blob: 560b26c1cf76cb4fd5ac2d634b8295910f681187 [file] [log] [blame]
ad,"add normalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
adr,"add normalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
ae,"add normalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
aer,"add normalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
ah,"add halfword",implemented,
al,"add logical",implemented,
alr,"add logical",implemented,
ap,"add decimal","not implemented",
au,"add unnormalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
aur,"add unnormalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
aw,"add unnormalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
awr,"add unnormalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
axr,"add normalized","won't do","hfp instruction"
bakr,"branch and stack","not implemented",
bal,"branch and link","not implemented",
balr,"branch and link","not implemented",
bas,"branch and save",implemented,
basr,"branch and save",implemented,
bassm,"branch and save and set mode","not implemented",
bc,"branch on condition",implemented,
bcr,"branch on condition",implemented,
bct,"branch on count",implemented,
bctr,"branch on count",implemented,
bsg,"branch in subspace group","not implemented",
bsm,"branch and set mode","not implemented",
bxh,"branch on index high",implemented,
bxle,"branch on index low or equal",implemented,
cd,"compare (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
cdr,"compare (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
cds,"compare double and swap",implemented,
ce,"compare (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
cer,"compare (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
cfc,"compare and form codeword","not implemented",
ch,"compare halfword",implemented,
cl,"compare logical",implemented,
clc,"compare logical",implemented,
clcl,"compare logical long",implemented,
cli,"compare logical",implemented,
clm,"compare logical characters under mask",implemented,
clr,"compare logical",implemented,
clst,"compare logical string",implemented,
cp,"compare decimal","not implemented",
cpya,"copy access",implemented,
cs,"compare and swap",implemented,
csch,"clear subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
cuse,"compare until substring equal","not implemented",
csp,"compare and swap and purge",N/A,"privileged instruction"
cvb,"convert to binary",implemented,
cvd,"convert to decimal",implemented,
cxr,"compare extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
dd,"divide (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
ddr,"divide (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
de,"divide (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
der,"divide (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
diag,diagnose,N/A,"privileged instruction"
dp,"divide decimal","not implemented",
dxr,"divide (ext.)","won't do","hfp instruction"
ear,"extract access",implemented,
ed,edit,"not implemented",
edmk,"edit and mark","not implemented",
epar,"extract primary ASN","not implemented",
ereg,"extract stacked registers","not implemented",
esar,"extract secondary ASN",N/A,"privileged instruction"
esta,"extract stacked state","not implemented",
hdr,"halve (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
her,"halve (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
hsch,"halt subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
iac,"insert address space control","not implemented",
ic,"insert character",implemented,
icm,"insert characters under mask",implemented,
ipk,"insert PSW key",N/A,"privileged instruction"
ipm,"insert program mask",implemented,
ipte,"invalidate page table entry",N/A,"privileged instruction"
iske,"insert storage key extended",N/A,"privileged instruction"
ivsk,"insert virtual storage key",N/A,"privileged instruction"
la,"load address",implemented,
lae,"load address extended",implemented,
lam,"load access multiple",implemented,
lasp,"load address space parameters",N/A,"privileged instruction"
lcdr,"load complement (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
lcer,"load complement (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
lcr,"load complement",implemented,
lctl,"load control",N/A,"privileged instruction"
ld,"load (long)",implemented,
ldr,"load (long)",implemented,
le,"load (short)",implemented,
ler,"load (short)",implemented,
lh,"load halfword",implemented,
lm,"load multiple",implemented,
lndr,"load negative (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
lner,"load negative (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
lnr,"load negative",implemented,
lpdr,"load positive (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
lper,"load positive (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
lpr,"load positive",implemented,
lpsw,"load PSW",N/A,"privileged instruction"
lra,"load real address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
ldxr,"load rounded (ext. to long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
ledr,"load rounded (long to short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
ltdr,"load and test (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
lter,"load and test (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
ltr,"load and test",implemented,
lura,"load using real address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
mc,"monitor call","not implemented",
md,"multiply (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
mdr,"multiply (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
mde,"multiply (short to long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
mder,"multiply short to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
mh,"multiply halfword",implemented,
mp,"multiply decimal","not implemented",
msch,"modify subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
msta,"modify stacked state","not implemented",
mvcdk,"move with destination key",N/A,"privileged instruction"
mvcin,"move inverse","not implemented",
mvck,"move with key",N/A,"privileged instruction"
mvcl,"move long",implemented,
mvcp,"move to primary",N/A,"privileged instruction"
mvcs,"move to secondary",N/A,"privileged instruction"
mvcsk,"move with source key","not implemented",
mvn,"move numerics","not implemented",
mvo,"move with offset","not implemented",
mvpg,"move page",N/A,"privileged instruction"
mvst,"move string",implemented,
mvz,"move zones","not implemented",
mxd,"multiply (long to ext.)","won't do","hfp instruction"
mxdr,"multiply (long to ext.)","won't do","hfp instruction"
mxr,"multiply (ext.)","won't do","hfp instruction"
pack,pack,"not implemented",
palb,"purge ALB",N/A,"privileged instruction"
pc,"program call","not implemented",
pr,"program return","not implemented",
pt,"program transfer","not implemented",
ptlb,"purge TLB",N/A,"privileged instruction"
rchp,"reset channel path",N/A,"privileged instruction"
rrbe,"reset reference bit extended",N/A,"privileged instruction"
rsch,"resume subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
sac,"set address space control",N/A,"privileged instruction"
sacf,"set address space control fast",N/A,"privileged instruction"
sal,"set address limit",N/A,"privileged instruction"
sar,"set access",implemented,
schm,"set channel monitor",N/A,"privileged instruction"
sck,"set clock",N/A,"privileged instruction"
sckc,"set clock comparator",N/A,"privileged instruction"
sd,"subtract normalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
sdr,"subtract normalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
se,"subtract normalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
ser,"subtract normalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
sh,"subtract halfword",implemented,
sie,"start interpretive execution","not implemented",
sigp,"signal processor",N/A,"privileged instruction"
sl,"subtract logical",implemented,
sla,"shift left single",implemented,
slda,"shift left double (long)",implemented,
sldl,"shift left double logical (long)",implemented,
sll,"shift left single logical",implemented,
slr,"subtract logical",implemented,
sp,"subtract decimal","not implemented",
spka,"set PSW key from address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
spm,"set program mask","not implemented",
spt,"set CPU timer",N/A,"privileged instruction"
spx,"set prefix",N/A,"privileged instruction"
sqdr,"square root (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
sqer,"square root (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
sra,"shift right single",implemented,
srda,"shift right double (long)",implemented,
srdl,"shift right double logical (long)",implemented,
srl,"shift right single logical",implemented,
srp,"shift and round decimal","not implemented",
srst,"search string",implemented,
ssar,"set secondary ASN","not implemented",
ssch,"start subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
sske,"set storage key extended",N/A,"privileged instruction"
ssm,"set system mask",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stam,"store access multiple",implemented,
stap,"store CPU address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stc,"store character",implemented,
stck,"store clock",implemented,
stckc,"store clock comparator",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stcm,"store characters under mask",implemented,
stcps,"store channel path status",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stcrw,"store channel report word",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stctl,"store control",N/A,"privileged instruction"
std,"store (long)",implemented,
ste,"store (short)",implemented,
sth,"store halfword",implemented,
stidp,"store CPU id",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stm,"store multiple",implemented,
stnsm,"store then AND system mask",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stosm,"store then OR system mask",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stpt,"store CPU timer",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stpx,"store prefix",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stsch,"store subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stura,"store using real address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
su,"subtract unnormalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
sur,"subtract unnormalized (short)","won't do","hfp instruction"
svc,"supervisor call",implemented,
sw,"subtract unnormalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
swr,"subtract unnormalized (long)","won't do","hfp instruction"
sxr,"subtract normalized (ext.)","won't do","hfp instruction"
tar,"test access","not implemented",
tb,"test block",N/A,"privileged instruction"
tm,"test under mask",implemented,
tpi,"test pending interruption",N/A,"privileged instruction"
tprot,"test protection",N/A,"privileged instruction"
trace,trace,N/A,"privileged instruction"
trt,"translate and test","not implemented",
ts,"test and set","won't do","deprecated instruction"
tsch,"test subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
unpk,unpack,"not implemented",
upt,"update tree","not implemented",
x,"exclusive OR",implemented,
xc,"exclusive OR",implemented,
xi,"exclusive OR",implemented,
xr,"exclusive OR",implemented,
zap,"zero and add","not implemented",
ahi,"add halfword immediate",implemented,
brxh,"branch relative on index high",implemented,
brxle,"branch relative on index low or equal",implemented,
bras,"branch relative and save",implemented,
brc,"branch relative on condition",implemented,
brct,"branch relative on count",implemented,
chi,"compare halfword immediate",implemented,
clcle,"compare logical long extended",implemented,
lhi,"load halfword immediate",implemented,
mvcle,"move long extended",implemented,
mhi,"multiply halfword immediate",implemented,
msr,"multiply single",implemented,
ms,"multiply single",implemented,
tmlh,"test under mask low high",implemented,
tmll,"test under mask low low",implemented,
axbr,"add extended bfp",implemented,
adbr,"add long bfp",implemented,
adb,"add long bfp",implemented,
aebr,"add short bfp",implemented,
aeb,"add short bfp",implemented,
cxbr,"compare extended bfp",implemented,
cdbr,"compare long bfp",implemented,
cdb,"compare long bfp",implemented,
cebr,"compare short bfp",implemented,
ceb,"compare short bfp",implemented,
kxbr,"compare and signal extended bfp","not implemented",
kdbr,"compare and signal long bfp","not implemented",
kdb,"compare and signal long bfp","not implemented",
kebr,"compare and signal short bfp","not implemented",
keb,"compare and signal short bfp","not implemented",
cxfbr,"convert from fixed 32 to extended bfp",implemented,
cdfbr,"convert from fixed 32 to long bfp",implemented,
cefbr,"convert from fixed 32 to short bfp",implemented,
cfxbr,"convert to fixed extended bfp to 32",implemented,
cfdbr,"convert to fixed long bfp to 32",implemented,
cfebr,"convert to fixed short bfp to 32",implemented,
dxbr,"divide extended bfp",implemented,
ddbr,"divide long bfp",implemented,
ddb,"divide long bfp",implemented,
debr,"divide short bfp",implemented,
deb,"divide short bfp",implemented,
didbr,"divide to integer long bfp","not implemented",
diebr,"divide to integer short bfp","not implemented",
efpc,"extract fpc",implemented,
ltxbr,"load and test extended bfp",implemented,
ltdbr,"load and test long bfp",implemented,
ltebr,"load and test short bfp",implemented,
lcxbr,"load complement extended bfp",implemented,
lcdbr,"load complement long bfp",implemented,
lcebr,"load complement short bfp",implemented,
fixbr,"load fp integer extended bfp","not implemented",
fidbr,"load fp integer long bfp","not implemented",
fiebr,"load fp integer short bfp","not implemented",
lfpc,"load fpc",implemented,
lxdbr,"load lengthened long to extended bfp",implemented,
lxdb,"load lengthened long to extended bfp",implemented,
lxebr,"load lengthened short to extended bfp",implemented,
lxeb,"load lengthened short to extended bfp",implemented,
ldebr,"load lengthened short to long bfp",implemented,
ldeb,"load lengthened short to long bfp",implemented,
lnxbr,"load negative extended bfp",implemented,
lndbr,"load negative long bfp",implemented,
lnebr,"load negative short bfp",implemented,
lpxbr,"load positive extended bfp",implemented,
lpdbr,"load positive long bfp",implemented,
lpebr,"load positive short bfp",implemented,
ldxbr,"load rounded extended to long bfp",implemented,
lexbr,"load rounded extended to short bfp",implemented,
ledbr,"load rounded long to short bfp",implemented,
mxbr,"multiply extended bfp",implemented,
mdbr,"multiply long bfp",implemented,
mdb,"multiply long bfp",implemented,
mxdbr,"multiply long to extended bfp","not implemented",
mxdb,"multiply long to extended bfp","not implemented",
meebr,"multiply short bfp",implemented,
meeb,"multiply short bfp",implemented,
mdebr,"multiply short to long bfp","not implemented",
mdeb,"multiply short to long bfp","not implemented",
madbr,"multiply and add long bfp",implemented,
madb,"multiply and add long bfp",implemented,
maebr,"multiply and add short bfp",implemented,
maeb,"multiply and add short bfp",implemented,
msdbr,"multiply and subtract long bfp",implemented,
msdb,"multiply and subtract long bfp",implemented,
msebr,"multiply and subtract short bfp",implemented,
mseb,"multiply and subtract short bfp",implemented,
sfpc,"set fpc",implemented,
srnm,"set rounding mode",implemented,
sqxbr,"square root extended bfp",implemented,
sqdbr,"square root long bfp",implemented,
sqdb,"square root long bfp",implemented,
sqebr,"square root short bfp",implemented,
sqeb,"square root short bfp",implemented,
stfpc,"store fpc",implemented,
sxbr,"subtract extended bfp",implemented,
sdbr,"subtract long bfp",implemented,
sdb,"subtract long bfp",implemented,
sebr,"subtract short bfp",implemented,
seb,"subtract short bfp",implemented,
tcxb,"test data class extended bfp",implemented,
tcdb,"test data class long bfp",implemented,
tceb,"test data class short bfp",implemented,
siga,"signal adapter","not implemented",
plo,"perform locked operation","not implemented",
bsa,"branch and set authority",N/A,"privileged instruction"
rp,"resume program",N/A,"privileged instruction"
sckpf,"set clock programmable field",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stsi,"store system information",N/A,"privileged instruction"
trap2,trap,"not implemented",
trap4,trap4,"not implemented",
stcke,"store clock extended",implemented,
tre,"translate extended",implemented,
mvclu,"move long unicode","not implemented",
pka,"pack ascii","not implemented",
pku,"pack unicode","not implemented",
troo,"translate one to one",implemented,
trot,"translate one to two",implemented,
trto,"translate two to one",implemented,
trtt,"translate two to two",implemented,
unpka,"unpack ascii","not implemented",
unpku,"unpack unicode","not implemented",
thder,"convert short bfp to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
thdr,"convert long bfp to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
tbedr,"convert long hfp to short bfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
tbdr,"convert long hfp to long bfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
lzer,"load short zero",implemented,
lzdr,"load long zero",implemented,
lzxr,"load extended zero",implemented,
bctgr,"branch on count 64",implemented,
lpgr,"load positive 64",implemented,
lpgfr,"load positive 64<32",implemented,
lngr,"load negative 64",implemented,
lngfr,"load negative 64<32",implemented,
ltgr,"load and test 64",implemented,
ltgfr,"load and test 64<32",implemented,
lcgr,"load complement 64",implemented,
lcgfr,"load complement 64<32",implemented,
ngr,"and 64",implemented,
clgr,"compare logical 64",implemented,
clgfr,"compare logical 64<32",implemented,
ogr,"or 64",implemented,
xgr,"exclusive or 64",implemented,
lgr,"load 64",implemented,
lgfr,"load 64<32",implemented,
cgr,"compare 64",implemented,
cgfr,"compare 64<32",implemented,
agr,"add 64",implemented,
agfr,"add 64<32",implemented,
sgr,"subtract 64",implemented,
sgfr,"subtract 64<32",implemented,
algr,"add logical 64",implemented,
algfr,"add logical 64<32",implemented,
slgr,"subtract logical 64",implemented,
slgfr,"subtract logical 64<32",implemented,
bctg,"branch on count 64",implemented,
cvdg,"convert to decimal 64","not implemented",
cvbg,"convert to binary 64","not implemented",
stg,"store 64",implemented,
ng,"and 64",implemented,
clg,"compare logical 64",implemented,
clgf,"compare logical 64<32",implemented,
og,"or 64",implemented,
xg,"exclusive or 64",implemented,
lg,"load 64",implemented,
lgf,"load 64<32",implemented,
lgh,"load halfword 64",implemented,
cg,"compare 64",implemented,
cgf,"compare 64<32",implemented,
ag,"add 64",implemented,
agf,"add 64<32",implemented,
sg,"subtract 64",implemented,
sgf,"subtract 64<32",implemented,
alg,"add logical 64",implemented,
algf,"add logical 64<32",implemented,
slg,"subtract logical 64",implemented,
slgf,"subtract logical 64<32",implemented,
msg,"multiply single 64",implemented,
msgf,"multiply single 64<32",implemented,
brxhg,"branch relative on index high 64",implemented,
brxlg,"branch relative on index low or equal 64",implemented,
bxhg,"branch on index high 64",implemented,
bxleg,"branch on index low or equal 64",implemented,
srlg,"shift right single logical 64",implemented,
sllg,"shift left single logical 64",implemented,
srag,"shift right single 64",implemented,
slag,"shift left single 64",implemented,
stmg,"store multiple 64",implemented,
stmh,"store multiple high",implemented,
lmg,"load multiple 64",implemented,
lmh,"load multiple high",implemented,
lmd,"load multiple disjoint","not implemented",
tracg,"trace 64",N/A,"privileged instruction"
lrag,"load real address 64",N/A,"privileged instruction"
strag,"store read address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stctg,"store control 64",N/A,"privileged instruction"
lctlg,"load control 64",N/A,"privileged instruction"
csg,"compare and swap 64",implemented,
cdsg,"compare double and swap 64",implemented,
clmh,"compare logical characters under mask high",implemented,
stcmh,"store characters under mask high",implemented,
icmh,"insert characters under mask high",implemented,
tmhh,"test under mask high high",implemented,
tmhl,"test under mask high low",implemented,
brcl,"branch relative on condition long",implemented,
brasl,"branch relative and save long",implemented,
brctg,"branch relative on count 64",implemented,
lghi,"load halfword immediate 64",implemented,
aghi,"add halfword immediate 64",implemented,
mghi,"multiply halfword immediate 64",implemented,
cghi,"compare halfword immediate 64",implemented,
sturg,"store using real address 64",N/A,"privileged instruction"
eregg,"extract stacked registers 64","not implemented",
lurag,"load using real address 64",N/A,"privileged instruction"
msgr,"multiply single 64",implemented,
msgfr,"multiply single 64<32",implemented,
cegbr,"convert from fixed 64 to short bfp",implemented,
cdgbr,"convert from fixed 64 to long bfp",implemented,
cxgbr,"convert from fixed 64 to extended bfp",implemented,
cgebr,"convert to fixed short bfd to 64",implemented,
cgdbr,"convert to fixed long bfp to 64",implemented,
cgxbr,"convert to fixed extended bfp to 64",implemented,
cegr,"convert from fixed 64 to short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
cdgr,"convert from fixed 64 to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
cxgr,"convert from fixed 64 to extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
cger,"convert to fixed short hfp to 64","won't do","hfp instruction"
cgdr,"convert to fixed long hfp to 64","won't do","hfp instruction"
cgxr,"convert to fixed extended hfp to 64","won't do","hfp instruction"
tam,"test addressing mode","not implemented",
sam24,"set addressing mode 24","not implemented",
sam31,"set addressing mode 31","not implemented",
sam64,"set addressing mode 64","not implemented",
iihh,"insert immediate high high",implemented,
iihl,"insert immediate high low",implemented,
iilh,"insert immediate low high",implemented,
iill,"insert immediate low low",implemented,
nihh,"and immediate high high",implemented,
nihl,"and immediate high low",implemented,
nilh,"and immediate low high",implemented,
nill,"and immediate low low",implemented,
oihh,"or immediate high high",implemented,
oihl,"or immediate high low",implemented,
oilh,"or immediate low high",implemented,
oill,"or immediate low low",implemented,
llihh,"load logical immediate high high",implemented,
llihl,"load logical immediate high low",implemented,
llilh,"load logical immediate low high",implemented,
llill,"load logical immediate low low",implemented,
stfl,"store facility list",N/A,"privileged instruction"
lpswe,"load psw extended",N/A,"privileged instruction"
dsgr,"divide single 64",implemented,
lrvgr,"load reversed 64",implemented,
llgfr,"load logical 64<32",implemented,
llgtr,"load logical thirty one bits",implemented,
dsgfr,"divide single 64<32",implemented,
lrvr,"load reversed 32",implemented,
mlgr,"multiply logical 64",implemented,
dlgr,"divide logical 64",implemented,
alcgr,"add logical with carry 64",implemented,
slbgr,"subtract logical with borrow 64",implemented,
epsw,"extract psw","not implemented",
mlr,"multiply logical 32",implemented,
dlr,"divide logical 32",implemented,
alcr,"add logical with carry 32",implemented,
slbr,"subtract logical with borrow 32",implemented,
esea,"extract and set extended authority",N/A,"privileged instruction"
larl,"load address relative long",implemented,
dsg,"divide single 64",implemented,
lrvg,"load reversed 64",implemented,
llgf,"load logical 64<32",implemented,
llgt,"load logical thirty one bits",implemented,
dsgf,"divide single 64<32",implemented,
lrv,"load reversed 32",implemented,
lrvh,"load reversed 16",implemented,
strvg,"store reversed 64",implemented,
strv,"store reversed 32",implemented,
strvh,"store reversed 64",implemented,
mlg,"multiply logical 64",implemented,
dlg,"divide logical 64",implemented,
alcg,"add logical with carry 64",implemented,
slbg,"subtract logical with borrow 64",implemented,
stpq,"store pair to quadword",implemented,
lpq,"load pair from quadword",implemented,
ml,"multiply logical 32",implemented,
dl,"divide logical 32",implemented,
alc,"add logical with carry 32",implemented,
slb,"subtract logical with borrow 32",implemented,
llgc,"load logical character",implemented,
llgh,"load logical halfword",implemented,
rllg,"rotate left single logical 64",implemented,
rll,"rotate left single logical 32",implemented,
cxfr,"convert from fixed 32 to extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
cdfr,"convert from fixed 32 to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
cefr,"convert from fixed 32 to short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
cfxr,"convert to fixed extended hfp to 32","won't do","hfp instruction"
cfdr,"convert to fixed long hfp to 32","won't do","hfp instruction"
cfer,"convert to fixed short hfp to 32","won't do","hfp instruction"
ltxr,"load and test extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
lcxr,"load complement extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
fixr,"load fp integer extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
fidr,"load fp integer long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
fier,"load fp integer short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
lxdr,"load lengthened long to extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
lxd,"load lengthened long to extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
lxer,"load lengthened short to extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
lxe,"load lengthened short to extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
lder,"load lengthened short to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
lde,"load lengthened short to long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
lnxr,"load negative extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
lpxr,"load positive extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
lexr,"load rounded extended to short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
meer,"multiply short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
mee,"multiply short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
sqxr,"square root extended hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
sqe,"square root short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
sqd,"square root long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
cmpsc,"compression call","not implemented",
tp,"test decimal","not implemented",
lxr,"load extended fp",implemented,
pgin,"page in",N/A,"privileged instruction"
pgout,"page out",N/A,"privileged instruction"
xsch,"cancel subchannel",N/A,"privileged instruction"
ay,"add with long offset",implemented,
ahy,"add halfword with long offset",implemented,
aly,"add logical with long offset",implemented,
niy,"and immediate with long offset",implemented,
ny,"and with long offset",implemented,
cy,"compare with long offset",implemented,
csy,"compare and swap with long offset",implemented,
cdsy,"compare double and swap with long offset",implemented,
chy,"compare halfword with long offset",implemented,
cly,"compare logical with long offset",implemented,
cliy,"compare logical immediate with long offset",implemented,
clmy,"compare logical characters under mask with long offset",implemented,
cvby,"convert to binary with long offset",implemented,
cvdy,"convert to decimal with long offset",implemented,
xiy,"exclusive or immediate with long offset",implemented,
xy,"exclusive or with long offset",implemented,
icy,"insert character with long offset",implemented,
icmy,"insert characters with long offset",implemented,
ldy,"load (long) with long offset",implemented,
ley,"load (short) with long offset",implemented,
ly,"load with long offset",implemented,
lamy,"load access multiple",implemented,
lay,"load address with long offset",implemented,
lb,"load byte with long offset",implemented,
lgb,"load byte with long offset 64",implemented,
lhy,"load halfword with long offset",implemented,
lmy,"load multiple with long offset",implemented,
lray,"load real address with long offset",N/A,"privileged instruction"
mviy,"move immediate with long offset",implemented,
msy,"multiply single with long offset",implemented,
oiy,"or immediate with long offset",implemented,
oy,"or with long offset",implemented,
stdy,"store (long) with long offset",implemented,
stey,"store (short) with long offset",implemented,
sty,"store with long offset",implemented,
stamy,"store access multiple with long offset",implemented,
stcy,"store character with long offset",implemented,
stcmy,"store characters under mask with long offset",implemented,
sthy,"store halfword with long offset",implemented,
stmy,"store multiple with long offset",implemented,
sy,"subtract with long offset",implemented,
shy,"subtract halfword with long offset",implemented,
sly,"subtract logical with long offset",implemented,
tmy,"test under mask with long offset",implemented,
clclu,"compare logical long unicode with long offset","not implemented",
cspg,"compare and swap and purge",N/A,"privileged instruction"
idte,"invalidate dat table entry",N/A,"privileged instruction"
madr,"multiply and add long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
mad,"multiply and add long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
maer,"multiply and add short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
mae,"multiply and add short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
msdr,"multiply and subtract long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
msd,"multiply and subtract long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
mser,"mutliply and subtract short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
mse,"multiply and subttract short hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
km,"cipher message","not implemented",
kmc,"cipher message with chaining","not implemented",
kimd,"compute intermediate message digest","not implemented",
klmd,"compute last message digest","not implemented",
kmac,"compute message authentication code","not implemented",
afi,"add immediate 32",implemented,
agfi,"add immediate 64<32",implemented,
alfi,"add logical immediate 32",implemented,
algfi,"add logical immediate 64<32",implemented,
nihf,"and immediate high",implemented,
nilf,"and immediate low",implemented,
cfi,"compare immediate 32",implemented,
cgfi,"compare immediate 64<32",implemented,
clfi,"compare logical immediate 32",implemented,
clgfi,"compare logical immediate 64<32",implemented,
xihf,"exclusive or immediate high",implemented,
xilf,"exclusive or immediate low",implemented,
iihf,"insert immediate high",implemented,
iilf,"insert immediate low",implemented,
flogr,"find leftmost one",implemented,
lt,"load and test 32",implemented,
ltg,"load and test 64",implemented,
lbr,"load byte 32",implemented,
lgbr,"load byte 64",implemented,
lhr,"load halfword 32",implemented,
lghr,"load halfword 64",implemented,
lgfi,"load immediate 64<32",implemented,
llc,"load logical character 32",implemented,
llcr,"load logical character 32",implemented,
llgcr,"load logical character 64",implemented,
llh,"load logical halfword 32",implemented,
llhr,"load logical halfword 32",implemented,
llghr,"load logical halfword 64",implemented,
llihf,"load logical immediate high",implemented,
llilf,"load logical immediate low",implemented,
oihf,"or immediate high",implemented,
oilf,"or immediate low",implemented,
slfi,"subtract logical immediate 32",implemented,
slgfi,"subtract logical immediate 64<32",implemented,
ptff,"perform timing facility function",N/A,"privileged instruction"
stfle,"store facility list extended",implemented,
stckf,"store clock fast",implemented,
mvcos,"move with optional specifications",N/A,"privileged instruction"
lptea,"load page-table-entry address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
cu24,"convert utf-16 to utf-32",implemented,
cu21,"convert utf-16 to utf-8",implemented,
cu42,"convert utf-32 to utf-16",implemented,
cu41,"convert utf-32 to utf-8",implemented,
cu12,"convert utf-8 to utf-16",implemented,
cu14,"convert utf-8 to utf-32",implemented,
srstu,"search string unicode","not implemented",
trtr,"tranlate and test reverse","not implemented",
myr,"multiply unnormalized long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
myhr,"multiply unnormalized long hfp high","won't do","hfp instruction"
mylr,"multiply unnormalized long hfp low","won't do","hfp instruction"
my,"multiply unnormalized long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
myh,"multiply unnormalized long hfp high","won't do","hfp instruction"
myl,"multiply unnormalized long hfp low","won't do","hfp instruction"
mayr,"multiply and add unnormalized long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
mayhr,"multiply and add unnormalized long hfp high","won't do","hfp instruction"
maylr,"multiply and add unnormalized long hfp low","won't do","hfp instruction"
may,"multiply and add unnormalized long hfp","won't do","hfp instruction"
mayh,"multiply and add unnormalized long hfp high","won't do","hfp instruction"
mayl,"multiply and add unnormalized long hfp low","won't do","hfp instruction"
lpdfr,"load positive no cc",implemented,
lndfr,"load negative no cc",implemented,
cpsdr,"copy sign",implemented,
lcdfr,"load complement no cc",implemented,
ldgr,"load fpr from gr",implemented,
lgdr,"load gr from fpr",implemented,
adtr,"add long dfp","not implemented",
axtr,"add extended dfp","not implemented",
cdtr,"compare long dfp","not implemented",
cxtr,"compare extended dfp","not implemented",
kdtr,"compare and signal long dfp","not implemented",
kxtr,"compare and signal extended dfp","not implemented",
cedtr,"compare exponent long dfp","not implemented",
cextr,"compare exponent extended dfp","not implemented",
cdgtr,"convert from fixed long dfp","not implemented",
cxgtr,"convert from fixed extended dfp","not implemented",
cdstr,"convert from signed bcd long dfp","not implemented",
cxstr,"convert from signed bcd extended dfp","not implemented",
cdutr,"convert from unsigned bcd to long dfp","not implemented",
cxutr,"convert from unsigned bcd to extended dfp","not implemented",
cgdtr,"convert from long dfp to fixed","not implemented",
cgxtr,"convert from extended dfp to fixed","not implemented",
csdtr,"convert from long dfp to signed bcd","not implemented",
csxtr,"convert from extended dfp to signed bcd","not implemented",
cudtr,"convert from long dfp to unsigned bcd","not implemented",
cuxtr,"convert from extended dfp to unsigned bcd","not implemented",
ddtr,"divide long dfp","not implemented",
dxtr,"divide extended dfp","not implemented",
eedtr,"extract biased exponent from long dfp","not implemented",
eextr,"extract biased exponent from extended dfp","not implemented",
esdtr,"extract significance from long dfp","not implemented",
esxtr,"extract significance from extended dfp","not implemented",
iedtr,"insert biased exponent long dfp","not implemented",
iextr,"insert biased exponent extended dfp","not implemented",
ltdtr,"load and test long dfp","not implemented",
ltxtr,"load and test extended dfp","not implemented",
fidtr,"load fp integer long dfp","not implemented",
fixtr,"load fp integer extended dfp","not implemented",
lfas,"load fpd and signal","not implemented",
ldetr,"load lengthened long dfp","not implemented",
lxdtr,"load lengthened extended dfp","not implemented",
ledtr,"load rounded long dfp","not implemented",
ldxtr,"load rounded extended dfp","not implemented",
mdtr,"multiply long dfp","not implemented",
mxtr,"multiply extended dfp","not implemented",
qadtr,"Quantize long dfp","not implemented",
qaxtr,"Quantize extended dfp","not implemented",
rrdtr,"Reround long dfp","not implemented",
rrxtr,"Reround extended dfp","not implemented",
srnmt,"set rounding mode dfp","not implemented",
sfasr,"set fpc and signal","not implemented",
sldt,"shift coefficient left long dfp","not implemented",
slxt,"shift coefficient left extended dfp","not implemented",
srdt,"shift coefficient right long dfp","not implemented",
srxt,"shift coefficient right extended dfp","not implemented",
sdtr,"subtract long dfp","not implemented",
sxtr,"subtract extended dfp","not implemented",
tdcet,"test data class short dfp","not implemented",
tdcdt,"test data class long dfp","not implemented",
tdcxt,"test data class extended dfp","not implemented",
tdget,"test data group short dfp","not implemented",
tdgdt,"test data group long dfp","not implemented",
tdgxt,"test data group extended dfp","not implemented",
pfpo,"perform floating point operation","not implemented",
ectg,"extract cpu time","not implemented",
csst,"compare and swap and store","not implemented",
asi,"add immediate (32<8)",implemented,
agsi,"add immediate (64<8)",implemented,
alsi,"add logical with signed immediate (32<8)",implemented,
algsi,"add logical with signed immediate (64<8)",implemented,
crl,"compare relative long (32)",implemented,
cgrl,"compare relative long (64)",implemented,
cgfrl,"compare relative long (64<32)",implemented,
crb,"compare and branch (32)",implemented,
cgrb,"compare and branch (64)",implemented,
crj,"compare and branch relative (32)",implemented,
cgrj,"compare and branch relative (64)",implemented,
cib,"compare immediate and branch (32<8)",implemented,
cgib,"compare immediate and branch (64<8)",implemented,
cij,"compare immediate and branch relative (32<8)",implemented,
cgij,"compare immediate and branch relative (64<8)",implemented,
crt,"compare and trap","not implemented","issued by gcc"
cgrt,"compare and trap 64","not implemented","issued by gcc"
cit,"compare immediate and trap (32<16)","not implemented","issued by gcc"
cgit,"compare immediate and trap (64<16)","not implemented","issued by gcc"
cgh,"compare halfword (64<16)",implemented,
chhsi,"compare halfword immediate (16<16)",implemented,
chsi,"compare halfword immediate (32<16)",implemented,
cghsi,"compare halfword immediate (64<16)",implemented,
chrl,"compare halfword relative long (32<8)",implemented,
cghrl,"compare halfword relative long (64<8)",implemented,
clhhsi,"compare logical immediate (16<16)",implemented,
clfhsi,"compare logical immediate (32<16)",implemented,
clghsi,"compare logical immediate (64<16)",implemented,
clrl,"compare logical relative long (32)",implemented,
clgrl,"compare logical relative long (64)",implemented,
clgfrl,"compare logical relative long (64<32)",implemented,
clhrl,"compare logical relative long (32<16)",implemented,
clghrl,"compare logical relative long (64<16)",implemented,
clrb,"compare logical and branch (32)",implemented,
clgrb,"compare logical and branch (64)",implemented,
clrj,"compare logical and branch relative (32)",implemented,
clgrj,"compare logical and branch relative (64)",implemented,
clib,"compare logical immediate and branch (32<8)",implemented,
clgib,"compare logical immediate and branch (64<8)",implemented,
clij,"compare logical immediate and branch relative (32<8)",implemented,
clgij,"compare logical immediate and branch relative (64<8)",implemented,
clrt,"compare logical and trap (32)","not implemented",
clgrt,"compare logical and trap (64)","not implemented",
clfit,"compare logical and trap (32<16)","not implemented",
clgit,"compare logical and trap (64<16)","not implemented",
ecag,"extract cache attribute",implemented,
lrl,"load relative long (32)",implemented,
lgrl,"load relative long (64)",implemented,
lgfrl,"load relative long (64<32)",implemented,
laey,"load address extended",implemented,
ltgf,"load and test (64<32)",implemented,
lhrl,"load halfword relative long (32<16)",implemented,
lghrl,"load halfword relative long (64<16)",implemented,
llgfrl,"load logical relative long (64<32)",implemented,
llhrl,"load logical halfword relative long (32<16)",implemented,
llghrl,"load logical halfword relative long (64<16)",implemented,
mvhhi,"move (16<16)",implemented,
mvhi,"move (32<16)",implemented,
mvghi,"move (64<16)",implemented,
mhy,"multiply halfword",implemented,
msfi,"multiply single immediate (32)",implemented,
msgfi,"multiply single immediate (64)",implemented,
pfd,"prefetch data",implemented,
pfdrl,"prefetch data relative long",implemented,
rnsbg,"rotate then and selected bits",implemented,
rxsbg,"rotate then exclusive or selected bits",implemented,
rosbg,"rotate then or selected bits",implemented,
risbg,"rotate then insert selected bits",implemented,
strl,"store relative long (32)",implemented,
stgrl,"store relative long (64)",implemented,
sthrl,"store halfword relative long",implemented,
exrl,"execute relative long",implemented,
ptf,"perform topology function","not implemented",
pfmf,"perform frame management function",N/A,"privileged instruction"
trte,"translate and test extended","not implemented",
trtre,"translate and test reverse extended","not implemented",
ecpga,"extract coprocessor-group address",N/A,"privileged instruction"
ecctr,"extract cpu counter",N/A,"privileged instruction"
epctr,"extract peripheral counter",N/A,"privileged instruction"
lcctl,"load cpu-counter-set controls",N/A,"privileged instruction"
lpctl,"load peripheral-counter-set controls",N/A,"privileged instruction"
lsctl,"load sampling controls",N/A,"privileged instruction"
qctri,"query counter information",N/A,"privileged instruction"
qsi,"query sampling information",N/A,"privileged instruction"
scctr,"set cpu counter",N/A,"privileged instruction"
spctr,"set peripheral counter",N/A,"privileged instruction"
lpp,"load program parameter",N/A,"privileged instruction"
ahhhr,"add high high",implemented,
ahhlr,"add high low",implemented,
aih,"add immediate high",implemented,
alhhhr,"add logical high high",implemented,
alhhlr,"add logical high low",implemented,
alsih,"add logical with signed immediate high with cc",implemented,
alsihn,"add logical with signed immediate high no cc",implemented,
brcth,"branch relative on count high","not implemented",
chhr,"compare high high",implemented,
chlr,"compare high low",implemented,
chf,"compare high",implemented,
cih,"compare immediate high",implemented,
clhhr,"compare logical high high",implemented,
clhlr,"compare logical high low",implemented,
clhf,"compare logical high",implemented,
clih,"compare logical immediate",implemented,
lbh,"load byte high",implemented,
lhh,"load halfword high",implemented,
lfh,"load high",implemented,
llch,"load logical character high",implemented,
llhh,"load logical halfword high",implemented,
risbhg,"rotate then insert selected bits high","not implemented",
risblg,"rotate then insert selected bits low","not implemented",
stch,"store character high",implemented,
sthh,"store halfword high",implemented,
stfh,"store high",implemented,
shhhr,"subtract high high",implemented,
shhlr,"subtract high low",implemented,
slhhhr,"subtract logical high high",implemented,
slhhlr,"subtract logical high low",implemented,
laa,"load and add 32 bit",semi-implemented,"bugzilla #306035"
laag,"load and add 64 bit",semi-implemented,"bugzilla #306035"
laal,"load and add logical 32 bit",semi-implemented,"bugzilla #306035"
laalg,"load and add logical 64 bit",semi-implemented,"bugzilla #306035"
lan,"load and and 32 bit",semi-implemented,"bugzilla #306035"
lang,"load and and 64 bit",semi-implemented,"bugzilla #306035"
lax,"load and exclusive or 32 bit",semi-implemented,"bugzilla #306035"
laxg,"load and exclusive or 64 bit",semi-implemented,"bugzilla #306035"
lao,"load and or 32 bit",semi-implemented,"bugzilla #306035"
laog,"load and or 64 bit",semi-implemented,"bugzilla #306035"
lpd,"load pair disjoint 32 bit","not implemented",
lpdg,"load pair disjoint 64 bit","not implemented",
locr,"load on condition 32 bit",implemented,
locgr,"load on condition 64 bit",implemented,
loc,"load on condition 32 bit",implemented,
locg,"load on condition 64 bit",implemented,
stoc,"store on condition 32 bit",implemented,
stocg,"store on condition 64 bit",implemented,
ark,"add 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
agrk,"add 3 operands 64 bit",implemented,
ahik,"add immediate 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
aghik,"add immediate 3 operands 64 bit",implemented,
alrk,"add logical 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
algrk,"add logical 3 operands 64 bit",implemented,
alhsik,"add logical immediate 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
alghsik,"add logical immediate 3 operands 64 bit",implemented,
nrk,"and 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
ngrk,"and 3 operands 64 bit",implemented,
xrk,"xor 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
xgrk,"xor 3 operands 64 bit",implemented,
ork,"or 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
ogrk,"or 3 operands 64 bit",implemented,
slak,"shift left single 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
sllk,"shift left single logical 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
srak,"shift right single 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
srlk,"shift right single logical 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
srk,"subtract 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
sgrk,"subtract 3 operands 64 bit",implemented,
slrk,"subtract logical 3 operands 32 bit",implemented,
slgrk,"subtract logical 3 operands 64 bit",implemented,
popcnt,"population count","not implemented",
rrbm,"reset reference bits multiple",N/A,"privileged instruction"
cefbra,"convert from 32 bit fixed to short bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cdfbra,"convert from 32 bit fixed to long bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cxfbra,"convert from 32 bit fixed to extended bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cegbra,"convert from 64 bit fixed to short bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cdgbra,"convert from 64 bit fixed to long bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cxgbra,"convert from 64 bit fixed to extended bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
celfbr,"convert from 32 bit logical fixed to short bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cdlfbr,"convert from 32 bit logical fixed to long bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cxlfbr,"convert from 32 bit logical fixed to extended bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
celgbr,"convert from 64 bit logical fixed to short bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cdlgbr,"convert from 64 bit logical fixed to long bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cxlgbr,"convert from 64 bit logical fixed to extended bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cfebra,"convert to 32 bit fixed from short bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cfdbra,"convert to 32 bit fixed from long bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cfxbra,"convert to 32 bit fixed from extended bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cgebra,"convert to 64 bit fixed from short bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cgdbra,"convert to 64 bit fixed from long bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
cgxbra,"convert to 64 bit fixed from extended bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
clfebr,"convert to 32 bit fixed logical from short bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
clfdbr,"convert to 32 bit fixed logical from long bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
clfxbr,"convert to 32 bit fixed logical from extended bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
clgebr,"convert to 64 bit fixed logical from short bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
clgdbr,"convert to 64 bit fixed logical from long bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
clgxbr,"convert to 64 bit fixed logical from extended bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
fiebra,"load fp integer short bfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
fidbra,"load fp integer long bfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
fixbra,"load fp integer extended bfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
ledbra,"load rounded short/long bfp to short/long bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
ldxbra,"load rounded long/extended bfp to long/extended bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
lexbra,"load rounded short/extended bfp to short/extended bfp with rounding mode",implemented,
adtra,"add long dfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
axtra,"add extended dfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
cdgtra,"convert from fixed long dfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
cdftr,"convert from 32 bit fixed to long dfp with rounding mode","not implemented",
cxftr,"convert from 32 bit fixed to extended dfp with rounding mode","not implemented",
cxgtra,"convert from fixed extended dfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
cdlgtr,"convert from 64 bit fixed logical to long dfp with rounding mode","not implemented",
cxlgtr,"convert from 64 bit fixed logical to extended dfp with rounding mode","not implemented",
cdlftr,"convert from 32 bit fixed logical to long dfp with rounding mode","not implemented",
cxlftr,"convert from 32 bit fixed logical to extended dfp with rounding mode","not implemented",
cgdtra,"convert to 64 bit fixed from long dfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
cgxtra,"convert to 64 bit fixed from extended dfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
cfdtr,"convert to 32 bit fixed from long dfp source with rounding mode","not implemented",
cfxtr,"convert to 32 bit fixed from extended dfp source with rounding mode","not implemented",
clgdtr,"convert to 64 bit fixed logical from long dfp with rounding mode","not implemented",
clgxtr,"convert to 64 bit fixed logical from extended dfp with rounding mode","not implemented",
clfdtr,"convert to 32 bit fixed logical from long dfp with rounding mode","not implemented",
clfxtr,"convert to 32 bit fixed logical from extended dfp with rounding mode","not implemented",
ddtra,"divide long dfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
dxtra,"divide extended dfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
mdtra,"multiply long dfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
mxtra,"multiply extended dfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
sdtra,"subtract long dfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
sxtra,"subtract extended dfp with rounding mode","not implemented","new to z196"
srnmb,"set 3 bit bfp rounding mode",implemented,