blob: cd2cbb87fb3735ceb5ae9ea1c30e926a58284f0e [file] [log] [blame]
import getpass
from automation.common import job
from automation.common import machine_description
import os
import re
import sys
import time
from utils import utils
depot2_dir = "//depot2/"
p4_checkout_dir = "perforce2/"
version_dir = "/gcctools/chromeos/v14/"
p4_version_dir = p4_checkout_dir + version_dir
chromeos_root = "chromeos"
scripts_dir = "src/scripts"
chromeos_scripts_dir = chromeos_root + "/" + scripts_dir
tc_pkgs_dir = "output/pkgs"
tc_objects_dir = "output/objects"
perflab_binary = "/home/mobiletc-prebuild/perflab-checkout/google3/blaze-bin/platforms/performance/brrd/perflab/perflab"
perflab_interpreter_arg = "--perflab_interpreter=/home/mobiletc-prebuild/perflab-checkout/google3/blaze-bin/platforms/performance/brrd/run_tools/experiment_job_dag"
perflab_brrd_config_arg = "--brrd_config=/home/mobiletc-prebuild/perflab-checkout/google3/platforms/performance/brrd/perflab/util/perflab.cfg"
perflab_options = "--alsologtostderr"
perflab_command = ("%s %s %s %s " %
(perflab_binary, perflab_interpreter_arg,
perflab_brrd_config_arg, perflab_options))
def _GetP4ClientSpec(client_name, p4_paths):
p4_string = ""
for p4_path in p4_paths:
p4_string += " -a \"" + (" //" + client_name + "/").join(p4_path) + "\""
return p4_string
def GetP4Command(p4_port, p4_paths, revision, checkoutdir, p4_snapshot=""):
command = ""
if p4_snapshot:
command += "mkdir -p " + checkoutdir
for p4_path in p4_paths:
real_path = p4_path[1]
if real_path.endswith("..."):
real_path = real_path.replace("/...", "")
command += ("; mkdir -p " + checkoutdir + "/" +
command += ("&& rsync -lr " + p4_snapshot + "/" + real_path +
" " + checkoutdir + "/" + os.path.dirname(real_path))
return command
client_name = "p4-automation-$HOSTNAME-$JOB_ID"
command += " export P4CONFIG=.p4config"
command += " && mkdir -p " + checkoutdir
command += " && cd " + checkoutdir
command += " && cp ${HOME}/.p4config ."
command += " && chmod u+w .p4config"
command += " && echo \"P4PORT=" + p4_port + "\" >> .p4config"
command += " && echo \"P4CLIENT=" + client_name + "\" >> .p4config"
command += (" && g4 client " +
_GetP4ClientSpec(client_name, p4_paths))
command += " && g4 sync ..."
command += " && g4 client -d " + client_name
command += " && cd -"
return command
def CreateLinuxJob(command, lock=False):
to_return = job.Job(command)
to_return.AddRequiredMachine("", "linux", lock)
return to_return
def CreateP4Job(p4_port, p4_paths, revision, checkoutdir):
to_return = CreateLinuxJob(GetP4Command(p4_port, p4_paths,
revision, checkoutdir))
return to_return
def _GetChromeOSGoldenBuildLocation():
return "/home/mobiletc-prebuild/www/chromeos_builds/"
def GetInitialCommand():
return "pwd && uname -a"
def GetCopyTreeCommand(source, dest):
command = ""
command += "mkdir -p " + dest
command += "&& cp -pr " + source + "/* " + dest
return command
def GetP4VersionDirCommand(p4_snapshot=""):
p4_port = "perforce2:2666"
p4_paths = []
p4_paths.append(("//depot2/gcctools/chromeos/v14/...", "gcctools/chromeos/v14/..."))
p4_revision = 1
command = GetP4Command(p4_port, p4_paths, p4_revision, p4_checkout_dir, p4_snapshot)
return command
def GetP4BenchmarksDirCommand(p4_snapshot=""):
p4_port = "perforce2:2666"
p4_paths = []
p4_paths.append(("//depot2/third_party/android_bench/v2_0/...", "gcctools/chromeos/v14/third_party/android_bench/v2_0/..."))
p4_revision = 1
command = GetP4Command(p4_port, p4_paths, p4_revision, p4_checkout_dir, p4_snapshot)
return command
def GetTCRootDir(toolchain="trunk"):
if toolchain == "trunk":
gcctools_prefix = ""
elif toolchain == "v1":
gcctools_prefix = "branches/chromeos_toolchain_v1_release_branch/"
elif toolchain == "v2":
gcctools_prefix = "branches/mobile_toolchain_v14_release_branch/"
utils.AssertExit(False, "Wrong value for toolchain %s" % toolchain)
local_path = p4_checkout_dir + gcctools_prefix + "gcctools/"
depot_path = depot2_dir + gcctools_prefix + "gcctools/"
return depot_path, local_path
def _GetToolchainCheckoutCommand(toolchain="trunk", p4_snapshot=""):
p4_port = "perforce2:2666"
p4_paths = []
p4_paths.append(("//depot2/gcctools/chromeos/v14/...", "gcctools/chromeos/v14/..."))
depot_path, local_path = GetTCRootDir(toolchain)
short_local_path = "/".join(local_path.split("/")[1:])
p4_paths.append((depot_path + "google_vendor_src_branch/gcc/gcc-4.4.3/...",
short_local_path + "google_vendor_src_branch/gcc/gcc-4.4.3/..."))
p4_paths.append((depot_path + "google_vendor_src_branch/binutils/binutils-2.20.1-mobile/...",
short_local_path + "google_vendor_src_branch/binutils/binutils-2.20.1-mobile/..."))
p4_paths.append((depot_path + "google_vendor_src_branch/binutils/binutils-20100303/...",
short_local_path + "google_vendor_src_branch/binutils/binutils-20100303/..."))
p4_revision = 1
command = GetP4Command(p4_port, p4_paths,
p4_revision, p4_checkout_dir, p4_snapshot)
return command
def CreateBuildTCJob(chromeos_version="top",
depot_path, local_path = GetTCRootDir(toolchain)
command = GetInitialCommand()
command += "&& " + _GetToolchainCheckoutCommand(toolchain, p4_snapshot)
# When g4 syncs this file, often times the timestamp of this file is earlier
# than that of the file that is its dependency (ldlex.l).
# Since we mount the filesystem as r/o in the build, we cannot regenerate
# this file (we also link instead of copy in the 9999 ebuild).
# Longer-term, we would want to change the fileattr of this file in g4
# so it syncs the timestamp as well as the file contents.
# This is a workaround.
command += ("&& touch " + local_path + "google_vendor_src_branch/" +
command += "&& " + _GetSetupChromeOSCommand(chromeos_version)
command += "&& " + _GetBuildTCCommand(toolchain, board, False, True)
tc_job = CreateLinuxJob(command)
return tc_job
def _GetMakeChrootCommand(delete=False):
make_chroot_args = ""
if delete == True:
make_chroot_args = " --delete"
command = "cd " + chromeos_scripts_dir
command += "&& ./make_chroot --fast " + make_chroot_args
command += "&& cd -"
return command
def CreateDejaGNUJob(chromeos_version="top",
board="x86-generic", p4_snapshot="", toolchain="trunk"):
local_path = GetTCRootDir(toolchain)[1]
command = GetInitialCommand()
command += "&& " + _GetToolchainCheckoutCommand(toolchain)
command += "&& " + _GetSetupChromeOSCommand(chromeos_version)
command += "&& " + _GetBuildTCCommand(toolchain, board)
command += ("&& " + p4_version_dir + "/" +
" --testflags=\"\"" +
" --chromeos_root=chromeos" +
" --toolchain_root=" + local_path +
" --remote=$SECONDARY_MACHINES[0]" +
" --board=" + board)
command += ("&& " + p4_version_dir + "/ " + local_path +
command += ("&& " + p4_version_dir + "/ " + local_path +
to_return = CreateLinuxJob(command)
to_return.AddRequiredMachine("", "chromeos", True, False)
return to_return
def CreateBuildAndTestChromeOSJob(chromeos_version="latest",
command = GetInitialCommand()
# TODO(asharif): Get rid of this hack at some point.
command += "&& mkdir -p perforce2/gcctools/google_vendor_src_branch/gcc"
command += "&& " + GetP4VersionDirCommand(p4_snapshot)
command += "&& " + _GetSetupChromeOSCommand(chromeos_version)
command += "&& " + _GetBuildTCCommand(toolchain, board)
command += ("&& " + p4_version_dir + "/" +
" --chromeos_root=" + chromeos_root +
" --board=" + board)
command += "&& " + _GetImageChromeOSCommand()
autotests = "bvt" + " ".join(tests)
command += ("&& " + p4_version_dir + "/" +
" --remote=$SECONDARY_MACHINES[0] " +
" --chromeos_root=" + chromeos_root +
" --board=" + board +
" " + autotests)
command += ("&& " + p4_version_dir + "/ " + p4_version_dir
+ "logs/")
to_return = CreateLinuxJob(command, lock=True)
to_return.AddRequiredMachine("", "chromeos", True, False)
return to_return
def _GetImageChromeOSCommand():
command = (p4_version_dir + "/" +
" --chromeos_root=chromeos" +
" --remote=$SECONDARY_MACHINES[0]")
return command
def _GetSetupChromeOSCommand(version, use_minilayout=True):
version_re = "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$"
tarred_re = "(bz2|gz)$"
if version == "weekly" or version == "quarterly":
location = _GetChromeOSGoldenBuildLocation() + "/" + version
utils.AssertExit(os.path.islink(location) == True,
"Symlink: " + location + " does not exist.")
location_expanded = os.path.realpath(location)
version = utils.GetRoot(location_expanded)[1]
if (version == "top" or version == "latest" or
re.match(version_re, version)):
chromeos_version = version
elif, version):
command = "mkdir " + chromeos_root
command += "&& tar xf " + location_expanded + " -C " + chromeos_root
return command
signature_file = "/src/scripts/"
signature_file_location = ("/home/mobiletc-prebuild/www/chromeos_builds/"
+ version + signature_file)
command += "rsync -a " + version + "/ chromeos/"
return command
command = (p4_version_dir + "/" +
" --dir=" + chromeos_root +
" --version=" + chromeos_version)
if use_minilayout == True:
command += " --minilayout"
return command
def _GetBuildTCCommand(toolchain, board, use_binary=True, rebuild=False):
local_path = GetTCRootDir(toolchain)[1]
command = (p4_version_dir + "/" +
" --toolchain_root=" + local_path +
" --chromeos_root=" + chromeos_root +
" --board=" + board)
if use_binary:
command += " -B"
return command
def CreatePerflabJob(chromeos_version, benchmark, board="x86-agz",
p4_snapshot="", toolchain="trunk"):
toolchain_root = GetTCRootDir("trunk")[1]
command = GetInitialCommand()
command += "&& " + GetP4VersionDirCommand(p4_snapshot)
command += "&& " + GetP4BenchmarksDirCommand(p4_snapshot)
command += "&& " + _GetSetupChromeOSCommand(chromeos_version)
command += "&& " + _GetBuildTCCommand(toolchain, board)
command += ("&& %s --crosstool=$PWD/%s --chromeos_root=$PWD/%s"
" --machines=chromeos_x86-agz_1 build %s" %
(perflab_command, toolchain_root, chromeos_root, benchmark))
command += ("&& %s --crosstool=$PWD/%s --chromeos_root=$PWD/%s"
" --machines=chromeos_x86-agz_1 run %s" %
(perflab_command, toolchain_root, chromeos_root, benchmark))
for b in benchmark.split(","):
benchmark_log = b.replace("/", "__")
benchmark_log += "/results.txt"
benchmark_log_path = ("perflab-output/*/*/chromeos_%s/*/*/%s" %
command += ("&& " + p4_version_dir + "/ " +
to_return = CreateLinuxJob(command, lock=True)
return to_return
def CreateUpdateJob(chromeos_versions,
command = GetInitialCommand()
command += "&& " + GetP4VersionDirCommand(p4_snapshot)
command += ("&& " + p4_version_dir + "/" +
" --dir=" + chromeos_root +
" --version=latest")
board_list = boards.split(",")
for board in board_list:
command += ("&& " + p4_version_dir + "/" +
" --chromeos_root=" + chromeos_root +
" --vanilla --board=" + board)
dirname = "$(cd chromeos/src/scripts; git describe --tags --always HEAD)"
build_location = _GetChromeOSGoldenBuildLocation() + "/" + dirname
for board in board_list:
board_build = build_location + "/" + board
command += "&& mkdir -p " + board_build
command += ("&& rsync -a chromeos/src/build/images/" + board + "/" +
" " + board_build + "/")
for chromeos_version in chromeos_versions.split(","):
build_link = chromeos_version
command += ("&& ln -fs -T " + dirname + " " +
_GetChromeOSGoldenBuildLocation() + chromeos_version)
to_return = CreateLinuxJob(command)
return to_return