blob: c97d690492a3accbbab4dba800826e5707bec62e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef sw_SpirvShader_hpp
#define sw_SpirvShader_hpp
#include "ShaderCore.hpp"
#include "SamplerCore.hpp"
#include "SpirvID.hpp"
#include "System/Types.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkDebug.hpp"
#include "Vulkan/VkConfig.h"
#include "Vulkan/VkDescriptorSet.hpp"
#include "Common/Types.hpp"
#include "Device/Config.hpp"
#include "Device/Sampler.hpp"
#include <spirv/unified1/spirv.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
namespace vk
class PipelineLayout;
class ImageView;
class Sampler;
class RenderPass;
} // namespace vk
namespace sw
// Forward declarations.
class SpirvRoutine;
class GenericValue;
// SIMD contains types that represent multiple scalars packed into a single
// vector data type. Types in the SIMD namespace provide a semantic hint
// that the data should be treated as a per-execution-lane scalar instead of
// a typical euclidean-style vector type.
namespace SIMD
// Width is the number of per-lane scalars packed into each SIMD vector.
static constexpr int Width = 4;
using Float = rr::Float4;
using Int = rr::Int4;
using UInt = rr::UInt4;
struct Pointer
Pointer(rr::Pointer<Byte> base, rr::Int limit)
: base(base), limit(limit), dynamicOffsets(0), staticOffsets{}, hasDynamicOffsets(false) {}
Pointer(rr::Pointer<Byte> base, rr::Int limit, SIMD::Int offset)
: base(base), limit(limit), dynamicOffsets(offset), staticOffsets{}, hasDynamicOffsets(false) {}
inline Pointer& operator += (Int i)
dynamicOffsets += i;
hasDynamicOffsets = true;
return *this;
inline Pointer& operator *= (Int i)
dynamicOffsets = offsets() * i;
staticOffsets = {};
hasDynamicOffsets = true;
return *this;
inline Pointer operator + (SIMD::Int i) { Pointer p = *this; p += i; return p; }
inline Pointer operator * (SIMD::Int i) { Pointer p = *this; p *= i; return p; }
inline Pointer& operator += (int i)
for (int el = 0; el < SIMD::Width; el++) { staticOffsets[el] += i; }
return *this;
inline Pointer& operator *= (int i)
for (int el = 0; el < SIMD::Width; el++) { staticOffsets[el] *= i; }
if (hasDynamicOffsets)
dynamicOffsets *= SIMD::Int(i);
return *this;
inline Pointer operator + (int i) { Pointer p = *this; p += i; return p; }
inline Pointer operator * (int i) { Pointer p = *this; p *= i; return p; }
inline SIMD::Int offsets() const
static_assert(SIMD::Width == 4, "Expects SIMD::Width to be 4");
return dynamicOffsets + SIMD::Int(staticOffsets[0], staticOffsets[1], staticOffsets[2], staticOffsets[3]);
// Returns true if all offsets are sequential (N+0, N+1, N+2, N+3)
inline rr::Bool hasSequentialOffsets() const
if (hasDynamicOffsets)
auto o = offsets();
static_assert(SIMD::Width == 4, "Expects SIMD::Width to be 4");
return rr::SignMask(~CmpEQ(o.yzww, o + SIMD::Int(1, 2, 3, 0))) == 0;
for (int i = 1; i < SIMD::Width; i++)
if (staticOffsets[i-1] + 1 != staticOffsets[i]) { return false; }
return true;
// Returns true if all offsets are equal (N, N, N, N)
inline rr::Bool hasEqualOffsets() const
if (hasDynamicOffsets)
auto o = offsets();
static_assert(SIMD::Width == 4, "Expects SIMD::Width to be 4");
return rr::SignMask(~CmpEQ(o, o.yzwx)) == 0;
for (int i = 1; i < SIMD::Width; i++)
if (staticOffsets[i-1] != staticOffsets[i]) { return false; }
return true;
// Base address for the pointer, common across all lanes.
rr::Pointer<rr::Byte> base;
// Upper (non-inclusive) limit for offsets from base.
rr::Int limit;
// Per lane offsets from base.
SIMD::Int dynamicOffsets; // If hasDynamicOffsets is false, all dynamicOffsets are zero.
std::array<int32_t, SIMD::Width> staticOffsets;
// True if all dynamicOffsets are zero.
bool hasDynamicOffsets;
template <typename T> struct Element {};
template <> struct Element<Float> { using type = rr::Float; };
template <> struct Element<Int> { using type = rr::Int; };
template <> struct Element<UInt> { using type = rr::UInt; };
template<typename T>
void Store(Pointer ptr, T val, Int mask, bool atomic = false, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_relaxed);
template<typename T>
void Store(Pointer ptr, RValue<T> val, Int mask, bool atomic = false, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_relaxed)
Store(ptr, T(val), mask, atomic, order);
template<typename T>
T Load(Pointer ptr, Int mask, bool atomic = false, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Incrementally constructed complex bundle of rvalues
// Effectively a restricted vector, supporting only:
// - allocation to a (runtime-known) fixed size
// - in-place construction of elements
// - const operator[]
class Intermediate
Intermediate(uint32_t size) : scalar(new rr::Value*[size]), size(size) {
memset(scalar, 0, sizeof(rr::Value*) * size);
delete[] scalar;
void move(uint32_t i, RValue<SIMD::Float> &&scalar) { emplace(i, scalar.value); }
void move(uint32_t i, RValue<SIMD::Int> &&scalar) { emplace(i, scalar.value); }
void move(uint32_t i, RValue<SIMD::UInt> &&scalar) { emplace(i, scalar.value); }
void move(uint32_t i, const RValue<SIMD::Float> &scalar) { emplace(i, scalar.value); }
void move(uint32_t i, const RValue<SIMD::Int> &scalar) { emplace(i, scalar.value); }
void move(uint32_t i, const RValue<SIMD::UInt> &scalar) { emplace(i, scalar.value); }
// Value retrieval functions.
RValue<SIMD::Float> Float(uint32_t i) const
ASSERT(i < size);
ASSERT(scalar[i] != nullptr);
return As<SIMD::Float>(scalar[i]); // TODO(b/128539387): RValue<SIMD::Float>(scalar)
RValue<SIMD::Int> Int(uint32_t i) const
ASSERT(i < size);
ASSERT(scalar[i] != nullptr);
return As<SIMD::Int>(scalar[i]); // TODO(b/128539387): RValue<SIMD::Int>(scalar)
RValue<SIMD::UInt> UInt(uint32_t i) const
ASSERT(i < size);
ASSERT(scalar[i] != nullptr);
return As<SIMD::UInt>(scalar[i]); // TODO(b/128539387): RValue<SIMD::UInt>(scalar)
// No copy/move construction or assignment
Intermediate(Intermediate const &) = delete;
Intermediate(Intermediate &&) = delete;
Intermediate & operator=(Intermediate const &) = delete;
Intermediate & operator=(Intermediate &&) = delete;
void emplace(uint32_t i, rr::Value *value)
ASSERT(i < size);
ASSERT(scalar[i] == nullptr);
scalar[i] = value;
rr::Value **const scalar;
uint32_t size;
class SpirvShader
using InsnStore = std::vector<uint32_t>;
InsnStore insns;
using ImageSampler = void(void* image, void* uvsIn, void* texelOut, void* constants);
using GetImageSampler = ImageSampler*(const vk::ImageView *imageView, const vk::Sampler *sampler);
/* Pseudo-iterator over SPIRV instructions, designed to support range-based-for. */
class InsnIterator
InsnStore::const_iterator iter;
spv::Op opcode() const
return static_cast<spv::Op>(*iter & spv::OpCodeMask);
uint32_t wordCount() const
return *iter >> spv::WordCountShift;
uint32_t word(uint32_t n) const
ASSERT(n < wordCount());
return iter[n];
uint32_t const * wordPointer(uint32_t n) const
ASSERT(n < wordCount());
return &iter[n];
bool operator==(InsnIterator const &other) const
return iter == other.iter;
bool operator!=(InsnIterator const &other) const
return iter != other.iter;
InsnIterator operator*() const
return *this;
InsnIterator &operator++()
iter += wordCount();
return *this;
InsnIterator const operator++(int)
InsnIterator ret{*this};
iter += wordCount();
return ret;
InsnIterator(InsnIterator const &other) = default;
InsnIterator() = default;
explicit InsnIterator(InsnStore::const_iterator iter) : iter{iter}
/* range-based-for interface */
InsnIterator begin() const
return InsnIterator{insns.cbegin() + 5};
InsnIterator end() const
return InsnIterator{insns.cend()};
class Type
using ID = SpirvID<Type>;
spv::Op opcode() const { return definition.opcode(); }
InsnIterator definition;
spv::StorageClass storageClass = static_cast<spv::StorageClass>(-1);
uint32_t sizeInComponents = 0;
bool isBuiltInBlock = false;
// Inner element type for pointers, arrays, vectors and matrices.
ID element;
class Object
using ID = SpirvID<Object>;
spv::Op opcode() const { return definition.opcode(); }
InsnIterator definition;
Type::ID type;
std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]> constantValue = nullptr;
enum class Kind
// Invalid default kind.
// If we get left with an object in this state, the module was
// broken.
// TODO: Better document this kind.
// A shader interface variable pointer.
// Pointer with uniform address across all lanes.
// Pointer held by SpirvRoutine::pointers
// Constant value held by Object::constantValue.
// Value held by SpirvRoutine::intermediates.
// Pointer held by SpirvRoutine::pointers
// A pointer to a vk::DescriptorSet*.
// Pointer held by SpirvRoutine::pointers.
Kind kind = Kind::Unknown;
// Block is an interval of SPIR-V instructions, starting with the
// opening OpLabel, and ending with a termination instruction.
class Block
using ID = SpirvID<Block>;
using Set = std::unordered_set<ID>;
// Edge represents the graph edge between two blocks.
struct Edge
ID from;
ID to;
bool operator == (const Edge& other) const { return from == other.from && to ==; }
struct Hash
std::size_t operator()(const Edge& edge) const noexcept
return std::hash<uint32_t>()(edge.from.value() * 31 +;
Block() = default;
Block(const Block& other) = default;
explicit Block(InsnIterator begin, InsnIterator end);
/* range-based-for interface */
inline InsnIterator begin() const { return begin_; }
inline InsnIterator end() const { return end_; }
enum Kind
Simple, // OpBranch or other simple terminator.
StructuredBranchConditional, // OpSelectionMerge + OpBranchConditional
UnstructuredBranchConditional, // OpBranchConditional
StructuredSwitch, // OpSelectionMerge + OpSwitch
UnstructuredSwitch, // OpSwitch
Loop, // OpLoopMerge + [OpBranchConditional | OpBranch]
Kind kind;
InsnIterator mergeInstruction; // Structured control flow merge instruction.
InsnIterator branchInstruction; // Branch instruction.
ID mergeBlock; // Structured flow merge block.
ID continueTarget; // Loop continue block.
Set ins; // Blocks that branch into this block.
Set outs; // Blocks that this block branches to.
InsnIterator begin_;
InsnIterator end_;
struct TypeOrObject {}; // Dummy struct to represent a Type or Object.
// TypeOrObjectID is an identifier that represents a Type or an Object,
// and supports implicit casting to and from Type::ID or Object::ID.
class TypeOrObjectID : public SpirvID<TypeOrObject>
using Hash = std::hash<SpirvID<TypeOrObject>>;
inline TypeOrObjectID(uint32_t id) : SpirvID(id) {}
inline TypeOrObjectID(Type::ID id) : SpirvID(id.value()) {}
inline TypeOrObjectID(Object::ID id) : SpirvID(id.value()) {}
inline operator Type::ID() const { return Type::ID(value()); }
inline operator Object::ID() const { return Object::ID(value()); }
// Compact representation of image instruction parameters that is passed to the
// trampoline function for retrieving/generating the corresponding sampling routine.
struct ImageInstruction
ImageInstruction(SamplerMethod samplerMethod) : samplerMethod(samplerMethod)
// Unmarshal from raw 32-bit data
ImageInstruction(uint32_t parameters) : parameters(parameters) {}
SamplerFunction getSamplerFunction() const
return { static_cast<SamplerMethod>(samplerMethod), static_cast<SamplerOption>(samplerOption) };
uint32_t samplerMethod : BITS(SAMPLER_METHOD_LAST);
uint32_t samplerOption : BITS(SAMPLER_OPTION_LAST);
uint32_t coordinates : 3; // 1-4
uint32_t gradComponents : 2; // 0-3 (for each of dx / dy)
uint32_t offsetComponents : 2; // 0-3
uint32_t parameters = 0;
static_assert(sizeof(ImageInstruction) == 4, "ImageInstruction must be 32-bit");
int getSerialID() const
return serialID;
SpirvShader(InsnStore const &insns, vk::RenderPass *renderPass, uint32_t subpassIndex);
struct Modes
bool EarlyFragmentTests : 1;
bool DepthReplacing : 1;
bool DepthGreater : 1;
bool DepthLess : 1;
bool DepthUnchanged : 1;
bool ContainsKill : 1;
bool NeedsCentroid : 1;
// Compute workgroup dimensions
int WorkgroupSizeX = 1, WorkgroupSizeY = 1, WorkgroupSizeZ = 1;
Modes const &getModes() const
return modes;
enum AttribType : unsigned char
bool hasBuiltinInput(spv::BuiltIn b) const
return inputBuiltins.find(b) != inputBuiltins.end();
bool hasBuiltinOutput(spv::BuiltIn b) const
return outputBuiltins.find(b) != outputBuiltins.end();
struct Decorations
int32_t Location = -1;
int32_t Component = 0;
spv::BuiltIn BuiltIn = static_cast<spv::BuiltIn>(-1);
int32_t Offset = -1;
int32_t ArrayStride = -1;
int32_t MatrixStride = 1;
bool HasLocation : 1;
bool HasComponent : 1;
bool HasBuiltIn : 1;
bool HasOffset : 1;
bool HasArrayStride : 1;
bool HasMatrixStride : 1;
bool HasRowMajor : 1; // whether RowMajor bit is valid.
bool Flat : 1;
bool Centroid : 1;
bool NoPerspective : 1;
bool Block : 1;
bool BufferBlock : 1;
bool RelaxedPrecision : 1;
bool RowMajor : 1; // RowMajor if true; ColMajor if false
bool InsideMatrix : 1; // pseudo-decoration for whether we're inside a matrix.
: Location{-1}, Component{0},
Offset{-1}, ArrayStride{-1}, MatrixStride{-1},
HasLocation{false}, HasComponent{false},
HasBuiltIn{false}, HasOffset{false},
HasArrayStride{false}, HasMatrixStride{false},
Flat{false}, Centroid{false}, NoPerspective{false},
Block{false}, BufferBlock{false},
RelaxedPrecision{false}, RowMajor{false},
Decorations(Decorations const &) = default;
void Apply(Decorations const &src);
void Apply(spv::Decoration decoration, uint32_t arg);
std::unordered_map<TypeOrObjectID, Decorations, TypeOrObjectID::Hash> decorations;
std::unordered_map<Type::ID, std::vector<Decorations>> memberDecorations;
struct DescriptorDecorations
int32_t DescriptorSet = -1;
int32_t Binding = -1;
int32_t InputAttachmentIndex = -1;
void Apply(DescriptorDecorations const &src);
std::unordered_map<Object::ID, DescriptorDecorations> descriptorDecorations;
std::vector<VkFormat> inputAttachmentFormats;
struct InterfaceComponent
AttribType Type;
bool Flat : 1;
bool Centroid : 1;
bool NoPerspective : 1;
: Type{ATTRIBTYPE_UNUSED}, Flat{false}, Centroid{false}, NoPerspective{false}
struct BuiltinMapping
Object::ID Id;
uint32_t FirstComponent;
uint32_t SizeInComponents;
std::vector<InterfaceComponent> inputs;
std::vector<InterfaceComponent> outputs;
void emitProlog(SpirvRoutine *routine) const;
void emit(SpirvRoutine *routine, RValue<SIMD::Int> const &activeLaneMask, const vk::DescriptorSet::Bindings &descriptorSets) const;
void emitEpilog(SpirvRoutine *routine) const;
using BuiltInHash = std::hash<std::underlying_type<spv::BuiltIn>::type>;
std::unordered_map<spv::BuiltIn, BuiltinMapping, BuiltInHash> inputBuiltins;
std::unordered_map<spv::BuiltIn, BuiltinMapping, BuiltInHash> outputBuiltins;
Type const &getType(Type::ID id) const
auto it = types.find(id);
ASSERT_MSG(it != types.end(), "Unknown type %d", id.value());
return it->second;
Object const &getObject(Object::ID id) const
auto it = defs.find(id);
ASSERT_MSG(it != defs.end(), "Unknown object %d", id.value());
return it->second;
Block const &getBlock(Block::ID id) const
auto it = blocks.find(id);
ASSERT_MSG(it != blocks.end(), "Unknown block %d", id.value());
return it->second;
const int serialID;
static volatile int serialCounter;
Modes modes;
HandleMap<Type> types;
HandleMap<Object> defs;
HandleMap<Block> blocks;
Block::ID mainBlockId; // Block of the entry point function.
// Walks all reachable the blocks starting from id adding them to
// reachable.
void TraverseReachableBlocks(Block::ID id, Block::Set& reachable);
// Assigns Block::ins from Block::outs for every block.
void AssignBlockIns();
// DeclareType creates a Type for the given OpTypeX instruction, storing
// it into the types map. It is called from the analysis pass (constructor).
void DeclareType(InsnIterator insn);
void ProcessExecutionMode(InsnIterator it);
uint32_t ComputeTypeSize(InsnIterator insn);
void ApplyDecorationsForId(Decorations *d, TypeOrObjectID id) const;
void ApplyDecorationsForIdMember(Decorations *d, Type::ID id, uint32_t member) const;
void ApplyDecorationsForAccessChain(Decorations *d, DescriptorDecorations *dd, Object::ID baseId, uint32_t numIndexes, uint32_t const *indexIds) const;
// Creates an Object for the instruction's result in 'defs'.
void DefineResult(const InsnIterator &insn);
// Returns true if data in the given storage class is word-interleaved
// by each SIMD vector lane, otherwise data is stored linerally.
// Each lane addresses a single word, picked by a base pointer and an
// integer offset.
// A word is currently 32 bits (single float, int32_t, uint32_t).
// A lane is a single element of a SIMD vector register.
// Storage interleaved by lane - (IsStorageInterleavedByLane() == true):
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Address = PtrBase + sizeof(Word) * (SIMD::Width * LaneOffset + LaneIndex)
// Assuming SIMD::Width == 4:
// Lane[0] | Lane[1] | Lane[2] | Lane[3]
// ===========+===========+===========+==========
// LaneOffset=0: | Word[0] | Word[1] | Word[2] | Word[3]
// ---------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------
// LaneOffset=1: | Word[4] | Word[5] | Word[6] | Word[7]
// ---------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------
// LaneOffset=2: | Word[8] | Word[9] | Word[a] | Word[b]
// ---------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------
// LaneOffset=3: | Word[c] | Word[d] | Word[e] | Word[f]
// Linear storage - (IsStorageInterleavedByLane() == false):
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Address = PtrBase + sizeof(Word) * LaneOffset
// Lane[0] | Lane[1] | Lane[2] | Lane[3]
// ===========+===========+===========+==========
// LaneOffset=0: | Word[0] | Word[0] | Word[0] | Word[0]
// ---------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------
// LaneOffset=1: | Word[1] | Word[1] | Word[1] | Word[1]
// ---------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------
// LaneOffset=2: | Word[2] | Word[2] | Word[2] | Word[2]
// ---------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+----------
// LaneOffset=3: | Word[3] | Word[3] | Word[3] | Word[3]
static bool IsStorageInterleavedByLane(spv::StorageClass storageClass);
template<typename F>
int VisitInterfaceInner(Type::ID id, Decorations d, F f) const;
template<typename F>
void VisitInterface(Object::ID id, F f) const;
template<typename F>
void VisitMemoryObject(Object::ID id, F f) const;
template<typename F>
void VisitMemoryObjectInner(Type::ID id, Decorations d, uint32_t &index, uint32_t offset, F f) const;
uint32_t GetConstantInt(Object::ID id) const;
Object& CreateConstant(InsnIterator it);
void ProcessInterfaceVariable(Object &object);
// Returns a SIMD::Pointer to the underlying data for the given pointer
// object.
// Handles objects of the following kinds:
// • DescriptorSet
// • DivergentPointer
// • InterfaceVariable
// • NonDivergentPointer
// Calling GetPointerToData with objects of any other kind will assert.
SIMD::Pointer GetPointerToData(Object::ID id, int arrayIndex, SpirvRoutine *routine) const;
SIMD::Pointer WalkExplicitLayoutAccessChain(Object::ID id, uint32_t numIndexes, uint32_t const *indexIds, SpirvRoutine *routine) const;
SIMD::Pointer WalkAccessChain(Object::ID id, uint32_t numIndexes, uint32_t const *indexIds, SpirvRoutine *routine) const;
// Returns the *component* offset in the literal for the given access chain.
uint32_t WalkLiteralAccessChain(Type::ID id, uint32_t numIndexes, uint32_t const *indexes) const;
// EmitState holds control-flow state for the emit() pass.
class EmitState
EmitState(SpirvRoutine *routine, RValue<SIMD::Int> activeLaneMask, const vk::DescriptorSet::Bindings &descriptorSets)
: routine(routine),
RValue<SIMD::Int> activeLaneMask() const
ASSERT(activeLaneMaskValue != nullptr);
return RValue<SIMD::Int>(activeLaneMaskValue);
void setActiveLaneMask(RValue<SIMD::Int> mask)
activeLaneMaskValue = mask.value;
// Add a new active lane mask edge from the current block to out.
// The edge mask value will be (mask AND activeLaneMaskValue).
// If multiple active lane masks are added for the same edge, then
// they will be ORed together.
void addOutputActiveLaneMaskEdge(Block::ID out, RValue<SIMD::Int> mask);
// Add a new active lane mask for the edge from -> to.
// If multiple active lane masks are added for the same edge, then
// they will be ORed together.
void addActiveLaneMaskEdge(Block::ID from, Block::ID to, RValue<SIMD::Int> mask);
SpirvRoutine *routine = nullptr; // The current routine being built.
rr::Value *activeLaneMaskValue = nullptr; // The current active lane mask.
Block::ID currentBlock; // The current block being built.
Block::Set visited; // Blocks already built.
std::unordered_map<Block::Edge, RValue<SIMD::Int>, Block::Edge::Hash> edgeActiveLaneMasks;
std::queue<Block::ID> *pending;
const vk::DescriptorSet::Bindings &descriptorSets;
// EmitResult is an enumerator of result values from the Emit functions.
enum class EmitResult
Continue, // No termination instructions.
Terminator, // Reached a termination instruction.
// existsPath returns true if there's a direct or indirect flow from
// the 'from' block to the 'to' block that does not pass through
// notPassingThrough.
bool existsPath(Block::ID from, Block::ID to, Block::ID notPassingThrough) const;
// Lookup the active lane mask for the edge from -> to.
// If from is unreachable, then a mask of all zeros is returned.
// Asserts if from is reachable and the edge does not exist.
RValue<SIMD::Int> GetActiveLaneMaskEdge(EmitState *state, Block::ID from, Block::ID to) const;
// Emit all the unvisited blocks (except for ignore) in BFS order,
// starting with id.
void EmitBlocks(Block::ID id, EmitState *state, Block::ID ignore = 0) const;
void EmitNonLoop(EmitState *state) const;
void EmitLoop(EmitState *state) const;
void EmitInstructions(InsnIterator begin, InsnIterator end, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitInstruction(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
// Emit pass instructions:
EmitResult EmitVariable(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitLoad(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitStore(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitAccessChain(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitCompositeConstruct(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitCompositeInsert(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitCompositeExtract(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitVectorShuffle(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitVectorTimesScalar(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitMatrixTimesVector(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitVectorTimesMatrix(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitMatrixTimesMatrix(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitOuterProduct(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitTranspose(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitVectorExtractDynamic(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitVectorInsertDynamic(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitUnaryOp(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitBinaryOp(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitDot(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitSelect(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitExtendedInstruction(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitAny(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitAll(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitBranch(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitBranchConditional(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitSwitch(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitUnreachable(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitReturn(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitKill(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitPhi(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitImageSampleImplicitLod(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitImageSampleExplicitLod(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitImageFetch(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitImageSample(ImageInstruction instruction, InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitImageQuerySize(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitImageRead(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitImageWrite(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitImageTexelPointer(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitAtomicOp(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitAtomicCompareExchange(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
EmitResult EmitSampledImageCombineOrSplit(InsnIterator insn, EmitState *state) const;
SIMD::Pointer GetTexelAddress(SpirvRoutine const * routine, SIMD::Pointer base, GenericValue const & coordinate, Type const & imageType, Pointer<Byte> descriptor, int texelSize) const;
// OpcodeName() returns the name of the opcode op.
// If NDEBUG is defined, then OpcodeName() will only return the numerical code.
static std::string OpcodeName(spv::Op op);
static std::memory_order MemoryOrder(spv::MemorySemanticsMask memorySemantics);
// Helper as we often need to take dot products as part of doing other things.
SIMD::Float Dot(unsigned numComponents, GenericValue const & x, GenericValue const & y) const;
SIMD::UInt FloatToHalfBits(SIMD::UInt floatBits, bool storeInUpperBits) const;
SIMD::UInt HalfToFloatBits(SIMD::UInt halfBits) const;
// Splits x into a floating-point significand in the range [0.5, 1.0)
// and an integral exponent of two, such that:
// x = significand * 2^exponent
// Returns the pair <significand, exponent>
std::pair<SIMD::Float, SIMD::Int> Frexp(RValue<SIMD::Float> val) const;
static ImageSampler *getImageSampler(uint32_t instruction, const vk::ImageView *imageView, const vk::Sampler *sampler);
static void emitSamplerFunction(
ImageInstruction instruction,
const vk::ImageView *imageView, const vk::Sampler *sampler,
Pointer<Byte> image, Pointer<SIMD::Float> in, Pointer<Byte> out, Pointer<Byte> constants);
// TODO(b/129523279): Eliminate conversion and use vk::Sampler members directly.
static sw::TextureType convertTextureType(VkImageViewType imageViewType);
static sw::FilterType convertFilterMode(const vk::Sampler *sampler);
static sw::MipmapType convertMipmapMode(const vk::Sampler *sampler);
static sw::AddressingMode convertAddressingMode(int coordinateIndex, VkSamplerAddressMode addressMode, VkImageViewType imageViewType);
class SpirvRoutine
SpirvRoutine(vk::PipelineLayout const *pipelineLayout);
using Variable = Array<SIMD::Float>;
vk::PipelineLayout const * const pipelineLayout;
std::unordered_map<SpirvShader::Object::ID, Variable> variables;
std::unordered_map<SpirvShader::Object::ID, Intermediate> intermediates;
std::unordered_map<SpirvShader::Object::ID, SIMD::Pointer> pointers;
Variable inputs = Variable{MAX_INTERFACE_COMPONENTS};
Variable outputs = Variable{MAX_INTERFACE_COMPONENTS};
Pointer<Pointer<Byte>> descriptorSets;
Pointer<Int> descriptorDynamicOffsets;
Pointer<Byte> pushConstants;
Pointer<Byte> constants;
Int killMask = Int{0};
SIMD::Int windowSpacePosition[2];
void createVariable(SpirvShader::Object::ID id, uint32_t size)
bool added = variables.emplace(id, Variable(size)).second;
ASSERT_MSG(added, "Variable %d created twice", id.value());
void createPointer(SpirvShader::Object::ID id, SIMD::Pointer ptr)
bool added = pointers.emplace(id, ptr).second;
ASSERT_MSG(added, "Pointer %d created twice", id.value());
Intermediate& createIntermediate(SpirvShader::Object::ID id, uint32_t size)
auto it = intermediates.emplace(std::piecewise_construct,
ASSERT_MSG(it.second, "Intermediate %d created twice", id.value());
return it.first->second;
Variable& getVariable(SpirvShader::Object::ID id)
auto it = variables.find(id);
ASSERT_MSG(it != variables.end(), "Unknown variables %d", id.value());
return it->second;
Intermediate const& getIntermediate(SpirvShader::Object::ID id) const
auto it = intermediates.find(id);
ASSERT_MSG(it != intermediates.end(), "Unknown intermediate %d", id.value());
return it->second;
SIMD::Pointer const& getPointer(SpirvShader::Object::ID id) const
auto it = pointers.find(id);
ASSERT_MSG(it != pointers.end(), "Unknown pointer %d", id.value());
return it->second;
class GenericValue
// Generic wrapper over either per-lane intermediate value, or a constant.
// Constants are transparently widened to per-lane values in operator[].
// This is appropriate in most cases -- if we're not going to do something
// significantly different based on whether the value is uniform across lanes.
SpirvShader::Object const &obj;
Intermediate const *intermediate;
GenericValue(SpirvShader const *shader, SpirvRoutine const *routine, SpirvShader::Object::ID objId) :
intermediate(obj.kind == SpirvShader::Object::Kind::Intermediate ? &routine->getIntermediate(objId) : nullptr),
type(obj.type) {}
RValue<SIMD::Float> Float(uint32_t i) const
if (intermediate != nullptr)
return intermediate->Float(i);
auto constantValue = reinterpret_cast<float *>(obj.constantValue.get());
return RValue<SIMD::Float>(constantValue[i]);
RValue<SIMD::Int> Int(uint32_t i) const
return As<SIMD::Int>(Float(i));
RValue<SIMD::UInt> UInt(uint32_t i) const
return As<SIMD::UInt>(Float(i));
SpirvShader::Type::ID const type;
#endif // sw_SpirvShader_hpp