outer/inner setup: new perf/vg_perf options to run perf tests  + support translation chaining in inner.

* perf/vg_perf:
Similarly to tests/vg_regtest, perf/vg_perf now accepts the 3 
optional arguments:

This allows easy analysis or comparison of performance between
different Valgrind versions (e.g. using callgrind, or cachegrind/cg_diff).

* See README_DEVELOPERS for more details.

* vg_regtest modified so as to use the 'in-place' build of inner, rather
  than the installed version.

* added option --smc-check=all-non-file to vg_perf and vg_regtest 
  outer default arguments (needed when evaluating a Valgrind which does
  translation chaining).

git-svn-id: svn://svn.valgrind.org/valgrind/trunk@12496 a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
index d09917a..e6a005e 100644
@@ -136,7 +136,15 @@
-To run Valgrind under Valgrind:
+This section explains :
+  (A) How to configure Valgrind to run under Valgrind.
+      Such a setup is called self hosting, or outer/inner setup.
+  (B) How to run Valgrind regression tests in a 'self-hosting' mode,
+      e.g. to verify Valgrind has no bugs such as memory leaks.
+  (C) How to run Valgrind performance tests in a 'self-hosting' mode,
+      to analyse and optimise the performance of Valgrind and its tools.
+(A) How to configure Valgrind to run under Valgrind:
 (1) Check out 2 trees, "Inner" and "Outer".  Inner runs the app
     directly.  Outer runs Inner.
@@ -148,6 +156,7 @@
 (4) Choose a very simple program (date) and try
     outer/.../bin/valgrind --sim-hints=enable-outer --trace-children=yes  \
+       --smc-check=all-non-file \
        --run-libc-freeres=no --tool=cachegrind -v \
        inner/.../bin/valgrind --vgdb-prefix=./inner --tool=none -v prog
@@ -156,6 +165,10 @@
 it will try to find and run __libc_freeres in the inner, while libc is not
 used by the inner. Inner needs --vgdb-prefix=./inner to avoid inner
 gdbserver colliding with outer gdbserver.
+Currently, inner does *not* use the client request 
+VALGRIND_DISCARD_TRANSLATIONS for the JITted code or the code patched for
+translation chaining. So the outer needs --smc-check=all-non-file to
+detect the modified code.
 Debugging the whole thing might imply to use up to 3 GDB:
   * a GDB attached to the Outer valgrind, allowing
@@ -186,7 +199,8 @@
 When using self-hosting with an outer Callgrind tool, use '--pop-on-jump'
 (on the outer). Otherwise, Callgrind has much higher memory requirements. 
-Regression tests in an outer/inner setup:
+(B) Regression tests in an outer/inner setup:
  To run all the regression tests with an outer memcheck, do :
    perl test/vg_regtest --outer-valgrind=../outer/.../bin/valgrind \
@@ -197,7 +211,7 @@
  To run regression tests with another outer tool:
    perl tests/vg_regtest --outer-valgrind=../outer/.../bin/valgrind \
-                         --outer-tool=helgrind " --all
+                         --outer-tool=helgrind --all
  --outer-args allows to give specific arguments to the outer tool,
  replacing the default one provided by vg_regtest.
@@ -211,6 +225,48 @@
 The file tests/outer_inner.supp contains suppressions for 
 the irrelevant or benign errors found in the inner.
+(C) Performance tests in an outer/inner setup:
+ To run all the performance tests with an outer cachegrind, do :
+    perl perf/vg_perf --outer-valgrind=../outer/.../bin/valgrind perf
+ To run a specific perf test (e.g. bz2) in this setup, do :
+    perl perf/vg_perf --outer-valgrind=../outer/.../bin/valgrind perf/bz2
+ To run all the performance tests with an outer callgrind, do :
+    perl perf/vg_perf --outer-valgrind=../outer/.../bin/valgrind \
+                      --outer-tool=callgrind perf
+ To compare the performance of multiple Valgrind versions, do :
+    perl perf/vg_perf --outer-valgrind=../outer/.../bin/valgrind \
+      --vg=../inner_xxxx --vg=../inner_yyyy perf
+  (where inner_xxxx and inner_yyyy are the versions to compare).
+  Cachegrind and cg_diff are particularly handy to obtain a delta
+  between the two versions.
+When the outer tool is callgrind or cachegrind, the following
+output files will be created for each test:
+   <outertoolname>.out.<inner_valgrind_dir>.<tt>.<perftestname>.<pid>
+   <outertoolname>.outer.log.<inner_valgrind_dir>.<tt>.<perftestname>.<pid>
+ (where tt is the two letters abbreviation for the inner tool(s) run).
+For example, the command
+    perl perf/vg_perf \
+      --outer-valgrind=../outer_trunk/install/bin/valgrind \
+      --outer-tool=callgrind \
+      --vg=../inner_tchain --vg=../inner_trunk perf/many-loss-records
+produces the files
+    callgrind.out.inner_tchain.no.many-loss-records.18465
+    callgrind.outer.log.inner_tchain.no.many-loss-records.18465
+    callgrind.out.inner_tchain.me.many-loss-records.21899
+    callgrind.outer.log.inner_tchain.me.many-loss-records.21899
+    callgrind.out.inner_trunk.no.many-loss-records.21224
+    callgrind.outer.log.inner_trunk.no.many-loss-records.21224
+    callgrind.out.inner_trunk.me.many-loss-records.22916
+    callgrind.outer.log.inner_trunk.me.many-loss-records.22916
 Printing out problematic blocks
 If you want to print out a disassembly of a particular block that
diff --git a/perf/vg_perf.in b/perf/vg_perf.in
index 2188a31..9be023e 100644
--- a/perf/vg_perf.in
+++ b/perf/vg_perf.in
@@ -58,9 +58,14 @@
     -h --help             show this message
     --reps=<n>            number of repeats for each program [1]
     --tools=<t1,t2,t3>    tools to run [Nulgrind and Memcheck]
-    --vg                  Valgrind(s) to measure (can be specified multiple
-                            times).  The "in-place" build is used.
-                            [Valgrind in the current directory]
+    --vg                  Valgrind(s) to measure  [Valgrind in the current directory]
+                          (can be specified multiple times).
+                          The "in-place" build is used.
+    --outer-valgrind: run these Valgrind(s) under the given outer valgrind.
+      These Valgrind(s) must be configured with --enable-inner.
+    --outer-tool: tool to use by the outer valgrind (default cachegrind).
+    --outer-args: use this as outer tool args.
   Any tools named in --tools must be present in all directories specified
   with --vg.  (This is not checked.)
@@ -79,6 +84,14 @@
 my @vgdirs;             # Dirs of the various Valgrinds being measured.
 my @tools = ("none", "memcheck");   # tools being measured
+# Outer valgrind to use, and args to use for it.
+# If this is set, --valgrind should be set to the installed inner valgrind,
+# and --valgrind-lib will be ignore
+my $outer_valgrind;
+my $outer_tool = "cachegrind";
+my $outer_args;
 my $num_tests_done   = 0;
 my $num_timings_done = 0;
@@ -119,7 +132,6 @@
     my ($vgdir) = @_;
     if ($vgdir !~ /^\//) { $vgdir = "$tests_dir/$vgdir"; }
-    validate_program($vgdir, "./coregrind/valgrind", 1, 1);
     push(@vgdirs, $vgdir);
@@ -137,6 +149,12 @@
             } elsif ($arg =~ /^--tools=(.+)$/) {
                 @tools = split(/,/, $1);
+            } elsif ($arg =~ /^--outer-valgrind=(.*)$/) {
+                $outer_valgrind = $1;
+            } elsif ($arg =~ /^--outer-tool=(.*)$/) {
+                $outer_tool = $1;
+            } elsif ($arg =~ /^--outer-args=(.*)$/) {
+                $outer_args = $1;
             } else {
                 die $usage;
@@ -256,6 +274,17 @@
     my $cmd     = "$timecmd $prog $args";
     my $tNative = time_prog($cmd, $n_reps);
+    if (defined $outer_valgrind) {
+        $outer_valgrind = validate_program($tests_dir, $outer_valgrind, 1, 1);
+        foreach my $vgdir (@vgdirs) {
+            validate_program($vgdir, "./coregrind/valgrind", 1, 1);
+        }
+    } else {
+        foreach my $vgdir (@vgdirs) {
+            validate_program($vgdir, "./coregrind/valgrind", 1, 1);
+        }
+    }
     foreach my $vgdir (@vgdirs) {
         # Benchmark name
         printf("%-8s ", $name);
@@ -272,20 +301,50 @@
             # First two chars of toolname for abbreviation
             my $tool_abbrev = $tool;
             $tool_abbrev =~ s/(..).*/$1/;
-            # Do the tool run(s).  Set both VALGRIND_LIB and VALGRIND_LIB_INNER
-            # in case this Valgrind was configured with --enable-inner.  And
-            # also VALGRINDLIB, which was the old name for the variable, to
-            # allow comparison against old Valgrind versions (eg. 2.4.X).
             printf("  %s:", $tool_abbrev);
-            my $vgsetup = "VALGRINDLIB=$vgdir/.in_place "
-                        . "VALGRIND_LIB=$vgdir/.in_place "
-                        . "VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=$vgdir/.in_place ";
+            my $run_outer_args = "";
+            if (not defined $outer_args) {
+                $run_outer_args = 
+                      " -v --command-line-only=yes"
+                    . " --run-libc-freeres=no --sim-hints=enable-outer"
+                    . " --smc-check=all-non-file"
+                    . " --vgdb=no --trace-children=yes --read-var-info=no"
+                    . " --suppressions=../tests/outer_inner.supp"
+                    . " --memcheck:leak-check=full --memcheck:show-reachable=no"
+                    . " --cachegrind:cache-sim=yes --cachegrind:branch-sim=yes"
+                    . " --cachegrind:cachegrind-out-file=cachegrind.out.$vgdirname.$tool_abbrev.$name.%p"
+                    . " --callgrind:cache-sim=yes --callgrind:branch-sim=yes"
+                    . " --callgrind:dump-instr=yes --callgrind:collect-jumps=yes"
+                    . " --callgrind:callgrind-out-file=callgrind.out.$vgdirname.$tool_abbrev.$name.%p"
+                    . " ";
+            } else {
+                $run_outer_args = $outer_args;
+            }
+            my $vgsetup = "";
             my $vgcmd   = "$vgdir/coregrind/valgrind "
                         . "--command-line-only=yes --tool=$tool -q "
                         . "--memcheck:leak-check=no "
                         . "--trace-children=yes "
                         . "$vgopts ";
+            # Do the tool run(s).
+            if (defined $outer_valgrind ) {
+                # in an outer-inner setup, only set VALGRIND_LIB_INNER
+                $vgsetup = "VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=$vgdir/.in_place ";
+                $vgcmd   = "$outer_valgrind "
+                         . "--tool=" . $outer_tool . " "
+                         . "$run_outer_args "
+                         . "--log-file=" . "$outer_tool.outer.log.$vgdirname.$tool_abbrev.$name.%p "
+                         . $vgcmd;
+            } else {
+                # Set both VALGRIND_LIB and VALGRIND_LIB_INNER
+                # in case this Valgrind was configured with --enable-inner.  And
+                # also VALGRINDLIB, which was the old name for the variable, to
+                # allow comparison against old Valgrind versions (eg. 2.4.X).
+                $vgsetup = "VALGRINDLIB=$vgdir/.in_place "
+                         . "VALGRIND_LIB=$vgdir/.in_place "
+                         . "VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=$vgdir/.in_place ";
+            }
             my $cmd     = "$vgsetup $timecmd $vgcmd $prog $args";
             my $tTool   = time_prog($cmd, $n_reps);
             printf("%4.1fs (%4.1fx,", $tTool, $tTool/$tNative);
diff --git a/tests/vg_regtest.in b/tests/vg_regtest.in
index 9ea1d05..224385f 100755
--- a/tests/vg_regtest.in
+++ b/tests/vg_regtest.in
@@ -164,8 +164,6 @@
 chomp(my $tests_dir = `pwd`);
 # Outer valgrind to use, and args to use for it.
-# If this is set, --valgrind should be set to the installed inner valgrind,
-# and --valgrind-lib will be ignore
 my $outer_valgrind;
 my $outer_tool = "memcheck";
 my $outer_args;
@@ -238,11 +236,12 @@
     $valgrind = validate_program($tests_dir, $valgrind, 1, 0);
     if (defined $outer_valgrind) {
-      $outer_valgrind = validate_program($tests_dir, $outer_valgrind, 1, 0);
+      $outer_valgrind = validate_program($tests_dir, $outer_valgrind, 1, 1);
       if (not defined $outer_args) {
           $outer_args = 
-              " --command-line-only=yes"
+                " --command-line-only=yes"
               . " --run-libc-freeres=no --sim-hints=enable-outer"
+              . " --smc-check=all-non-file"
               . " --vgdb=no --trace-children=yes --read-var-info=no"
               . " --suppressions=" 
               . validate_program($tests_dir,"./tests/outer_inner.supp",1,0)
@@ -457,12 +456,12 @@
     # Pass the appropriate --tool option for the directory (can be overridden
-    # by an "args:" line, though).  Set both VALGRIND_LIB and
-    # VALGRIND_LIB_INNER in case this Valgrind was configured with
-    # --enable-inner.
+    # by an "args:" line, though).
     my $tool=determine_tool();
     if (defined $outer_valgrind ) {
-        mysystem("$outer_valgrind "
+        # in an outer-inner setup, only set VALGRIND_LIB_INNER
+        mysystem(   "VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=$valgrind_lib "
+                  . "$outer_valgrind "
                   . "--tool=" . $outer_tool . " "
                   . "$outer_args "
                   . "--log-file=" . "$name.outer.log "
@@ -471,7 +470,9 @@
                   . "--tool=$tool $extraopts $vgopts "
                   . "$prog $args > $name.stdout.out 2> $name.stderr.out");
     } else {
-        mysystem("VALGRIND_LIB=$valgrind_lib VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=$valgrind_lib "
+        # Set both VALGRIND_LIB and VALGRIND_LIB_INNER in case this Valgrind
+        # was configured with --enable-inner.
+        mysystem(   "VALGRIND_LIB=$valgrind_lib VALGRIND_LIB_INNER=$valgrind_lib "
                   . "$valgrind --command-line-only=yes --memcheck:leak-check=no "
                   . "--tool=$tool $extraopts $vgopts "
                   . "$prog $args > $name.stdout.out 2> $name.stderr.out");