blob: 4b7a012d689c2661669c867d40fc559101bafb3f [file] [log] [blame]
relaying data between gdb and process ....
vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
general valgrind monitor commands:
help [debug] : monitor command help. With debug: + debugging commands
vg.wait [<ms>] : sleep <ms> (default 0) then continue all_errors : show all errors found so far last_error : show last error found n_errs_found : show the nr of errors found so far
vg.kill : kill the Valgrind process
vg.set gdb_output : set valgrind output to gdb
vg.set log_output : set valgrind output to log
vg.set mixed_output : set valgrind output to log, interactive output to gdb
vg.set vgdb-error <errornr> : debug me at error >= <errornr>
massif monitor commands:
ms.snapshot [<filename>] [detailed]
takes a snapshot and saves it in <filename>
default <filename> is massif.vgdb.out
if present, detailed argument indicates to take a detailed snapshot
monitor command request to kill this process
Remote connection closed