blob: b8a0cf7aade5379cd0ce6e7a1db44ff576f5a7e2 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/sh
# Same as for MemCheck
dir=`dirname $0`
$dir/../../tests/filter_stderr_basic |
$dir/../../tests/filter_addresses |
# Remove "Helgrind, ..." line and the following copyright line.
sed "/^Helgrind, a data race detector./ , /./ d" |
# Anonymise paths like "section of /foo/bar/helgrind/tests/baz)"
sed "s/section of \/.*helgrind\/tests.*$/section of \/...helgrind\/tests.../" |
# Anonymise line numbers in vg_scheduler.c
sed "s/vg_scheduler.c:[0-9]\+/vg_scheduler.c:.../" |
# Output looks like...
# ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
# [0] = { }
# ==27116== 0 possible data races found
sed "/ERROR SUMMARY:/ , /0 possible data races found/ d"