blob: 94c488100d53a2dea904356231d6491793740ed8 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/sh
dir=`dirname $0`
$dir/../../tests/filter_stderr_basic |
# Remove "Lackey, ..." line and the following copyright line.
sed "/^Lackey, an example Valgrind tool./ , /./ d" |
# Output looks like this...
# Counted 53 calls to _dl_runtime_resolve()
# Executed:
# BBs: 47131
# x86 instrs: 193330
# UInstrs: 523996
# Jccs:
# total: 36368
# % taken: 58%
# Ratios:
# x86 instrs : BB = 41 : 10
# UInstrs : BB = 111 : 10
# UInstrs : x86_instr = 27 : 10
# Exit code: 0
# chop all lines between first and last (inclusive)
sed "/^Counted [0-9]\+ calls to _dl_runtime_resolve()$/ , \
/UInstrs : x86_instrs = [0-9]\+ : [0-9]\+/ \