blob: d8d7f3e1e4ce852f04bd1514fa74bf40881bc1f9 [file] [log] [blame]
/*--- Standalone libc stuff. pub_tool_libcbase.h ---*/
This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Julian Seward
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Char functions.
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
extern Bool VG_(isspace) ( Char c );
extern Bool VG_(isdigit) ( Char c );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Converting strings to numbers
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// Convert strings to numbers according to various bases. Leading
// whitespace is ignored. A subsequent '-' or '+' is accepted. For strtoll16,
// accepts an initial "0x" or "0X" prefix, but only if it's followed by a
// hex digit (if not, the '0' will be read and then it will stop on the
// "x"/"X".) If 'endptr' isn't NULL, it gets filled in with the first
// non-digit char. None of them test that the number fits into 64 bits.
// Nb: if you're wondering why we don't just have a single VG_(strtol) which
// takes a base, it's because I wanted it to assert if it was given a bogus
// base (the standard glibc one sets 'errno' in this case). But
// m_libcbase.c doesn't import any code, not even vg_assert. --njn
extern Long VG_(strtoll8) ( Char* str, Char** endptr );
extern Long VG_(strtoll10) ( Char* str, Char** endptr );
extern Long VG_(strtoll16) ( Char* str, Char** endptr );
extern Long VG_(strtoll36) ( Char* str, Char** endptr );
// Convert a string to a double. After leading whitespace is ignored,
// it accepts a non-empty sequence of decimal digits possibly containing
// a '.'.
extern double VG_(strtod) ( Char* str, Char** endptr );
extern Long VG_(atoll) ( Char* str ); // base 10
extern Long VG_(atoll16) ( Char* str ); // base 16; leading 0x accepted
extern Long VG_(atoll36) ( Char* str ); // base 36
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
String functions and macros
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Use this for normal null-termination-style string comparison */
#define VG_STREQ(s1,s2) ( (s1 != NULL && s2 != NULL \
&& VG_(strcmp)((s1),(s2))==0) ? True : False )
extern SizeT VG_(strlen) ( const Char* str );
extern Char* VG_(strcat) ( Char* dest, const Char* src );
extern Char* VG_(strncat) ( Char* dest, const Char* src, SizeT n );
extern Char* VG_(strpbrk) ( const Char* s, const Char* accpt );
extern Char* VG_(strcpy) ( Char* dest, const Char* src );
extern Char* VG_(strncpy) ( Char* dest, const Char* src, SizeT ndest );
extern Int VG_(strcmp) ( const Char* s1, const Char* s2 );
extern Int VG_(strncmp) ( const Char* s1, const Char* s2, SizeT nmax );
extern Char* VG_(strstr) ( const Char* haystack, Char* needle );
extern Char* VG_(strchr) ( const Char* s, Char c );
extern Char* VG_(strrchr) ( const Char* s, Char c );
extern SizeT VG_(strspn) ( const Char* s, const Char* accept );
extern SizeT VG_(strcspn) ( const Char* s, const char* reject );
/* Like strcmp() and strncmp(), but stop comparing at any whitespace. */
extern Int VG_(strcmp_ws) ( const Char* s1, const Char* s2 );
extern Int VG_(strncmp_ws) ( const Char* s1, const Char* s2, SizeT nmax );
/* Like strncpy(), but if 'src' is longer than 'ndest' inserts a '\0' as the
last character. */
extern void VG_(strncpy_safely) ( Char* dest, const Char* src, SizeT ndest );
/* Mini-regexp function. Searches for 'pat' in 'str'. Supports
* meta-symbols '*' and '?'. '\' escapes meta-symbols. */
extern Bool VG_(string_match) ( const Char* pat, const Char* str );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
mem* functions
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
extern void* VG_(memcpy) ( void *d, const void *s, SizeT sz );
extern void* VG_(memmove)( void *d, const void *s, SizeT sz );
extern void* VG_(memset) ( void *s, Int c, SizeT sz );
extern Int VG_(memcmp) ( const void* s1, const void* s2, SizeT n );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Address computation helpers
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// Check if an address/whatever is aligned
#define VG_IS_2_ALIGNED(aaa_p) (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)0x1)))
#define VG_IS_4_ALIGNED(aaa_p) (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)0x3)))
#define VG_IS_8_ALIGNED(aaa_p) (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)0x7)))
#define VG_IS_16_ALIGNED(aaa_p) (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)0xf)))
#define VG_IS_WORD_ALIGNED(aaa_p) (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)(sizeof(Addr)-1))))
#define VG_IS_PAGE_ALIGNED(aaa_p) (0 == (((Addr)(aaa_p)) & ((Addr)(VKI_PAGE_SIZE-1))))
// 'a' -- the alignment -- must be a power of 2.
// The latter two require the vki-*.h header to be imported also.
#define VG_ROUNDDN(p, a) ((Addr)(p) & ~((Addr)(a)-1))
#define VG_ROUNDUP(p, a) VG_ROUNDDN((p)+(a)-1, (a))
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Misc useful functions
------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Like qsort(). The name VG_(ssort) is for historical reasons -- it used
* to be a shell sort, but is now a quicksort. */
extern void VG_(ssort)( void* base, SizeT nmemb, SizeT size,
Int (*compar)(void*, void*) );
/* Returns the base-2 logarithm of x. Returns -1 if x is not a power
of two. */
extern Int VG_(log2) ( UInt x );
// A pseudo-random number generator returning a random UInt. If pSeed
// is NULL, it uses its own seed, which starts at zero. If pSeed is
// non-NULL, it uses and updates whatever pSeed points at.
extern UInt VG_(random) ( /*MOD*/UInt* pSeed );
#define VG_RAND_MAX (1ULL << 32)
/*--- end ---*/