blob: 6a2b4364007bd02e57c134c0bd44ffbfcbdde1be [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"""Script to checkout the ChromeOS source.
This script sets up the ChromeOS source in the given directory, matching a
particular release of ChromeOS.
__author__ = " (Raymes Khoury)"
import optparse
import os
import sys
import tc_enter_chroot
from utils import command_executer
from utils import logger
from utils import utils
def Usage(parser, message):
print "ERROR: " + message
#TODO(raymes): move this to a common utils file.
def ExecuteCommandInChroot(chromeos_root, toolchain_root, command,
return_output=False, full_mount=False):
"""Executes a command in the chroot."""
global cmd_executer
cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
if toolchain_root is None:
cmd_file = "enter_chroot.cmd"
cmd_file_path = chromeos_root + "/src/scripts/" + cmd_file
f = open(cmd_file_path, "w")
retval = cmd_executer.RunCommand("chmod +x " + cmd_file_path)
utils.AssertTrue(retval == 0, "chmod +x failed!")
return cmd_executer.RunCommand(chromeos_root +
"/src/scripts/ -- ./%s"
% cmd_file)
argv = [os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/",
"--chromeos_root=" + chromeos_root,
"--toolchain_root=" + toolchain_root,
"\n" + command]
if not full_mount:
return tc_enter_chroot.Main(argv, return_output)
def MakeChroot(chromeos_root, clobber_chroot=False):
"""Make a chroot given a chromeos checkout."""
if (not os.path.isdir(chromeos_root + "/chroot")
or clobber_chroot):
commands = []
commands.append("cd " + chromeos_root + "/src/scripts")
clobber_chroot = ""
if clobber_chroot:
clobber_chroot = "--replace"
commands.append("./make_chroot --fast " + clobber_chroot)
ret = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter().RunCommands(commands)
utils.AssertTrue(ret == 0, "make_chroot failed")
logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("Did not make_chroot because it already exists")
def Main(argv):
"""Build ChromeOS."""
# Common initializations
cmd_executer = command_executer.GetCommandExecuter()
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--chromeos_root", dest="chromeos_root",
help="Target directory for ChromeOS installation.")
parser.add_option("--toolchain_root", dest="toolchain_root",
help="The gcctools directory of your P4 checkout.")
parser.add_option("--clobber_chroot", dest="clobber_chroot",
action="store_true", help=
"Delete the chroot and start fresh", default=False)
parser.add_option("--clobber_board", dest="clobber_board",
help="Delete the board and start fresh", default=False)
parser.add_option("--cflags", dest="cflags", default="",
help="CFLAGS for the ChromeOS packages")
parser.add_option("--cxxflags", dest="cxxflags", default="",
help="CXXFLAGS for the ChromeOS packages")
parser.add_option("--ldflags", dest="ldflags", default="",
help="LDFLAGS for the ChromeOS packages")
parser.add_option("--board", dest="board",
help="ChromeOS target board, e.g. x86-generic")
parser.add_option("--vanilla", dest="vanilla",
help="Use default ChromeOS toolchain.")
options = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])[0]
if options.chromeos_root is None:
Usage(parser, "--chromeos_root must be set")
if options.toolchain_root is None and options.vanilla == False:
Usage(parser, "--toolchain_root must be set")
if options.board is None:
Usage(parser, "--board must be set")
MakeChroot(options.chromeos_root, options.clobber_chroot)
if options.vanilla == True:
command = "./setup_board --nousepkg --board=" + options.board
command += "&& ./build_packages --nousepkg --board=" + options.board
command += "&& ./build_image --nousepkg --board=" + options.board
command += "&& ./ --board=" + options.board
ret = ExecuteCommandInChroot(options.chromeos_root, None, command)
return ret
# Setup board
if not os.path.isdir(options.chromeos_root + "/chroot/build/"
+ options.board) or options.clobber_board:
force = ""
if options.clobber_board:
force = "--force"
# Run from binary package
rootdir = utils.GetRoot(argv[0])[0]
ret = cmd_executer.RunCommand(rootdir + "/ --chromeos_root=%s "
"--toolchain_root=%s --board=%s -B"
% (options.chromeos_root,
options.toolchain_root, options.board))
utils.AssertTrue(ret == 0, " failed")
version_number = utils.GetRoot(rootdir)[1]
pkgdir = "/usr/local/toolchain_root/" + version_number + "/output/pkgs"
ret = ExecuteCommandInChroot(options.chromeos_root, options.toolchain_root,
"PKGDIR=%s ./setup_board --board=%s "
" --gcc_version=9999 "
" --binutils_version=9999 "
"%s" % (pkgdir, options.board, force))
utils.AssertTrue(ret == 0, "setup_board failed")
logger.GetLogger().LogOutput("Did not setup_board "
"because it already exists")
# Build packages
ret = ExecuteCommandInChroot(options.chromeos_root, options.toolchain_root,
"./build_packages --withdev --nousepkg "
"--board=%s --withtest --withautotest"
% (options.cflags, options.cxxflags,
options.ldflags, options.board))
utils.AssertTrue(ret == 0, "build_packages failed")
# Build image
ret = ExecuteCommandInChroot(options.chromeos_root, options.toolchain_root,
"./build_image --yes --board=%s" % options.board)
utils.AssertTrue(ret == 0, "build_image failed")
# Mod image for test
ret = ExecuteCommandInChroot(options.chromeos_root, options.toolchain_root,
"./ --board=%s"
% options.board)
utils.AssertTrue(ret == 0, "mod_image_for_test failed")
if __name__ == "__main__":