blob: bb7cb6c4d44e0645cd6735adccb8cb55182982a3 [file] [log] [blame]
/*--- Command line options. pub_core_options.h ---*/
This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
Copyright (C) 2000-2010 Julian Seward
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
// PURPOSE: This module holds the variables for all command line options,
// plus some functions and macros for manipulating them. Almost every
// other module imports this one, if only for VG_(clo_verbosity).
#include "pub_tool_options.h"
/* The max number of suppression files. */
#define VG_CLO_MAX_SFILES 100
/* The max number of --require-text-symbol= specification strings. */
#define VG_CLO_MAX_REQ_TSYMS 100
/* The max number of --fullpath-after= parameters. */
/* Should we stop collecting errors if too many appear? default: YES */
extern Bool VG_(clo_error_limit);
/* Alternative exit code to hand to parent if errors were found.
default: 0 (no, return the application's exit code in the normal
way. */
extern Int VG_(clo_error_exitcode);
enum {
Vg_VgdbNo, // Do not activate gdbserver.
Vg_VgdbYes, // Activate gdbserver (default).
Vg_VgdbFull, // ACtivate gdbserver in full mode, allowing
// a precise handling of watchpoints and single stepping
// at any moment.
/* if != Vg_VgdbNo, allows valgrind to serve vgdb/gdb. */
extern VgVgdb VG_(clo_vgdb);
/* if > 0, checks every VG_(clo_vgdb_poll) BBS if vgdb wants to be served. */
extern Int VG_(clo_vgdb_poll);
/* prefix for the named pipes (FIFOs) used by vgdb/gdb to communicate with valgrind */
extern Char* VG_(clo_vgdb_prefix);
/* if True, gdbserver in valgrind will expose a target description containing
shadow registers */
extern Bool VG_(clo_vgdb_shadow_registers);
#define VG_CLO_VGDB_PREFIX_DEFAULT "/tmp/vgdb-pipe"
/* Enquire about whether to attach to a debugger at errors? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_db_attach);
/* The debugger command? default: whatever gdb ./configure found */
extern Char* VG_(clo_db_command);
/* Generating a suppression for each error? default: 0 (NO)
Other values: 1 (yes, but ask user), 2 (yes, don't ask user) */
extern Int VG_(clo_gen_suppressions);
/* Sanity-check level: 0 = none, 1 (default), > 1 = expensive. */
extern Int VG_(clo_sanity_level);
/* Automatically attempt to demangle C++ names? default: YES */
extern Bool VG_(clo_demangle);
/* Simulate child processes? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_children);
/* String containing comma-separated patterns for executable names
that should not be traced into even when --trace-children=yes */
extern HChar* VG_(clo_trace_children_skip);
/* The same as VG_(clo_trace_children), except that these patterns are
tested against the arguments for child processes, rather than the
executable name. */
extern HChar* VG_(clo_trace_children_skip_by_arg);
/* After a fork, the child's output can become confusingly
intermingled with the parent's output. This is especially
problematic when VG_(clo_xml) is True. Setting
VG_(clo_child_silent_after_fork) causes children to fall silent
after fork() calls. Although note they become un-silent again
after the subsequent exec(). */
extern Bool VG_(clo_child_silent_after_fork);
/* If the user specified --log-file=STR and/or --xml-file=STR, these
hold STR after expansion of the %p and %q templates. */
extern Char* VG_(clo_log_fname_expanded);
extern Char* VG_(clo_xml_fname_expanded);
/* Add timestamps to log messages? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_time_stamp);
/* The file descriptor to read for input. default: 0 == stdin */
extern Int VG_(clo_input_fd);
/* The number of suppression files specified. */
extern Int VG_(clo_n_suppressions);
/* The names of the suppression files. */
extern Char* VG_(clo_suppressions)[VG_CLO_MAX_SFILES];
/* An array of strings harvested from --fullpath-after= flags. */
extern Int VG_(clo_n_fullpath_after);
extern Char* VG_(clo_fullpath_after)[VG_CLO_MAX_FULLPATH_AFTER];
/* DEBUG: print generated code? default: 00000000 ( == NO ) */
extern UChar VG_(clo_trace_flags);
/* DEBUG: do bb profiling? default: 00000000 ( == NO ) */
extern UChar VG_(clo_profile_flags);
/* DEBUG: if tracing codegen, be quiet until after this bb ( 0 ) */
extern Int VG_(clo_trace_notbelow);
/* DEBUG: print system calls? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_syscalls);
/* DEBUG: print signal details? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_signals);
/* DEBUG: print symtab details? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_symtab);
/* DEBUG: restrict symtab etc details to object name pattern. Default: "*" */
extern HChar* VG_(clo_trace_symtab_patt);
/* DEBUG: print call-frame-info details? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_cfi);
/* DEBUG: mimic /usr/bin/readelf --syms? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_debug_dump_syms);
/* DEBUG: mimic /usr/bin/readelf --debug-dump=line? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_debug_dump_line);
/* DEBUG: mimic /usr/bin/readelf --debug-dump=frames? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_debug_dump_frames);
/* DEBUG: print redirection details? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_redir);
/* DEBUG: print thread scheduling events? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_trace_sched);
/* DEBUG: do heap profiling? default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_profile_heap);
/* DEBUG: display gory details for the k'th most popular error.
default: Infinity. */
extern Int VG_(clo_dump_error);
/* Engage miscellaneous weird hacks needed for some progs. */
extern Char* VG_(clo_sim_hints);
/* Show symbols in the form 'name+offset' ? Default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_sym_offsets);
/* Read DWARF3 variable info even if tool doesn't ask for it? */
extern Bool VG_(clo_read_var_info);
/* Which prefix to strip from full source file paths, if any. */
extern Char* VG_(clo_prefix_to_strip);
/* An array of strings harvested from --require-text-symbol=
Each string specifies a pair: a soname pattern and a text symbol
name pattern, separated by a colon. The patterns can be written
using the normal "?" and "*" wildcards. For example:
These flags take effect when reading debuginfo from objects. If an
object is loaded and the object's soname matches the soname
component of one of the specified pairs, then Valgrind will examine
all the text symbol names in the object. If none of them match the
symbol name component of that same specification, then the run is
aborted, with an error message.
The purpose of this is to support reliable usage of marked-up
libraries. For example, suppose we have a version of GCC's which has been marked up with annotations to support
Helgrind. It is only too easy and confusing to load the 'wrong' into the application. So the idea is: add a text symbol
in the marked-up library (eg), "annotated_for_helgrind_3_6", and
then give the flag
so that when is loaded, we scan the symbol table, and if
the symbol isn't present the run is aborted, rather than continuing
silently with the un-marked-up library. Note that you should put
the entire flag in quotes to stop shells messing up the * and ?
wildcards. */
extern Int VG_(clo_n_req_tsyms);
extern HChar* VG_(clo_req_tsyms)[VG_CLO_MAX_REQ_TSYMS];
/* Track open file descriptors? */
extern Bool VG_(clo_track_fds);
/* Should we run __libc_freeres at exit? Sometimes causes crashes.
Default: YES. Note this is subservient to VG_(needs).libc_freeres;
if the latter says False, then the setting of VG_(clo_run_libc_freeres)
is ignored. Ie if a tool says no, I don't want this to run, that
cannot be overridden from the command line. */
extern Bool VG_(clo_run_libc_freeres);
/* Should we show VEX emulation warnings? Default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_show_emwarns);
/* How much does the stack pointer have to change before tools
consider a stack switch to have happened? Default: 2000000 bytes
NB: must be host-word-sized to be correct (hence Word). */
extern Word VG_(clo_max_stackframe);
/* How large should Valgrind allow the primary thread's guest stack to
be? */
extern Word VG_(clo_main_stacksize);
/* Delay startup to allow GDB to be attached? Default: NO */
extern Bool VG_(clo_wait_for_gdb);
/* To what extent should self-checking translations be made? These
are needed to deal with self-modifying code on uncooperative
platforms. */
enum {
Vg_SmcNone, // never generate self-checking translations
Vg_SmcStack, // generate s-c-t's for code found in stacks
// (this is the default)
Vg_SmcAll // make all translations self-checking.
/* Describe extent to which self-modifying-code should be
auto-detected. */
extern VgSmc VG_(clo_smc_check);
/* String containing comma-separated names of minor kernel variants,
so they can be properly handled by m_syswrap. */
extern HChar* VG_(clo_kernel_variant);
/* Darwin-specific: automatically run /usr/bin/dsymutil to update
.dSYM directories as necessary? */
extern Bool VG_(clo_dsymutil);
/* Should we trace into this child executable (across execve etc) ?
This involves considering --trace-children=,
--trace-children-skip=, --trace-children-skip-by-arg=, and the name
of the executable. 'child_argv' must not include the name of the
executable itself; iow child_argv[0] must be the first arg, if any,
for the child. */
extern Bool VG_(should_we_trace_this_child) ( HChar* child_exe_name,
HChar** child_argv );
#endif // __PUB_CORE_OPTIONS_H
/*--- end ---*/