blob: 8fb06b81f214346e61afa116688669d2d338b7f7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- subzero/src/IceCfgNode.cpp - Basic block (node) implementation -----===//
// The Subzero Code Generator
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the CfgNode class, including the complexities
// of instruction insertion and in-edge calculation.
#include "assembler.h"
#include "IceCfg.h"
#include "IceCfgNode.h"
#include "IceInst.h"
#include "IceLiveness.h"
#include "IceOperand.h"
#include "IceTargetLowering.h"
namespace Ice {
CfgNode::CfgNode(Cfg *Func, SizeT LabelNumber)
: Func(Func), Number(LabelNumber), NameIndex(Cfg::IdentifierIndexInvalid),
HasReturn(false), NeedsPlacement(false), InstCountEstimate(0) {}
// Returns the name the node was created with. If no name was given,
// it synthesizes a (hopefully) unique name.
IceString CfgNode::getName() const {
if (NameIndex >= 0)
return Func->getIdentifierName(NameIndex);
return "__" + std::to_string(getIndex());
// Adds an instruction to either the Phi list or the regular
// instruction list. Validates that all Phis are added before all
// regular instructions.
void CfgNode::appendInst(Inst *Inst) {
if (InstPhi *Phi = llvm::dyn_cast<InstPhi>(Inst)) {
if (!Insts.empty()) {
Func->setError("Phi instruction added to the middle of a block");
} else {
// Renumbers the non-deleted instructions in the node. This needs to
// be done in preparation for live range analysis. The instruction
// numbers in a block must be monotonically increasing. The range of
// instruction numbers in a block, from lowest to highest, must not
// overlap with the range of any other block.
void CfgNode::renumberInstructions() {
InstNumberT FirstNumber = Func->getNextInstNumber();
for (Inst &I : Phis)
for (Inst &I : Insts)
InstCountEstimate = Func->getNextInstNumber() - FirstNumber;
// When a node is created, the OutEdges are immediately known, but the
// InEdges have to be built up incrementally. After the CFG has been
// constructed, the computePredecessors() pass finalizes it by
// creating the InEdges list.
void CfgNode::computePredecessors() {
OutEdges = Insts.rbegin()->getTerminatorEdges();
for (CfgNode *Succ : OutEdges)
// This does part 1 of Phi lowering, by creating a new dest variable
// for each Phi instruction, replacing the Phi instruction's dest with
// that variable, and adding an explicit assignment of the old dest to
// the new dest. For example,
// a=phi(...)
// changes to
// "a_phi=phi(...); a=a_phi".
// This is in preparation for part 2 which deletes the Phi
// instructions and appends assignment instructions to predecessor
// blocks. Note that this transformation preserves SSA form.
void CfgNode::placePhiLoads() {
for (Inst &I : Phis) {
auto Phi = llvm::dyn_cast<InstPhi>(&I);
Insts.insert(Insts.begin(), Phi->lower(Func));
// This does part 2 of Phi lowering. For each Phi instruction at each
// out-edge, create a corresponding assignment instruction, and add
// all the assignments near the end of this block. They need to be
// added before any branch instruction, and also if the block ends
// with a compare instruction followed by a branch instruction that we
// may want to fuse, it's better to insert the new assignments before
// the compare instruction. The tryOptimizedCmpxchgCmpBr() method
// assumes this ordering of instructions.
// Note that this transformation takes the Phi dest variables out of
// SSA form, as there may be assignments to the dest variable in
// multiple blocks.
void CfgNode::placePhiStores() {
// Find the insertion point.
InstList::iterator InsertionPoint = Insts.end();
// Every block must end in a terminator instruction, and therefore
// must have at least one instruction, so it's valid to decrement
// InsertionPoint (but assert just in case).
assert(InsertionPoint != Insts.begin());
// Confirm that InsertionPoint is a terminator instruction. Calling
// getTerminatorEdges() on a non-terminator instruction will cause
// an llvm_unreachable().
// SafeInsertionPoint is always immediately before the terminator
// instruction. If the block ends in a compare and conditional
// branch, it's better to place the Phi store before the compare so
// as not to interfere with compare/branch fusing. However, if the
// compare instruction's dest operand is the same as the new
// assignment statement's source operand, this can't be done due to
// data dependences, so we need to fall back to the
// SafeInsertionPoint. To illustrate:
// ; <label>:95
// %97 = load i8* %96, align 1
// %98 = icmp ne i8 %97, 0
// br i1 %98, label %99, label %2132
// ; <label>:99
// %100 = phi i8 [ %97, %95 ], [ %110, %108 ]
// %101 = phi i1 [ %98, %95 ], [ %111, %108 ]
// would be Phi-lowered as:
// ; <label>:95
// %97 = load i8* %96, align 1
// %100_phi = %97 ; can be at InsertionPoint
// %98 = icmp ne i8 %97, 0
// %101_phi = %98 ; must be at SafeInsertionPoint
// br i1 %98, label %99, label %2132
// ; <label>:99
// %100 = %100_phi
// %101 = %101_phi
// TODO(stichnot): It may be possible to bypass this whole
// SafeInsertionPoint mechanism. If a source basic block ends in a
// conditional branch:
// labelSource:
// ...
// br i1 %foo, label %labelTrue, label %labelFalse
// and a branch target has a Phi involving the branch operand:
// labelTrue:
// %bar = phi i1 [ %foo, %labelSource ], ...
// then we actually know the constant i1 value of the Phi operand:
// labelTrue:
// %bar = phi i1 [ true, %labelSource ], ...
// It seems that this optimization should be done by clang or opt,
// but we could also do it here.
InstList::iterator SafeInsertionPoint = InsertionPoint;
// Keep track of the dest variable of a compare instruction, so that
// we insert the new instruction at the SafeInsertionPoint if the
// compare's dest matches the Phi-lowered assignment's source.
Variable *CmpInstDest = nullptr;
// If the current insertion point is at a conditional branch
// instruction, and the previous instruction is a compare
// instruction, then we move the insertion point before the compare
// instruction so as not to interfere with compare/branch fusing.
if (InstBr *Branch = llvm::dyn_cast<InstBr>(InsertionPoint)) {
if (!Branch->isUnconditional()) {
if (InsertionPoint != Insts.begin()) {
if (llvm::isa<InstIcmp>(InsertionPoint) ||
llvm::isa<InstFcmp>(InsertionPoint)) {
CmpInstDest = InsertionPoint->getDest();
} else {
// Consider every out-edge.
for (CfgNode *Succ : OutEdges) {
// Consider every Phi instruction at the out-edge.
for (Inst &I : Succ->Phis) {
auto Phi = llvm::dyn_cast<InstPhi>(&I);
Operand *Operand = Phi->getOperandForTarget(this);
Variable *Dest = I.getDest();
InstAssign *NewInst = InstAssign::create(Func, Dest, Operand);
if (CmpInstDest == Operand)
Insts.insert(SafeInsertionPoint, NewInst);
Insts.insert(InsertionPoint, NewInst);
// Deletes the phi instructions after the loads and stores are placed.
void CfgNode::deletePhis() {
for (Inst &I : Phis)
// Splits the edge from Pred to this node by creating a new node and
// hooking up the in and out edges appropriately. (The EdgeIndex
// parameter is only used to make the new node's name unique when
// there are multiple edges between the same pair of nodes.) The new
// node's instruction list is initialized to the empty list, with no
// terminator instruction. If there are multiple edges from Pred to
// this node, only one edge is split, and the particular choice of
// edge is undefined. This could happen with a switch instruction, or
// a conditional branch that weirdly has both branches to the same
// place. TODO(stichnot,kschimpf): Figure out whether this is legal
// in the LLVM IR or the PNaCl bitcode, and if so, we need to
// establish a strong relationship among the ordering of Pred's
// out-edge list, this node's in-edge list, and the Phi instruction's
// operand list.
CfgNode *CfgNode::splitIncomingEdge(CfgNode *Pred, SizeT EdgeIndex) {
CfgNode *NewNode = Func->makeNode();
NewNode->setName("split_" + Pred->getName() + "_" + getName() + "_" +
// The new node is added to the end of the node list, and will later
// need to be sorted into a reasonable topological order.
// Repoint Pred's out-edge.
bool Found = false;
for (auto I = Pred->OutEdges.begin(), E = Pred->OutEdges.end();
!Found && I != E; ++I) {
if (*I == this) {
*I = NewNode;
Found = true;
// Repoint this node's in-edge.
Found = false;
for (auto I = InEdges.begin(), E = InEdges.end(); !Found && I != E; ++I) {
if (*I == Pred) {
*I = NewNode;
Found = true;
// Repoint a suitable branch instruction's target and return.
Found = false;
for (Inst &I : reverse_range(Pred->getInsts())) {
if (!I.isDeleted() && I.repointEdge(this, NewNode))
return NewNode;
// This should be unreachable, so the assert will fail.
return NewNode;
namespace {
// Helper function used by advancedPhiLowering().
bool sameVarOrReg(const Variable *Var, const Operand *Opnd) {
if (Var == Opnd)
return true;
if (const auto Var2 = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Opnd)) {
if (Var->hasReg() && Var->getRegNum() == Var2->getRegNum())
return true;
return false;
} // end of anonymous namespace
// This the "advanced" version of Phi lowering for a basic block, in
// contrast to the simple version that lowers through assignments
// involving temporaries.
// All Phi instructions in a basic block are conceptually executed in
// parallel. However, if we lower Phis early and commit to a
// sequential ordering, we may end up creating unnecessary
// interferences which lead to worse register allocation. Delaying
// Phi scheduling until after register allocation can help unless
// there are no free registers for shuffling registers or stack slots
// and spilling becomes necessary.
// The advanced Phi lowering starts by finding a topological sort of
// the Phi instructions, where "A=B" comes before "B=C" due to the
// anti-dependence on B. If a topological sort is not possible due to
// a cycle, the cycle is broken by introducing a non-parallel
// temporary. For example, a cycle arising from a permutation like
// "A=B;B=C;C=A" can become "T=A;A=B;B=C;C=T". All else being equal,
// prefer to schedule assignments with register-allocated Src operands
// earlier, in case that register becomes free afterwards, and prefer
// to schedule assignments with register-allocated Dest variables
// later, to keep that register free for longer.
// Once the ordering is determined, the Cfg edge is split and the
// assignment list is lowered by the target lowering layer. The
// specific placement of the new node within the Cfg node list is
// deferred until later, including after empty node contraction.
void CfgNode::advancedPhiLowering() {
if (getPhis().empty())
// Count the number of non-deleted Phi instructions.
struct PhiDesc {
InstPhi *Phi;
Variable *Dest;
Operand *Src;
bool Processed;
size_t NumPred; // number of entries whose Src is this Dest
int32_t Weight; // preference for topological order
llvm::SmallVector<PhiDesc, 32> Desc(getPhis().size());
size_t NumPhis = 0;
for (Inst &I : Phis) {
auto Inst = llvm::dyn_cast<InstPhi>(&I);
if (!Inst->isDeleted()) {
Desc[NumPhis].Phi = Inst;
Desc[NumPhis].Dest = Inst->getDest();
if (NumPhis == 0)
SizeT InEdgeIndex = 0;
for (CfgNode *Pred : InEdges) {
CfgNode *Split = splitIncomingEdge(Pred, InEdgeIndex++);
AssignList Assignments;
SizeT Remaining = NumPhis;
// First pass computes Src and initializes NumPred.
for (size_t I = 0; I < NumPhis; ++I) {
Variable *Dest = Desc[I].Dest;
Operand *Src = Desc[I].Phi->getOperandForTarget(Pred);
Desc[I].Src = Src;
Desc[I].Processed = false;
Desc[I].NumPred = 0;
// Cherry-pick any trivial assignments, so that they don't
// contribute to the running complexity of the topological sort.
if (sameVarOrReg(Dest, Src)) {
Desc[I].Processed = true;
if (Dest != Src)
// If Dest and Src are syntactically the same, don't bother
// adding the assignment, because in all respects it would
// be redundant, and if Dest/Src are on the stack, the
// target lowering may naively decide to lower it using a
// temporary register.
Assignments.push_back(InstAssign::create(Func, Dest, Src));
// Second pass computes NumPred by comparing every pair of Phi
// instructions.
for (size_t I = 0; I < NumPhis; ++I) {
if (Desc[I].Processed)
const Variable *Dest = Desc[I].Dest;
for (size_t J = 0; J < NumPhis; ++J) {
if (Desc[J].Processed)
if (I != J) {
// There shouldn't be two Phis with the same Dest variable
// or register.
assert(!sameVarOrReg(Dest, Desc[J].Dest));
const Operand *Src = Desc[J].Src;
if (sameVarOrReg(Dest, Src))
// Another pass to compute initial Weight values.
// Always pick NumPred=0 over NumPred>0.
const int32_t WeightNoPreds = 4;
// Prefer Src as a register because the register might free up.
const int32_t WeightSrcIsReg = 2;
// Prefer Dest not as a register because the register stays free
// longer.
const int32_t WeightDestNotReg = 1;
for (size_t I = 0; I < NumPhis; ++I) {
if (Desc[I].Processed)
int32_t Weight = 0;
if (Desc[I].NumPred == 0)
Weight += WeightNoPreds;
if (auto Var = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Desc[I].Src))
if (Var->hasReg())
Weight += WeightSrcIsReg;
if (!Desc[I].Dest->hasReg())
Weight += WeightDestNotReg;
Desc[I].Weight = Weight;
// Repeatedly choose and process the best candidate in the
// topological sort, until no candidates remain. This
// implementation is O(N^2) where N is the number of Phi
// instructions, but with a small constant factor compared to a
// likely implementation of O(N) topological sort.
for (; Remaining; --Remaining) {
size_t BestIndex = 0;
int32_t BestWeight = -1;
// Find the best candidate.
for (size_t I = 0; I < NumPhis; ++I) {
if (Desc[I].Processed)
int32_t Weight = 0;
Weight = Desc[I].Weight;
if (Weight > BestWeight) {
BestIndex = I;
BestWeight = Weight;
assert(BestWeight >= 0);
assert(Desc[BestIndex].NumPred <= 1);
Variable *Dest = Desc[BestIndex].Dest;
Operand *Src = Desc[BestIndex].Src;
assert(!sameVarOrReg(Dest, Src));
// Break a cycle by introducing a temporary.
if (Desc[BestIndex].NumPred) {
bool Found = false;
// If the target instruction "A=B" is part of a cycle, find
// the "X=A" assignment in the cycle because it will have to
// be rewritten as "X=tmp".
for (size_t J = 0; !Found && J < NumPhis; ++J) {
if (Desc[J].Processed)
Operand *OtherSrc = Desc[J].Src;
if (Desc[J].NumPred && sameVarOrReg(Dest, OtherSrc)) {
SizeT VarNum = Func->getNumVariables();
Variable *Tmp = Func->makeVariable(OtherSrc->getType());
Tmp->setName(Func, "__split_" + std::to_string(VarNum));
Assignments.push_back(InstAssign::create(Func, Tmp, OtherSrc));
Desc[J].Src = Tmp;
Found = true;
// Now that a cycle (if any) has been broken, create the actual
// assignment.
Assignments.push_back(InstAssign::create(Func, Dest, Src));
// Update NumPred for all Phi assignments using this Phi's Src
// as their Dest variable. Also update Weight if NumPred
// dropped from 1 to 0.
if (auto Var = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(Src)) {
for (size_t I = 0; I < NumPhis; ++I) {
if (Desc[I].Processed)
if (sameVarOrReg(Var, Desc[I].Dest)) {
if (--Desc[I].NumPred == 0)
Desc[I].Weight += WeightNoPreds;
Desc[BestIndex].Processed = true;
Func->getTarget()->lowerPhiAssignments(Split, Assignments);
// Renumber the instructions to be monotonically increasing so
// that addNode() doesn't assert when multi-definitions are added
// out of order.
for (Inst &I : Phis)
// Does address mode optimization. Pass each instruction to the
// TargetLowering object. If it returns a new instruction
// (representing the optimized address mode), then insert the new
// instruction and delete the old.
void CfgNode::doAddressOpt() {
TargetLowering *Target = Func->getTarget();
LoweringContext &Context = Target->getContext();
while (!Context.atEnd()) {
void CfgNode::doNopInsertion() {
TargetLowering *Target = Func->getTarget();
LoweringContext &Context = Target->getContext();
while (!Context.atEnd()) {
// Ensure Cur=Next, so that the nops are inserted before the current
// instruction rather than after.
// Insert before all instructions.
// Drives the target lowering. Passes the current instruction and the
// next non-deleted instruction for target lowering.
void CfgNode::genCode() {
TargetLowering *Target = Func->getTarget();
LoweringContext &Context = Target->getContext();
// Lower the regular instructions.
while (!Context.atEnd()) {
InstList::iterator Orig = Context.getCur();
if (llvm::isa<InstRet>(*Orig))
// Ensure target lowering actually moved the cursor.
assert(Context.getCur() != Orig);
// Do preliminary lowering of the Phi instructions.
void CfgNode::livenessLightweight() {
SizeT NumVars = Func->getNumVariables();
LivenessBV Live(NumVars);
// Process regular instructions in reverse order.
for (Inst &I : reverse_range(Insts)) {
if (I.isDeleted())
I.livenessLightweight(Func, Live);
for (Inst &I : Phis) {
if (I.isDeleted())
I.livenessLightweight(Func, Live);
// Performs liveness analysis on the block. Returns true if the
// incoming liveness changed from before, false if it stayed the same.
// (If it changes, the node's predecessors need to be processed
// again.)
bool CfgNode::liveness(Liveness *Liveness) {
SizeT NumVars = Liveness->getNumVarsInNode(this);
LivenessBV Live(NumVars);
LiveBeginEndMap *LiveBegin = nullptr;
LiveBeginEndMap *LiveEnd = nullptr;
// Mark the beginning and ending of each variable's live range
// with the sentinel instruction number 0.
if (Liveness->getMode() == Liveness_Intervals) {
LiveBegin = Liveness->getLiveBegin(this);
LiveEnd = Liveness->getLiveEnd(this);
// Guess that the number of live ranges beginning is roughly the
// number of instructions, and same for live ranges ending.
// Initialize Live to be the union of all successors' LiveIn.
for (CfgNode *Succ : OutEdges) {
Live |= Liveness->getLiveIn(Succ);
// Mark corresponding argument of phis in successor as live.
for (Inst &I : Succ->Phis) {
auto Phi = llvm::dyn_cast<InstPhi>(&I);
Phi->livenessPhiOperand(Live, this, Liveness);
Liveness->getLiveOut(this) = Live;
// Process regular instructions in reverse order.
for (Inst &I : reverse_range(Insts)) {
if (I.isDeleted())
I.liveness(I.getNumber(), Live, Liveness, LiveBegin, LiveEnd);
// Process phis in forward order so that we can override the
// instruction number to be that of the earliest phi instruction in
// the block.
SizeT NumNonDeadPhis = 0;
InstNumberT FirstPhiNumber = Inst::NumberSentinel;
for (Inst &I : Phis) {
if (I.isDeleted())
if (FirstPhiNumber == Inst::NumberSentinel)
FirstPhiNumber = I.getNumber();
if (I.liveness(FirstPhiNumber, Live, Liveness, LiveBegin, LiveEnd))
// When using the sparse representation, after traversing the
// instructions in the block, the Live bitvector should only contain
// set bits for global variables upon block entry. We validate this
// by shrinking the Live vector and then testing it against the
// pre-shrunk version. (The shrinking is required, but the
// validation is not.)
LivenessBV LiveOrig = Live;
// Non-global arguments in the entry node are allowed to be live on
// entry.
bool IsEntry = (Func->getEntryNode() == this);
if (!(IsEntry || Live == LiveOrig)) {
// This is a fatal liveness consistency error. Print some
// diagnostics and abort.
Ostream &Str = Func->getContext()->getStrDump();
Str << "LiveOrig-Live =";
for (SizeT i = Live.size(); i < LiveOrig.size(); ++i) {
if (LiveOrig.test(i)) {
Str << " ";
Liveness->getVariable(i, this)->dump(Func);
Str << "\n";
llvm_unreachable("Fatal inconsistency in liveness analysis");
bool Changed = false;
LivenessBV &LiveIn = Liveness->getLiveIn(this);
// Add in current LiveIn
Live |= LiveIn;
// Check result, set LiveIn=Live
SizeT &PrevNumNonDeadPhis = Liveness->getNumNonDeadPhis(this);
bool LiveInChanged = (Live != LiveIn);
Changed = (NumNonDeadPhis != PrevNumNonDeadPhis || LiveInChanged);
if (LiveInChanged)
LiveIn = Live;
PrevNumNonDeadPhis = NumNonDeadPhis;
return Changed;
// Once basic liveness is complete, compute actual live ranges. It is
// assumed that within a single basic block, a live range begins at
// most once and ends at most once. This is certainly true for pure
// SSA form. It is also true once phis are lowered, since each
// assignment to the phi-based temporary is in a different basic
// block, and there is a single read that ends the live in the basic
// block that contained the actual phi instruction.
void CfgNode::livenessAddIntervals(Liveness *Liveness, InstNumberT FirstInstNum,
InstNumberT LastInstNum) {
TimerMarker T1(TimerStack::TT_liveRange, Func);
SizeT NumVars = Liveness->getNumVarsInNode(this);
LivenessBV &LiveIn = Liveness->getLiveIn(this);
LivenessBV &LiveOut = Liveness->getLiveOut(this);
LiveBeginEndMap &MapBegin = *Liveness->getLiveBegin(this);
LiveBeginEndMap &MapEnd = *Liveness->getLiveEnd(this);
std::sort(MapBegin.begin(), MapBegin.end());
std::sort(MapEnd.begin(), MapEnd.end());
// Verify there are no duplicates.
struct ComparePair {
bool operator()(const LiveBeginEndMapEntry &A,
const LiveBeginEndMapEntry &B) {
return A.first == B.first;
assert(std::adjacent_find(MapBegin.begin(), MapBegin.end(), ComparePair()) ==
assert(std::adjacent_find(MapEnd.begin(), MapEnd.end(), ComparePair()) ==
LivenessBV LiveInAndOut = LiveIn;
LiveInAndOut &= LiveOut;
// Iterate in parallel across the sorted MapBegin[] and MapEnd[].
auto IBB = MapBegin.begin(), IEB = MapEnd.begin();
auto IBE = MapBegin.end(), IEE = MapEnd.end();
while (IBB != IBE || IEB != IEE) {
SizeT i1 = IBB == IBE ? NumVars : IBB->first;
SizeT i2 = IEB == IEE ? NumVars : IEB->first;
SizeT i = std::min(i1, i2);
// i1 is the Variable number of the next MapBegin entry, and i2 is
// the Variable number of the next MapEnd entry. If i1==i2, then
// the Variable's live range begins and ends in this block. If
// i1<i2, then i1's live range begins at instruction IBB->second
// and extends through the end of the block. If i1>i2, then i2's
// live range begins at the first instruction of the block and
// ends at IEB->second. In any case, we choose the lesser of i1
// and i2 and proceed accordingly.
InstNumberT LB = i == i1 ? IBB->second : FirstInstNum;
InstNumberT LE = i == i2 ? IEB->second : LastInstNum + 1;
Variable *Var = Liveness->getVariable(i, this);
if (!Var->getIgnoreLiveness()) {
if (LB > LE) {
Var->addLiveRange(FirstInstNum, LE, 1);
Var->addLiveRange(LB, LastInstNum + 1, 1);
// Assert that Var is a global variable by checking that its
// liveness index is less than the number of globals. This
// ensures that the LiveInAndOut[] access is valid.
assert(i < Liveness->getNumGlobalVars());
LiveInAndOut[i] = false;
} else {
Var->addLiveRange(LB, LE, 1);
if (i == i1)
if (i == i2)
// Process the variables that are live across the entire block.
for (int i = LiveInAndOut.find_first(); i != -1;
i = LiveInAndOut.find_next(i)) {
Variable *Var = Liveness->getVariable(i, this);
Var->addLiveRange(FirstInstNum, LastInstNum + 1, 1);
// If this node contains only deleted instructions, and ends in an
// unconditional branch, contract the node by repointing all its
// in-edges to its successor.
void CfgNode::contractIfEmpty() {
if (InEdges.empty())
Inst *Branch = nullptr;
for (Inst &I : Insts) {
if (I.isDeleted())
if (I.isUnconditionalBranch())
Branch = &I;
else if (!I.isRedundantAssign())
assert(OutEdges.size() == 1);
// Repoint all this node's in-edges to this node's successor, unless
// this node's successor is actually itself (in which case the
// statement "OutEdges.front()->InEdges.push_back(Pred)" could
// invalidate the iterator over this->InEdges).
if (OutEdges.front() != this) {
for (CfgNode *Pred : InEdges) {
for (auto I = Pred->OutEdges.begin(), E = Pred->OutEdges.end(); I != E;
++I) {
if (*I == this) {
*I = OutEdges.front();
for (Inst &I : Pred->getInsts()) {
if (!I.isDeleted())
I.repointEdge(this, OutEdges.front());
// Don't bother removing the single out-edge, which would also
// require finding the corresponding in-edge in the successor and
// removing it.
void CfgNode::doBranchOpt(const CfgNode *NextNode) {
TargetLowering *Target = Func->getTarget();
// Check every instruction for a branch optimization opportunity.
// It may be more efficient to iterate in reverse and stop after the
// first opportunity, unless there is some target lowering where we
// have the possibility of multiple such optimizations per block
// (currently not the case for x86 lowering).
for (Inst &I : Insts) {
if (!I.isDeleted()) {
Target->doBranchOpt(&I, NextNode);
// ======================== Dump routines ======================== //
namespace {
// Helper functions for emit().
void emitRegisterUsage(Ostream &Str, const Cfg *Func, const CfgNode *Node,
bool IsLiveIn, std::vector<SizeT> &LiveRegCount) {
Liveness *Liveness = Func->getLiveness();
const LivenessBV *Live;
if (IsLiveIn) {
Live = &Liveness->getLiveIn(Node);
Str << "\t\t\t\t# LiveIn=";
} else {
Live = &Liveness->getLiveOut(Node);
Str << "\t\t\t\t# LiveOut=";
if (!Live->empty()) {
bool First = true;
for (SizeT i = 0; i < Live->size(); ++i) {
if ((*Live)[i]) {
Variable *Var = Liveness->getVariable(i, Node);
if (Var->hasReg()) {
if (IsLiveIn)
if (!First)
Str << ",";
First = false;
Str << "\n";
void emitLiveRangesEnded(Ostream &Str, const Cfg *Func, const Inst *Instr,
std::vector<SizeT> &LiveRegCount) {
bool First = true;
Variable *Dest = Instr->getDest();
if (Dest && Dest->hasReg())
for (SizeT I = 0; I < Instr->getSrcSize(); ++I) {
Operand *Src = Instr->getSrc(I);
SizeT NumVars = Src->getNumVars();
for (SizeT J = 0; J < NumVars; ++J) {
const Variable *Var = Src->getVar(J);
if (Var->hasReg()) {
if (Instr->isLastUse(Var) && --LiveRegCount[Var->getRegNum()] == 0) {
if (First)
Str << " \t# END=";
Str << ",";
First = false;
void updateStats(Cfg *Func, const Inst *I) {
// Update emitted instruction count, plus fill/spill count for
// Variable operands without a physical register.
if (uint32_t Count = I->getEmitInstCount()) {
if (Variable *Dest = I->getDest()) {
if (!Dest->hasReg())
for (SizeT S = 0; S < I->getSrcSize(); ++S) {
if (Variable *Src = llvm::dyn_cast<Variable>(I->getSrc(S))) {
if (!Src->hasReg())
} // end of anonymous namespace
void CfgNode::emit(Cfg *Func) const {
Ostream &Str = Func->getContext()->getStrEmit();
Liveness *Liveness = Func->getLiveness();
bool DecorateAsm = Liveness && Func->getContext()->getFlags().DecorateAsm;
Str << getAsmName() << ":\n";
std::vector<SizeT> LiveRegCount(Func->getTarget()->getNumRegisters());
if (DecorateAsm)
emitRegisterUsage(Str, Func, this, true, LiveRegCount);
for (const Inst &I : Phis) {
if (I.isDeleted())
// Emitting a Phi instruction should cause an error.
for (const Inst &I : Insts) {
if (I.isDeleted())
if (I.isRedundantAssign()) {
Variable *Dest = I.getDest();
if (DecorateAsm && Dest->hasReg() && !I.isLastUse(I.getSrc(0)))
if (DecorateAsm)
emitLiveRangesEnded(Str, Func, &I, LiveRegCount);
Str << "\n";
updateStats(Func, &I);
if (DecorateAsm)
emitRegisterUsage(Str, Func, this, false, LiveRegCount);
void CfgNode::emitIAS(Cfg *Func) const {
Assembler *Asm = Func->getAssembler<Assembler>();
for (const Inst &I : Phis) {
if (I.isDeleted())
// Emitting a Phi instruction should cause an error.
for (const Inst &I : Insts) {
if (I.isDeleted())
if (I.isRedundantAssign())
updateStats(Func, &I);
void CfgNode::dump(Cfg *Func) const {
Ostream &Str = Func->getContext()->getStrDump();
Liveness *Liveness = Func->getLiveness();
if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_Instructions)) {
Str << getName() << ":\n";
// Dump list of predecessor nodes.
if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_Preds) && !InEdges.empty()) {
Str << " // preds = ";
bool First = true;
for (CfgNode *I : InEdges) {
if (!First)
Str << ", ";
First = false;
Str << "%" << I->getName();
Str << "\n";
// Dump the live-in variables.
LivenessBV LiveIn;
if (Liveness)
LiveIn = Liveness->getLiveIn(this);
if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_Liveness) && !LiveIn.empty()) {
Str << " // LiveIn:";
for (SizeT i = 0; i < LiveIn.size(); ++i) {
if (LiveIn[i]) {
Variable *Var = Liveness->getVariable(i, this);
Str << " %" << Var->getName(Func);
if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_RegOrigins) && Var->hasReg()) {
Str << ":"
<< Func->getTarget()->getRegName(Var->getRegNum(),
Str << "\n";
// Dump each instruction.
if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_Instructions)) {
for (const Inst &I : Phis)
for (const Inst &I : Insts)
// Dump the live-out variables.
LivenessBV LiveOut;
if (Liveness)
LiveOut = Liveness->getLiveOut(this);
if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_Liveness) && !LiveOut.empty()) {
Str << " // LiveOut:";
for (SizeT i = 0; i < LiveOut.size(); ++i) {
if (LiveOut[i]) {
Variable *Var = Liveness->getVariable(i, this);
Str << " %" << Var->getName(Func);
if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_RegOrigins) && Var->hasReg()) {
Str << ":"
<< Func->getTarget()->getRegName(Var->getRegNum(),
Str << "\n";
// Dump list of successor nodes.
if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_Succs)) {
Str << " // succs = ";
bool First = true;
for (CfgNode *I : OutEdges) {
if (!First)
Str << ", ";
First = false;
Str << "%" << I->getName();
Str << "\n";
} // end of namespace Ice