blob: a7f69392d01330da92cf04a52b5ac9708db8e9a9 [file] [log] [blame]
Use of uninitialised value of size 8
at 0x........: main (fprw.c:14)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Use of uninitialised value of size 4
at 0x........: main (fprw.c:15)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Use of uninitialised value of size 8
at 0x........: main (fprw.c:16)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Use of uninitialised value of size 4
at 0x........: main (fprw.c:17)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Invalid read of size 8
at 0x........: main (fprw.c:20)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Address 0x........ is 0 bytes inside a block of size 8 free'd
at 0x........: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:...)
by 0x........: main (fprw.c:18)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Invalid write of size 8
at 0x........: main (fprw.c:20)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Address 0x........ is 0 bytes inside a block of size 8 free'd
at 0x........: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:...)
by 0x........: main (fprw.c:18)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Invalid read of size 4
at 0x........: main (fprw.c:21)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Address 0x........ is 0 bytes inside a block of size 4 free'd
at 0x........: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:...)
by 0x........: main (fprw.c:19)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Invalid write of size 4
at 0x........: main (fprw.c:21)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Address 0x........ is 0 bytes inside a block of size 4 free'd
at 0x........: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:...)
by 0x........: main (fprw.c:19)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Invalid free() / delete / delete[]
at 0x........: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:...)
by 0x........: main (fprw.c:22)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Address 0x........ is not stack'd, malloc'd or free'd
Invalid write of size 8
at 0x........: main (fprw.c:24)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
Address 0x........ is 0 bytes inside a block of size 4 alloc'd
at 0x........: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:...)
by 0x........: main (fprw.c:23)
by 0x........: __libc_start_main (...libc...)
by 0x........: (within /.../tests/fprw)
ERROR SUMMARY: 10 errors from 10 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
malloc/free: in use at exit: 4 bytes in 1 blocks.
malloc/free: 3 allocs, 3 frees, 16 bytes allocated.
For a detailed leak analysis, rerun with: --leak-check=yes
For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v