases the stream lock. This allows large chunks of output to
/// be dumped or emitted without risking interleaving from multiple
/// threads.
void lockStr() { StrLock.lock(); }
void unlockStr() { StrLock.unlock(); }
Ostream &getStrDump() { return *StrDump; }
Ostream &getStrError() { return *StrError; }
Ostream &getStrEmit() { return *StrEmit; }
LockedPtr<ErrorCode> getErrorStatus() {
return LockedPtr<ErrorCode>(&ErrorStatus, &ErrorStatusLock);
/// When emitting assembly, we allow a string to be prepended to
/// names of translated functions. This makes it easier to create an
/// execution test against a reference translator like llc, with both
/// translators using the same bitcode as input.
IceString mangleName(const IceString &Name) const;
// Manage Constants.
// getConstant*() functions are not const because they might add
// something to the constant pool.
Constant *getConstantInt(Type Ty, int64_t Value);
Constant *getConstantInt1(int8_t ConstantInt1);
Constant *getConstantInt8(int8_t ConstantInt8);
Constant *getConstantInt16(int16_t ConstantInt16);
Constant *getConstantInt32(int32_t ConstantInt32);
Constant *getConstantInt64(int64_t ConstantInt64);
Constant *getConstantFloat(float Value);
Constant *getConstantDouble(double Value);
/// Returns a symbolic constant.
Constant *getConstantSym(RelocOffsetT Offset, const IceString &Name,
bool SuppressMangling);
Constant *getConstantExternSym(const IceString &Name);
/// Returns an undef.
Constant *getConstantUndef(Type Ty);
/// Returns a zero value.
Constant *getConstantZero(Type Ty);
/// getConstantPool() returns a copy of the constant pool for
/// constants of a given type.
ConstantList getConstantPool(Type Ty);
/// Returns a copy of the list of external symbols.
ConstantList getConstantExternSyms();
const ClFlags &getFlags() const { return Flags; }
bool isIRGenerationDisabled() const {
return getFlags().getDisableIRGeneration();
/// Allocate data of type T using the global allocator. We allow entities
/// allocated from this global allocator to be either trivially or
/// non-trivially destructible. We optimize the case when T is trivially
/// destructible by not registering a destructor. Destructors will be invoked
/// during GlobalContext destruction in the reverse object creation order.
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value, T>::type *
allocate() {
return getAllocator()->Allocate<T>();
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value, T>::type *
allocate() {
T *Ret = getAllocator()->Allocate<T>();
getDestructors()->emplace_back([Ret]() { Ret->~T(); });
return Ret;
const Intrinsics &getIntrinsicsInfo() const { return IntrinsicsInfo; }
// TODO(wala,stichnot): Make the RNG play nicely with multithreaded
// translation.
RandomNumberGenerator &getRNG() { return RNG; }
ELFObjectWriter *getObjectWriter() const { return ObjectWriter.get(); }
/// Reset stats at the beginning of a function.
void resetStats() {
if (BuildDefs::dump())
void dumpStats(const IceString &Name, bool Final = false);
void statsUpdateEmitted(uint32_t InstCount) {
if (!getFlags().getDumpStats())
ThreadContext *Tls = ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS);
Tls->StatsFunction.update(CodeStats::CS_InstCount, InstCount);
Tls->StatsCumulative.update(CodeStats::CS_InstCount, InstCount);
void statsUpdateRegistersSaved(uint32_t Num) {
if (!getFlags().getDumpStats())
ThreadContext *Tls = ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS);
Tls->StatsFunction.update(CodeStats::CS_RegsSaved, Num);
Tls->StatsCumulative.update(CodeStats::CS_RegsSaved, Num);
void statsUpdateFrameBytes(uint32_t Bytes) {
if (!getFlags().getDumpStats())
ThreadContext *Tls = ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS);
Tls->StatsFunction.update(CodeStats::CS_FrameByte, Bytes);
Tls->StatsCumulative.update(CodeStats::CS_FrameByte, Bytes);
void statsUpdateSpills() {
if (!getFlags().getDumpStats())
ThreadContext *Tls = ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS);
void statsUpdateFills() {
if (!getFlags().getDumpStats())
ThreadContext *Tls = ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS);
/// Number of Randomized or Pooled Immediates
void statsUpdateRPImms() {
if (!getFlags().getDumpStats())
ThreadContext *Tls = ICE_TLS_GET_FIELD(TLS);
/// These are predefined TimerStackIdT values.
enum TimerStackKind { TSK_Default = 0, TSK_Funcs, TSK_Num };
/// newTimerStackID() creates a new TimerStack in the global space.
/// It does not affect any TimerStack objects in TLS.
TimerStackIdT newTimerStackID(const IceString &Name);
/// dumpTimers() dumps the global timer data. As such, one probably
/// wants to call mergeTimerStacks() as a prerequisite.
void dumpTimers(TimerStackIdT StackID = TSK_Default,
bool DumpCumulative = true);
/// The following methods affect only the calling thread's TLS timer
/// data.
TimerIdT getTimerID(TimerStackIdT StackID, const IceString &Name);
void pushTimer(TimerIdT ID, TimerStackIdT StackID);
void popTimer(TimerIdT ID, TimerStackIdT StackID);
void resetTimer(TimerStackIdT StackID);
void setTimerName(TimerStackIdT StackID, const IceString &NewName);
/// This is the first work item sequence number that the parser
/// produces, and correspondingly the first sequence number that the
/// emitter thread will wait for. Start numbering at 1 to leave room
/// for a sentinel, in case e.g. we wish to inject items with a
/// special sequence number that may be executed out of order.
static uint32_t getFirstSequenceNumber() { return 1; }
/// Adds a newly parsed and constructed function to the Cfg work
/// queue. Notifies any idle workers that a new function is
/// available for translating. May block if the work queue is too
/// large, in order to control memory footprint.
void optQueueBlockingPush(std::unique_ptr<Cfg> Func);
/// Takes a Cfg from the work queue for translating. May block if
/// the work queue is currently empty. Returns nullptr if there is
/// no more work - the queue is empty and either end() has been
/// called or the Sequential flag was set.
std::unique_ptr<Cfg> optQueueBlockingPop();
/// Notifies that no more work will be added to the work queue.
void optQueueNotifyEnd() { OptQ.notifyEnd(); }
/// Emit file header for output file.
void emitFileHeader();
void lowerConstants();
void emitQueueBlockingPush(EmitterWorkItem *Item);
EmitterWorkItem *emitQueueBlockingPop();
void emitQueueNotifyEnd() { EmitQ.notifyEnd(); }
void initParserThread() {
ThreadContext *Tls = new ThreadContext();
auto Timers = getTimers();
void startWorkerThreads() {
size_t NumWorkers = getFlags().getNumTranslationThreads();
auto Timers = getTimers();
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumWorkers; ++i) {
ThreadContext *WorkerTLS = new ThreadContext();
&GlobalContext::translateFunctionsWrapper, this, WorkerTLS));
if (NumWorkers) {
ThreadContext *WorkerTLS = new ThreadContext();
std::thread(&GlobalContext::emitterWrapper, this, WorkerTLS));
void waitForWorkerThreads() {
for (std::thread &Worker : TranslationThreads) {
// Only notify the emit queue to end after all the translation
// threads have ended.
for (std::thread &Worker : EmitterThreads) {
if (BuildDefs::dump()) {
auto Timers = getTimers();
for (ThreadContext *TLS : AllThreadContexts)
if (BuildDefs::dump()) {
// Do a separate loop over AllThreadContexts to avoid holding
// two locks at once.
auto Stats = getStatsCumulative();
for (ThreadContext *TLS : AllThreadContexts)
/// Translation thread startup routine.
void translateFunctionsWrapper(ThreadContext *MyTLS) {
/// Translate functions from the Cfg queue until the queue is empty.
void translateFunctions();
/// Emitter thread startup routine.
void emitterWrapper(ThreadContext *MyTLS) {
/// Emit functions and global initializers from the emitter queue
/// until the queue is empty.
void emitItems();
/// Uses DataLowering to lower Globals. Side effects:
/// - discards the initializer list for the global variable in Globals.
/// - clears the Globals array.
void lowerGlobals(const IceString &SectionSuffix);
/// Lowers the profile information.
void lowerProfileData();
/// Utility function to match a symbol name against a match string.
/// This is used in a few cases where we want to take some action on
/// a particular function or symbol based on a command-line argument,
/// such as changing the verbose level for a particular function. An
/// empty Match argument means match everything. Returns true if
/// there is a match.
static bool matchSymbolName(const IceString &SymbolName,
const IceString &Match) {
return Match.empty() || Match == SymbolName;
/// Return the randomization cookie for diversification.
/// Initialize the cookie if necessary
uint32_t getRandomizationCookie() const { return RandomizationCookie; }
// Try to ensure mutexes are allocated on separate cache lines.
// Destructors collaborate with Allocator
// Managed by getAllocator()
GlobalLockType AllocLock;
ArenaAllocator<> Allocator;
// Managed by getDestructors()
typedef std::vector<std::function<void()>> DestructorArray;
GlobalLockType DestructorsLock;
DestructorArray Destructors;
// Managed by getConstantPool()
GlobalLockType ConstPoolLock;
std::unique_ptr<ConstantPool> ConstPool;
// Managed by getErrorStatus()
GlobalLockType ErrorStatusLock;
ErrorCode ErrorStatus;
// Managed by getStatsCumulative()
GlobalLockType StatsLock;
CodeStats StatsCumulative;
// Managed by getTimers()
GlobalLockType TimerLock;
TimerList Timers;
/// StrLock is a global lock on the dump and emit output streams.
typedef std::mutex StrLockType;
StrLockType StrLock;
Ostream *StrDump; /// Stream for dumping / diagnostics
Ostream *StrEmit; /// Stream for code emission
Ostream *StrError; /// Stream for logging errors.
Intrinsics IntrinsicsInfo;
const ClFlags &Flags;
RandomNumberGenerator RNG; // TODO(stichnot): Move into Cfg.
// TODO(jpp): move to EmitterContext.
std::unique_ptr<ELFObjectWriter> ObjectWriter;
BoundedProducerConsumerQueue<Cfg> OptQ;
BoundedProducerConsumerQueue<EmitterWorkItem> EmitQ;
// DataLowering is only ever used by a single thread at a time (either in
// emitItems(), or in IceCompiler::run before the compilation is over.)
// TODO(jpp): move to EmitterContext.
std::unique_ptr<TargetDataLowering> DataLowering;
/// If !HasEmittedCode, SubZero will accumulate all Globals (which are "true"
/// program global variables) until the first code WorkItem is seen.
// TODO(jpp): move to EmitterContext.
bool HasSeenCode = false;
// TODO(jpp): move to EmitterContext.
VariableDeclarationList Globals;
// TODO(jpp): move to EmitterContext.
VariableDeclaration *ProfileBlockInfoVarDecl;
LockedPtr<ArenaAllocator<>> getAllocator() {
return LockedPtr<ArenaAllocator<>>(&Allocator, &AllocLock);
LockedPtr<ConstantPool> getConstPool() {
return LockedPtr<ConstantPool>(ConstPool.get(), &ConstPoolLock);
LockedPtr<CodeStats> getStatsCumulative() {
return LockedPtr<CodeStats>(&StatsCumulative, &StatsLock);
LockedPtr<TimerList> getTimers() {
return LockedPtr<TimerList>(&Timers, &TimerLock);
LockedPtr<DestructorArray> getDestructors() {
return LockedPtr<DestructorArray>(&Destructors, &DestructorsLock);
void accumulateGlobals(std::unique_ptr<VariableDeclarationList> Globls) {
if (Globls != nullptr)
Globals.insert(Globals.end(), Globls->begin(), Globls->end());
void lowerGlobalsIfNoCodeHasBeenSeen() {
if (HasSeenCode)
constexpr char NoSuffix[] = "";
HasSeenCode = true;
llvm::SmallVector<ThreadContext *, 128> AllThreadContexts;
llvm::SmallVector<std::thread, 128> TranslationThreads;
llvm::SmallVector<std::thread, 128> EmitterThreads;
// Each thread has its own TLS pointer which is also held in
// AllThreadContexts.
// Private helpers for mangleName()
typedef llvm::SmallVector<char, 32> ManglerVector;
void incrementSubstitutions(ManglerVector &OldName) const;
// Randomization Cookie
// Managed by getRandomizationCookie()
GlobalLockType RandomizationCookieLock;
uint32_t RandomizationCookie = 0;
static void TlsInit() { ICE_TLS_INIT_FIELD(TLS); }
/// Helper class to push and pop a timer marker. The constructor
/// pushes a marker, and the destructor pops it. This is for
/// convenient timing of regions of code.
class TimerMarker {
TimerMarker() = delete;
TimerMarker(const TimerMarker &) = delete;
TimerMarker &operator=(const TimerMarker &) = delete;
TimerMarker(TimerIdT ID, GlobalContext *Ctx,
TimerStackIdT StackID = GlobalContext::TSK_Default)
: ID(ID), Ctx(Ctx), StackID(StackID) {
if (BuildDefs::dump())
TimerMarker(TimerIdT ID, const Cfg *Func,
TimerStackIdT StackID = GlobalContext::TSK_Default)
: ID(ID), Ctx(nullptr), StackID(StackID) {
// Ctx gets set at the beginning of pushCfg().
if (BuildDefs::dump())
~TimerMarker() {
if (BuildDefs::dump() && Active)
Ctx->popTimer(ID, StackID);
void push();
void pushCfg(const Cfg *Func);
const TimerIdT ID;
GlobalContext *Ctx;
const TimerStackIdT StackID;
bool Active = false;
/// Helper class for locking the streams and then automatically
/// unlocking them.
class OstreamLocker {
OstreamLocker() = delete;
OstreamLocker(const OstreamLocker &) = delete;
OstreamLocker &operator=(const OstreamLocker &) = delete;
explicit OstreamLocker(GlobalContext *Ctx) : Ctx(Ctx) { Ctx->lockStr(); }
~OstreamLocker() { Ctx->unlockStr(); }
GlobalContext *const Ctx;
} // end of namespace Ice