blob: 5d4da6b9f359cad179ae80c73c0935a2494136e5 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "tests/malloc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
typedef unsigned long long int ULong;
typedef unsigned long int UWord;
static int my_ffsll ( ULong x )
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
if ((x & 1ULL) == 1ULL)
x >>= 1;
return i+1;
/* Find length of string, assuming it is aligned and shorter than 8
characters. Little-endian only. */
static int aligned_strlen(char *s)
/* This is for 64-bit platforms */
assert(sizeof(ULong) == 8);
/* ..and only works for aligned input */
assert(((unsigned long)s & 0x7) == 0);
/* read 8 bytes */
ULong val = *(ULong*)s;
/* Subtract one from each byte */
ULong val2 = val - 0x0101010101010101ULL;
/* Find lowest byte whose high bit changed */
val2 ^= val;
val2 &= 0x8080808080808080ULL;
return (my_ffsll(val2) / 8) - 1;
__attribute__((noinline)) void foo ( int x )
__asm__ __volatile__("":::"memory");
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *buf = memalign16(5);
buf[0] = 'a';
buf[1] = 'b';
buf[2] = 'c';
buf[3] = 'd';
buf[4] = '\0';
/* --partial-loads-ok=no: expect addr error (here) */
/* --partial-loads-ok=yes: expect no error */
if (aligned_strlen(buf) == 4)
/* --partial-loads-ok=no: expect addr error (here) */
/* --partial-loads-ok=yes: expect value error (in my_ffsll) */
buf[4] = 'x';
if (aligned_strlen(buf) == 0)
/* Also, we need to check that a completely out-of-range,
word-sized load gives an addressing error regardless of the
start of --partial-loads-ok=. *And* that the resulting
value is completely defined. */
UWord* words = malloc(3 * sizeof(UWord));
/* Should ALWAYS give an addr error. */
UWord w = words[1];
/* Should NEVER give an error (you might expect a value one, but no.) */
if (w == 0x31415927) {
"Elvis is alive and well and living in Milton Keynes.\n");
return 0;