blob: ff6e00b6cd0670ded68a1e517b013a5f636ba988 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <C2Config.h>
#include <C2ParamDef.h>
#include <system/graphics.h>
#include <size.h>
#include <video_codecs.h>
#include <video_pixel_format.h>
namespace android {
// Specification of an encoding profile supported by an encoder.
struct VideoEncodeProfile {
media::VideoCodecProfile mProfile;
media::Size mMaxResolution;
uint32_t mMaxFramerateNumerator;
uint32_t mMaxFramerateDenominator;
// The encoder parameter set.
// |mInputFormat| is the pixel format of the input frames.
// |mInputVisibleSize| is the resolution of the input frames.
// |mOutputProfile| is the codec profile of the encoded output stream.
// |mInitialBitrate| is the initial bitrate of the encoded output stream, in bits per second.
// |mInitialFramerate| is the initial requested framerate.
// |mH264OutputLevel| is H264 level of encoded output stream.
// |mStorageType| is the storage type of video frame provided on encode().
struct VideoEncoderAcceleratorConfig {
enum VideoFrameStorageType {
SHMEM = 0,
media::VideoPixelFormat mInputFormat;
media::Size mInputVisibleSize;
media::VideoCodecProfile mOutputProfile;
uint32_t mInitialBitrate;
uint32_t mInitialFramerate;
uint8_t mH264OutputLevel;
VideoFrameStorageType mStorageType;
// Convert the specified C2Config profile to a media::VideoCodecProfile.
media::VideoCodecProfile c2ProfileToVideoCodecProfile(C2Config::profile_t profile);
// Convert the specified C2Config level to an integer value.
uint8_t c2LevelToLevelIDC(C2Config::level_t level);
// Get the specified graphics block in YCbCr format.
android_ycbcr getGraphicBlockInfo(const C2ConstGraphicBlock& block);
// When encoding a video the codec-specific data (CSD; e.g. SPS and PPS for H264 encoding) will be
// concatenated to the first encoded slice. This function extracts the CSD out of the bitstream and
// stores it into |csd|.
void extractCSDInfo(std::unique_ptr<C2StreamInitDataInfo::output>* const csd, const uint8_t* data,
size_t length);
// Helper class to parse H264 NAL units from data.
class NalParser {
NalParser(const uint8_t* data, size_t length);
// Locates the next NAL after |mNextNalStartCodePos|. If there is one, updates |mCurrNalDataPos|
// to the first byte of the NAL data (start code is not included), and |mNextNalStartCodePos| to
// the position of the next start code, and returns true.
// If there is no more NAL, returns false.
// Note: This method must be called prior to data() and length().
bool locateNextNal();
// Gets current NAL data (start code is not included).
const uint8_t* data() const;
// Gets the byte length of current NAL data (start code is not included).
size_t length() const;
const uint8_t* findNextStartCodePos() const;
// The byte pattern for the start of a H264 NAL unit.
const uint8_t kNalStartCode[3] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
// The length in bytes of the NAL-unit start pattern.
const size_t kNalStartCodeLength = 3;
const uint8_t* mCurrNalDataPos;
const uint8_t* mDataEnd;
const uint8_t* mNextNalStartCodePos;
} // namespace android