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<title>How Cachegrind works</title>
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<a name="cg-techdocs">&nbsp;</a>
<h1 align=center>How Cachegrind works</h1>
Detailed technical notes for hackers, maintainers and the
<a href=""></a><br>
Copyright &copy; 2001-2003 Nick Nethercote
<hr width="100%">
<h2>Cache profiling</h2>
Valgrind is a very nice platform for doing cache profiling and other kinds of
simulation, because it converts horrible x86 instructions into nice clean
RISC-like UCode. For example, for cache profiling we are interested in
instructions that read and write memory; in UCode there are only four
instructions that do this: <code>LOAD</code>, <code>STORE</code>,
<code>FPU_R</code> and <code>FPU_W</code>. By contrast, because of the x86
addressing modes, almost every instruction can read or write memory.<p>
Most of the cache profiling machinery is in the file
These notes are a somewhat haphazard guide to how Valgrind's cache profiling
<h3>Cost centres</h3>
Valgrind gathers cache profiling about every instruction executed,
individually. Each instruction has a <b>cost centre</b> associated with it.
There are two kinds of cost centre: one for instructions that don't reference
memory (<code>iCC</code>), and one for instructions that do
typedef struct _CC {
ULong a;
ULong m1;
ULong m2;
} CC;
typedef struct _iCC {
/* word 1 */
UChar tag;
UChar instr_size;
/* words 2+ */
Addr instr_addr;
} iCC;
typedef struct _idCC {
/* word 1 */
UChar tag;
UChar instr_size;
UChar data_size;
/* words 2+ */
Addr instr_addr;
} idCC;
Each <code>CC</code> has three fields <code>a</code>, <code>m1</code>,
<code>m2</code> for recording references, level 1 misses and level 2 misses.
Each of these is a 64-bit <code>ULong</code> -- the numbers can get very large,
ie. greater than 4.2 billion allowed by a 32-bit unsigned int.<p>
A <code>iCC</code> has one <code>CC</code> for instruction cache accesses. A
<code>idCC</code> has two, one for instruction cache accesses, and one for data
cache accesses.<p>
The <code>iCC</code> and <code>dCC</code> structs also store unchanging
information about the instruction:
<li>An instruction-type identification tag (explained below)</li><p>
<li>Instruction size</li><p>
<li>Data reference size (<code>idCC</code> only)</li><p>
<li>Instruction address</li><p>
Note that data address is not one of the fields for <code>idCC</code>. This is
because for many memory-referencing instructions the data address can change
each time it's executed (eg. if it uses register-offset addressing). We have
to give this item to the cache simulation in a different way (see
Instrumentation section below). Some memory-referencing instructions do always
reference the same address, but we don't try to treat them specialy in order to
keep things simple.<p>
Also note that there is only room for recording info about one data cache
access in an <code>idCC</code>. So what about instructions that do a read then
a write, such as:
<blockquote><code>inc %(esi)</code></blockquote>
In a write-allocate cache, as simulated by Valgrind, the write cannot miss,
since it immediately follows the read which will drag the block into the cache
if it's not already there. So the write access isn't really interesting, and
Valgrind doesn't record it. This means that Valgrind doesn't measure
memory references, but rather memory references that could miss in the cache.
This behaviour is the same as that used by the AMD Athlon hardware counters.
It also has the benefit of simplifying the implementation -- instructions that
read and write memory can be treated like instructions that read memory.<p>
<h3>Storing cost-centres</h3>
Cost centres are stored in a way that makes them very cheap to lookup, which is
important since one is looked up for every original x86 instruction
Valgrind does JIT translations at the basic block level, and cost centres are
also setup and stored at the basic block level. By doing things carefully, we
store all the cost centres for a basic block in a contiguous array, and lookup
comes almost for free.<p>
Consider this part of a basic block (for exposition purposes, pretend it's an
entire basic block):
movl $0x0,%eax
movl $0x99, -4(%ebp)
The translation to UCode looks like this:
MOVL $0x0, t20
PUTL t20, %EAX
LEA1L -4(t4), t14
MOVL $0x99, t18
STL t18, (t14)
The first step is to allocate the cost centres. This requires a preliminary
pass to count how many x86 instructions were in the basic block, and their
types (and thus sizes). UCode translations for single x86 instructions are
delimited by the <code>INCEIPo</code> instruction, the argument of which gives
the byte size of the instruction (note that lazy INCEIP updating is turned off
to allow this).<p>
We can tell if an x86 instruction references memory by looking for
<code>LDL</code> and <code>STL</code> UCode instructions, and thus what kind of
cost centre is required. From this we can determine how many cost centres we
need for the basic block, and their sizes. We can then allocate them in a
single array.<p>
Consider the example code above. After the preliminary pass, we know we need
two cost centres, one <code>iCC</code> and one <code>dCC</code>. So we
allocate an array to store these which looks like this:
|(uninit)| tag (1 byte)
|(uninit)| instr_size (1 bytes)
|(uninit)| (padding) (2 bytes)
|(uninit)| instr_addr (4 bytes)
|(uninit)| I.a (8 bytes)
|(uninit)| I.m1 (8 bytes)
|(uninit)| I.m2 (8 bytes)
|(uninit)| tag (1 byte)
|(uninit)| instr_size (1 byte)
|(uninit)| data_size (1 byte)
|(uninit)| (padding) (1 byte)
|(uninit)| instr_addr (4 bytes)
|(uninit)| I.a (8 bytes)
|(uninit)| I.m1 (8 bytes)
|(uninit)| I.m2 (8 bytes)
|(uninit)| D.a (8 bytes)
|(uninit)| D.m1 (8 bytes)
|(uninit)| D.m2 (8 bytes)
(We can see now why we need tags to distinguish between the two types of cost
We also record the size of the array. We look up the debug info of the first
instruction in the basic block, and then stick the array into a table indexed
by filename and function name. This makes it easy to dump the information
quickly to file at the end.<p>
The instrumentation pass has two main jobs:
<li>Fill in the gaps in the allocated cost centres.</li><p>
<li>Add UCode to call the cache simulator for each instruction.</li><p>
The instrumentation pass steps through the UCode and the cost centres in
tandem. As each original x86 instruction's UCode is processed, the appropriate
gaps in the instructions cost centre are filled in, for example:
|INSTR_CC| tag (1 byte)
|5 | instr_size (1 bytes)
|(uninit)| (padding) (2 bytes)
|i_addr1 | instr_addr (4 bytes)
|0 | I.a (8 bytes)
|0 | I.m1 (8 bytes)
|0 | I.m2 (8 bytes)
|WRITE_CC| tag (1 byte)
|7 | instr_size (1 byte)
|4 | data_size (1 byte)
|(uninit)| (padding) (1 byte)
|i_addr2 | instr_addr (4 bytes)
|0 | I.a (8 bytes)
|0 | I.m1 (8 bytes)
|0 | I.m2 (8 bytes)
|0 | D.a (8 bytes)
|0 | D.m1 (8 bytes)
|0 | D.m2 (8 bytes)
(Note that this step is not performed if a basic block is re-translated; see
<a href="#retranslations">here</a> for more information.)<p>
GCC inserts padding before the <code>instr_size</code> field so that it is word
The instrumentation added to call the cache simulation function looks like this
(instrumentation is indented to distinguish it from the original UCode):
MOVL $0x0, t20
PUTL t20, %EAX
PUSHL %eax
PUSHL %ecx
PUSHL %edx
MOVL $0x4091F8A4, t46 # address of 1st CC
CALLMo $0x12 # second cachesim function
CLEARo $0x4
POPL %edx
POPL %ecx
POPL %eax
LEA1L -4(t4), t14
MOVL $0x99, t18
MOVL t14, t42
STL t18, (t14)
PUSHL %eax
PUSHL %ecx
PUSHL %edx
MOVL $0x4091F8C4, t44 # address of 2nd CC
CALLMo $0x13 # second cachesim function
CLEARo $0x8
POPL %edx
POPL %ecx
POPL %eax
Consider the first instruction's UCode. Each call is surrounded by three
<code>PUSHL</code> and <code>POPL</code> instructions to save and restore the
caller-save registers. Then the address of the instruction's cost centre is
pushed onto the stack, to be the first argument to the cache simulation
function. The address is known at this point because we are doing a
simultaneous pass through the cost centre array. This means the cost centre
lookup for each instruction is almost free (just the cost of pushing an
argument for a function call). Then the call to the cache simulation function
for non-memory-reference instructions is made (note that the
<code>CALLMo</code> UInstruction takes an offset into a table of predefined
functions; it is not an absolute address), and the single argument is
<code>CLEAR</code>ed from the stack.<p>
The second instruction's UCode is similar. The only difference is that, as
mentioned before, we have to pass the address of the data item referenced to
the cache simulation function too. This explains the <code>MOVL t14,
t42</code> and <code>PUSHL t42</code> UInstructions. (Note that the seemingly
redundant <code>MOV</code>ing will probably be optimised away during register
Note that instead of storing unchanging information about each instruction
(instruction size, data size, etc) in its cost centre, we could have passed in
these arguments to the simulation function. But this would slow the calls down
(two or three extra arguments pushed onto the stack). Also it would bloat the
UCode instrumentation by amounts similar to the space required for them in the
cost centre; bloated UCode would also fill the translation cache more quickly,
requiring more translations for large programs and slowing them down more.<p>
<a name="retranslations"></a>
<h3>Handling basic block retranslations</h3>
The above description ignores one complication. Valgrind has a limited size
cache for basic block translations; if it fills up, old translations are
discarded. If a discarded basic block is executed again, it must be
However, we can't use this approach for profiling -- we can't throw away cost
centres for instructions in the middle of execution! So when a basic block is
translated, we first look for its cost centre array in the hash table. If
there is no cost centre array, it must be the first translation, so we proceed
as described above. But if there is a cost centre array already, it must be a
retranslation. In this case, we skip the cost centre allocation and
initialisation steps, but still do the UCode instrumentation step.<p>
<h3>The cache simulation</h3>
The cache simulation is fairly straightforward. It just tracks which memory
blocks are in the cache at the moment (it doesn't track the contents, since
that is irrelevant).<p>
The interface to the simulation is quite clean. The functions called from the
UCode contain calls to the simulation functions in the files
<Code>vg_cachesim_{I1,D1,L2}.c</code>; these calls are inlined so that only
one function call is done per simulated x86 instruction. The file
<code>vg_cachesim.c</code> simply <code>#include</code>s the three files
containing the simulation, which makes plugging in new cache simulations is
very easy -- you just replace the three files and recompile.<p>
Output is fairly straightforward, basically printing the cost centre for every
instruction, grouped by files and functions. Total counts (eg. total cache
accesses, total L1 misses) are calculated when traversing this structure rather
than during execution, to save time; the cache simulation functions are called
so often that even one or two extra adds can make a sizeable difference.<p>
Input file has the following format:
file ::= desc_line* cmd_line events_line data_line+ summary_line
desc_line ::= "desc:" ws? non_nl_string
cmd_line ::= "cmd:" ws? cmd
events_line ::= "events:" ws? (event ws)+
data_line ::= file_line | fn_line | count_line
file_line ::= ("fl=" | "fi=" | "fe=") filename
fn_line ::= "fn=" fn_name
count_line ::= line_num ws? (count ws)+
summary_line ::= "summary:" ws? (count ws)+
count ::= num | "."
<li><code>non_nl_string</code> is any string not containing a newline.</li><p>
<li><code>cmd</code> is a command line invocation.</li><p>
<li><code>filename</code> and <code>fn_name</code> can be anything.</li><p>
<li><code>num</code> and <code>line_num</code> are decimal numbers.</li><p>
<li><code>ws</code> is whitespace.</li><p>
<li><code>nl</code> is a newline.</li><p>
The contents of the "desc:" lines is printed out at the top of the summary.
This is a generic way of providing simulation specific information, eg. for
giving the cache configuration for cache simulation.<p>
Counts can be "." to represent "N/A", eg. the number of write misses for an
instruction that doesn't write to memory.<p>
The number of counts in each <code>line</code> and the
<code>summary_line</code> should not exceed the number of events in the
<code>event_line</code>. If the number in each <code>line</code> is less,
cg_annotate treats those missing as though they were a "." entry. <p>
A <code>file_line</code> changes the current file name. A <code>fn_line</code>
changes the current function name. A <code>count_line</code> contains counts
that pertain to the current filename/fn_name. A "fn=" <code>file_line</code>
and a <code>fn_line</code> must appear before any <code>count_line</code>s to
give the context of the first <code>count_line</code>s.<p>
Each <code>file_line</code> should be immediately followed by a
<code>fn_line</code>. "fi=" <code>file_lines</code> are used to switch
filenames for inlined functions; "fe=" <code>file_lines</code> are similar, but
are put at the end of a basic block in which the file name hasn't been switched
back to the original file name. (fi and fe lines behave the same, they are
only distinguished to help debugging.)<p>
<h3>Summary of performance features</h3>
Quite a lot of work has gone into making the profiling as fast as possible.
This is a summary of the important features:
<li>The basic block-level cost centre storage allows almost free cost centre
<li>Only one function call is made per instruction simulated; even this
accounts for a sizeable percentage of execution time, but it seems
unavoidable if we want flexibility in the cache simulator.</li><p>
<li>Unchanging information about an instruction is stored in its cost centre,
avoiding unnecessary argument pushing, and minimising UCode
instrumentation bloat.</li><p>
<li>Summary counts are calculated at the end, rather than during
<li>The <code>cachegrind.out</code> output files can contain huge amounts of
information; file format was carefully chosen to minimise file
Annotation is done by cg_annotate. It is a fairly straightforward Perl script
that slurps up all the cost centres, and then runs through all the chosen
source files, printing out cost centres with them. It too has been carefully
<h3>Similar work, extensions</h3>
It would be relatively straightforward to do other simulations and obtain
line-by-line information about interesting events. A good example would be
branch prediction -- all branches could be instrumented to interact with a
branch prediction simulator, using very similar techniques to those described
In particular, cg_annotate would not need to change -- the file format is such
that it is not specific to the cache simulation, but could be used for any kind
of line-by-line information. The only part of cg_annotate that is specific to
the cache simulation is the name of the input file
(<code>cachegrind.out</code>), although it would be very simple to add an
option to control this.<p>