blob: a81e464c8c3a9df913f92d52631613ae15d449dc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import time
import urllib2
from utils import command_executer
from utils import logger
from utils import buildbot_json
SLEEP_TIME = 600 # 10 minutes; time between polling of buildbot.
TIME_OUT = 18000 # Decide the build is dead or will never finish
# after this time (5 hours).
OK_STATUS = [ # List of result status values that are 'ok'.
# This was obtained from:
# master/third_party/buildbot_8_4p1/buildbot/status/
0, # "success"
1, # "warnings"
6, # "retry"
"""Utilities for launching and accessing ChromeOS buildbots."""
def ParseReportLog(url, build):
Scrape the trybot image name off the Reports log page.
This takes the URL for a trybot Reports Stage web page,
and a trybot build type, such as 'daisy-release'. It
opens the web page and parses it looking for the trybot
artifact name (e.g. something like
'trybot-daisy-release/R40-6394.0.0-b1389'). It returns the
artifact name, if found.
trybot_image = ''
url += '/text'
newurl = url.replace('uberchromegw', 'chromegw')
webpage = urllib2.urlopen(newurl)
data =
lines = data.split('\n')
for l in lines:
if l.find('Artifacts') > 0 and l.find('trybot') > 0:
trybot_name = 'trybot-%s' % build
start_pos = l.find(trybot_name)
end_pos = l.find('@https://storage')
trybot_image = l[start_pos:end_pos]
return trybot_image
def GetBuildData(buildbot_queue, build_id):
Find the Reports stage web page for a trybot build.
This takes the name of a buildbot_queue, such as 'daisy-release'
and a build id (the build number), and uses the json buildbot api to
find the Reports stage web page for that build, if it exists.
builder = buildbot_json.Buildbot(
build_data = builder.builds[build_id].data
logs = build_data['logs']
for l in logs:
fname = l[1]
if 'steps/Report/' in fname:
return fname
return ''
def FindBuildRecordFromLog(description, log_info):
Find the right build record in the build logs.
Get the first build record from build log with a reason field
that matches 'description'. ('description' is a special tag we
created when we launched the buildbot, so we could find it at this
current_line = 1
while current_line < len(log_info):
my_dict = {}
# Read all the lines from one "Build" to the next into my_dict
while True:
key = log_info[current_line].split(':')[0].strip()
value = log_info[current_line].split(':', 1)[1].strip()
my_dict[key] = value
current_line += 1
if 'Build' in key or current_line == len(log_info):
# Check to see of the build record is the right one.
if str(description) in my_dict['reason']:
# We found a match; we're done.
return my_dict
print("reason is not in dictionary: '%s'" % repr(my_dict))
# Keep going.
# We hit the bottom of the log without a match.
return {}
def GetBuildInfo(file_dir, builder):
Get all the build records for the trybot builds.
file_dir is the toolchain_utils directory.
ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
commands = ('{0}/utils/ builds '
if builder:
# For release builds, get logs from the 'release' builder.
if builder.endswith('-release'):
commands += ' -b release'
commands += ' -b %s' % builder
_, buildinfo, _ = ce.RunCommandWOutput(commands, print_to_console=False)
build_log = buildinfo.splitlines()
return build_log
def FindArchiveImage(chromeos_root, build, build_id):
Given a build_id, search Google Storage for a trybot artifact
for the correct board with the correct build_id. Return the
name of the artifact, if found.
ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
command = ('gsutil ls gs://chromeos-image-archive/trybot-%s/*b%s'
'/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz' % (build, build_id))
_, out, _ = ce.ChrootRunCommandWOutput(chromeos_root,
# If build_id is not unique, there may be multiple archive images
# to choose from; sort them & pick the first (newest).
# If there are multiple archive images found, out will look something
# like this:
# 'gs://.../R35-5692.0.0-b105/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz
# gs://.../R46-7339.0.0-b105/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz'
out = out.rstrip('\n')
tmp_list = out.split('\n')
# After stripping the final '\n' and splitting on any other '\n', we get
# something like this:
# tmp_list = [ 'gs://.../R35-5692.0.0-b105/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz' ,
# 'gs://.../R46-7339.0.0-b105/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz' ]
# If we sort this in descending order, we should end up with the most
# recent test image first, so that's what we do here.
if len(tmp_list) > 1:
tmp_list = sorted(tmp_list, reverse=True)
out = tmp_list[0]
trybot_image = ''
trybot_name = 'trybot-%s' % build
if out and out.find(trybot_name) > 0:
start_pos = out.find(trybot_name)
end_pos = out.find('/chromiumos_test_image')
trybot_image = out[start_pos:end_pos]
return trybot_image
def GetTrybotImage(chromeos_root,
Launch buildbot and get resulting trybot artifact name.
This function launches a buildbot with the appropriate flags to
build the test ChromeOS image, with the current ToT mobile compiler. It
checks every 10 minutes to see if the trybot has finished. When the trybot
has finished, it parses the resulting report logs to find the trybot
artifact (if one was created), and returns that artifact name.
chromeos_root is the path to the ChromeOS root, needed for finding chromite
and launching the buildbot.
buildbot_name is the name of the buildbot queue, such as lumpy-release or
patch_list a python list of the patches, if any, for the buildbot to use.
build_tag is a (unique) string to be used to look up the buildbot results
from among all the build records.
ce = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
cbuildbot_path = os.path.join(chromeos_root, 'chromite/cbuildbot')
base_dir = os.getcwd()
patch_arg = ''
if patch_list:
for p in patch_list:
patch_arg = patch_arg + ' -g ' + repr(p)
toolchain_flags = ''
if build_toolchain:
toolchain_flags += '--latest-toolchain'
# Launch buildbot with appropriate flags.
build = buildbot_name
description = build_tag
command = ('./cbuildbot --remote --nochromesdk --notests'
' --remote-description=%s %s %s %s' %
(description, toolchain_flags, patch_arg, build))
_, out, _ = ce.RunCommandWOutput(command)
if 'Tryjob submitted!' not in out:
logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Error occurred while launching trybot job: '
'%s' % command)
build_id = 0
build_status = None
# Wait for buildbot to finish running (check every 10 minutes). Wait
# 10 minutes before the first check to give the buildbot time to launch
# (so we don't start looking for build data before it's out there).
done = False
pending = True
# pending_time is the time between when we submit the job and when the
# buildbot actually launches the build. running_time is the time between
# when the buildbot job launches and when it finishes. The job is
# considered 'pending' until we can find an entry for it in the buildbot
# logs.
pending_time = SLEEP_TIME
running_time = 0
while not done:
done = True
build_info = GetBuildInfo(base_dir, build)
if not build_info:
if pending_time > TIME_OUT:
logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Unable to get build logs for target %s.' %
pending_message = 'Unable to find build log; job may be pending.'
done = False
if done:
data_dict = FindBuildRecordFromLog(description, build_info)
if not data_dict:
# Trybot job may be pending (not actually launched yet).
if pending_time > TIME_OUT:
logger.GetLogger().LogFatal('Unable to find build record for trybot'
' %s.' % description)
pending_message = 'Unable to find build record; job may be pending.'
done = False
# Now that we have actually found the entry for the build
# job in the build log, we know the job is actually
# runnning, not pending, so we flip the 'pending' flag. We
# still have to wait for the buildbot job to finish running
# however.
pending = False
if 'True' in data_dict['completed']:
build_id = data_dict['number']
build_status = int(data_dict['result'])
done = False
if not done:
if pending:
logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Current pending time: %d minutes.' %
(pending_time / 60))
pending_time += SLEEP_TIME
logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('{0} minutes passed.'.format(running_time /
logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('Sleeping {0} seconds.'.format(SLEEP_TIME))
running_time += SLEEP_TIME
if running_time > TIME_OUT:
done = True
trybot_image = ''
if build_status in OK_STATUS:
trybot_image = FindArchiveImage(chromeos_root, build, build_id)
if not trybot_image:
logger.GetLogger().LogError('Trybot job %s failed with status %d;'
' no trybot image generated.' %
(description, build_status))
logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("trybot_image is '%s'" % trybot_image)
logger.GetLogger().LogOutput('build_status is %d' % build_status)
return trybot_image