blob: ff573d346ec4438799277367bd63c7298da70bef [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A module to generate experiments."""
import os
import re
import socket
from benchmark import Benchmark
import config
from experiment import Experiment
from label import Label
from label import MockLabel
from results_cache import CacheConditions
import test_flag
import file_lock_machine
# Users may want to run Telemetry tests either individually, or in
# specified sets. Here we define sets of tests that users may want
# to run together.
telemetry_perfv2_tests = [ 'dromaeo.domcoreattr',
# The following benchmark is extremely flaky, so omit it for now.
# 'memory.top_25',
# The following benchmark is broken (and hanging) for now, so omit it.
# 'smoothness.top_25',
telemetry_pagecycler_tests = [
# Following benchmarks are now deprecated in Telemetry:
# 'page_cycler.indexed_db.basic_insert',
# 'page_cycler.bloat',
telemetry_toolchain_old_perf_tests = [
# Following benchmarks are now deprecated in Telemetry:
# 'canvasmark',
# 'jsgamebench',
# 'page_cycler.bloat',
# 'peacekeeper.html',
telemetry_toolchain_perf_tests = [
class ExperimentFactory(object):
"""Factory class for building an Experiment, given an ExperimentFile as input.
This factory is currently hardcoded to produce an experiment for running
ChromeOS benchmarks, but the idea is that in the future, other types
of experiments could be produced.
def _AppendBenchmarkSet(self, benchmarks, benchmark_list, test_args,
iterations, rm_chroot_tmp, perf_args, suite,
show_all_results, retries, run_local):
"""Add all the tests in a set to the benchmarks list."""
for test_name in benchmark_list:
telemetry_benchmark = Benchmark (test_name, test_name, test_args,
iterations, rm_chroot_tmp, perf_args,
suite, show_all_results, retries, run_local)
def GetExperiment(self, experiment_file, working_directory, log_dir):
"""Construct an experiment from an experiment file."""
global_settings = experiment_file.GetGlobalSettings()
experiment_name = global_settings.GetField("name")
board = global_settings.GetField("board")
remote = global_settings.GetField("remote")
# This is used to remove the ",' from the remote if user
# add them to the remote string.
new_remote = []
for i in remote:
c = re.sub('["\']', '', i)
remote = new_remote
chromeos_root = global_settings.GetField("chromeos_root")
rm_chroot_tmp = global_settings.GetField("rm_chroot_tmp")
perf_args = global_settings.GetField("perf_args")
acquire_timeout= global_settings.GetField("acquire_timeout")
cache_dir = global_settings.GetField("cache_dir")
cache_only = global_settings.GetField("cache_only")
config.AddConfig("no_email", global_settings.GetField("no_email"))
share_cache = global_settings.GetField("share_cache")
results_dir = global_settings.GetField("results_dir")
use_file_locks = global_settings.GetField("use_file_locks")
locks_dir = global_settings.GetField("locks_dir")
# If we pass a blank locks_dir to the Experiment, it will use the AFE server
# lock mechanism. So if the user specified use_file_locks, but did not
# specify a locks dir, set the locks dir to the default locks dir in
# file_lock_machine.
if use_file_locks and not locks_dir:
locks_dir = file_lock_machine.Machine.LOCKS_DIR
chrome_src = global_settings.GetField("chrome_src")
show_all_results = global_settings.GetField("show_all_results")
log_level = global_settings.GetField("logging_level")
if log_level not in ("quiet", "average", "verbose"):
log_level = "verbose"
# Default cache hit conditions. The image checksum in the cache and the
# computed checksum of the image must match. Also a cache file must exist.
cache_conditions = [CacheConditions.CACHE_FILE_EXISTS,
if global_settings.GetField("rerun_if_failed"):
if global_settings.GetField("rerun"):
if global_settings.GetField("same_machine"):
if global_settings.GetField("same_specs"):
# Construct benchmarks.
# Some fields are common with global settings. The values are
# inherited and/or merged with the global settings values.
benchmarks = []
all_benchmark_settings = experiment_file.GetSettings("benchmark")
for benchmark_settings in all_benchmark_settings:
benchmark_name =
test_name = benchmark_settings.GetField("test_name")
if not test_name:
test_name = benchmark_name
test_args = benchmark_settings.GetField("test_args")
iterations = benchmark_settings.GetField("iterations")
suite = benchmark_settings.GetField("suite")
retries = benchmark_settings.GetField("retries")
run_local = benchmark_settings.GetField("run_local")
if suite == 'telemetry_Crosperf':
if test_name == 'all_perfv2':
self._AppendBenchmarkSet (benchmarks, telemetry_perfv2_tests,
test_args, iterations, rm_chroot_tmp,
perf_args, suite, show_all_results, retries,
elif test_name == 'all_pagecyclers':
self._AppendBenchmarkSet (benchmarks, telemetry_pagecycler_tests,
test_args, iterations, rm_chroot_tmp,
perf_args, suite, show_all_results, retries,
elif test_name == 'all_toolchain_perf':
self._AppendBenchmarkSet (benchmarks, telemetry_toolchain_perf_tests,
test_args, iterations, rm_chroot_tmp,
perf_args, suite, show_all_results, retries,
# Add non-telemetry toolchain-perf benchmarks:
'graphics_WebGLAquarium', '', iterations,
rm_chroot_tmp, perf_args, '',
show_all_results, retries,
elif test_name == 'all_toolchain_perf_old':
self._AppendBenchmarkSet (benchmarks,
test_args, iterations, rm_chroot_tmp,
perf_args, suite, show_all_results, retries,
benchmark = Benchmark(test_name, test_name, test_args,
iterations, rm_chroot_tmp, perf_args, suite,
show_all_results, retries, run_local)
# Add the single benchmark.
benchmark = Benchmark(benchmark_name, test_name, test_args,
iterations, rm_chroot_tmp, perf_args, suite,
show_all_results, run_local)
# Construct labels.
# Some fields are common with global settings. The values are
# inherited and/or merged with the global settings values.
labels = []
all_label_settings = experiment_file.GetSettings("label")
all_remote = list(remote)
for label_settings in all_label_settings:
label_name =
image = label_settings.GetField("chromeos_image")
chromeos_root = label_settings.GetField("chromeos_root")
my_remote = label_settings.GetField("remote")
compiler = label_settings.GetField("compiler")
new_remote = []
for i in my_remote:
c = re.sub('["\']', '', i)
my_remote = new_remote
if image == "":
build = label_settings.GetField("build")
if len(build) == 0:
raise Exception("Can not have empty 'build' field!")
image = label_settings.GetXbuddyPath (build, board, chromeos_root,
cache_dir = label_settings.GetField("cache_dir")
chrome_src = label_settings.GetField("chrome_src")
# TODO(yunlian): We should consolidate code in
# to derermine whether we are running from within google or not
if ("" in socket.gethostname() and
(not my_remote
or my_remote == remote
and global_settings.GetField("board") != board)):
my_remote = self.GetDefaultRemotes(board)
if global_settings.GetField("same_machine") and len(my_remote) > 1:
raise Exception("Only one remote is allowed when same_machine "
"is turned on")
all_remote += my_remote
image_args = label_settings.GetField("image_args")
if test_flag.GetTestMode():
label = MockLabel(label_name, image, chromeos_root, board, my_remote,
image_args, cache_dir, cache_only, compiler, chrome_src)
label = Label(label_name, image, chromeos_root, board, my_remote,
image_args, cache_dir, cache_only, log_level, compiler,
email = global_settings.GetField("email")
all_remote += list(set(my_remote))
all_remote = list(set(all_remote))
experiment = Experiment(experiment_name, all_remote,
working_directory, chromeos_root,
cache_conditions, labels, benchmarks,
email, acquire_timeout, log_dir, log_level,
results_dir, locks_dir)
return experiment
def GetDefaultRemotes(self, board):
default_remotes_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
with open(default_remotes_file) as f:
for line in f:
key, v = line.split(":")
if key.strip() == board:
remotes = v.strip().split(" ")
if remotes:
return remotes
raise Exception("There is not remote for {0}".format(board))
except IOError:
raise Exception("IOError while reading file {0}"
raise Exception("There is not remote for {0}".format(board))