blob: bf96a09b77d4b07a8c1fe73c55891b69aebdda0e [file] [log] [blame]
missing happens-before annotation
at 0x........: vgDrdCl_annotate_happens_after (drd.h:?)
by 0x........: main (annotate_hb_err.c:?)
wrong type of synchronization object
at 0x........: vgDrdCl_annotate_happens_before (drd.h:?)
by 0x........: main (annotate_hb_err.c:?)
mutex 0x........ was first observed at:
at 0x........: pthread_mutex_init (drd_pthread_intercepts.c:?)
by 0x........: main (annotate_hb_err.c:?)
wrong type of synchronization object
at 0x........: vgDrdCl_annotate_happens_before (drd.h:?)
by 0x........: main (annotate_hb_err.c:?)
cond 0x........ was first observed at:
at 0x........: pthread_cond_init (drd_pthread_intercepts.c:?)
by 0x........: main (annotate_hb_err.c:?)
wrong type of synchronization object
at 0x........: pthread_cond_init (drd_pthread_intercepts.c:?)
by 0x........: main (annotate_hb_err.c:?)
order annotation 0x........ was first observed at:
at 0x........: vgDrdCl_annotate_happens_before (drd.h:?)
by 0x........: main (annotate_hb_err.c:?)
happens-before after happens-after
at 0x........: vgDrdCl_annotate_happens_before (drd.h:?)
by 0x........: main (annotate_hb_err.c:?)
order annotation 0x........ was first observed at:
at 0x........: vgDrdCl_annotate_happens_before (drd.h:?)
by 0x........: main (annotate_hb_err.c:?)
ERROR SUMMARY: 5 errors from 5 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)