blob: 160b4d64406b307c3c708d46280af3d56366048a [file] [log] [blame]
import pandas as pd
from thermal import Thermal, ThermalGovernor
from pid_controller import PIDController
from power import InPower, OutPower
import plot_utils
def _plot_power_hists(power_inst, map_label, what, title):
"""Helper function for plot_power_hists
power_obj is either an InPower() or OutPower() instance. what is
a string: "in" or "out"
freqs = power_inst.get_all_freqs(map_label)
for actor in freqs:
this_title = "freq {} {}".format(what, actor)
this_title = plot_utils.normalize_title(this_title, title)
xlim = (0, freqs[actor].max())
plot_utils.plot_hist(freqs[actor], this_title, 20, "Frequency (KHz)",
xlim, "default")
class Run(object):
"""A wrapper class that initializes all the classes of a given run"""
classes = {"thermal": "Thermal",
"thermal_governor": "ThermalGovernor",
"pid_controller": "PIDController",
"in_power": "InPower",
"out_power": "OutPower",
def __init__(self, path=None):
for name, class_name in self.classes.iteritems():
setattr(self, name, globals()[class_name](path))
def normalize_time(self, basetime):
"""Normalize the time of all the trace classes"""
for attr in self.classes.iterkeys():
getattr(self, attr).normalize_time(basetime)
def get_all_freqs_data(self, map_label):
"""get a dict of DataFrames suitable for the allfreqs plot"""
in_freqs = self.in_power.get_all_freqs(map_label)
out_freqs = self.out_power.get_all_freqs(map_label)
ret_dict = {}
for label in map_label.values():
in_label = label + "_freq_in"
out_label = label + "_freq_out"
inout_freq_dict = {in_label: in_freqs[label], out_label: out_freqs[label]}
ret_dict[label] = pd.DataFrame(inout_freq_dict).fillna(method="pad")
return ret_dict
def plot_power_hists(self, map_label, title=""):
"""Plot histograms for each actor input and output power"""
_plot_power_hists(self.out_power, map_label, "out", title)
_plot_power_hists(self.in_power, map_label, "in", title)
def plot_allfreqs(self, map_label, title="", width=None, height=None):
"""Do allfreqs plots similar to those of CompareRuns"""
all_freqs = self.get_all_freqs_data(map_label)
for label, dfr in all_freqs.iteritems():
this_title = plot_utils.normalize_title("allfreqs " + label, title)
ax = plot_utils.pre_plot_setup(width=width, height=height)
plot_utils.post_plot_setup(ax, title=this_title)