blob: 3c6ba1eb841e92cd70bad1fa0b414875720fceb2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Pull out basic typdefs.
cat $1 |
# Mark types tables and section boundaries.
sed 's/^[0-9][0-9]*\([.][0-9][0-9]*\)\+.*$/_SECTION_BOUNDARY/' |
sed 's/^Table [0-9]* . Definition of .*Types[^.]*$/_TYPES/' |
# Keep only table sections.
awk '/^_TYPES$/,/^_SECTION_BOUNDARY$/ { print $0; }' |
sed 's/^_TYPES$//' |
sed 's/^_SECTION_BOUNDARY$//' |
# Remove headers and footers.
sed 's/^.*Trusted Platform Module Library.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Part 2: Structures.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Family .2.0..*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Level 00 Revision.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Published.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Copyright.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Page [0-9].*$//' |
sed 's/^.*October 31, 2013.*$//' |
# Remove table headers.
sed 's/^Type$//' | sed 's/^Name$//' | sed 's/^Description$//' |
# Remove leading spaces.
sed 's/^[ ][ ]*//' |
# Remove empty lines.
sed '/^$/d' |
# Mark begin and end and filter types.
awk '
BEGIN { print "_BEGIN_TYPES"; state = 0; }
/^[^ ]*$/ { if (!state) { print "_OLD_TYPE " $0; state = 1; }
else { print "_NEW_TYPE " $0; state = 0; } }
END { print "_END"; }
' |
# Sanity check. The format should now follow this grammar:
# Format:Begin||Typedef*||End
# Begin:_BEGIN_TYPES\n
# End:_END\n
# Typedef:OldType||NewType
# OldType:_OLD_TYPE <type>\n
# NewType:_NEW_TYPE <type>\n
awk '
BEGIN { RS = ""; }
$0 !~ /_BEGIN_TYPES\n(_OLD_TYPE[^\n]*\n_NEW_TYPE[^\n]*\n)*_END/ {
print "_ERROR: Format check failed."; }
{ print $0; }
# Pull out constant values.
cat $1 |
# Mark constants tables and section boundaries.
sed 's/^[0-9][0-9]*\([.][0-9][0-9]*\)\+.*$/_SECTION_BOUNDARY/' |
sed 's/^Table [0-9]* . Definition of \(.*\) Constants[^.]*$/_CONSTANTS \1/' |
# Keep only table sections.
awk '/^_CONSTANTS .*$/,/^_SECTION_BOUNDARY$/ { print $0; }' |
sed 's/^_SECTION_BOUNDARY$//' |
# Remove headers and footers.
sed 's/^.*Trusted Platform Module Library.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Part 2: Structures.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Family .2.0..*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Level 00 Revision.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Published.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Copyright.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Page [0-9].*$//' |
sed 's/^.*October 31, 2013.*$//' |
# Remove table headers.
sed 's/^Name$//' | sed 's/^Value$//' | sed 's/^Comments$//' |
# Remove leading spaces.
sed 's/^[ ][ ]*//' |
# Remove empty lines.
sed '/^$/d' |
# Mark begin and end.
awk '
{ print $0; }
END { print "_END"; }
' |
# Mark type.
awk '
BEGIN { FS = "[ ()]+"; }
{ print $0; }
/^_CONSTANTS \(\w*\) .*$/ { print "_OLD_TYPE " $2;
print "_NEW_TYPE " $NF; }
' |
# Mark names and error return type.
sed 's/^\(TPM_[_A-Z0-9a]*\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(TPM_CC_[_A-Z0-9a-z]*\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(RC_[_A-Z0-9]*\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(PT_[_A-Z0-9]*\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(HR_[_A-Z0-9]*\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\([_A-Z0-9]*FIRST\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\([_A-Z0-9]*LAST\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(PLATFORM_PERSISTENT\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(#TPM_RC[_A-Z0-9]*\)$/_RETURN \1/' |
# Keep only names and return types
awk '
BEGIN { last_line_was_name = 0;
return_defined = 1;
FS = " |#"; }
/^_BEGIN_CONSTANTS$/ { print $0; }
/^_OLD_TYPE .*$/ { if (!return_defined) { print "_RETURN TPM_RC_VALUE"; }
return_defined = 0;
print $0 }
/^_NEW_TYPE .*$/ { print $0; }
/^_NAME .*$/ { if (last_line_was_name) {
last_line_was_name = 0;
if ($0 !~ /[A-Z_0-9x +]*/) { print "_ERROR: Invalid value"; } }
else { last_line_was_name = 1; print $0; } }
/^_RETURN .*$/ { print "_RETURN " $3;
return_defined = 1; }
/^[^_].*$/ { if (last_line_was_name) {
last_line_was_name = 0;
if ($0 !~ /[A-Z_0-9x +]*/) { print "_ERROR: Invalid value"; } } }
/^_END$/ { if (!return_defined) { print "_RETURN TPM_RC_VALUE"; }
print $0; }
' |
# Sanity check. The format should now follow this grammar:
# Format:Begin||TableBlock*||End
# End:_END\n
# TableBlock:Typedef||Name*||Return
# Name:_NAME <name>\n
# Return:_RETURN <name>\n
# Typedef:OldType||NewType
# OldType:_OLD_TYPE <type>\n
# NewType:_NEW_TYPE <type>\n
awk '
BEGIN { RS = ""; }
$0 !~ /_BEGIN_CONSTANTS\n(_OLD_TYPE[^\n]*\n_NEW_TYPE[^\n]*\n(_NAME[^\n]*\n)*_RETURN[^\n]*\n)*_END/ {
print "_ERROR: Format check failed."; }
{ print $0; }
# Pull out attribute structs.
cat $1 |
# Mark reserved bits.
sed 's/^\([0-9]\+:\?[0-9]* Reserved\)$/_RESERVED \1/' |
awk '
FS = "[ ()]+|:";
in_attribute = 0; }
/^Table [0-9]* . Definition of \([A-Z_0-9]*\) TPM[A-Z_]* Bits[^.]*$/ {
print "_OLD_TYPE " $6;
print "_NEW_TYPE " $7;
in_attribute = 1; }
/^_RESERVED .*$/ { if (in_attribute && NF == 4) {
print "_RESERVED " $3 "_" $2; }
else if (in_attribute) {
print "_RESERVED " $2; } }
END { print "_END"; }
' |
# Sanity check. The format should now follow this grammar:
# Format:Begin||TableBlock*||End
# End:_END\n
# TableBlock:Typedef||Reserved*
# Reserved:_RESERVED <value>(_<value>)?\n
# Typedef:OldType||NewType
# OldType:_OLD_TYPE <type>\n
# NewType:_NEW_TYPE <type>\n
awk '
BEGIN { RS = ""; }
$0 !~ /_BEGIN_ATTRIBUTE_STRUCTS\n(_OLD_TYPE[^\n]*\n_NEW_TYPE[^\n]*\n(_RESERVED[^\n]*\n)*)*_END/ {
print "_ERROR: Format check failed."; }
{ print $0; }
# Pull out interface types.
cat $1 |
# Mark interface tables and section boundaries.
sed 's/^[0-9][0-9]*\([.][0-9][0-9]*\)\+.*$/_SECTION_BOUNDARY/' |
sed 's/^Table [0-9]* . Definition of \(.*\) Type[^.s]*$/_INTERFACES \1/' |
# Keep only table sections.
awk '/^_INTERFACES .*$/,/^_SECTION_BOUNDARY$/ { print $0; }' |
sed 's/^_SECTION_BOUNDARY$//' |
# Remove headers and footers.
sed 's/^.*Trusted Platform Module Library.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Part 2: Structures.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Family .2.0..*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Level 00 Revision.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Published.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Copyright.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Page [0-9].*$//' |
sed 's/^.*October 31, 2013.*$//' |
# Remove table headers.
sed 's/^Type$//' | sed 's/^Name$//' | sed 's/^Description$//' |
# Remove leading spaces.
sed 's/^[ ][ ]*//' |
# Remove empty lines.
sed '/^$/d' |
# Mark begin and end.
awk '
{ print $0; }
END { print "_END"; }
' |
# Mark type.
awk '
BEGIN { FS = "[ ()]+"; }
{ print $0; }
/^_INTERFACES \(\w*\) .*$/ { print "_OLD_TYPE " $2;
print "_NEW_TYPE " $NF; }
/^_INTERFACES {[A-Z0-9]*} \(\w*\) .*$/ { print "_OLD_TYPE " $3;
print "_NEW_TYPE " $NF; }
' |
# Mark names, bounds, conditional values, and return values.
sed 's/^\(TPM_[_A-Z0-9a]*\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(TPM_CC_[_A-Z0-9a-z]*\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(RC_[_A-Z0-9]*\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(PT_[_A-Z0-9]*\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(HR_[_A-Z0-9]*\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\([_A-Z0-9]*FIRST\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\([_A-Z0-9]*LAST\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(PLATFORM_PERSISTENT\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(NO\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\(YES\)$/_NAME \1/' |
sed 's/^\({[_A-Z0-9]*:[_A-Z0-9]*}\)$/_BOUND \1/' |
sed 's/^\(+[_A-Z0-9]*\)$/_CONDITIONAL \1/' |
sed 's/^\(#TPM_RC[_A-Z0-9]*\)$/_RETURN \1/' |
sed 's/^\(\$.*\)$/_SUBSTITUTE \1/' |
awk '
FS = " |:|{|}|#|+";
ret = 1; }
/^_OLD_TYPE .*$/ { if (!ret) { print "_RETURN TPM_RC_VALUE"; }
ret = 0; }
/^_.*_TYPE .*$/ { print $0; }
/^_NAME .*$/ { print $0; }
/^_SUBSTITUTE .*$/ { $2 = substr($2, 2, length($2)-1);
print $0; }
/^_BOUND .*$/ { print "_MIN " $3;
print "_MAX " $4; }
/^_CONDITIONAL .*$/ { print "_CONDITIONAL " $3; }
/^_RETURN .*$/ { print "_RETURN " $3;
ret = 1; }
END { print "_END"; }
' |
# Sanity check. The format should now follow this grammar:
# Format:Begin||Tableblock*||End
# End:_END\n
# Tableblock: Typedef||(Subval?|Name*)||Bound*||Conditional?||Return
# Name:_NAME <name>\n
# Subval:_SUBSTITUTE <name>\n
# Bound:Min||Max
# Min:_MIN <name>\n
# Max:_MAX <name>\n
# Conditional:_CONDITIONAL <name>\n
# Return:_RETURN <name>\n
# Typedef:OldType||NewType
# OldType:_OLD_TYPE <type>\n
# NewType:_NEW_TYPE <type>\n
awk '
BEGIN { RS = ""; }
$0 !~ /_BEGIN_INTERFACES\n(_OLD_TYPE[^\n]*\n_NEW_TYPE[^\n]*\n(_NAME[^\n]*\n)*(_SUBSTITUTE[^\n]*\n)?(_MIN[^\n]*\n_MAX[^\n]*\n)*(_CONDITIONAL[^\n]*\n)?(_RETURN[^\n]*\n)?)*_END/ {
print "_ERROR: Format check failed."; }
{ print $0; }
# Pull out structures.
cat $1 |
# Mark tables and section boundaries.
sed 's/^[0-9][0-9]*\([.][0-9][0-9]*\)\+.*$/_SECTION_BOUNDARY/' |
sed 's/^Table [0-9]* . Definition of \(.*\) Structure[^.]*$/_STRUCTURE \1/' |
# Keep only table sections.
awk '/^_STRUCTURE .*$/,/^_SECTION_BOUNDARY$/ { print $0; }' |
sed 's/^_SECTION_BOUNDARY$//' |
# Remove headers and footers.
sed 's/^.*Trusted Platform Module Library.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Part 2: Structures.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Family .2.0..*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Level 00 Revision.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Published.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Copyright.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Page [0-9].*$//' |
sed 's/^.*October 31, 2013.*$//' |
# Remove table headers.
sed 's/^Parameter$//' | sed 's/^Type$//' | sed 's/^Description$//' |
# Remove leading spaces.
sed 's/^[ ][ ]*//' |
# Remove empty lines.
sed '/^$/d' |
# Mark begin and end.
awk '
{ print $0; }
END { print "_END"; }
' |
# Mark field types.
sed 's/^\(+*TPM[_A-Z0-9+]*\)$/_TYPE \1/' |
sed 's/^\(UINT[0-9]*\)$/_TYPE \1/' |
sed 's/^\(BYTE*\)$/_TYPE \1/' |
# Mark field names and associated decorations
awk '
BEGIN { last_line = "";
FS = ":| |{|}|+|#"; }
/^_.*$/ { if ($1 != "_TYPE") { print $0; } }
/^_TYPE \+[A-Z0-9_]*$/ { print $1 " " $3;
prefix = substr($3, 1, 4);
if (last_line != "" && prefix == "TPMI") {
print "_NAME " last_line " _PLUS";
} else if (last_line != "") {
print "_NAME " last_line;
} else { print "_ERROR: Type with no name"; }
last_line = ""; }
/^_TYPE [A-Z0-9_]*\+$/ { print $1 " " $2;
prefix = substr($2, 1, 4);
if (last_line != "" && prefix == "TPMI") {
print "_NAME " last_line " _PLUS";
} else if (last_line != "") {
print "_NAME " last_line;
} else { print "_ERROR: Type with no name"; }
last_line = ""; }
/^_TYPE [A-Z0-9_]*$/ { print $0;
if (last_line != "") { print "_NAME " last_line ; }
else { print "_ERROR: Type with no name"; }
if (extra_line != "") { print extra_line; }
last_line = "";
extra_line = ""; }
/^[^_].*$/ { last_line = $0; }
/^\[[^]]*\].*$/ { $1 = substr($1, 2, length($1)-1);
sub(/\]/, " ", $0);
last_line = $2 " _UNION " $1; }
/^.*\[[^]]*\]$/ { $1 = substr($1, 1, length($1)-1);
sub(/\]/, " " , $0);
last_line = $1 " _ARRAY " $2; }
/^.*\{[A-Z0-9_]*:\}$/ { last_line = $1;
extra_line = "_MIN " $1 " " $3; }
/^.*\{:[A-Z0-9_]*\}$/ { last_line = $1;
extra_line = "_MAX " $1 " " $3; }
/^.*\[[^]]*\] \{:[a-zA-Z0-9_()\/]*\}$/ { $2 = substr($2, 2, length($2)-2);
last_line = $1 " _ARRAY " $2;
extra_line = "_MAX " $2 " " $5 ; }
/^tag \{[A-Z_]*(, [A-Z_]*)*\}$/ { last_line = "tag";
extra_line = "_VALID " $3;
for (i = 4; i <= NF-1; i++)
extra_line = extra_line "\n_VALID " $i;
sub(/\,/, "", extra_line); }
/^size\=$/ { last_line = "size _CHECK" }
/^#.*$/ { print "_RETURN " $2; }
' |
# Strip off structure modifiers
sed 's/^_STRUCTURE \((.*) \)*{.*} \(.*\)/_STRUCTURE \2/' |
# Sanity check. The format should now follow this grammar:
# Format:Begin||Tableblock*||End
# End:_END\n
# Tableblock: Structure||(Field|Min|Max)*||Return?
# Structure:_STRUCTURE <name>\n
# Min:_MIN <name> <value>\n
# Max:_Max <name> <value>\n
# Return:_RETURN <name>\n
# Field: Type||Name||Valid*
# Type:_TYPE <name>\n
# Valid:_VALID <value>\n
# Name:_NAME <name>((( _UNION | _ARRAY )<value>)| _PLUS)?\n
# No sanity check here. Format is checked during
awk '
{ print $0; }
# Pull out unions.
cat $1 |
# Mark tables and section boundaries.
sed 's/^[0-9][0-9]*\([.][0-9][0-9]*\)\+.*$/_SECTION_BOUNDARY/' |
sed 's/^Table [0-9]* . Definition of \(.*\) Union[^.]*$/_UNION \1/' |
# Keep only table sections.
awk '/^_UNION .*$/,/^_SECTION_BOUNDARY$/ { print $0; }' |
sed 's/^_SECTION_BOUNDARY$//' |
# Remove headers and footers.
sed 's/^.*Trusted Platform Module Library.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Part 2: Structures.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Family .2.0..*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Level 00 Revision.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Published.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Copyright.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Page [0-9].*$//' |
sed 's/^.*October 31, 2013.*$//' |
# Remove table headers.
sed 's/^Parameter$//' | sed 's/^Type$//' | sed 's/^Selector$//' |
sed 's/^Description$//' |
# Remove leading spaces.
sed 's/^[ ][ ]*//' |
# Remove empty lines.
sed '/^$/d' |
# Mark begin and end.
awk '
BEGIN { print "_BEGIN_UNIONS"; }
{ print $0; }
END { print "_END"; }
' |
# Mark field types.
sed 's/^\(+*TPM[_A-Z0-9+a]*\)$/_TYPE \1/' |
sed 's/^\(UINT[0-9]*\)$/_TYPE \1/' |
sed 's/^\(BYTE*\)$/_TYPE \1/' |
# Mark field names and throw away everything else.
awk '
BEGIN { last_line = ""; }
/^_.*$/ { if ($0 !~ /^_TYPE .*$/) { last_line = ""; print $0; } }
/^_TYPE .*$/ { if (last_line !~ /^_TYPE .*$/) {
if (last_line != "" &&
last_line != "null" &&
last_line != "NOTE") {
print $0;
print "_NAME " last_line; }
else if (last_line == "") {
print "_ERROR: Type with no name"; }
last_line = $0; } }
/^[^_].*$/ { last_line = $0; }
/^.* \[[^]]*\]$/ { $2 = substr($2, 2, length($2)-2);
last_line = $1 " _ARRAY " $2; }
' |
# Sanity check. The format should now follow this grammar:
# Format:Begin||TableBlock*||End
# End:_END\n
# TableBlock:TableTag||Field*
# TableTag:_UNION <name>\n
# Field:Type||Name
# Type:_TYPE <type>\n
# Name:_NAME <name>\n
awk '
BEGIN { RS = ""; }
$0 !~ /_BEGIN_UNIONS\n(_UNION[^\n]*\n(_TYPE[^\n]*\n_NAME[^\n]*\n)*)*_END/ {
print "_ERROR: Format check failed."; }
{ print $0; }
exit 0