blob: 0d8130877072f1c18a5f499bde40c9f575405e29 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"""Script to build the ChromeOS toolchain.
This script sets up the toolchain if you give it the gcctools directory.
__author__ = " (Ahmad Sharif)"
import getpass
import optparse
import sys
from utils import utils
# Common initializations
(rootdir, basename) = utils.GetRoot(sys.argv[0])
utils.InitLogger(rootdir, basename)
def Main():
"""The main function."""
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-c", "--chromeos_root", dest="chromeos_root",
help="ChromeOS root checkout directory.")
parser.add_option("-t", "--toolchain_root", dest="toolchain_root",
help="Toolchain root directory.")
parser.add_option("-b", "--board", dest="board", default="x86-generic",
help="board is the argument to the setup_board command.")
parser.add_option("-C", "--clean", dest="clean", default=False,
help="Uninstall the toolchain.")
parser.add_option("-f", "--force", dest="force", default=False,
help="Do an uninstall/install cycle.")
parser.add_option("-i", "--incremental", dest="incremental",
help="The toolchain component that should be "
"incrementally compiled.")
parser.add_option("-B", "--binary", dest="binary",
action="store_true", default=False,
help="The toolchain should use binaries stored in "
"the install/ directory.")
options = parser.parse_args()[0]
if options.toolchain_root is None or options.board is None:
portage_flags = ""
if options.binary == True:
# FIXME(asharif): This should be using --usepkg but that was not working.
portage_flags = "--usepkgonly"
f = open(options.chromeos_root + "/src/overlays/overlay-" +
options.board + "/toolchain.conf", "r")
target =
target = target.strip()
features = "noclean userfetch userpriv usersandbox -strict"
if options.incremental is not None and options.incremental:
features += " keepwork"
env = CreateEnvVarString(" FEATURES", features)
env += CreateEnvVarString(" PORTAGE_USERNAME", getpass.getuser())
version_number = utils.GetRoot(rootdir)[1]
version_dir = "/home/${USER}/toolchain_root/" + version_number
env += CreateEnvVarString(" PORT_LOGDIR", version_dir + "/logs")
env += CreateEnvVarString(" PKGDIR", version_dir + "/pkgs")
env += CreateEnvVarString(" PORTAGE_BINHOST", version_dir + "/pkgs")
env += CreateEnvVarString(" PORTAGE_TMPDIR", version_dir + "/objects")
retval = 0
if options.force == True:
retval = BuildTC(options.chromeos_root, options.toolchain_root, env,
target, True, options.incremental, portage_flags)
retval = BuildTC(options.chromeos_root, options.toolchain_root, env,
target, options.clean, options.incremental, portage_flags)
utils.AssertTrue(retval == 0, "Build toolchain failed!")
if options.incremental is None and not options.clean:
install_dir = rootdir + "/install"
package_dir = (rootdir + "/pkgs/" + target + "/" +
"cross-" + target + "/")
retval = InstallTC(package_dir, install_dir)
utils.AssertTrue(retval == 0, "Installation of the toolchain failed!")
return retval
def CreateCrossdevPortageFlags(portage_flags):
portage_flags = portage_flags.strip()
if not portage_flags:
return ""
crossdev_flags = " --portage "
crossdev_flags += " --portage ".join(portage_flags.split(" "))
return crossdev_flags
def CreateEnvVarString(variable, value):
return variable + "=" + EscapeQuoteString(value)
def EscapeQuoteString(string):
return "\\\"" + string + "\\\""
def InstallTC(package_dir, install_dir):
command = ("mkdir -p " + install_dir + ";")
command += ("for f in " + package_dir + "*; do tar xvf $f -C " + install_dir +
"; done")
retval = utils.RunCommand(command)
return retval
def BuildTC(chromeos_root, toolchain_root, env, target, uninstall,
incremental_component, portage_flags):
"""Build the toolchain."""
portage_flags = portage_flags.strip()
portage_flags += " -b "
binutils_version = "2.20.1-r1"
gcc_version = "9999"
libc_version = "2.10.1-r1"
kernel_version = "2.6.30-r1"
env += " "
if uninstall == True:
tflag = " -C "
tflag = " -t "
command = (rootdir + "/")
if chromeos_root is not None:
command += " --chromeos_root=" + chromeos_root
if toolchain_root is not None:
command += " --toolchain_root=" + toolchain_root
command += " -- \"sudo " + env
if uninstall == True:
command += " crossdev " + tflag + target
command += "\""
retval = utils.RunCommand(command)
return retval
if incremental_component == "binutils":
command += (" emerge =cross-" + target + "/binutils-" + binutils_version +
elif incremental_component == "gcc":
command += (" emerge =cross-" + target + "/gcc-" + gcc_version +
elif incremental_component == "libc" or incremental_component == "glibc":
command += (" emerge =cross-" + target + "/glibc-" + libc_version +
crossdev_flags = CreateCrossdevPortageFlags(portage_flags)
command += (" crossdev -v " + tflag + target +
" --binutils " + binutils_version +
" --libc " + libc_version +
" --gcc " + gcc_version +
" --kernel " + kernel_version +
command += "\""
retval = utils.RunCommand(command)
return retval
if __name__ == "__main__":