blob: d0b515285aad97ca2e91f168bb0be3080bf73c16 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Process the output of the cpu_cooling devices in the current
directory's trace.dat"""
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from base import Base
from plot_utils import normalize_title, pre_plot_setup, post_plot_setup
def pivot_with_labels(dfr, data_col_name, new_col_name, mapping_label):
"""Pivot a DataFrame row into columns
dfr is the DataFrame to operate on. data_col_name is the name of
the column in the DataFrame which contains the values.
new_col_name is the name of the column in the DataFrame that will
became the new columns. mapping_label is a dictionary whose keys
are the values in new_col_name and whose values are their
corresponding name in the DataFrame to be returned.
There has to be a more "pandas" way of doing this.
In [8]: dfr_in = pd.DataFrame({'cpus': ["000000f0", "0000000f", "000000f0", "0000000f"], 'freq': [1, 3, 2, 6]})
In [9]: dfr_in
cpus freq
0 000000f0 1
1 0000000f 3
2 000000f0 2
3 0000000f 6
[4 rows x 2 columns]
In [10]: map_label = {"000000f0": "A15", "0000000f": "A7"}
In [11]: power.pivot_with_labels(dfr_in, "freq", "cpus", map_label)
A15 A7
0 1 NaN
1 1 3
2 2 3
3 2 6
[4 rows x 2 columns]
col_set = set(dfr[new_col_name])
ret_series = {}
for col in col_set:
label = mapping_label[col]
except KeyError:
available_keys = ", ".join(mapping_label.keys())
error_str = '"{}" not found, available keys: {}'.format(col,
raise KeyError(error_str)
data = dfr[dfr[new_col_name] == col][data_col_name]
ret_series[label] = data
return pd.DataFrame(ret_series).fillna(method="pad")
class OutPower(Base):
"""Process the cpufreq cooling power actor data in a ftrace dump"""
def __init__(self, path=None):
super(OutPower, self).__init__(
def get_all_freqs(self, mapping_label):
"""get a DataFrame with the maximum frequencies allowed by the governor
mapping_label must be a dictionary that maps cpumasks to name
of the cpu. Returned freqs are in KHz
dfr = self.data_frame
return pivot_with_labels(dfr, "freq", "cpus", mapping_label) / 1000
class InPower(Base):
"""Process the cpufreq cooling power actor data in a ftrace dump"""
def __init__(self, path=None):
super(InPower, self).__init__(
def get_load_data(self, mapping_label):
"""return a dataframe suitable for plot_load()
mapping_label is a dictionary mapping cluster numbers to labels."""
dfr = self.data_frame
load_cols = [s for s in dfr.columns if s.startswith("load")]
load_series = dfr[load_cols[0]]
for col in load_cols[1:]:
load_series += dfr[col]
load_dfr = pd.DataFrame({"cpus": dfr["cpus"], "load": load_series})
cluster_numbers = set(dfr["cpus"])
return pivot_with_labels(load_dfr, "load", "cpus", mapping_label)
def get_all_freqs(self, mapping_label):
"""get a DataFrame with the "in" frequencies as seen by the governor
Frequencies are in KHz
dfr = self.data_frame
return pivot_with_labels(dfr, "freq", "cpus", mapping_label) / 1000