blob: 90a21653087d8717b2b6e44ac0ac9062aec99469 [file] [log] [blame]
How to test DRD
1. Run the regression tests. After having compiled DRD, run the following
perl tests/vg_regtest drd
2. Test the slowdown for matinv for various matrix sizes via the script
drd/scripts/run-matinv (must be about 24 for i == 1 and about
31 for i == 10 with n == 200).
3. Test whether DRD works with standard KDE applications and whether it does
not print any false positives:
./vg-in-place --tool=drd kate
./vg-in-place --tool=drd --check-stack-var=yes kate
./vg-in-place --trace-children=yes --tool=drd knode
./vg-in-place --trace-children=yes --tool=drd --check-stack-var=yes knode
./vg-in-place --trace-children=yes --tool=drd amarokapp
4. Test whether DRD works with standard GNOME applications. Expect
race reports triggered by ORBit_RootObject_duplicate() and after
having closed the GNOME terminal window:
./vg-in-place --trace-children=yes --tool=drd gnome-terminal
5. Test DRD with Firefox. First of all, build and install Firefox 3. Next,
run the following command:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/software/mozilla-build/dist/lib: ./vg-in-place --trace-children=yes --tool=drd $HOME/software/mozilla-build/dist/bin/firefox-bin