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<a name="title">&nbsp;</a>
<h1 align=center>Valgrind, snapshot 20020324</h1>
<a href=""><br>
<a href=""></a><br>
Copyright &copy; 2000-2002 Julian Seward
Valgrind is licensed under the GNU General Public License,
version 2<br>
An open-source tool for finding memory-management problems in
Linux-x86 executables.
<hr width="100%">
<a name="contents"></a>
<h2>Contents of this manual</h2>
<h4>1&nbsp; <a href="#intro">Introduction</a></h4>
1.1&nbsp; <a href="#whatfor">What Valgrind is for</a><br>
1.2&nbsp; <a href="#whatdoes">What it does with your program</a>
<h4>2&nbsp; <a href="#howtouse">How to use it, and how to make sense
of the results</a></h4>
2.1&nbsp; <a href="#starta">Getting started</a><br>
2.2&nbsp; <a href="#comment">The commentary</a><br>
2.3&nbsp; <a href="#report">Reporting of errors</a><br>
2.4&nbsp; <a href="#suppress">Suppressing errors</a><br>
2.5&nbsp; <a href="#flags">Command-line flags</a><br>
2.6&nbsp; <a href="#errormsgs">Explaination of error messages</a><br>
2.7&nbsp; <a href="#suppfiles">Writing suppressions files</a><br>
2.8&nbsp; <a href="#install">Building and installing</a><br>
2.9&nbsp; <a href="#problems">If you have problems</a><br>
<h4>3&nbsp; <a href="#machine">Details of the checking machinery</a></h4>
3.1&nbsp; <a href="#vvalue">Valid-value (V) bits</a><br>
3.2&nbsp; <a href="#vaddress">Valid-address (A)&nbsp;bits</a><br>
3.3&nbsp; <a href="#together">Putting it all together</a><br>
3.4&nbsp; <a href="#signals">Signals</a><br>
3.5&nbsp; <a href="#leaks">Memory leak detection</a><br>
<h4>4&nbsp; <a href="#limits">Limitations</a></h4>
<h4>5&nbsp; <a href="#howitworks">How it works -- a rough overview</a></h4>
5.1&nbsp; <a href="#startb">Getting started</a><br>
5.2&nbsp; <a href="#engine">The translation/instrumentation engine</a><br>
5.3&nbsp; <a href="#track">Tracking the status of memory</a><br>
5.4&nbsp; <a href="#sys_calls">System calls</a><br>
5.5&nbsp; <a href="#sys_signals">Signals</a><br>
<h4>6&nbsp; <a href="#example">An example</a></h4>
<h4>7&nbsp; <a href="techdocs.html">The design and implementation of Valgrind</a></h4>
<hr width="100%">
<a name="intro"></a>
<h2>1&nbsp; Introduction</h2>
<a name="whatfor"></a>
<h3>1.1&nbsp; What Valgrind is for</h3>
Valgrind is a tool to help you find memory-management problems in your
programs. When a program is run under Valgrind's supervision, all
reads and writes of memory are checked, and calls to
malloc/new/free/delete are intercepted. As a result, Valgrind can
detect problems such as:
<li>Use of uninitialised memory</li>
<li>Reading/writing memory after it has been free'd</li>
<li>Reading/writing off the end of malloc'd blocks</li>
<li>Reading/writing inappropriate areas on the stack</li>
<li>Memory leaks -- where pointers to malloc'd blocks are lost forever</li>
Problems like these can be difficult to find by other means, often
lying undetected for long periods, then causing occasional,
difficult-to-diagnose crashes.
Valgrind is closely tied to details of the CPU, operating system and
to a less extent, compiler and basic C libraries. This makes it
difficult to make it portable, so I have chosen at the outset to
concentrate on what I believe to be a widely used platform: Red Hat
Linux 7.2, on x86s. I believe that it will work without significant
difficulty on other x86 GNU/Linux systems which use the 2.4 kernel and
GNU libc 2.2.X, for example SuSE 7.1 and Mandrake 8.0. Red Hat 6.2 is
also supported. It has worked in the past, and probably still does,
on RedHat 7.1 and 6.2. Note that I haven't compiled it on RedHat 7.1
and 6.2 for a while, so they may no longer work now.
(Early Feb 02: after feedback from the KDE people it also works better
on other Linuxes).
At some point in the past, Valgrind has also worked on Red Hat 6.2
(x86), thanks to the efforts of Rob Noble.
Valgrind is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version
2. Read the file LICENSE in the source distribution for details.
<a name="whatdoes">
<h3>1.2&nbsp; What it does with your program</h3>
Valgrind is designed to be as non-intrusive as possible. It works
directly with existing executables. You don't need to recompile,
relink, or otherwise modify, the program to be checked. Simply place
the word <code>valgrind</code> at the start of the command line
normally used to run the program. So, for example, if you want to run
the command <code>ls -l</code> on Valgrind, simply issue the
command: <code>valgrind ls -l</code>.
<p>Valgrind takes control of your program before it starts. Debugging
information is read from the executable and associated libraries, so
that error messages can be phrased in terms of source code
locations. Your program is then run on a synthetic x86 CPU which
checks every memory access. All detected errors are written to a
log. When the program finishes, Valgrind searches for and reports on
leaked memory.
<p>You can run pretty much any dynamically linked ELF x86 executable using
Valgrind. Programs run 25 to 50 times slower, and take a lot more
memory, than they usually would. It works well enough to run large
programs. For example, the Konqueror web browser from the KDE Desktop
Environment, version 2.1.1, runs slowly but usably on Valgrind.
<p>Valgrind simulates every single instruction your program executes.
Because of this, it finds errors not only in your application but also
in all supporting dynamically-linked (.so-format) libraries, including
the GNU C library, the X client libraries, Qt, if you work with KDE, and
so on. That often includes libraries, for example the GNU C library,
which contain memory access violations, but which you cannot or do not
want to fix.
<p>Rather than swamping you with errors in which you are not
interested, Valgrind allows you to selectively suppress errors, by
recording them in a suppressions file which is read when Valgrind
starts up. As supplied, Valgrind comes with a suppressions file
designed to give reasonable behaviour on Red Hat 7.2 (also 7.1 and
6.2) when running text-only and simple X applications.
<p><a href="#example">Section 6</a> shows an example of use.
<hr width="100%">
<a name="howtouse"></a>
<h2>2&nbsp; How to use it, and how to make sense of the results</h2>
<a name="starta"></a>
<h3>2.1&nbsp; Getting started</h3>
First off, consider whether it might be beneficial to recompile your
application and supporting libraries with optimisation disabled and
debugging info enabled (the <code>-g</code> flag). You don't have to
do this, but doing so helps Valgrind produce more accurate and less
confusing error reports. Chances are you're set up like this already,
if you intended to debug your program with GNU gdb, or some other
<p>Then just run your application, but place the word
<code>valgrind</code> in front of your usual command-line invokation.
Note that you should run the real (machine-code) executable here. If
your application is started by, for example, a shell or perl script,
you'll need to modify it to invoke Valgrind on the real executables.
Running such scripts directly under Valgrind will result in you
getting error reports pertaining to <code>/bin/sh</code>,
<code>/usr/bin/perl</code>, or whatever interpreter you're using.
This almost certainly isn't what you want and can be hugely confusing.
<a name="comment"></a>
<h3>2.2&nbsp; The commentary</h3>
Valgrind writes a commentary, detailing error reports and other
significant events. The commentary goes to standard output by
default. This may interfere with your program, so you can ask for it
to be directed elsewhere.
<p>All lines in the commentary are of the following form:<br>
==12345== some-message-from-Valgrind
<p>The <code>12345</code> is the process ID. This scheme makes it easy
to distinguish program output from Valgrind commentary, and also easy
to differentiate commentaries from different processes which have
become merged together, for whatever reason.
<p>By default, Valgrind writes only essential messages to the commentary,
so as to avoid flooding you with information of secondary importance.
If you want more information about what is happening, re-run, passing
the <code>-v</code> flag to Valgrind.
<a name="report"></a>
<h3>2.3&nbsp; Reporting of errors</h3>
When Valgrind detects something bad happening in the program, an error
message is written to the commentary. For example:<br>
==25832== Invalid read of size 4
==25832== at 0x8048724: BandMatrix::ReSize(int, int, int) (bogon.cpp:45)
==25832== by 0x80487AF: main (bogon.cpp:66)
==25832== by 0x40371E5E: __libc_start_main (libc-start.c:129)
==25832== by 0x80485D1: (within /home/sewardj/newmat10/bogon)
==25832== Address 0xBFFFF74C is not stack'd, malloc'd or free'd
<p>This message says that the program did an illegal 4-byte read of
address 0xBFFFF74C, which, as far as it can tell, is not a valid stack
address, nor corresponds to any currently malloc'd or free'd blocks.
The read is happening at line 45 of <code>bogon.cpp</code>, called
from line 66 of the same file, etc. For errors associated with an
identified malloc'd/free'd block, for example reading free'd memory,
Valgrind reports not only the location where the error happened, but
also where the associated block was malloc'd/free'd.
<p>Valgrind remembers all error reports. When an error is detected,
it is compared against old reports, to see if it is a duplicate. If
so, the error is noted, but no further commentary is emitted. This
avoids you being swamped with bazillions of duplicate error reports.
<p>If you want to know how many times each error occurred, run with
the <code>-v</code> option. When execution finishes, all the reports
are printed out, along with, and sorted by, their occurrence counts.
This makes it easy to see which errors have occurred most frequently.
<p>Errors are reported before the associated operation actually
happens. For example, if you program decides to read from address
zero, Valgrind will emit a message to this effect, and the program
will then duly die with a segmentation fault.
<p>In general, you should try and fix errors in the order that they
are reported. Not doing so can be confusing. For example, a program
which copies uninitialised values to several memory locations, and
later uses them, will generate several error messages. The first such
error message may well give the most direct clue to the root cause of
the problem.
<a name="suppress"></a>
<h3>2.4&nbsp; Suppressing errors</h3>
Valgrind detects numerous problems in the base libraries, such as the
GNU C library, and the XFree86 client libraries, which come
pre-installed on your GNU/Linux system. You can't easily fix these,
but you don't want to see these errors (and yes, there are many!) So
Valgrind reads a list of errors to suppress at startup. By default
this file is <code>redhat72.supp</code>, located in the Valgrind
installation directory.
<p>You can modify and add to the suppressions file at your leisure, or
write your own. Multiple suppression files are allowed. This is
useful if part of your project contains errors you can't or don't want
to fix, yet you don't want to continuously be reminded of them.
<p>Each error to be suppressed is described very specifically, to
minimise the possibility that a suppression-directive inadvertantly
suppresses a bunch of similar errors which you did want to see. The
suppression mechanism is designed to allow precise yet flexible
specification of errors to suppress.
<p>If you use the <code>-v</code> flag, at the end of execution, Valgrind
prints out one line for each used suppression, giving its name and the
number of times it got used. Here's the suppressions used by a run of
<code>ls -l</code>:
--27579-- supp: 1 socketcall.connect(serv_addr)/__libc_connect/__nscd_getgrgid_r
--27579-- supp: 1 socketcall.connect(serv_addr)/__libc_connect/__nscd_getpwuid_r
--27579-- supp: 6 strrchr/_dl_map_object_from_fd/_dl_map_object
<a name="flags"></a>
<h3>2.5&nbsp; Command-line flags</h3>
You invoke Valgrind like this:
valgrind [options-for-Valgrind] your-prog [options for your-prog]
<p>Valgrind's default settings succeed in giving reasonable behaviour
in most cases. Available options, in no particular order, are as
<p>The usual deal.</li><br><p>
<li><code>-v --verbose</code><br>
<p>Be more verbose. Gives extra information on various aspects
of your program, such as: the shared objects loaded, the
suppressions used, the progress of the instrumentation engine,
and warnings about unusual behaviour.
<li><code>-q --quiet</code><br>
<p>Run silently, and only print error messages. Useful if you
are running regression tests or have some other automated test
<code>--demangle=yes</code> [the default]
<p>Disable/enable automatic demangling (decoding) of C++ names.
Enabled by default. When enabled, Valgrind will attempt to
translate encoded C++ procedure names back to something
approaching the original. The demangler handles symbols mangled
by g++ versions 2.X and 3.X.
<p>An important fact about demangling is that function
names mentioned in suppressions files should be in their mangled
form. Valgrind does not demangle function names when searching
for applicable suppressions, because to do otherwise would make
suppressions file contents dependent on the state of Valgrind's
demangling machinery, and would also be slow and pointless.
<li><code>--num-callers=&lt;number&gt;</code> [default=4]<br>
<p>By default, Valgrind shows four levels of function call names
to help you identify program locations. You can change that
number with this option. This can help in determining the
program's location in deeply-nested call chains. Note that errors
are commoned up using only the top three function locations (the
place in the current function, and that of its two immediate
callers). So this doesn't affect the total number of errors
The maximum value for this is 50. Note that higher settings
will make Valgrind run a bit more slowly and take a bit more
memory, but can be useful when working with programs with
deeply-nested call chains.
<li><code>--gdb-attach=no</code> [the default]<br>
<p>When enabled, Valgrind will pause after every error shown,
and print the line
<code>---- Attach to GDB ? --- [Return/N/n/Y/y/C/c] ----</code>
Pressing <code>Ret</code>, or <code>N</code> <code>Ret</code>
or <code>n</code> <code>Ret</code>, causes Valgrind not to
start GDB for this error.
<code>Y</code> <code>Ret</code>
or <code>y</code> <code>Ret</code> causes Valgrind to
start GDB, for the program at this point. When you have
finished with GDB, quit from it, and the program will continue.
Trying to continue from inside GDB doesn't work.
<code>C</code> <code>Ret</code>
or <code>c</code> <code>Ret</code> causes Valgrind not to
start GDB, and not to ask again.
<code>--gdb-attach=yes</code> conflicts with
<code>--trace-children=yes</code>. You can't use them
together. Valgrind refuses to start up in this situation.
<li><code>--partial-loads-ok=yes</code> [the default]<br>
<p>Controls how Valgrind handles word (4-byte) loads from
addresses for which some bytes are addressible and others
are not. When <code>yes</code> (the default), such loads
do not elicit an address error. Instead, the loaded V bytes
corresponding to the illegal addresses indicate undefined, and
those corresponding to legal addresses are loaded from shadow
memory, as usual.
When <code>no</code>, loads from partially
invalid addresses are treated the same as loads from completely
invalid addresses: an illegal-address error is issued,
and the resulting V bytes indicate valid data.
<li><code>--sloppy-malloc=no</code> [the default]<br>
<p>When enabled, all requests for malloc/calloc are rounded up
to a whole number of machine words -- in other words, made
divisible by 4. For example, a request for 17 bytes of space
would result in a 20-byte area being made available. This works
around bugs in sloppy libraries which assume that they can
safely rely on malloc/calloc requests being rounded up in this
fashion. Without the workaround, these libraries tend to
generate large numbers of errors when they access the ends of
these areas. Valgrind snapshots dated 17 Feb 2002 and later are
cleverer about this problem, and you should no longer need to
use this flag.
<li><code>--trace-children=no</code> [the default]</br>
<p>When enabled, Valgrind will trace into child processes. This
is confusing and usually not what you want, so is disabled by
<li><code>--freelist-vol=&lt;number></code> [default: 1000000]
<p>When the client program releases memory using free (in C) or
delete (C++), that memory is not immediately made available for
re-allocation. Instead it is marked inaccessible and placed in
a queue of freed blocks. The purpose is to delay the point at
which freed-up memory comes back into circulation. This
increases the chance that Valgrind will be able to detect
invalid accesses to blocks for some significant period of time
after they have been freed.
This flag specifies the maximum total size, in bytes, of the
blocks in the queue. The default value is one million bytes.
Increasing this increases the total amount of memory used by
Valgrind but may detect invalid uses of freed blocks which would
otherwise go undetected.</li><br><p>
<li><code>--logfile-fd=&lt;number></code> [default: 2, stderr]
<p>Specifies the file descriptor on which Valgrind communicates
all of its messages. The default, 2, is the standard error
channel. This may interfere with the client's own use of
stderr. To dump Valgrind's commentary in a file without using
stderr, something like the following works well (sh/bash
valgrind --logfile-fd=9 my_prog 9> logfile</code><br>
That is: tell Valgrind to send all output to file descriptor 9,
and ask the shell to route file descriptor 9 to "logfile".
<li><code>--suppressions=&lt;filename></code> [default:
/installation/directory/redhat72.supp] <p>Specifies an extra
file from which to read descriptions of errors to suppress. You
may use as many extra suppressions files as you
<li><code>--leak-check=no</code> [default]<br>
<p>When enabled, search for memory leaks when the client program
finishes. A memory leak means a malloc'd block, which has not
yet been free'd, but to which no pointer can be found. Such a
block can never be free'd by the program, since no pointer to it
exists. Leak checking is disabled by default
because it tends to generate dozens of error messages.
<li><code>--show-reachable=no</code> [default]<br>
<code>--show-reachable=yes</code> <p>When disabled, the memory
leak detector only shows blocks for which it cannot find a
pointer to at all, or it can only find a pointer to the middle
of. These blocks are prime candidates for memory leaks. When
enabled, the leak detector also reports on blocks which it could
find a pointer to. Your program could, at least in principle,
have freed such blocks before exit. Contrast this to blocks for
which no pointer, or only an interior pointer could be found:
they are more likely to indicate memory leaks, because
you do not actually have a pointer to the start of the block
which you can hand to free(), even if you wanted to.
<li><code>--leak-resolution=low</code> [default]<br>
<code>--leak-resolution=med</code> <br>
<p>When doing leak checking, determines how willing Valgrind is
to consider different backtraces the same. When set to
<code>low</code>, the default, only the first two entries need
match. When <code>med</code>, four entries have to match. When
<code>high</code>, all entries need to match.
For hardcore leak debugging, you probably want to use
<code>--leak-resolution=high</code> together with
<code>--num-callers=40</code> or some such large number. Note
however that this can give an overwhelming amount of
information, which is why the defaults are 4 callers and
low-resolution matching.
Note that the <code>--leak-resolution=</code> setting does not
affect Valgrind's ability to find leaks. It only changes how
the results are presented to you.
<li><code>--workaround-gcc296-bugs=no</code> [default]<br>
<code>--workaround-gcc296-bugs=yes</code> <p>When enabled,
assume that reads and writes some small distance below the stack
pointer <code>%esp</code> are due to bugs in gcc 2.96, and does
not report them. The "small distance" is 256 bytes by default.
Note that gcc 2.96 is the default compiler on some popular Linux
distributions (RedHat 7.X, Mandrake) and so you may well need to
use this flag. Do not use it if you do not have to, as it can
cause real errors to be overlooked. A better option is to use a
gcc/g++ which works properly; 2.95.3 seems to be a good choice.
Unfortunately (27 Feb 02) it looks like g++ 3.0.4 is similarly
buggy, so you may need to issue this flag if you use 3.0.4.
<li><code>--client-perms=no</code> [default]<br>
<code>--client-perms=yes</code> <p>An experimental feature.
When enabled, and when <code>--instrument=yes</code> (which is
the default), Valgrind honours client directives to set and
query address range permissions. This allows the client program
to tell Valgrind about changes in memory range permissions that
Valgrind would not otherwise know about, and so allows clients
to get Valgrind to do arbitrary custom checks.
Clients need to include the header file <code>valgrind.h</code>
to make this work. The macros therein have the magical property
that they generate code in-line which Valgrind can spot.
However, the code does nothing when not run on Valgrind, so you
are not forced to run your program on Valgrind just because you
use the macros in this file.
A brief description of the available macros:
<code>VALGRIND_MAKE_READABLE</code>. These mark address
ranges as completely inaccessible, accessible but containing
undefined data, and accessible and containing defined data,
respectively. Subsequent errors may have their faulting
addresses described in terms of these blocks. Returns a
"block handle".
<li><code>VALGRIND_DISCARD</code>: At some point you may want
Valgrind to stop reporting errors in terms of the blocks
defined by the previous three macros. To do this, the above
macros return a small-integer "block handle". You can pass
this block handle to <code>VALGRIND_DISCARD</code>. After
doing so, Valgrind will no longer be able to relate
addressing errors to the user-defined block associated with
the handle. The permissions settings associated with the
handle remain in place; this just affects how errors are
reported, not whether they are reported. Returns 1 for an
invalid handle and 0 for a valid handle (although passing
invalid handles is harmless).
<code>VALGRIND_CHECK_READABLE</code>: check immediately
whether or not the given address range has the relevant
property, and if not, print an error message. Also, for the
convenience of the client, returns zero if the relevant
property holds; otherwise, the returned value is the address
of the first byte for which the property is not true.
<li><code>VALGRIND_CHECK_NOACCESS</code>: a quick and easy way
to find out whether Valgrind thinks a particular variable
(lvalue, to be precise) is addressible and defined. Prints
an error message if not. Returns no value.
<li><code>VALGRIND_MAKE_NOACCESS_STACK</code>: a highly
experimental feature. Similarly to
<code>VALGRIND_MAKE_NOACCESS</code>, this marks an address
range as inaccessible, so that subsequent accesses to an
address in the range gives an error. However, this macro
does not return a block handle. Instead, all annotations
created like this are reviewed at each client
<code>ret</code> (subroutine return) instruction, and those
which now define an address range block the client's stack
pointer register (<code>%esp</code>) are automatically
In other words, this macro allows the client to tell
Valgrind about red-zones on its own stack. Valgrind
automatically discards this information when the stack
retreats past such blocks. Beware: hacky and flaky.
As of 17 March 02 (the time of writing this), there is a small
problem with all of these macros, which is that I haven't
figured out how to make them produce sensible (always-succeeds)
return values when the client is run on the real CPU or on
Valgrind without <code>--client-perms=yes</code>. So if you
write client code which depends on the return values, be aware
that it may misbehave when not run with full Valgrindification.
If you always ignore the return values you should always be
safe. I plan to fix this.
There are also some options for debugging Valgrind itself. You
shouldn't need to use them in the normal run of things. Nevertheless:
<li><code>--single-step=no</code> [default]<br>
<p>When enabled, each x86 insn is translated seperately into
instrumented code. When disabled, translation is done on a
per-basic-block basis, giving much better translations.</li><br>
<code>--optimise=yes</code> [default]
<p>When enabled, various improvements are applied to the
intermediate code, mainly aimed at allowing the simulated CPU's
registers to be cached in the real CPU's registers over several
simulated instructions.</li><br>
<code>--instrument=yes</code> [default]
<p>When disabled, the translations don't actually contain any
<code>--cleanup=yes</code> [default]
<p>When enabled, various improvments are applied to the
post-instrumented intermediate code, aimed at removing redundant
value checks.</li><br>
<li><code>--trace-syscalls=no</code> [default]<br>
<p>Enable/disable tracing of system call intercepts.</li><br>
<li><code>--trace-signals=no</code> [default]<br>
<p>Enable/disable tracing of signal handling.</li><br>
<li><code>--trace-symtab=no</code> [default]<br>
<p>Enable/disable tracing of symbol table reading.</li><br>
<li><code>--trace-malloc=no</code> [default]<br>
<p>Enable/disable tracing of malloc/free (et al) intercepts.
[default: infinity, more or less]
<p>After &lt;number> basic blocks have been executed, shut down
Valgrind and switch back to running the client on the real CPU.
[default: inactive]
<p>After the program has exited, show gory details of the
translation of the basic block containing the &lt;number>'th
error context. When used with <code>--single-step=yes</code>,
can show the
exact x86 instruction causing an error.</li><br>
<code>--smc-check=some</code> [default]<br>
<p>How carefully should Valgrind check for self-modifying code
writes, so that translations can be discarded?&nbsp; When
"none", no writes are checked. When "some", only writes
resulting from moves from integer registers to memory are
checked. When "all", all memory writes are checked, even those
with which are no sane program would generate code -- for
example, floating-point writes.</li>
<a name="errormsgs">
<h3>2.6&nbsp; Explaination of error messages</h3>
Despite considerable sophistication under the hood, Valgrind can only
really detect two kinds of errors, use of illegal addresses, and use
of undefined values. Nevertheless, this is enough to help you
discover all sorts of memory-management nasties in your code. This
section presents a quick summary of what error messages mean. The
precise behaviour of the error-checking machinery is described in
<a href="#machine">Section 4</a>.
<h4>2.6.1&nbsp; Illegal read / Illegal write errors</h4>
For example:
==30975== Invalid read of size 4
==30975== at 0x40F6BBCC: (within /usr/lib/
==30975== by 0x40F6B804: (within /usr/lib/
==30975== by 0x40B07FF4: read_png_image__FP8QImageIO (kernel/qpngio.cpp:326)
==30975== by 0x40AC751B: QImageIO::read() (kernel/qimage.cpp:3621)
==30975== Address 0xBFFFF0E0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or free'd
<p>This happens when your program reads or writes memory at a place
which Valgrind reckons it shouldn't. In this example, the program did
a 4-byte read at address 0xBFFFF0E0, somewhere within the
system-supplied library, which was called from
somewhere else in the same library, called from line 326 of
qpngio.cpp, and so on.
<p>Valgrind tries to establish what the illegal address might relate
to, since that's often useful. So, if it points into a block of
memory which has already been freed, you'll be informed of this, and
also where the block was free'd at.. Likewise, if it should turn out
to be just off the end of a malloc'd block, a common result of
off-by-one-errors in array subscripting, you'll be informed of this
fact, and also where the block was malloc'd.
<p>In this example, Valgrind can't identify the address. Actually the
address is on the stack, but, for some reason, this is not a valid
stack address -- it is below the stack pointer, %esp, and that isn't
<p>Note that Valgrind only tells you that your program is about to
access memory at an illegal address. It can't stop the access from
happening. So, if your program makes an access which normally would
result in a segmentation fault, you program will still suffer the same
fate -- but you will get a message from Valgrind immediately prior to
this. In this particular example, reading junk on the stack is
non-fatal, and the program stays alive.
<h4>2.6.2&nbsp; Use of uninitialised values</h4>
For example:
==19146== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==19146== at 0x402DFA94: _IO_vfprintf (_itoa.h:49)
==19146== by 0x402E8476: _IO_printf (printf.c:36)
==19146== by 0x8048472: main (tests/manuel1.c:8)
==19146== by 0x402A6E5E: __libc_start_main (libc-start.c:129)
<p>An uninitialised-value use error is reported when your program uses
a value which hasn't been initialised -- in other words, is undefined.
Here, the undefined value is used somewhere inside the printf()
machinery of the C library. This error was reported when running the
following small program:
int main()
int x;
printf ("x = %d\n", x);
<p>It is important to understand that your program can copy around
junk (uninitialised) data to its heart's content. Valgrind observes
this and keeps track of the data, but does not complain. A complaint
is issued only when your program attempts to make use of uninitialised
data. In this example, x is uninitialised. Valgrind observes the
value being passed to _IO_printf and thence to
_IO_vfprintf, but makes no comment. However,
_IO_vfprintf has to examine the value of x
so it can turn it into the corresponding ASCII string, and it is at
this point that Valgrind complains.
<p>Sources of uninitialised data tend to be:
<li>Local variables in procedures which have not been initialised,
as in the example above.</li><br><p>
<li>The contents of malloc'd blocks, before you write something
there. In C++, the new operator is a wrapper round malloc, so
if you create an object with new, its fields will be
uninitialised until you fill them in, which is only Right and
<h4>2.6.3&nbsp; Illegal frees</h4>
For example:
==7593== Invalid free()
==7593== at 0x4004FFDF: free (ut_clientmalloc.c:577)
==7593== by 0x80484C7: main (tests/doublefree.c:10)
==7593== by 0x402A6E5E: __libc_start_main (libc-start.c:129)
==7593== by 0x80483B1: (within tests/doublefree)
==7593== Address 0x3807F7B4 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 177 free'd
==7593== at 0x4004FFDF: free (ut_clientmalloc.c:577)
==7593== by 0x80484C7: main (tests/doublefree.c:10)
==7593== by 0x402A6E5E: __libc_start_main (libc-start.c:129)
==7593== by 0x80483B1: (within tests/doublefree)
<p>Valgrind keeps track of the blocks allocated by your program with
malloc/new, so it can know exactly whether or not the argument to
free/delete is legitimate or not. Here, this test program has
freed the same block twice. As with the illegal read/write errors,
Valgrind attempts to make sense of the address free'd. If, as
here, the address is one which has previously been freed, you wil
be told that -- making duplicate frees of the same block easy to spot.
<h4>2.6.4&nbsp; Passing system call parameters with inadequate
read/write permissions</h4>
Valgrind checks all parameters to system calls. If a system call
needs to read from a buffer provided by your program, Valgrind checks
that the entire buffer is addressible and has valid data, ie, it is
readable. And if the system call needs to write to a user-supplied
buffer, Valgrind checks that the buffer is addressible. After the
system call, Valgrind updates its administrative information to
precisely reflect any changes in memory permissions caused by the
system call.
<p>Here's an example of a system call with an invalid parameter:
#include &lt;stdlib.h>
#include &lt;unistd.h>
int main( void )
char* arr = malloc(10);
(void) write( 1 /* stdout */, arr, 10 );
return 0;
<p>You get this complaint ...
==8230== Syscall param write(buf) lacks read permissions
==8230== at 0x4035E072: __libc_write
==8230== by 0x402A6E5E: __libc_start_main (libc-start.c:129)
==8230== by 0x80483B1: (within tests/badwrite)
==8230== by &lt;bogus frame pointer> ???
==8230== Address 0x3807E6D0 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 10 alloc'd
==8230== at 0x4004FEE6: malloc (ut_clientmalloc.c:539)
==8230== by 0x80484A0: main (tests/badwrite.c:6)
==8230== by 0x402A6E5E: __libc_start_main (libc-start.c:129)
==8230== by 0x80483B1: (within tests/badwrite)
<p>... because the program has tried to write uninitialised junk from
the malloc'd block to the standard output.
<h4>2.6.5&nbsp; Warning messages you might see</h4>
Most of these only appear if you run in verbose mode (enabled by
<li> <code>More than 50 errors detected. Subsequent errors
will still be recorded, but in less detail than before.</code>
After 50 different errors have been shown, Valgrind becomes
more conservative about collecting them. It then requires only
the program counters in the top two stack frames to match when
deciding whether or not two errors are really the same one.
Prior to this point, the PCs in the top four frames are required
to match. This hack has the effect of slowing down the
appearance of new errors after the first 50. The 50 constant can
be changed by recompiling Valgrind.
<li> <code>More than 500 errors detected. I'm not reporting any more.
Final error counts may be inaccurate. Go fix your
After 500 different errors have been detected, Valgrind ignores
any more. It seems unlikely that collecting even more different
ones would be of practical help to anybody, and it avoids the
danger that Valgrind spends more and more of its time comparing
new errors against an ever-growing collection. As above, the 500
number is a compile-time constant.
<li> <code>Warning: client exiting by calling exit(&lt;number>).
Your program has called the <code>exit</code> system call, which
will immediately terminate the process. You'll get no exit-time
error summaries or leak checks. Note that this is not the same
as your program calling the ANSI C function <code>exit()</code>
-- that causes a normal, controlled shutdown of Valgrind.
<li> <code>Warning: client switching stacks?</code>
Valgrind spotted such a large change in the stack pointer, %esp,
that it guesses the client is switching to a different stack.
At this point it makes a kludgey guess where the base of the new
stack is, and sets memory permissions accordingly. You may get
many bogus error messages following this, if Valgrind guesses
wrong. At the moment "large change" is defined as a change of
more that 2000000 in the value of the %esp (stack pointer)
<li> <code>Warning: client attempted to close Valgrind's logfile fd &lt;number>
Valgrind doesn't allow the client
to close the logfile, because you'd never see any diagnostic
information after that point. If you see this message,
you may want to use the <code>--logfile-fd=&lt;number></code>
option to specify a different logfile file-descriptor number.
<li> <code>Warning: noted but unhandled ioctl &lt;number></code>
Valgrind observed a call to one of the vast family of
<code>ioctl</code> system calls, but did not modify its
memory status info (because I have not yet got round to it).
The call will still have gone through, but you may get spurious
errors after this as a result of the non-update of the memory info.
<li> <code>Warning: unblocking signal &lt;number> due to
Really just a diagnostic from the signal simulation machinery.
This message will appear if your program handles a signal by
first <code>longjmp</code>ing out of the signal handler,
and then unblocking the signal with <code>sigprocmask</code>
-- a standard signal-handling idiom.
<li> <code>Warning: bad signal number &lt;number> in __NR_sigaction.</code>
Probably indicates a bug in the signal simulation machinery.
<li> <code>Warning: set address range perms: large range &lt;number></code>
Diagnostic message, mostly for my benefit, to do with memory
<a name="suppfiles"></a>
<h3>2.7&nbsp; Writing suppressions files</h3>
A suppression file describes a bunch of errors which, for one reason
or another, you don't want Valgrind to tell you about. Usually the
reason is that the system libraries are buggy but unfixable, at least
within the scope of the current debugging session. Multiple
suppresions files are allowed. By default, Valgrind uses
<code>linux24.supp</code> in the directory where it is installed.
You can ask to add suppressions from another file, by specifying
<p>Each suppression has the following components:<br>
<li>Its name. This merely gives a handy name to the suppression, by
which it is referred to in the summary of used suppressions
printed out when a program finishes. It's not important what
the name is; any identifying string will do.
<li>The nature of the error to suppress. Either:
<code>Value4</code> or
meaning an uninitialised-value error when
using a value of 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes.
<code>Cond</code> (or its old name, <code>Value0</code>),
meaning use of an uninitialised CPU condition code. Or:
<code>Addr4</code> or
<code>Addr8</code>, meaning an invalid address during a
memory access of 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes respectively. Or
meaning an invalid system call parameter error. Or
<code>Free</code>, meaning an invalid or mismatching free.</li><br>
<li>The "immediate location" specification. For Value and Addr
errors, is either the name of the function in which the error
occurred, or, failing that, the full path the the .so file
containing the error location. For Param errors, is the name of
the offending system call parameter. For Free errors, is the
name of the function doing the freeing (eg, <code>free</code>,
<code>__builtin_vec_delete</code>, etc)</li><br>
<li>The caller of the above "immediate location". Again, either a
function or shared-object name.</li><br>
<li>Optionally, one or two extra calling-function or object names,
for greater precision.</li>
Locations may be either names of shared objects or wildcards matching
function names. They begin <code>obj:</code> and <code>fun:</code>
respectively. Function and object names to match against may use the
wildcard characters <code>*</code> and <code>?</code>.
A suppression only suppresses an error when the error matches all the
details in the suppression. Here's an example:
<p>What is means is: suppress a use-of-uninitialised-value error, when
the data size is 4, when it occurs in the function
<code>__gconv_transform_ascii_internal</code>, when that is called
from any function of name matching <code>__mbr*toc</code>,
when that is called from
<code>mbtowc</code>. It doesn't apply under any other circumstances.
The string by which this suppression is identified to the user is
<p>Another example:
<p>Suppress any size 4 uninitialised-value error which occurs anywhere
in <code></code>, when called from anywhere in the same
library, when called from anywhere in <code></code>. The
inexact specification of locations is regrettable, but is about all
you can hope for, given that the X11 libraries shipped with Red Hat
7.2 have had their symbol tables removed.
<p>Note -- since the above two examples did not make it clear -- that
you can freely mix the <code>obj:</code> and <code>fun:</code>
styles of description within a single suppression record.
<a name="install"></a>
<h3>2.8&nbsp; Building and installing</h3>
At the moment, very rudimentary.
<p>The tarball is set up for a standard Red Hat 7.1 (6.2) machine. To
build, just do "make". No configure script, no autoconf, no nothing.
<p>The files needed for installation are:,,
valgrind, VERSION, redhat72.supp (or redhat62.supp). You can copy
these to any directory you like. However, you then need to edit the
shell script "valgrind". On line 4, set the environment variable
<code>VALGRIND</code> to point to the directory you have copied the
installation into.
<a name="problems"></a>
<h3>2.9&nbsp; If you have problems</h3>
Mail me (<a href=""></a>).
<p>See <a href="#limits">Section 4</a> for the known limitations of
Valgrind, and for a list of programs which are known not to work on
<p>The translator/instrumentor has a lot of assertions in it. They
are permanently enabled, and I have no plans to disable them. If one
of these breaks, please mail me!
<p>If you get an assertion failure on the expression
<code>chunkSane(ch)</code> in <code>vg_free()</code> in
<code>vg_malloc.c</code>, this may have happened because your program
wrote off the end of a malloc'd block, or before its beginning.
Valgrind should have emitted a proper message to that effect before
dying in this way. This is a known problem which I should fix.
<hr width="100%">
<a name="machine"></a>
<h2>3&nbsp; Details of the checking machinery</h2>
Read this section if you want to know, in detail, exactly what and how
Valgrind is checking.
<a name="vvalue"></a>
<h3>3.1&nbsp; Valid-value (V) bits</h3>
It is simplest to think of Valgrind implementing a synthetic Intel x86
CPU which is identical to a real CPU, except for one crucial detail.
Every bit (literally) of data processed, stored and handled by the
real CPU has, in the synthetic CPU, an associated "valid-value" bit,
which says whether or not the accompanying bit has a legitimate value.
In the discussions which follow, this bit is referred to as the V
(valid-value) bit.
<p>Each byte in the system therefore has a 8 V bits which accompanies
it wherever it goes. For example, when the CPU loads a word-size item
(4 bytes) from memory, it also loads the corresponding 32 V bits from
a bitmap which stores the V bits for the process' entire address
space. If the CPU should later write the whole or some part of that
value to memory at a different address, the relevant V bits will be
stored back in the V-bit bitmap.
<p>In short, each bit in the system has an associated V bit, which
follows it around everywhere, even inside the CPU. Yes, the CPU's
(integer) registers have their own V bit vectors.
<p>Copying values around does not cause Valgrind to check for, or
report on, errors. However, when a value is used in a way which might
conceivably affect the outcome of your program's computation, the
associated V bits are immediately checked. If any of these indicate
that the value is undefined, an error is reported.
<p>Here's an (admittedly nonsensical) example:
int i, j;
int a[10], b[10];
for (i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++) {
j = a[i];
b[i] = j;
<p>Valgrind emits no complaints about this, since it merely copies
uninitialised values from <code>a[]</code> into <code>b[]</code>, and
doesn't use them in any way. However, if the loop is changed to
for (i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++) {
j += a[i];
if (j == 77)
printf("hello there\n");
then Valgrind will complain, at the <code>if</code>, that the
condition depends on uninitialised values.
<p>Most low level operations, such as adds, cause Valgrind to
use the V bits for the operands to calculate the V bits for the
result. Even if the result is partially or wholly undefined,
it does not complain.
<p>Checks on definedness only occur in two places: when a value is
used to generate a memory address, and where control flow decision
needs to be made. Also, when a system call is detected, valgrind
checks definedness of parameters as required.
<p>If a check should detect undefinedness, and error message is
issued. The resulting value is subsequently regarded as well-defined.
To do otherwise would give long chains of error messages. In effect,
we say that undefined values are non-infectious.
<p>This sounds overcomplicated. Why not just check all reads from
memory, and complain if an undefined value is loaded into a CPU register?
Well, that doesn't work well, because perfectly legitimate C programs routinely
copy uninitialised values around in memory, and we don't want endless complaints
about that. Here's the canonical example. Consider a struct
like this:
struct S { int x; char c; };
struct S s1, s2;
s1.x = 42;
s1.c = 'z';
s2 = s1;
<p>The question to ask is: how large is <code>struct S</code>, in
bytes? An int is 4 bytes and a char one byte, so perhaps a struct S
occupies 5 bytes? Wrong. All (non-toy) compilers I know of will
round the size of <code>struct S</code> up to a whole number of words,
in this case 8 bytes. Not doing this forces compilers to generate
truly appalling code for subscripting arrays of <code>struct
<p>So s1 occupies 8 bytes, yet only 5 of them will be initialised.
For the assignment <code>s2 = s1</code>, gcc generates code to copy
all 8 bytes wholesale into <code>s2</code> without regard for their
meaning. If Valgrind simply checked values as they came out of
memory, it would yelp every time a structure assignment like this
happened. So the more complicated semantics described above is
necessary. This allows gcc to copy <code>s1</code> into
<code>s2</code> any way it likes, and a warning will only be emitted
if the uninitialised values are later used.
<p>One final twist to this story. The above scheme allows garbage to
pass through the CPU's integer registers without complaint. It does
this by giving the integer registers V tags, passing these around in
the expected way. This complicated and computationally expensive to
do, but is necessary. Valgrind is more simplistic about
floating-point loads and stores. In particular, V bits for data read
as a result of floating-point loads are checked at the load
instruction. So if your program uses the floating-point registers to
do memory-to-memory copies, you will get complaints about
uninitialised values. Fortunately, I have not yet encountered a
program which (ab)uses the floating-point registers in this way.
<a name="vaddress"></a>
<h3>3.2&nbsp; Valid-address (A) bits</h3>
Notice that the previous section describes how the validity of values
is established and maintained without having to say whether the
program does or does not have the right to access any particular
memory location. We now consider the latter issue.
<p>As described above, every bit in memory or in the CPU has an
associated valid-value (V) bit. In addition, all bytes in memory, but
not in the CPU, have an associated valid-address (A) bit. This
indicates whether or not the program can legitimately read or write
that location. It does not give any indication of the validity or the
data at that location -- that's the job of the V bits -- only whether
or not the location may be accessed.
<p>Every time your program reads or writes memory, Valgrind checks the
A bits associated with the address. If any of them indicate an
invalid address, an error is emitted. Note that the reads and writes
themselves do not change the A bits, only consult them.
<p>So how do the A bits get set/cleared? Like this:
<li>When the program starts, all the global data areas are marked as
<li>When the program does malloc/new, the A bits for the exactly the
area allocated, and not a byte more, are marked as accessible.
Upon freeing the area the A bits are changed to indicate
<li>When the stack pointer register (%esp) moves up or down, A bits
are set. The rule is that the area from %esp up to the base of
the stack is marked as accessible, and below %esp is
inaccessible. (If that sounds illogical, bear in mind that the
stack grows down, not up, on almost all Unix systems, including
GNU/Linux.) Tracking %esp like this has the useful side-effect
that the section of stack used by a function for local variables
etc is automatically marked accessible on function entry and
inaccessible on exit.</li><br>
<li>When doing system calls, A bits are changed appropriately. For
example, mmap() magically makes files appear in the process's
address space, so the A bits must be updated if mmap()
<a name="together"></a>
<h3>3.3&nbsp; Putting it all together</h3>
Valgrind's checking machinery can be summarised as follows:
<li>Each byte in memory has 8 associated V (valid-value) bits,
saying whether or not the byte has a defined value, and a single
A (valid-address) bit, saying whether or not the program
currently has the right to read/write that address.</li><br>
<li>When memory is read or written, the relevant A bits are
consulted. If they indicate an invalid address, Valgrind emits
an Invalid read or Invalid write error.</li><br>
<li>When memory is read into the CPU's integer registers, the
relevant V bits are fetched from memory and stored in the
simulated CPU. They are not consulted.</li><br>
<li>When an integer register is written out to memory, the V bits
for that register are written back to memory too.</li><br>
<li>When memory is read into the CPU's floating point registers, the
relevant V bits are read from memory and they are immediately
checked. If any are invalid, an uninitialised value error is
emitted. This precludes using the floating-point registers to
copy possibly-uninitialised memory, but simplifies Valgrind in
that it does not have to track the validity status of the
floating-point registers.</li><br>
<li>As a result, when a floating-point register is written to
memory, the associated V bits are set to indicate a valid
<li>When values in integer CPU registers are used to generate a
memory address, or to determine the outcome of a conditional
branch, the V bits for those values are checked, and an error
emitted if any of them are undefined.</li><br>
<li>When values in integer CPU registers are used for any other
purpose, Valgrind computes the V bits for the result, but does
not check them.</li><br>
<li>One the V bits for a value in the CPU have been checked, they
are then set to indicate validity. This avoids long chains of
<li>When values are loaded from memory, valgrind checks the A bits
for that location and issues an illegal-address warning if
needed. In that case, the V bits loaded are forced to indicate
Valid, despite the location being invalid.
This apparently strange choice reduces the amount of confusing
information presented to the user. It avoids the
unpleasant phenomenon in which memory is read from a place which
is both unaddressible and contains invalid values, and, as a
result, you get not only an invalid-address (read/write) error,
but also a potentially large set of uninitialised-value errors,
one for every time the value is used.
There is a hazy boundary case to do with multi-byte loads from
addresses which are partially valid and partially invalid. See
details of the flag <code>--partial-loads-ok</code> for details.
Valgrind intercepts calls to malloc, calloc, realloc, valloc,
memalign, free, new and delete. The behaviour you get is:
<li>malloc/new: the returned memory is marked as addressible but not
having valid values. This means you have to write on it before
you can read it.</li><br>
<li>calloc: returned memory is marked both addressible and valid,
since calloc() clears the area to zero.</li><br>
<li>realloc: if the new size is larger than the old, the new section
is addressible but invalid, as with malloc.</li><br>
<li>If the new size is smaller, the dropped-off section is marked as
unaddressible. You may only pass to realloc a pointer
previously issued to you by malloc/calloc/new/realloc.</li><br>
<li>free/delete: you may only pass to free a pointer previously
issued to you by malloc/calloc/new/realloc, or the value
NULL. Otherwise, Valgrind complains. If the pointer is indeed
valid, Valgrind marks the entire area it points at as
unaddressible, and places the block in the freed-blocks-queue.
The aim is to defer as long as possible reallocation of this
block. Until that happens, all attempts to access it will
elicit an invalid-address error, as you would hope.</li><br>
<a name="signals"></a>
<h3>3.4&nbsp; Signals</h3>
Valgrind provides suitable handling of signals, so, provided you stick
to POSIX stuff, you should be ok. Basic sigaction() and sigprocmask()
are handled. Signal handlers may return in the normal way or do
longjmp(); both should work ok. As specified by POSIX, a signal is
blocked in its own handler. Default actions for signals should work
as before. Etc, etc.
<p>Under the hood, dealing with signals is a real pain, and Valgrind's
simulation leaves much to be desired. If your program does
way-strange stuff with signals, bad things may happen. If so, let me
know. I don't promise to fix it, but I'd at least like to be aware of
<a name="leaks"><a/>
<h3>3.5&nbsp; Memory leak detection</h3>
Valgrind keeps track of all memory blocks issued in response to calls
to malloc/calloc/realloc/new. So when the program exits, it knows
which blocks are still outstanding -- have not been returned, in other
words. Ideally, you want your program to have no blocks still in use
at exit. But many programs do.
<p>For each such block, Valgrind scans the entire address space of the
process, looking for pointers to the block. One of three situations
may result:
<li>A pointer to the start of the block is found. This usually
indicates programming sloppiness; since the block is still
pointed at, the programmer could, at least in principle, free'd
it before program exit.</li><br>
<li>A pointer to the interior of the block is found. The pointer
might originally have pointed to the start and have been moved
along, or it might be entirely unrelated. Valgrind deems such a
block as "dubious", that is, possibly leaked,
because it's unclear whether or
not a pointer to it still exists.</li><br>
<li>The worst outcome is that no pointer to the block can be found.
The block is classified as "leaked", because the
programmer could not possibly have free'd it at program exit,
since no pointer to it exists. This might be a symptom of
having lost the pointer at some earlier point in the
Valgrind reports summaries about leaked and dubious blocks.
For each such block, it will also tell you where the block was
allocated. This should help you figure out why the pointer to it has
been lost. In general, you should attempt to ensure your programs do
not have any leaked or dubious blocks at exit.
<p>The precise area of memory in which Valgrind searches for pointers
is: all naturally-aligned 4-byte words for which all A bits indicate
addressibility and all V bits indicated that the stored value is
actually valid.
<p><hr width="100%">
<a name="limits"></a>
<h2>4&nbsp; Limitations</h2>
The following list of limitations seems depressingly long. However,
most programs actually work fine.
<p>Valgrind will run x86-GNU/Linux ELF dynamically linked binaries, on
a kernel 2.4.X system, subject to the following constraints:
<li>No MMX, SSE, SSE2, 3DNow instructions. If the translator
encounters these, Valgrind will simply give up. It may be
possible to add support for them at a later time. Intel added a
few instructions such as "cmov" to the integer instruction set
on Pentium and later processors, and these are supported.
Nevertheless it's safest to think of Valgrind as implementing
the 486 instruction set.</li><br>
<li>Multithreaded programs are not supported, since I haven't yet
figured out how to do this. To be more specific, it is the
"clone" system call which is not supported. A program calls
"clone" to create threads. Valgrind will abort if this
<li>Valgrind assumes that the floating point registers are not used
as intermediaries in memory-to-memory copies, so it immediately
checks V bits in floating-point loads/stores. If you want to
write code which copies around possibly-uninitialised values,
you must ensure these travel through the integer registers, not
the FPU.</li><br>
<li>If your program does its own memory management, rather than
using malloc/new/free/delete, it should still work, but
Valgrind's error checking won't be so effective.</li><br>
<li>Valgrind's signal simulation is not as robust as it could be.
Basic POSIX-compliant sigaction and sigprocmask functionality is
supplied, but it's conceivable that things could go badly awry
if you do wierd things with signals. Workaround: don't.
Programs that do non-POSIX signal tricks are in any case
inherently unportable, so should be avoided if
<li>I have no idea what happens if programs try to handle signals on
an alternate stack (sigaltstack). YMMV.</li><br>
<li>Programs which switch stacks are not well handled. Valgrind
does have support for this, but I don't have great faith in it.
It's difficult -- there's no cast-iron way to decide whether a
large change in %esp is as a result of the program switching
stacks, or merely allocating a large object temporarily on the
current stack -- yet Valgrind needs to handle the two situations
<li>x86 instructions, and system calls, have been implemented on
demand. So it's possible, although unlikely, that a program
will fall over with a message to that effect. If this happens,
please mail me ALL the details printed out, so I can try and
implement the missing feature.</li><br>
<li>x86 floating point works correctly, but floating-point code may
run even more slowly than integer code, due to my simplistic
approach to FPU emulation.</li><br>
<li>You can't Valgrind-ize statically linked binaries. Valgrind
relies on the dynamic-link mechanism to gain control at
<li>Memory consumption of your program is majorly increased whilst
running under Valgrind. This is due to the large amount of
adminstrative information maintained behind the scenes. Another
cause is that Valgrind dynamically translates the original
executable and never throws any translation away, except in
those rare cases where self-modifying code is detected.
Translated, instrumented code is 8-12 times larger than the
original (!) so you can easily end up with 15+ MB of
translations when running (eg) a web browser. There's not a lot
you can do about this -- use Valgrind on a fast machine with a lot
of memory and swap space. At some point I may implement a LRU
caching scheme for translations, so as to bound the maximum
amount of memory devoted to them, to say 8 or 16 MB.</li>
Programs which are known not to work are:
<li>Netscape 4.76 works pretty well on some platforms -- quite
nicely on my AMD K6-III (400 MHz). I can surf, do mail, etc, no
problem. On other platforms is has been observed to crash
during startup. Despite much investigation I can't figure out
<li>kpackage (a KDE front end to rpm) dies because the CPUID
instruction is unimplemented. Easy to fix.</li><br>
<li>knode (a KDE newsreader) tries to do multithreaded things, and
<li>emacs starts up but immediately concludes it is out of memory
and aborts. Emacs has it's own memory-management scheme, but I
don't understand why this should interact so badly with
<li>Gimp and Gnome and GTK-based apps die early on because
of unimplemented system call wrappers. (I'm a KDE user :)
This wouldn't be hard to fix.
<li>As a consequence of me being a KDE user, almost all KDE apps
work ok -- except those which are multithreaded.
<p><hr width="100%">
<a name="howitworks"></a>
<h2>5&nbsp; How it works -- a rough overview</h2>
Some gory details, for those with a passion for gory details. You
don't need to read this section if all you want to do is use Valgrind.
<a name="startb"></a>
<h3>5.1&nbsp; Getting started</h3>
Valgrind is compiled into a shared object, The shell
script valgrind sets the LD_PRELOAD environment variable to point to This causes the .so to be loaded as an extra library to
any subsequently executed dynamically-linked ELF binary, viz, the
program you want to debug.
<p>The dynamic linker allows each .so in the process image to have an
initialisation function which is run before main(). It also allows
each .so to have a finalisation function run after main() exits.
<p>When's initialisation function is called by the dynamic
linker, the synthetic CPU to starts up. The real CPU remains locked
in for the entire rest of the program, but the synthetic
CPU returns from the initialisation function. Startup of the program
now continues as usual -- the dynamic linker calls all the other .so's
initialisation routines, and eventually runs main(). This all runs on
the synthetic CPU, not the real one, but the client program cannot
tell the difference.
<p>Eventually main() exits, so the synthetic CPU calls's
finalisation function. Valgrind detects this, and uses it as its cue
to exit. It prints summaries of all errors detected, possibly checks
for memory leaks, and then exits the finalisation routine, but now on
the real CPU. The synthetic CPU has now lost control -- permanently
-- so the program exits back to the OS on the real CPU, just as it
would have done anyway.
<p>On entry, Valgrind switches stacks, so it runs on its own stack.
On exit, it switches back. This means that the client program
continues to run on its own stack, so we can switch back and forth
between running it on the simulated and real CPUs without difficulty.
This was an important design decision, because it makes it easy (well,
significantly less difficult) to debug the synthetic CPU.
<a name="engine"></a>
<h3>5.2&nbsp; The translation/instrumentation engine</h3>
Valgrind does not directly run any of the original program's code. Only
instrumented translations are run. Valgrind maintains a translation
table, which allows it to find the translation quickly for any branch
target (code address). If no translation has yet been made, the
translator - a just-in-time translator - is summoned. This makes an
instrumented translation, which is added to the collection of
translations. Subsequent jumps to that address will use this
<p>Valgrind can optionally check writes made by the application, to
see if they are writing an address contained within code which has
been translated. Such a write invalidates translations of code
bracketing the written address. Valgrind will discard the relevant
translations, which causes them to be re-made, if they are needed
again, reflecting the new updated data stored there. In this way,
self modifying code is supported. In practice I have not found any
Linux applications which use self-modifying-code.
<p>The JITter translates basic blocks -- blocks of straight-line-code
-- as single entities. To minimise the considerable difficulties of
dealing with the x86 instruction set, x86 instructions are first
translated to a RISC-like intermediate code, similar to sparc code,
but with an infinite number of virtual integer registers. Initially
each insn is translated seperately, and there is no attempt at
<p>The intermediate code is improved, mostly so as to try and cache
the simulated machine's registers in the real machine's registers over
several simulated instructions. This is often very effective. Also,
we try to remove redundant updates of the simulated machines's
condition-code register.
<p>The intermediate code is then instrumented, giving more
intermediate code. There are a few extra intermediate-code operations
to support instrumentation; it is all refreshingly simple. After
instrumentation there is a cleanup pass to remove redundant value
<p>This gives instrumented intermediate code which mentions arbitrary
numbers of virtual registers. A linear-scan register allocator is
used to assign real registers and possibly generate spill code. All
of this is still phrased in terms of the intermediate code. This
machinery is inspired by the work of Reuben Thomas (MITE).
<p>Then, and only then, is the final x86 code emitted. The
intermediate code is carefully designed so that x86 code can be
generated from it without need for spare registers or other
<p>The translations are managed using a traditional LRU-based caching
scheme. The translation cache has a default size of about 14MB.
<a name="track"></a>
<h3>5.3&nbsp; Tracking the status of memory</h3> Each byte in the
process' address space has nine bits associated with it: one A bit and
eight V bits. The A and V bits for each byte are stored using a
sparse array, which flexibly and efficiently covers arbitrary parts of
the 32-bit address space without imposing significant space or
performance overheads for the parts of the address space never
visited. The scheme used, and speedup hacks, are described in detail
at the top of the source file vg_memory.c, so you should read that for
the gory details.
<a name="sys_calls"></a>
<h3>5.4 System calls</h3>
All system calls are intercepted. The memory status map is consulted
before and updated after each call. It's all rather tiresome. See
vg_syscall_mem.c for details.
<a name="sys_signals"></a>
<h3>5.5&nbsp; Signals</h3>
All system calls to sigaction() and sigprocmask() are intercepted. If
the client program is trying to set a signal handler, Valgrind makes a
note of the handler address and which signal it is for. Valgrind then
arranges for the same signal to be delivered to its own handler.
<p>When such a signal arrives, Valgrind's own handler catches it, and
notes the fact. At a convenient safe point in execution, Valgrind
builds a signal delivery frame on the client's stack and runs its
handler. If the handler longjmp()s, there is nothing more to be said.
If the handler returns, Valgrind notices this, zaps the delivery
frame, and carries on where it left off before delivering the signal.
<p>The purpose of this nonsense is that setting signal handlers
essentially amounts to giving callback addresses to the Linux kernel.
We can't allow this to happen, because if it did, signal handlers
would run on the real CPU, not the simulated one. This means the
checking machinery would not operate during the handler run, and,
worse, memory permissions maps would not be updated, which could cause
spurious error reports once the handler had returned.
<p>An even worse thing would happen if the signal handler longjmp'd
rather than returned: Valgrind would completely lose control of the
client program.
<p>Upshot: we can't allow the client to install signal handlers
directly. Instead, Valgrind must catch, on behalf of the client, any
signal the client asks to catch, and must delivery it to the client on
the simulated CPU, not the real one. This involves considerable
gruesome fakery; see vg_signals.c for details.
<hr width="100%">
<a name="example"></a>
<h2>6&nbsp; Example</h2>
This is the log for a run of a small program. The program is in fact
correct, and the reported error is as the result of a potentially serious
code generation bug in GNU g++ (snapshot 20010527).
~/Valgrind-6/valgrind -v ./bogon
==25832== Valgrind 0.10, a memory error detector for x86 RedHat 7.1.
==25832== Copyright (C) 2000-2001, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward.
==25832== Startup, with flags:
==25832== --suppressions=/home/sewardj/Valgrind/redhat71.supp
==25832== reading syms from /lib/
==25832== reading syms from /lib/
==25832== reading syms from /mnt/pima/jrs/Inst/lib/
==25832== reading syms from /lib/
==25832== reading syms from /mnt/pima/jrs/Inst/lib/
==25832== reading syms from /home/sewardj/Valgrind/
==25832== reading syms from /proc/self/exe
==25832== loaded 5950 symbols, 142333 line number locations
==25832== Invalid read of size 4
==25832== at 0x8048724: _ZN10BandMatrix6ReSizeEiii (bogon.cpp:45)
==25832== by 0x80487AF: main (bogon.cpp:66)
==25832== by 0x40371E5E: __libc_start_main (libc-start.c:129)
==25832== by 0x80485D1: (within /home/sewardj/newmat10/bogon)
==25832== Address 0xBFFFF74C is not stack'd, malloc'd or free'd
==25832== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
==25832== malloc/free: in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==25832== malloc/free: 0 allocs, 0 frees, 0 bytes allocated.
==25832== For a detailed leak analysis, rerun with: --leak-check=yes
==25832== exiting, did 1881 basic blocks, 0 misses.
==25832== 223 translations, 3626 bytes in, 56801 bytes out.
<p>The GCC folks fixed this about a week before gcc-3.0 shipped.
<hr width="100%">