blob: 1a5adc9716687457a521e562a896499552c7bc5d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015-2017 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# limitations under the License.
"""This module provides the Constraint class for handling
filters and pivots in a modular fashion. This enable easy
constraint application.
An implementation of :mod:`trappy.plotter.AbstractDataPlotter`
is expected to use the :mod:`trappy.plotter.Constraint.ConstraintManager`
class to pivot and filter data and handle multiple column,
trace and event inputs.
The underlying object that encapsulates a unique set of
a data column, data event and the requisite filters is
# pylint: disable=R0913
from trappy.plotter.Utils import decolonize, normalize_list
from trappy.utils import listify
from trappy.plotter import AttrConf
class Constraint(object):
What is a Constraint?
It is collection of data based on two rules:
- A Pivot
- A Set of Filters
- A Data Column
For Example a :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`
===== ======== =========
Time CPU Latency
===== ======== =========
1 x <val>
2 y <val>
3 z <val>
4 a <val>
===== ======== =========
The resultant data will be split for each unique pivot value
with the filters applied
result["x"] = pd.Series.filtered()
result["y"] = pd.Series.filtered()
result["z"] = pd.Series.filtered()
result["a"] = pd.Series.filtered()
:param trappy_trace: Input Data
:type trappy_trace: :mod:`pandas.DataFrame` or a class derived from
:param column: The data column
:type column: str
:param template: TRAPpy Event
:type template: :mod:`trappy.base.Base` event
:param trace_index: The index of the trace/data in the overall constraint
:type trace_index: int
:param filters: A dictionary of filter values
:type filters: dict
:param window: A time window to apply to the constraint.
E.g. window=(5, 20) will constraint to events that happened
between Time=5 to Time=20.
:type window: tuple of two ints
def __init__(self, trappy_trace, pivot, column, template, trace_index,
filters, window):
self._trappy_trace = trappy_trace
self._filters = filters
self._pivot = pivot
self.column = column
self._template = template
self._dup_resolved = False
self._data = self.populate_data_frame()
if window:
# We want to include the previous value before the window
# and the next after the window in the dataset
min_idx = self._data.loc[:window[0]].index.max()
max_idx = self._data.loc[window[1]:].index.min()
self._data = self._data.loc[min_idx:max_idx]
self.result = self._apply()
self.trace_index = trace_index
def _apply(self):
"""This method applies the filter on the resultant data
on the input column.
data = self._data
result = {}
values = data[self.column]
except KeyError:
return result
if self._pivot == AttrConf.PIVOT:
pivot_vals = [AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL]
pivot_vals = self.pivot_vals(data)
for pivot_val in pivot_vals:
criterion = x: True)
for key in self._filters.keys():
if key != self._pivot and key in data.columns:
criterion = criterion & data[key].map(
lambda x: x in self._filters[key])
if pivot_val != AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL:
criterion &= data[self._pivot] == pivot_val
val_series = values[criterion]
if len(val_series) != 0:
result[pivot_val] = val_series
return result
def _uses_trappy_trace(self):
if not self._template:
return False
return True
def populate_data_frame(self):
"""Return the populated :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`"""
if not self._uses_trappy_trace():
return self._trappy_trace
data_container = getattr(
return data_container.data_frame
def pivot_vals(self, data):
"""This method returns the unique pivot values for the
Constraint's pivot and the column
:param data: Input Data
:type data: :mod:`pandas.DataFrame`
if self._pivot == AttrConf.PIVOT:
return AttrConf.PIVOT_VAL
if self._pivot not in data.columns:
return []
pivot_vals = set(data[self._pivot])
if self._pivot in self._filters:
pivot_vals = pivot_vals & set(self._filters[self._pivot])
return list(pivot_vals)
def __str__(self):
name = self.get_data_name()
if not self._uses_trappy_trace():
return name + ":" + str(self.column)
return name + ":" + \ + ":" + self.column
def get_data_name(self):
"""Get name for the data member. This method
relies on the "name" attribute for the name.
If the name attribute is absent, it associates
a numeric name to the respective data element
:returns: The name of the data member
if self._uses_trappy_trace():
if != "":
return "Trace {}".format(self.trace_index)
return "DataFrame {}".format(self.trace_index)
class ConstraintManager(object):
"""A class responsible for converting inputs
to constraints and also ensuring sanity
:param traces: Input Trace data
:type traces: :mod:`trappy.trace.BareTrace`, list(:mod:`trappy.trace.BareTrace`)
(or a class derived from :mod:`trappy.trace.BareTrace`)
:param columns: The column values from the corresponding
:type columns: str, list(str)
:param pivot: The column around which the data will be
:type pivot: str
:param templates: TRAPpy events
:type templates: :mod:`trappy.base.Base`
:param filters: A dictionary of values to be applied on the
respective columns
:type filters: dict
:param window: A time window to apply to the constraints
:type window: tuple of ints
:param zip_constraints: Permutes the columns and traces instead
of a one-to-one correspondence
:type zip_constraints: bool
def __init__(self, traces, columns, templates, pivot, filters,
window=None, zip_constraints=True):
self._ip_vec = []
self._lens = map(len, self._ip_vec)
self._max_len = max(self._lens)
self._pivot = pivot
self._filters = filters
self.window = window
self._constraints = []
self._trace_expanded = False
if zip_constraints:
def _expand(self):
"""This is really important. We need to
meet the following criteria for constraint
Len[traces] == Len[columns] == Len[templates]
Len[traces] = 1
Len[columns] = 1
Len[templates] != 1
Len[traces] = 1
Len[columns] != 1
Len[templates] != 1
min_len = min(self._lens)
max_pos_comp = [
i for i,
j in enumerate(
self._lens) if j != self._max_len]
if self._max_len == 1 and min_len != 1:
raise RuntimeError("Essential Arg Missing")
if self._max_len > 1:
# Are they all equal?
if len(set(self._lens)) == 1:
if min_len > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot Expand a list of Constraints")
for val in max_pos_comp:
if val == 0:
self._trace_expanded = True
self._ip_vec[val] = normalize_list(self._max_len,
def _populate_constraints(self):
"""Populate the constraints creating one for each column in
each trace
In a multi-trace, multicolumn scenario, constraints are created for
all the columns in each of the traces. _populate_constraints()
creates one constraint for the first trace and first column, the
next for the second trace and second column,... This function
creates a constraint for every combination of traces and columns
for trace_idx, trace in enumerate(self._ip_vec[0]):
for col in self._ip_vec[1]:
template = self._ip_vec[2][trace_idx]
constraint = Constraint(trace, self._pivot, col, template,
trace_idx, self._filters, self.window)
def get_column_index(self, constraint):
return self._ip_vec[1].index(constraint.column)
def _populate_zip_constraints(self):
"""Populate the expanded constraints
In a multitrace, multicolumn scenario, create constraints for
the first trace and the first column, second trace and second
column,... that is, as if you run zip(traces, columns)
for idx in range(self._max_len):
if self._trace_expanded:
trace_idx = 0
trace_idx = idx
trace = self._ip_vec[0][idx]
col = self._ip_vec[1][idx]
template = self._ip_vec[2][idx]
Constraint(trace, self._pivot, col, template, trace_idx,
self._filters, self.window))
def generate_pivots(self, permute=False):
"""Return a union of the pivot values
:param permute: Permute the Traces and Columns
:type permute: bool
pivot_vals = []
for constraint in self._constraints:
pivot_vals += constraint.result.keys()
p_list = list(set(pivot_vals))
traces = range(self._lens[0])
sorted_plist = sorted(p_list, key=int)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
sorted_plist = sorted(p_list, key=lambda x: int(x, 16))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
sorted_plist = sorted(p_list)
if permute:
pivot_gen = ((trace_idx, pivot) for trace_idx in traces for pivot in sorted_plist)
return pivot_gen, len(sorted_plist) * self._lens[0]
return sorted_plist, len(sorted_plist)
def constraint_labels(self):
:return: string to represent the
set of Constraints
return map(str, self._constraints)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._constraints)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._constraints)