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<title>TestNG - Migrating from JUnit</title>
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<h2 align="center">Migrating from JUnit</h2>
<p>You can easily convert your JUnit tests with <tt>org.testng.JUnitConverter,</tt>&nbsp;
which you can invoke as follows:</p><ul>
<li><tt>-annotation | -javadoc</tt> (required)<br>
If <tt>-annotation</tt>, <tt>
JUnitConverter</tt> will insert JDK5 annotations, and if you specify <tt>-javadoc</tt>,
the tool will insert JavaDoc annotations.<br>
&nbsp;</li><li><tt>-srcdir | -source &lt;fileName&gt;</tt> (required)<br>
<tt>-srcdir</tt>, the directory
will be recursively traversed and any file that ends in .java will be
processed.&nbsp; If you specify <tt>-source</tt>, only that specific Java
file will be processed.<br>
&nbsp;</li><li><tt>-d | -overwrite</tt> (mandatory)<br>
By default, <tt>JUnitConverter </tt>will modify the sources it finds.&nbsp;
If you specify a directory with this option, this is where the modified
files will be created.&nbsp; If you specify <tt>-overwrite</tt>, the source
files will be directly modified.<br>
<tt>JUnitConverter</tt> will not print anything on the console.</li></ul><p>Here is a sample use that will convert all the JUnit tests in the <tt>src/</tt>
directory to TestNG:</p>
<blockquote class="code">
java org.testng.JUnitConverter -overwrite -annotation -srcdir src
<li><i><tt>JUnitConverter</tt> uses classes from <tt>tools.jar</tt>, which is located in
so make sure you have this jar file in your classpath.<br>
only runs with the JDK5, so if you receive an error (such as &quot;unknown -quiet
parameter&quot;), make sure your classpath only contains JDK5 jar files.</i></li>
</blockquote><p><tt>JUnitConverter</tt> also has an ant task, which you can invoke as follows: </p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
&lt;project name="test" default="init"&gt;
&lt;target name="init"&gt;
&lt;taskdef resource="testngtasks" /&gt;
&lt;target name="junitconvert" depends="init"&gt;
&lt;junit-converter sourcedir="C:\dev\projects\test\java" outputdir="C:\dev\projects\temp" annotations="false" /&gt;