blob: f588d536bb100bc7a452074d838c0983fe13f339 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
int i;
int* y;
int** x = malloc(sizeof(int*) * 100);
int* x2 = malloc(sizeof(int) * 100);
void* sink;
x[0] = x2; // this is to check the pointerness is copied across ok
x[49] = x2; // this is to check the pointerness is copied across ok
i = *x[0];
i = *x[49];
x = realloc(x, sizeof(int*)*50); // smaller
y = x[0]; // ok
y = x[49]; // ok
y = x[-1]; // bad
y = x[50]; // bad
i = *x[0]; // ok
i = *x[49]; // ok
x = realloc(x, sizeof(int*)*50); // same size
y = x[0]; // ok
y = x[49]; // ok
y = x[-1]; // bad
y = x[50]; // bad
i = *x[0]; // ok
i = *x[49]; // ok
x = realloc(x, sizeof(int*)*100); // bigger
y = x[0]; // ok
y = x[49]; // ok
y = x[50]; // ok
y = x[99]; // ok
y = x[-1]; // bad
y = x[100]; // bad
i = *x[0]; // ok
i = *x[49]; // ok
sink = realloc((void*)0x99, 10); // fails
return 0;