blob: 6a5a3a391d68f0b963599912a850cd14fcc21d87 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"""Script to build the ChromeOS toolchain.
This script sets up the toolchain if you give it the gcctools directory.
A typical usage scenerio of this script is as follows: -t gcc -t binutils
To set it up for the first time, run the following: -t gcc -c <CL#> -t gcc -b <Branch name> -c <CL#> -t gcc -t gcc -b <Branch name>
__author__ = " (Ahmad Sharif)"
import getpass
import optparse
import os
import re
import socket
import sys
import tempfile
from utils import command_executer
from utils import logger
from utils import utils
# Common initializations
cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
(rootdir, basename) = utils.GetRoot(sys.argv[0])
def CreateP4Client(client_name, p4_port, p4_paths, checkoutdir):
"""Creates a perforce client from the given parameters."""
command = "cd " + checkoutdir
command += "; cp ${HOME}/.p4config ."
command += "; echo \"P4PORT=" + p4_port + "\" >> .p4config"
command += "; echo \"P4CLIENT=" + client_name + "\" >> .p4config"
command += "; g4 client -a " + " -a ".join(p4_paths)
print command
retval = cmd_executer.RunCommand(command)
return retval
def DeleteP4Client(client_name, client_dir):
command = "cd " + client_dir
command += "&& g4 client -d " + client_name
retval = cmd_executer.RunCommand(command)
return retval
def SyncP4Client(client_name, checkoutdir, revision=None):
command = "cd " + checkoutdir
if revision:
command += " && g4 sync ...@" + revision
command += " && g4 sync ..."
retval = cmd_executer.RunCommand(command)
return retval
def GetP4PathsForTool(client_name, tool, branch_path):
"""Returns the perforce paths for a tool {gcc|binutils}."""
p4_paths = []
if branch_path[-1] == "/":
branch_path = branch_path[0:-1]
if tool == "gcc":
p4_paths.append("\"" + branch_path + "/google_vendor_src_branch/" +
"gcc/gcc-4.4.3/..." +
" //" + client_name + "/gcc/gcc-4.4.3/..." +
version_number = utils.GetRoot(rootdir)[1]
p4_paths.append("\"//depot2/gcctools/chromeos/" + version_number +
"/build-gcc/..." +
" //" + client_name + "/build-gcc/..." +
elif tool == "binutils":
p4_paths.append("\"" + branch_path + "/google_vendor_src_branch/" +
"binutils/binutils-2.20.1-mobile/..." +
" //" + client_name + "/binutils/binutils-2.20.1-mobile/..." +
p4_paths.append("\"" + branch_path + "/google_vendor_src_branch/" +
"binutils/binutils-20100303/..." +
" //" + client_name + "/binutils/binutils-20100303/..." +
version_number = utils.GetRoot(rootdir)[1]
p4_paths.append("\"//depot2/gcctools/chromeos/" + version_number +
"/build-binutils/..." +
" //" + client_name + "/build-binutils/..." +
return p4_paths
def GetGitRepoForTool(tool):
# This should return the correct server repository when the script
# is fully done.
if tool == "gcc":
return "ssh://"
elif tool == "binutils":
return "ssh://"
def SetupBranch(checkoutdir, branch_name):
"""Sets up either the master or another branch in the local repo."""
if branch_name == "master":
return 0
command = "cd " + checkoutdir
command += " && git branch -a | grep -wq " + branch_name
retval = cmd_executer.RunCommand(command)
command = "cd " + checkoutdir
if retval == 0:
command += (" && git branch --track " + branch_name +
" remotes/origin/" + branch_name)
command += " && git checkout " + branch_name
command += (" && git checkout -b " + branch_name)
retval = cmd_executer.RunCommand(command)
return retval
def CreateGitClient(git_repo, checkoutdir, branch_name):
"""Creates a git client with in a dir with a branch."""
command = "cd " + checkoutdir
command += " && git clone -v " + git_repo + " ."
retval = cmd_executer.RunCommand(command)
if retval != 0:
return retval
retval = SetupBranch(checkoutdir, branch_name)
if retval != 0:
return retval
command = "cd " + checkoutdir
command += " && rm -rf *"
retval = cmd_executer.RunCommand(command)
return retval
def GetLatestCL(client_name, checkoutdir):
command = "cd " + checkoutdir
command += " && g4 changes -m1 ...#have"
(status, stdout, stderr) = cmd_executer.RunCommand(command, True)
if status != 0:
return -1
mo = re.match("^Change (\d+)", stdout)
if mo is None:
return -1
return mo.groups(0)[0]
def WriteStringToFile(filename, string):
f = open(filename, "w")
def AddGitIgnores(checkoutdir):
f = open(checkoutdir + "/.gitignore", "w")
def PushToRemoteGitRepo(checkoutdir, branch_name, message_file, push_args):
"""Do the actualy git push to remote repository."""
# Add the stuff we want git to ignore for the add.
command = "cd " + checkoutdir
# For testing purposes, I am only adding a single file to the
# remote repository.
command += " && git add -Av . "
### command += " && git add -Av gcc/gcc-4.4.3/README"
command += " && git commit -v -F " + message_file
command += (" && git push -v " + push_args + " origin " +
branch_name + ":" + branch_name)
retval = cmd_executer.RunCommand(command)
return retval
def Main():
"""The main function."""
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-t", "--tool", dest="tool",
help="Tool can be gcc or binutils.")
parser.add_option("-b", "--branch", dest="branch",
help="Full branch path to use, if not the trunk.")
parser.add_option("-n", "--dry-run", dest="dry_run", default=False,
help="Do a dry run of the git push.")
parser.add_option("-F", "--file", dest="message_file",
help="Path to file containing the commit message.")
parser.add_option("-r", "--remote", dest="remote",
help="Optional location of the remote git repository.")
parser.add_option("-c", "--changelist", dest="changelist",
help="Optional changelist to sync to.")
options = parser.parse_args()[0]
if options.tool is None:
if not options.branch:
branch_path = ("//depot2/gcctools/")
branch_name = "master"
branch_path = ("//depot2/branches/" + options.branch +
branch_name = options.branch
utils.AssertTrue(os.path.exists("/google/src/files/p2/head/depot2/" +
"branches/" + branch_name),
"Branch name: " + branch_name + " not found!")
if options.remote:
git_repo = options.remote
git_repo = GetGitRepoForTool(options.tool)
# Setup a perforce checkout of Crosstool trunk or branch.
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
client_name = getpass.getuser() + "-" + socket.gethostname() + "-" + temp_dir
client_name = str.replace(client_name, "/", "-")
p4_paths = GetP4PathsForTool(client_name, options.tool, branch_path)
status = CreateGitClient(git_repo, temp_dir, branch_name)
utils.AssertTrue(status == 0, "Git repo cloning failed")
status = CreateP4Client(client_name, "perforce2:2666", p4_paths, temp_dir)
utils.AssertTrue(status == 0, "Could not create p4 client")
# If the user presses Ctrl-C, make sure to clean up p4 client.
status = SyncP4Client(client_name, temp_dir, options.changelist)
utils.AssertTrue(status == 0, "Could not sync p4 client")
if not options.message_file:
changelist = GetLatestCL(client_name, temp_dir)
message_file = tempfile.mktemp()
WriteStringToFile(message_file, "Sync'd to revision " + changelist)
message_file = rootdir + "/" + options.message_file
if options.dry_run:
push_args = " -n "
push_args = ""
status = PushToRemoteGitRepo(temp_dir, branch_name, message_file, push_args)
utils.AssertTrue(status == 0, "Could not push to remote repo")
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("Caught exception... Cleaning up.")
status = DeleteP4Client(client_name, temp_dir)
status = DeleteP4Client(client_name, temp_dir)
utils.AssertTrue(status == 0, "Could not delete p4 client")
return status
if __name__ == "__main__":
retval = Main()